HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1982-01-25..RESIDENTIAL.. c )ME I N AI I CN APPLI C Ay r0 N /PEP.Mn225 Noz,th Sth Street SprtngfielC, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 5s Genetal ,*uyul-k^-fi*A #u.at /^J^- SPRINGFIETO rb - -5-PBJN-6-ELEI D-J-- Subdiu'Jsion: 3-3i-2-4 !6tLot* iSa oo l 6 t-_-sr,-iob Loeaticn: Asse;so?al4a?# /"7-O REBEccA RosExtsfu.c--Asner: Address: 5a GRa N D V tE'ttt-)345 - J88 4Phone: city: EueEL|L zip: 97<Ofo RE 6oN, ValueDate o1' Apg ( = qp\ Licatictt l*.<!t--,iL Additicn RatroCeL Deacribe llork: Do ttr ry oLbTEAR GAR Ae e Canstructicn Lender I-t is the respottsibi_LilV of tte pentrtt holl.et to see that aLL inspections dre nod.e at ihe ptoper tine, t!".dt eech .-dinesa is tead,abieflon_tle street, and, that the pennt cctd is Located at the frozi of xlte propett.t.truiditq Dioisiovz approted plan slcll remain on thz Buaairb site'at aLL' dkea." PI?)1SDUPE- F04 I\ISPE2ICII .ggQtFST: ,CaLL ?2.6-3?63 .(-recordet) state gouz, citg designated job nur,ber, job aCltess, tgpe of inspecticzreQuested ar.ri ahen gou"siLL be reody for inspectiot, Cont"actars it Artlets-nane b'd, phoie runba.- .gequests tecei-1'ed b'efcre'Z:00 o:i;.iLL be ralie the eane dca, "equests ncrie aft* ?:00 on utLL be nade ihe nezt wrkiS day. Your City Deetgr,ated, Job ltunb* Is:i,'..' . t'! ', DEl.l1;fi|O:l 0R lt?tZ) 3..,iIL::. :@g sa)e! eqpei :t propettg Line Septic totk p'.itnpeci ani filled tilh gra;set linal - .!l4ten cbcue itzns @e eanpletedqnd ahen Catciition is concle--e or st?uc-tute noued ar pra:risaa cieanei up. S ! IIS?Za|IC::: lo be md.e after ezcatsaticn, but pric;. tc ae! up of fcrna. UNIERSLAB PLUM|'I;VG. ZECTRICAL & i.tECflL|lICAL: To be nade before ctz! |,tork is eouered. FC?T::]G ! !)ttNDATfH: To be naCe aJtez, trencites c?e ezeauated antj far,ns are erected, but prior topour..r4 ccnc?et€. UI|DEPFLC1R ?LUi.BIIG I !.EC\ANTQAL:ro be idiTi6iffiiTtdi;;offloor insuktiatt ot decking, IilSULATION /VN.PCR 3ARRITR I]IS?ICTIA II : ?o be rrule aftet aLL insukticn ed, tequired uqot betie?s de in place but befcre ory Lath, gypsun booC ot unLL eooer.tng ie qplied, ad. beforeoty insulation is cottcealed. DRYtiALL illSPETf)N: lc be nad.e after aLL drguall ia in place, but pt'ior to crry taping. MASCNRI: Steel Location, bond. beans, geoutitq or oerticcls in aecordove Llith U,B.C. Section 247t. i{00D570,/t: enpLeteri. Le Hcnes Blocking od Sat-up Plunbirq ccnnecticns -- tra)ey atl, uater ', set-uD befote requesting Accessor; BuiHino elec=rical ixspec;ion o" to P.OS? 4tlD tsEA!4: lo be r.ade prior toinstallaticn of fZoor inst;Lation or decking. Rot-tcq ?LUt!9Itc. ?a,f?!cA! & :4EC!!- r--1A-IIIC)-L: :io ,o?k is io ce cou*ered- | I wzvt L these inspeetior:s haue been nade and aogroue!. ' Nor to ?Lcci?q f"sing and. before frunring inspec- ltust be tecuected aflerapproual of rough plitrbing, e-Leca-j,-cal & neclwnieal. - AL! roZi;.r4 bracLnq 3. chinmcys, etc- mist beccnrDleted,. ilo wrk is to be cc-n_cealed untiL this insoeeticn hds been nade anC approted. trenches. tion. FPA],T]IC: After installation is Electrical Ccmnection - Blcckirt and, planbing ecnneeticns n;st iLconc?ete. SLDYIALK A DRT,TiAI: For aLL eon-erete pauing urtthin street rtght-of-t'Eg, to be naCe after aL! ecca-oatina cartpkte & forn uo,k & cub- base mcter.ial in place.Final - After wekes, skirting, decks,etc. @e caryieted,. !Ell9E: L4ten conplate -- PtouiCegates o?:nouable sectians thrcagh Dtt? ALL pnoj.ect eondttions, suck as the inslallat-ton of slteex t"ees, ecnoz:;.ton of zh.erequired 7'and'secping, etc. , tmtst. be satisfied be1'ore tte aulLii.rc Fl:t,qL :en be' recues-"ed,. IIN'4L tsaILDrNc: Tke Fi.nal- Building fnspection nuet be rewtested, cf)er lhe linal ?Lu,r,:bingElectrical, ut4 llechaxical Inspectiona 'hauo been ",ad.L- ind'"p;;;;"e. *ALL \'|ANHCLES AND CLEATTCUTS llus? BE ACCESSTtsLE, ADJUSTI1ENI ?o 9E t44DE t? NO CCS? ?O :ry CUPB & APPPCACH APPCN:, ee erecteC but pt4or After fornsto polmng l--a 1 n$ I i p,\ ]equired fzstectJcns l D 7 rraet pLLtMBrNc 7 rntar ltEcttANrcAL 7 ttmt ELEc?RrcAL T r T T Jcb Nwnber:Referet:ee i:unbe"g L-CAG # Zcne:0ccupancy G.Be,Trooms: Iot Sq. Etg. ,1 oi Lct Cctsetage_ # of StorLes Total Eeight iopogrcphy ITEI,I Puildirq Pxn)t State ?otal Cltarges Stete Total LCT TYPE _ fntericr CoiYter Lot Faces - Panlnndle CUL-de-sac -.- Fees --. Building Volue & Permit Ihis perrnrt is gnanted on the esprees condition thot tlle said construetion slwll, in aLL respects, eonfonn to the 1rdinar,ce adopted by the City of Spr"tngfield, incT.uding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn otd use of buildi,ngs, utd may be suspend.ed or reookeC at qtA time upon oic- Lation of anA prcuisions of said Ordinances. Electricol Permit Where State Lau requi-r,es th.at the electtical uork be done bg an Electrical Cit""-"tir, iie elictrtcal porti.on of this _pernrit sltall rot be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electt'Lcal contvdcto"' L DT House Can aqe Access North !!eat Sourees East FinepLace South Iiest ValueSQ,. FTG X Accessot tl TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid: Signed: Receipt # FEE CTIAP.GENO * Sazi Seuer PLunU.ng yenrLx State Sutchange I?EI'I Pi.rtures Residzntial (1 bath) CHARGEITEI4itO.tct Res. So. fta. N a,t / E xt end. Cir c't ti t s Iarpc"@A Serttice CIlARCE;lc ILL.t:!14 Flnnzee 9?U I S Erhast HooC Vent Fot Wcodstotle Mechonicol Permit Perrtit fssuance Mechanicel Pentrit -- ENCROACH|IENT -- Sec,u"Ltu DeWsit Sto?age llaintenance Permit Cuzbcu Sida,talk Pence Eleetrical Ia.bel Mobile Hcnte f t,(. td*-efu I I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI4INED t?e compLeted application for pertnit' and do i.;;L; i."ifa that ai,L- inforsnatibn hereoi is t?ue atd cbrreet' artd r ir*ti""" eerti'1y tnat Liy aid aLL uotk perforrned slnLl be done in aceot- 'd";;:;;rh' tiT o";u""i"2"-'"f tL; ity zi'spr"Lngfield, atd th-e I'ase of the State of Oregcn p"rtoiir:io'to the uolrk Cescrib-ed herein, cntl tlut N0 1CCU- pANcy trill be rrude "f"';;;;'";;;i"i- ",i.ti|t permissi-ott of the Buildins N- tsi.sion. r further'.".;:;7a";i;;'o"1y-oo*-i"itons and enplcvees uho are in Zlrpl.ti"i'ritn ons ?u.b-;s uiLL be- used on thi's proiect PLan ExanLnet' 25- uaxe 7 ?/7L Signed TOIAL lN1UllT D|JE:* tlain edrDo?t No pet,son slnll constntct, lnstallr- alter ov ehange-any neu.c? existing pllibing or dtatnage sastan in ahole o-t in patt, unless such petson is the iegal pLssea"o, oT"orslolidplurbet's lie-eneb, .s:eept thtt a-pe?son^oa 40-ptimtt:ig uork to property ilrich is otned, Leaeed o, opetated bg the apPli- cant. ?otal Claraes . State g