HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-04-13RESIDENTI,qL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726-37G9 Otfice:726.3759 spRlNcFtELp ??oq ktJOB I.JLJMEEN 225 Filtlr Strcc( S1:rlngflclcl, Orugorr g2477 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORI(:a'/ ^l +lqtln OWNER:PI.IONE,: CITY:OKSTAI'E:7-tP 1+7+b - r-!- N DDITION DEMOLISI.I OTF'E'1 OESCRIBE WORI(: NEW- REMODEL T ' N DDRESS T:.X P Ii:] E,S PI.IONE D CONTHACTOR'S NAME GEN EBAL: ELECTRICAL PLUMBING: MECHANI CONST. CONTI1ACTOR , _ OFFICE USE - // Of UNI QUAD AREA: , OF BLOGS FLOOD I)LAIN:, ZONING CODI]: OCCY GBOUP: A OF STORIES: LAND USE: ASSESSOBS MAP:t7oiL33/TAX LOT:I l</oct LOT; - BLOCI(SUBDIVISION: - To rcquest an lnspccilon, you rnust carll 726.3769. Tlrmadc thc sante worl(lng cjay, lnl;pcctions rcqucstcd rljil$FpIfsu{fi af rcr 7:@O16ri8 RE QUIRTD lNSpECt-tONS (f uc$tccJ bclorc T:OO atn, wlll bcworl( clay. Temporary Eloctric Silo lnspoction - To bc madcatt.cr cxcavation, bul [)rior toscttlng lorrns, U-ndcrslab plunrbing / El ec trical /Mcchanlcal - prioi to covcr. Footlng - n (tcr trenchcs arccxcavalcd. Masonry - Stccl location, bondbearns, groutlng. I Founcjallon - A(tcr lorrns arc - crccted bu( prior to concrctcptacerncn t. Rouglr Mccltanical - prlor tocovcr. nougll Elcclrical - prior tocovct'. Elcclricai Scrvlcc - Must beal)provccl to obtaitl pcl.rrrancntclectrlcal I)OWCr. Flrcplacc - prlor to faclngmaterlals ancl (raming lnsp. Franring - prlor to covcr. Wall/CcllinO lnsulntiorr _ prlor tocovcr. I DrVvrall - prlor ro rapirlO. Wood Stovc - Allcr lnstallalion li.:1, - Atrcr ftrcg.llacc apt)rovalano instaJlaUon oI unit. Ctrrbcrrt & AJ:l.rroaclr _ n ltcrrormS arc crcctccj but ,)rior loplaccrncr) I o( corlcrr:lt:. Siclcwalk & Drivcway _ nfrcrcxcaviltiolt is complctc. [orntsan(t sul).basc tnalcriitl in 1.ll;tcc. Fencc - Wl)cn cornpletcd. {itroot Trccs - Whcn all rcqulrccltrccs arc planlccJ. ll Final [rlrrrrrbirrg - Whcn all.- ptuntl)ing worl< is contplcl.c. Elcctlic;rl - rr'Vlrcn altical wc.rrl< is corrrplclc. Firritl cc tr lilo Ot.lrcr ial Mcclranical - Whcn allcllanical worl( ls cornplctc, Final tJuilclinU _ Whcrl allrcquirccl .inspcctlons have bccn;rpprovcd and builcling is c orn ptc tccl. Underlloor plurnbln g/ Mcchanical - Pnor to Insulatlon or dccl(ino. Post and Bcam - prior to ,loorlnsulation or clccl<ing. Floor lnsulation - prior todccl(lno. Sarritary Scwcr - prior to tilling t rcn c lr. Stornr Scwcr - l)r.ior fo Illlinglrcncl'r. Watcr Linc - prlor ro tillingtrcnch. Undcrgrounci plu to fllllng trcnch. nrbing - prior Rouglr Plurnlling - prior to cover. MOBILE I.IOME INSPESTIONS [l Btoctrirrg an<t Scr.Up _ Wtrcn all.a blt:cl<in1l is cornplcic. Pltrrlbirrll Corrrrccliorrs _ Whcnltotnr.l lr;rs bccn Cot.rllcCted tOw;tlcr iln(l :;cv/()r. Elc'clli<:;rl Corrncctiorr _ Wltcn I]::|1,:::,, scr.up. on<J ptrrnrbinslrrspc.clions ltnvc l;cort approvcd;lnd tllc.lrornc is connccted lotlrr: scrvicc;tancl, Final - Af lcr all rcquircdillspcctions arc approvcd andporc.llqs, $l(irting, deCks, andvcntln0 havc bccn installecl. 4t law requtres DI]MS: of the OAH I.IEAT RANG FOOTNGE: WATER t-IEATEFI; __ Lot laccs Lot sq. lto. Lot covcrago Topography Total l'lcl0lrt Lol 'l-y1l - lntr:-rJoi --- Corncr - Panlrarrdlc -- Cul-de-sac Sctbacl<s P.L.HSE GAR NCC N J E ts TIJE P110,)OSEO WORI( iN TllE . I-IISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON TI{E I{ISTORICAL REGISTER? - ll yes, this application must be slgncd arrd approved by the Hlstorlcal Coordinator prior to permit issuancc, APPROVED BUILDING VALUE, PLAI\I CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Tl-ris pcrnritis grarrtecl on thc cxprcss conditiotl tlrat tl'lc said construction shall, in all respccts, conlorm to the Ordinancc adoptcd by thc City of Springlicld, including the Dcvelopment Coclc, rcAulating thc construction and use o[ builclings, and may bc suspcndcd or rcvol<ecj at any tlrne upon violation oI arry provisions oI said ordinanccs. []larr C]rccl< Fec Da lc l)aicj Rcccil:t Nrrtrtbc Rcccivccl By: Plans Flovicwcd l3y Datc Systcms D<lvclopmcnt Chargc is duc on all undevelopcd propcrtics witl.rin tlrc Cily lirrrits whiclr arc bclng lmprovcd' ADDITIONAL COMMENTS / By slgnature, I statc ancJ agrce, tlrat I have carcf ully cxamlned tl'rc complctcd application ancl do hereby certlly that all lrr(ormatlorr lrcrcott is truc a11(t corrcct, and I Iurthcr certify that any ancl all worl< pcrformccl slrall bc done in accordance with tlrc Ordinartccs ol tlrr: City o( Sprirrg(lcld, artd tlrc Laws of tlrc Statc of Oregon Jrerlairring to thc worl< describcd hcrcin, and tirat NO OCCUPAI'JCY will [:c trracjc o( any struclurc willrou t ;tcrtnissiorl of tlrc BuiltJlrrg Satety Division. I [urthor certity tltat orrly contractors and enrployecs who arc in cornpliancc'witlr ORS 701.055 wlll bc used on thls pro jec t. I Iurther agree t<.r cnsuic that all rcquircd inspcctions arc req ucstcd ilt thc Prol)c c, tllat each addrcss ls rcadable rnrlt card Is locatcd at thc frontfrorn thc strcct, tll of tl)c ,)ropcrtY,.aiicJ tlr rovcd sct oI plans will rcmalna,)l) on thc sitc at unn cot-\st ( I ti C Slgnaturc Datc VALIDATION RE,CEII)T N DATE PN ID UMT]EF'I q AtvIOUNT RECEIVf'.D {') BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. Main Garagc Cart)ort VALUE (^) x $/so. t:T. Total Valuc Building Pcrnrit Foc Statc Surcltargc Total Fcc SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) Rcsldcntial Bath(s) Sanltary Scv.rer Walcr Slortn Scwor Moblle Homc PERMIT FEE NN l:'1. [:T. (c) Plurnblng Pcrrnit Statc Surclrarge Total Cltargc PLUMBING ITEM Fix t u res Woo<J Stovc/ lnscrt / I:lrcplacr: Urti I MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Honte Statc lssuancc Statc Surclrargc Sl<Jcwalk -- ft Curbcut -.- ft Oemollllon Statc Surcharge Total Mlsccllaneous Pcrtnils (E) MECHANICAL PERMIT ICO Dc r{7f L Lu No nt u4- (D) Drycr k Fu rnacc Exhaust Hood Vcnt Fan Mcchanical Pcrttril ls su ancc Slatc Surcltlttl;t-- Total Pcrtrllt TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (cxcluclinO clcctri(;al) (4, B, C, D, and E Corrrt:irtccJ)FiE,CEIVE,D BY 0t Lt FT. 225 FIPTS STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON INSPECTION REQIIEST: OFFICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION T4 DESCRI The lollowing project as submitted has the tollowing zoning, and does not require specific land use approval Zoning l-Dft*- r-{*q 7 t4") S$nature ELBCTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION Ci ty Job Number ?7o 7r r 3. COMPI.,ETE FEE SCEEDI.ILE BELOV A. Nev Residential-Sing1e or MuIti-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included: I tems Cos t Sum Lr\1\L)l\:,urt IINGFIELO Iess 500 PTION / /10,t0 JOB DESCRTPTION *a t)rJ-rL lling Feeder Services or Feeder s 8s.00 $ 1s.00 s 40.00 ee mBr a6OV-e Permits are non-transferable if vork is not started vithi of issuance oL- if vork is s 180 days. 2. COI'ITRACTOR INSTALL,ATION Ci ty Phone L8f -/A /r' Supervisor License Number TyrzS Exp iration Dare /O-t - O Constr Contr. Number 2A' a t fC Exp iration Date /O-- I ^ OO Signature of Supervising Electrician 0wners Name ln,l /,o /1, < Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps'"or less 201 amps to 400 amps -over 401 to 600 amps -Over 600 amps or 1000T5[s or ,s Installation, Alterations Electrical Con tracrcr k S Hprilil. \Gn<,,(lw.or Relocation: Address 0.o brf 2-9? i z 200 amp 20L amp 401 amp 601 amp Over 10 Reconne 00 ampsct 0n1y ss 0 amps -_ 0 amps 00 amps_ /vo1 ts s s s s or to to to s s0.00 s 60.00 s100. 00 s130.00 s300.00s 40.00 1e 40 60 10 40.00 55.00 80.00 $ s $ s c Address >/1 1t pbfx D. Branch Circuits E Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit I $ 35.00 tt Each Additional Circuit or vith Serviceor Feeder Permit _ $ 2.00 Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included -Each installation Pump or irrigation _Sign/OutIine Lighting_ Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 32 Administrative Fee TOTAL t^,, Ci ty Phone "7Ub .lL{)rl OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn uhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. 0vners Signature: DATE: $ 40.00 s 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 j r'5 RECEIVED B 9oQ-r-., dr e,zv-