HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-04-24#..RESID*\TIAL.. APPLICATtttN/PERI4IT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 I.lechanica tri-ca1 Sir El-ect.r:ician SPFIINGEIELDE Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nwnbet' Is: ol Date: It ia the reepons.ibLlitg of tte pendt holder to aee tlnt aLL inspec-tions ate nade at the proPet tine, that ecch ailtess is reaiable fran the ettiet, atd ttat the pernit eotd ia Located qt .th3 ftottt of the -p"oPe?ty.i?uitdins b)oicion approted plan slc.Ll remain on tle Building site at aLL tines. pRocEDUpE FOR INSqECIION R1QUEST:}ALL726-3769 (z'ecotder') state Aour City cesignated job ntnbet, iob acitess' type- of i.nspect^i'-cn iy_7o"i*pection'cont?aetc"soia,,.,"-,o,,,eZndp7nnenunbel.P,equestsreceixedbefcre7:00cn.rtit te nade the sine dcA, requests-mcde afix ?:00 on trLLL be nnde the aestlmrking dag. b -rob Locaticn:/7oz 2b'2 I //o 7Assessore Map #Tas Lot #Ez/€sSubdioision: A,mer: Phone: 7/-35)address: ))s e 7zipL;L Descr"Lbe l,lot'k: VaLue TI Ila) Qr.^r"z r\ t-Date of App Licatian L ffi'3Doec Additicn l- tr.r, Zoorvt-- b'+n D',,^,lr t rac tor s ak >)zGeneral Plumbi Blocking od' Set-ttP {h Plwrbi.ng connectioru '- aa))e? otd' uater Electrical Connecti-ott - Blockittg' lei-up -Zi- it*rtl"s connections trust be apprct;ed i"fin" requZeting eleclrteal inspec!'Lon Accessory tuilCittg Einal - After pcrehee, skirting' decks, ete. a"e c.trtrPleled, Page 1 of 2 Reoul?ed ,Ln K x SI?E INSPEC?I1N: To be tmde aftet R-7er;"ofihn;At prior tc set up of t|l fotne. UIIDERSLAB PLUIEING. ELECTRICAL & WCHL\IICAL: To be made before anY ffi-li-i6,tered. Poo!!!G !P!!!4!!9Y lo be naCe X INSIJLATION /VAPOR E.ARRIER IIISPICTION : ToE,nai;a-ter aLL insulcticn ard tequired oapor boriers @e in P?,ee bui be|ore oty Lath, WPsum baaYC or tnLL couet'ing is applied, attd before ary iraul,ation is concealed. DE\.|OLITIO!! OR Sanitaty seuer capped at propent'1i Lix.e Septic tank g'qed and filled tith gta;sel linal - lfiien abctte itens are cctnpleted arid uhen Cqtolition is eanplete o? st!u:- ture maoed otd pt'emLaes cleaneC up' I"lobile Hcnes escaoa ted and but prior to to floor insu ti,on or decking. after trenches a?e forns ate erected, pou?ittg ccncreta. PIIIAL PLUY;BIIIG FIIIAL I4ECHANICAL FINAIJ ELECTRICAL ? to of PrLor to Plaeirq facing and. before froning insPee- DRYWALL II\SPECTION: Tc be made 4t""-dt@ilTis in plaee, but pt'ior to anY taPing. I,\ASINRI: Steel Location, bond dZfrijgt'outi,ng or tterticals in accordotee tLth a,B.c. Section 241 5. iIOODSTO',tE: attpTetea. After instal'lntion isING P1S? AND BEAI,!: ?o be nade Prt'ot to ffiffiffi16{of floot' iwulation ot deckirq. ROUGH PLtnErilG. E\ECTRr?AL & MECH= ANICAL: No uonk is to be eou"erea GilT-thes e ir*p ections lnts aSb e er' nad.e and. aPPt'otsed. EIPEPLACE: ncteriaLs ti,on. FRA].IING: Ihust be requested after ffiiovit of rough plurbing' electrt- &'L & neclnnical. ALl, t'oofittg bracittg E ehinmegs, etc' trust be conoleled. !1o ucrk ie to be cort- . "nilnd until this insPection las 'been nade anC aPPro"*ed. CURB & APPRCACH APP.QN: After forns @e erecteC but PrLor to Pourlng concrete. |IDEWALI< & DRIIWAI: Eor aLL con- -';;;-;atffi dffin stteet r"isht- of-rxa" to be maCe after aLL esca- ,afina corplete & forn Ltork & sub- base rmterLal in Place. IENCE: When conPlete -- Protti'Ce jfr6i on motsable eectians thnough P.U.E. l,ll project conditions, such as the instal-Lation of sltreet trle-1., co::Qleti'on of the tequired. LanCscapirg,'LtL-.,'i"t be satisfiZ|-t,"foi"n- tin BUILDIIT:g FII1AL ean be requested' ErNAL BUTLDTNG: The Final Building rnspection rrust be requested aftet the Final Plwnbing b1 ;; ;;";;;:" oia a *rro,1 "ii i" p "' t-':o n"'hqu n b e en nade ard' appn oo a d'& *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS MAST BE iCCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIE\II TO BE I'ADE I'T IIO CCST TO CI?Y CIr-L "/ tr JOB NO Iot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cctserage_ # of Stoz,ies ?otal Eeight Iopography Building Pemrit State Total Clnrges TotaL SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-COG* Crt .r-l LCT TYPE -\- LJ'!a-BeCz.oons Interior Corner Panhand.Le Cul-de-sac Fi Lace Building Vqlue & Permir Thts penni-t is granted on the enpress condition tlat the said consttaction s^ttal.L, in-a-ll l,espects, gonfonn to the Crdinance edopted liy the City ofSplr.ngfield, includ.rng the Zoning Cndinance, regulating thZ ccnstrwZticn and..use o^f buildi,gs,. otd may be suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at c:ny tine upon uic-Latlon of any prcuisions of said }rdirances. f HAW CAREF|ILLY EXLuIyEq t.le completed, appl.ication fo-2, permit, otd d.oPri?u eertify that aLL L"1or-itizi- iZinJ|", x"ue and cor,ect, and. rfut'then.centify that ony oid.-"it,ont-p"lryonred elnll be done in acco?_dance tith the odinenezs of the citv bf bp*t"sri.Jd, z"a*tiz i,Ls o1 tnes_?t-? ot-,-r?scn pertainins io the ,,p1r*2eiL";-tLh i.iZi,-ii"rii, ro occu_PANcy ttill be nade of anA- stzwetw,e uithout perniseion b1 ti. n;.Uing Di_uision' r further eLr-tiiE that otly'eoitii"to*" otd enplcgees aho dre inconpliance uith oRS 201 .b-ss uiLL be used. oi thiu i"oi.Z-"-"" '' Lot t'ace{ - Setbacks lleat f DT iiouse Ca?age Access North t4 /-2:tt East South llest fiELI SQ. FTG x Value l,lain lA/-L"al 7 4t.zxtr Cgaoe Caraort Aeeessoru ?O?AL VALUE ta.3QD S.D.C. 1.5 o Date Paid: 3 t# Sigxed: NEM NO,FEE CHARGE Fi^rtures Plumbing Perrnit No, person slnll consttuct, instal!., alter or c?nnge anA nea cr ecl,sting qlwnb-iW o, drainage sAglq in uhole or in patt, "url.sL such person is- theLegal .possessor of a oalid glunber,s License, ezeept that a pbtson nag doplunbing uoz,k to propertg uhieh is oaned, Leased ot, operatei ty the "ppti_ Resil.zntial (1 bath) Seuer Planbing Perrit State Na,t/Eotend. cireuits Electricol permit where state La,t requirea tt".at the eleetrical uotk be done bu an Eleotniealcontracto?, t|te eleetnteal pontion of thia permit etall not"be uilil. untilthe l,abel lne been eigned ly the tleZtrical' Contractor.Sewiee State To Ba >BT*IIJ57) DY E(&fPtkL nuT4-t 1 NC FEE CILARCE ,,s Mechqnicol Permit bha$t HooC Vent F@t Vcodstote Permit Mechanical Pez,nrtt I C) -- EIICROACEMENT -- Seeari Petmit Cvlbeut Sidasalk Mobile Horne TOTAL AI4OUil? DUE: *fu3,4o ?o .l/ c Stot aoe I4zintpnma Penee ELectnicaL ..RESIDEi ;IAL.. APPLICATION /PERI4IT 225 North Sth Street Spningfteld, )regon 97477 ButLding Dtuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD A^men:Harl ey Bj e1 1 a nd Addless:2305 North 6th I'Tiortc: 747 -3532 S zip: 97477 tt ie the responsibi Lity of the petmit ho to see that aLL inspections ate nade at the pt'oper tine' that tsui.lding Diuision appro"^ed P L remtin on the Building Sttc at the ft'on t of the propet'tY 1 timest,J'ron the street,and that the permtt Lan shcl card is Located at PROCEDUPE FOR 'I()t'|CALL 726-3769 (recordel") state yout' City Cesytgrn. ncndl and ted job nunbet', iob aCdae phone numbet', Requestsliolt dL L be ieady for inspection,Contractcrs cr Alnets made the eane dcy,requests mcde after' 7:00 an uiLL be made the neat'aol'king dag. ecch cddaess is reaCabi' :es, type of insPeclicn receixed befcre 7:00 an e Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Nurnbet'toIr, SI?E INSPECTION: To be nwde after eo;"o;n;;; but priar tc set up of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLI.,IMBIJIC. ELECTRIC,IL & MEcnLttICaL: ?o be made before anY GiI-ii-its"ted. PAOTINC & FOUNDATICN: Io be maCe afiiF- t r encGi-iiiZx c au at e d and forms are et,ected, but Pt:iot' to pouring ccncreta, l-l utsotacnouto ptuuttltc. sstqp. w.qr-:U..' ', I P34!!79E: To be nale PrLoP Eo JLL- Lirg trenches. UNpERFLOOR PLU\Ett1 4 I|EC.q.ANTq.AL: -T;E nad; wlor tA installaLton of fToor insulction or decking. INSULA'L'IER I 'ION: To naCe a insulcticn required uapot'batriers are in plaee but before any Lath,gapslm bocinC or Lied, and beforernLL couerinC is app otg insulation is concea Led. DRYWALL INSPEC\IION: Tc be made afiet, alT'TiyuaTTls in place' but pt'ior to cnY taPing. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond Sidijgroutirtg or: oeYttcals in accovdanee'"tlth U, B. C, Section 2415. WOODSTO'/E: ccnrpTetA. After installatton is FIF.EPLACE: nate;l;T; POST AND BEAM: To be nade pniot to insulation ot'6stattat'toi of fLoor decking. '+;N. & NECIT'ROUCH Pr,UltBUtC, Eug?t .= _ANICAL: No aork iE-to be cou*ered frlTTthes" inspectior:s haue been made and. approueT. EYiov' to Placirul and before frotning tion. FRAI'IINC: liusb be requested after appronit of rough pltttr,bing, electri' cal & nectnnical. ALI roofing btaeing & chinneys' ete. nrust be conpleted. lto ucrk is to be con- cealed until this inspectton lns been made anC approted. PITI,AL PLUMBTIIC FINAL MECHANICAI, FINAL ELICTRICAL CURB & APPRCACH AP.oQ!'l: After fonns at" et'""tA-E;,p;lor" to Pouring concrete. SIDEWALI< & DRIL'Ul'lAl: For aLL con- ct etenaoilrJ ,rln;fi st?eet right- of-txzy, to be maCe after all etea- oating con7lete & fotn mt'k & sub' base naterial in Place.facing inspee- IENCE: hhtet eonPlete -- ProtstCe jilTi or nouable sections through P. U. E. ALL pnoieab corxlttions, such as the i.nstal-Lation of street t1e_e_1., conPletion-of the tetquined Laru1.sr:cp.Lt:g,'Lte., m,st be satisfiid befol'e the BaILDING 1INAL can be requested' TINAL BUILDINC: The Finat Building Inapection rrust be tequested alter the Final Plwnbing-mo"tri.o,t,- iC Mechartc,tl Insp,ct';-o,o 'laon been made atd approoed' XAT,T, I,IANIICT,ES AND CT]','ANOIJT! I!II::'I BI;: ACCTISSLRI,E, AD,IUSTIIT:NT TO 3E I'IIDE IT NO CCSY TO CI?Y Job Locaticn:2305 Nor h Tcs Lot llAesessore Map i Subdioision: Describe tt'orl<: Additicn Complete wiring on home addition. [- -) n" oa.t Value6/28/90 N et) Date of AppL icaticn Recei, Date: ll 6-rt/J- ar ()enera I P l urnb ir"rg nical calL. R. Brabham Inc.8699 12 90 747 -66II hJIiIec t r ElecrriciitnSrrpervn DETIOLIIIOII OR Sanitat'y seuer eapped at property line Septic tank puryed artd filled uith gra';el Final - Ifiten abcue itens are eanpleted and uhen Cenoli,tion is ccnqlete or strl(- tut,e notted and premises cleaneC up. l.lobile Hcnes Blocking and Set-uP Plwnbing connectione -- saner and uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blookitrg' set-ut and olunbinq conneetions mtst be apprctad befire requZsting eleclrical i'nspea tiot: Acoeseorg BuilCittg Final - Aftet'pct'ckes' skirting, decks, etc. @e canpleted. P.].!1? 1 ol :: et].Ilxpires ] I u JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooez,age t of Stortes Total Height Topognaphy SOLAR ACCESS REQ._L-COG+ ' BeCrooms LOT TYPE Interion Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac t ll: Sigted I'Lrtrt Ercni.trcr DaLe I HAVE CAREFU|LY EXAIIINED the cornpleted application for permit, and do hereby cerLify that aLL itfonnati.on her.eon is true and correct, and f furthet, certifu that any ard aLL aork perforned ehal.L be dpne in aecor- dance uith the ordinances of the Ci,tg of Spningfield, an4 thz Lcae of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the dork Cescribed herein, and that NO OCCU- P/,NCy uiLL be rnade of anlj structure without pennlsaian of the Buildi,ng Di'- uiston. I further cet'ttf:1 that only eontt'actors and enplcyee€ t ho are in conpliance uith ORS 701.055 t,ti,Ll be used on thie project ,{ ,.'\r Lot Faces -Etlerqu Sources Tu?e Se tlxtcks lleat Df llc.;use Carage Aaee:is Wate!. lleatet' North Range FirepLaceEast Soul.h Woodstote llest -- I'ecs -- I?EM FTC x VaLue Building Volue & Permit This petmit is (tranted on the erp?ess contiition thnt the said-constmtction sfuill', in aLL r:espect;s, r:onfctmt'to tlrc 7rd.inance cdop.te,7 6:y the City o-f SprirqfieL,l, 'i.neluding l:lrc Zoning Crdinance' regulaLing the ccnsttact;icn and use of l;uiltlingl:;, antl mtt,r be suspen-ded or reuokeC at ctly time upon uic- laLion of dntt lrpcDisions r';f stti.d )rdinances. Main TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 r Buildingl Permit Sf,ate Date Pairl ?otal Clanges ITEM FEE CHANGE Plumbing Permit No percon slnll constncl;, inslall, alter or elnnge 6.nA neD cr eristing pltinbir4l cr drainage syste-n in uhole c,r in part, unless such pet'son i,s the Legal p:oscecsor of a oalid pltmber'ts License, etcept that a pe"son nay d9. plunbing utork to property uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Fiatw.es Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plmbing Pernit State ?cta Electricol Permit ilhere. lil.ttte l,aut requires l;lnt the electri.cal uork be done b1t an Eleettieal Cotltractot , l.he elecl:r'ical porl;ion of thh pernit sltzl.L not be ualiC until the Label ltts been aigne.cl by the Electz'ical Contractor. Permit lotal ITEII NO.T'EE CHARGL: ELee 4 ence ess Neu/Estend Cincuits Sez,uice Eshanet HooC Vent Fatt Hcodstooe CIIA}?CENCFCD * Mechqnicol Permil PermLt fssuanee Mechanictl Perrttt -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Sectnitu Dewdit Stor.dge Maintenance Pcrmit Clsbcut lence Eleetrical tabel Mobile Hone ,IO'I'AL AMOUNT DUE: * Total Si11ne.d Date Sida'talk ..REsID \TIAL.. APPLJ.CATTON /PERITIT 225 llorth Sth Sty,eet Springfield, 1t,egon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 Recei, Date SPFIINGFIELD- res General L'ffi lnX #I3D Job Loeaticn: Assessore Map # Subdiuision: Otmer: 1 Phone:bAddress Descz"ibe llotk:n Net)tutt-t D ValueDate of Additicn RenoCel ontrac S ec tri,.C c 1anEl-ec trSu Pege 1 of 2 Plumb l.lechanic It ia the responsibility ot Pe?ftL fron tlv ,*Suilding penrit 'Lan sltalst"eet, ald that theNoisiol cppro"*ed P t holdd to see tlut alt inspectiota ae nad,e at the p?oper tine' that eaeh cd.drees is tealabie qti ia laated at rte frcnt of the ptopetty. L renain on thE Building Site at aLL tines. Iou" CitA Desigra.ted Job Ntttnbe:t Is: ,r1rtrrO, ,On ,ftrrOr1r ,rqWtrtCALLT26-3769(reeordet') state yout' City designated job eady fot, inspection, Contractars ot' Outners nane end plane t",til te made the s&e dag, reqttests-ncde aft& 7:00 an urill be nade tke nectlnrking day. ntrabet, iob a&ir.ess, type of inspec=icn nu-,ber. Requests receixed befcre 7:00 ctt Pomti.no,.l Tncnoo SITE INSPECTI1N: ?o be made afterqcilati;rl" iut prior tc set up of forns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRICAL & WCH\\IICAL: Io be made before anY ffi-ii-iottered. ?OOTING & EOUNDATICN: To be rmCe @et tr,ffis az,e *catsated artd forns ate erected, but P?io! to pourLng concreta. INSULATION/VAPOR PARRIER IIISPECTION : roE rrwD after aLL insulaticn aYd required oapor beriets @e in Place but before ory lath, WPsutn baotC or tnLL cooering i.s appli.ed, and befote ay insulation is concealed. Sanitaznl seuet eqtped at pt'opartl; Lir:e Septic totk y"a-,ped attd fi-Lled trith gra;sel Final - llhen abcue itens are ecnpleted ad uhen Canolition ia conplete o! struc- ture nooed od premLaes cleatteC up. Le Hcmes DEI.IOLIT- UND1RGPAUTp PLAMB TNG? Sgr!.TP'' .VATE1' DRAfilAGE: To be rrude P?Lo" to J1,L- Tfr-66nchee. UT\DERFLOOR PLALEING & MECH4IT!941' : To be mad.e pt'ioz' to instaLlatlon oI floot, i.nsu7,ati.on or decking, DRYIIALL INSPECTION: TC lflS-f,17-$fiiTTis in but prior to anA taPing. I,|AS0NRI: Steel Location, bond diffilgrouti.ng or uetticale in accordatce tLth U.B.C. Section 2415. ,IOODSTO|4E: After irustallation is a mpleted. CURB & APPRCACH A?PQN: Aftet forns=: _d,e erecreC but pt"ior to Pcurtttg eoncrete. STDEIIALK & DRIIWAI: Fot aLL eon-_ |.:deteiat:fr iithin atreet night- of-unu-. to be naCe aften aLL e*ca' uLttni cawlete & for'n wrk & sttb- base -ncterlal in Place. be nade plaee, POST AND BEAM: TO bE G€frlffifc-i-of floor deckirtg. these nad.e cvtd approtseC. FIPEPLACE, mateAA; FTIIAL PLUMBIIIC FINAL MECHANICAL nade pr"Lot to insul,ation or lw:e been No Pinal - After etc. ate cornP pcrckes, skitting, decks, Le'-ed.Prtot, to placir4 faeing and before franing insPec- tion. FRlt]'!iltc: ltust be requested after api;oGl of rough plwrbing' .electr"t-dL & nechanieal. ALI roofittg braeing & ehinmeys, ete. rntst be , anpleted. lto ucrk is to be con- . ceiled utttil this inspeetion lns 'been made anC approtsed. YENCE: ta4ten conPlete -- Proui'Ce j&5i ,r norsable aectians through P.U,E. ALL proiect eonditions, such as the instaL^Lation of street tree_s-'- conpletion.of tie required Landsccping, Lto., i"t be satisfiZi Lofi"" the BUILDIN1 FIIIAL can be tequested' \INAL BUILDING: The Ei.nal Builditq fnepeeti,on mtst be requested aftet the Final Plumbing 'E L ;; ; t";;;L:" Jd u e char-i e it i i " p n " t-r: o n s' hao e b e e n n a de atd' app r o t e c' FIIIAL ELECTRICAL *ALL I,ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE !4ADE AT NO CCST TO CIIY 0.] # e,? Blockirry otd Set-uP Plmbi,ng connections -- aa)e? d uater Electrical Connection - Bloekittg' eet-up ii plunbinq conneetions mist be apprct:eC befire requ-eeting electrleal insptee"io:': Accessory BttilCittg L Zone: bt Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cote"aga # of StorLes Total Eeight Iopography soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-COG+ Gro LCT ?WE _ Ini:erict _ Cor+1eP _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac BeCroons Lot Faee;s - DT House Can aqe Access. Ilorth Firep South Wood.stou*e llest -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penrrJt is gtanted on the erpress condition tl@t the said eonsttactionslwll, in all respects, conform to the 7rdinance adopted by the City of Spz"tngfield, inelu.ding the Zoning Cvdinance, r,egulating the ccnstrubticn otd. use of buildings, and nag be suspended or reookeC at cny time upon oic-'La.tion of dtA prcuisions of said 1tdir,ances. TOTAL VALUE F?G x Value S.D.C. 1.5 c I?EM l,lain Building Parrit ?otal Chargea State Reeeipt #: Plumbing Permit Ilg pereon slnll consttaet, instalT-, alter or eltantge ana neu cr eristing qlunb-ing or drainage sys-t-1n in ulole or in pant, -unles's sueh pereon is'theLegal.possessor of a ualid glawnbqrs LicensZ, eseept that a pLr"on nal doplwnbing uork to p?operty uhich is ouned, Leased o, operatei tg tlr" "ppli-@rtt. N0.FEE UtIAIIUL * fiEM ?i.ctut,es Resilzntial (7 bath) Sazi Sa'ser Plrnbing Perrit State Electricql Permit llhet'e state Lan te-quiree ttnt the electrical uotk be done by an Electricalconttactot', the electrLeal portion of this permit slall rat- be oali.c untilthe Lahel \ns been signed by the Electrical'Contracto!. -- EIICROACHMENT -- , ?otal NC.TLL ClIARCE * Mechonicol Permit Neu,/Ecteld Ci,cuits Set uice khanet Hood Ilcodstoile Vent Fot Pertnt t Issuarce MecTtanical Pernrit Sectrttu Deoosit Sto?age Maintenanee- Pernrit Apbcut Sidasalk Mobile Hone PLat't Eranine?uace ?otaL f HAW CAREFLTLLy EXLVINED the eonpleted. application for pennit, dnd. doherebv eertifg that aLL r.n|oiattZi-i2""J1"'* trae ahi ebrreet-, anc rfut'tkez' .eertify that any ard aLL "oo1r- p"rior.ed elull be dpne in aceor_dance vtth the Ordinance.s of the ctty Zf bp,rtngfield., atd, the Laae of thes^*,t^?, oI .9"?gcn p.ertaining to the uoit< 1esL,r;tld t nnZ;r, *ra tut No occu_ :::,::.:-*tt,o: -ytn of an_y st"uctur.e uithout permissi,on of the Buitdi.ng Di_uLslon. 1 Jurthe? certify that only contractot,s and enplcgees aho arb ineotzpliance uith oRS 201.1-ss uiLL be"ueed. oi tnl," irii"oit TOTAL AI4OU\I? DIJE: *ors,/-3 Date 9tt JOB NO. lllll lence EZeettical Label