HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-06-116l\' - CONSTRUCTI N/PLACEMENT PERM IT COIUPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. tr PLANNING ZONING:Zone FOR OPFICE USE ONLY L, SIOP Partition #Parcel * in terior Parcel Size 7A /a3 ,"^,1f'IQFI'lillmum Sctbacks : Comments: ct, rr.r,a .5O ,o*"rt / 7 RANGE ZJ '97:-r> Itro Copics of Plans f,fro Copies of PIot Plans f] laechanical Checkf ist felumbing Checl:list Plan Check Info Sheet Applicat Permit # $!esidential I commercial flrndustrial Iruuric P roposed sting 4z;) that registration with the Buil.der's Board is in fu11 force and effect as requirqd by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemPtion is noted hereon, and that onLy subcontractors and employees who are in comp.Iiance with oRs 701,055 APPLICATION THOROUCHLY TUREpr j.nt) wi do hercby (icrtif;'t alI information herecn i!r true and corre.t ar)d I forthL' certify that any and all work to the work describeal hercin, Lane County ard the Lails of the St.rLc of Qreg.r\ i,,r!tair)ing the permission of the Building Divis.j-on. f further c:t:rtify withshaldonebeaccordance oralthe rltanccrr\ tha!and OCCIJPAIICYNO wf be ofnade Structur_a thottany APPLICATION EOR PERI'IIT,EXAMINED THE fl o,:,er f[€{.t.r..o= ! eg..t 1 be used on this project. I IrAvE READ AND CIIECT€D ?Hrs Date. cf^ 3*f-8a s( I rr,ooopleru:In flood hazard area? I nunar,ADDRESSING: cRr.D cooRDrNArE N {saurrarroN: s. r Insta Ilation B" I v.., see at"-ached sheec Date: Date:E #B.P Instal-lation Record Issuea: ! vu= [ no Maximur Depth of Trelche:; Ga I lon Tank Li.neal Feet of DrainfieldSpecific Comnents: Date r PLANS EXAMINATION: TyPe f'-' .rou, {-V Use Comnents 3 Date:64r,fz- CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERM]T Sq. Ft. TOTAL FEE $ TOTAL VALUATION $ FEES PATD BY By: Date: PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DES (per oRs DATE LANE COUNI,'Y DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740L Fixed Fee,/ Unit Cost42Z Floodplain Fee S Subsurface Fees $ Building Fee $ Seweg/Storm Drain/Water S --l Plumbing Fixtures $ Mechanical $ Plans Check Fee S State Surcharge $ c74-L94 SEE REVERSE 4 / I 4 75F =* SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATIOII<;AN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERI'4IT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAhI. I'IHEN READY FoR INSPECTIoN CALL 687-4065. A MTNIMUM 0F AT LEAST 24 H0UR ADVANCE NoTICE FoR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE GIVEN. Have the fo1low'ing information ready: Permit number, job address, type of inspection, when it will be ready,your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQU I RED ECTIONS l) F0UNDATIoN INSPECTIoN: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundationare dejivered on the job. Where concrete from.a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used,materials need not be on the Job. 2) CoNCRFTE SLA? 0R UNDER-FLOOR II!_SPECTION: To be made after all in-s'lab or under-floor building serv.ice equ.i pment,conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is pouiedor floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor 3) FBAMING & INSULATIoII INSPECTI0NS: To be made after the roof, a'll framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and;TTpipeS@sandventsarecomp1eteandal.lrough6iectrica.land[tumbin9are"approved.A1.l wall in:ulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4) !ATH,AUD/OR GYPsyM B0ABD ITSPECTJ9N: To be made after all tathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in placebut before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished 5) FINAL INSPECTI0N: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPR0VAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any par.t of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in eachsuccessive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shal'l be given onlyafter an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as inditited by each of ine inspeitions requ i red . NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BL0CK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. Th'is inspection isrequired for.each.bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electnical inspections have been made and approved. B. t,l00D STOVE: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is comotete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu- facturer's instal lation instructions. C. l,l0BILE H0ME: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirt'ing, and plumbing connecti ons. (l) Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer.(2) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management Ietter.(3) l4obile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready forinspection within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. SWIMMING P00L: Below grade when steel is in piace and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is instalied. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT I,IILL EXPIRE IF t,lORK DOES NOT BEGIN I{ITHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN]8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERT1IT t,lAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I,IILL DO SO AT HIS OI,IN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Permits sha'll be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permit holder sha11 notify the Department by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply vrith such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion.to the permit holder. If the construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shalI notify the permit holder and shal1 requ'ire satisfactory conrpletion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for sat'isfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewage Disposai (t ) (?) From Septic Tank Drainfield -T6r-Interior property 1 ines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources '10' '10' 5' 50' 'I 0' '10' I 00' lane county6l!' - CHECKTIST PLUMBING/MECHANICAT APPLI CANT INFORIvIATION : OFFICIAL USE ONLY App1i./ Permit #- zl 6\? OI 1rm-ease PLTIMBING CONTRASTOR Yes Firm Address DNoE[s"rr MEGIANICAT CONTRACTOR D Yes Firm Address B*op serr ( t D.,?Ia 1 1ng SS Cont. OSR# Cont. OSR# PLUI\tsING Type of Fixture Nurnber of Each Fee On Each Total Sink $ s.ooJ,avatory Wash Basin )I 5.00 t,OOTub (with or without shower )t9 5. 00 Shower, separate I 5. 00 {, oOoset1't 5. 00 c, OO 5. 00Disposer I garbage grinder)s. 00 5. 00 s.00Floor Drain 5.00Sewer:-1st 50ft.15 .00 onal 10.00 Water ce--1st 100 ft.15.00 each addi 1 100 ft.10. 00 Storm and Rain Drain--1st 100 ft.15.00 e 1 ft.10. 00 Was te Connec t 10n 5.00 e ector 5. 00 I 1e r Wa 10.00r SUB-TOTAI (Minimum $10. 00) TOTAL FEE I Y,oO MEOIANICAL Type of Equipment l'hrmber of Each Fee on Each Total ca1 Fee $ ro. ooFurnaceto 100 $ 6.00 over 00 7 .50rt3. 00 3. 00withExhausI4.50 4 '{O*--6.00 .4'r Cond f 1 one I On1t 6. 00tb.00 F e 6. 00 Gas Pi etstem 1 to t r et 50r1 SUB-TOTAI TOTAL TEE H' g_/4 - tr torlet ater Hea er q l,*J : i:i fl rr t] 1... 1. il fi i { l' F.: LJ'I' H H I;t i:: r I l;, }, TL-,ll i 'rS;3:;icil i t).$4$,1 :ii-iItI)ii:l,i [ti-.ii{; ]'Yi::'i:: i.l;{l;:. il[.iN[::ll l.,l'l[:. NFi i::iiiii,: (ti:r[:'i.- NU rrri.]T'.i" i]F,i a t'i .r r" r1.i lJ [i r". -ir IJF'rJr:' t..fi t j :lfjt":: fl{l,qi\ 'i... hill " F:l,!.f i.Jl.;:Hjj : .ij l,ll:{:;t-i TI.JFi ,!Fir_F lAl'{i: r:rl}F SHfiltJ :, tj T'AKTiN T{Y RI-hI i'{ ti "i.l t-rNt{fi.i.l'1'{lH il : t{Hr-;FlAli I t-:At- i::'t::L: ;I'f ,t TE: ;{i.lH r-:HAl;lI f:: rL[..4il t-]i.tIt]ii i:r:E: iilS -t I ll6;HU1 IlftHtlt_.Hl'l:ilN $A1'h: 0di 4{t? clJ*]} I I :t,,.?tl Ef'il|-l ::: {lI'l-t :I.,ii; J'i'ti Ir\1... F'F [:'.Fi.F] i...iiii[:: i:tJi.iN'i'f Iii::.F'i I:i,iu i'i{;'i'fiH{::i:::!:i:r]' ,ll, ?{:;t$;il }r:rT'E #:i:;iiIi:;i r,:ri.. fii,,| r.tlilt;i :t;i i * riiiiii::: iii...r_i.ij;tr-it'i ; sF ri T f{i;F l: [:i...fi , {irir.IV i:ii:l:i[:. i;!:-il;:Ii[::i.1,:i i...i:]T' :I li{L.li: Il;j Iriji;;i,i;:j ,a; l_li'-,lj.1j:: i:ii;i I:rIi;i':,.,.n:,,t ,ilHi...$i_i.,::: ii{.:rj l}iJ{ll..,li:r ;}:il* it?i:il iri i..rl.r iri lli:j i..'i::.":.1.,i'i.i.l-': .il.ii'.i ;:,'ti i- i l.jt'.{.!. i l.,i.jS i Ur\l_.i.Ji:i'1 .!.i.iii f:'E.i::: IiilTj: ii :[ 't' .!. {.i ii i L] ;il p' ,j ,':t ? ::i ri. ';: , ;r $ :;i::: ,* _*;'? 'i -]. i-t "1 r-., 1 -i I.tt.! I n -.j.L. n'-:'-r '!ii r:'F r- oa't;.,.! I . c((f,*! q cx-rf :i1 ;r " 'i:i i:th; '! i @-t. CD a -1 I I lfl' T;k ( ,LEAefl LthIE,s l" : r SG TllxJ3I I -l _l I / [**- l\ L - -'l'* Fn o Pps,Es Aoutu ary -"'!,:.1 t; E xf sTI n/G Sta * cTk 05 fi' - <-..- - - Il\ I f.l 1 t u \ t \ IsttrEwALt( $l f"1rxe r t(arilI Gr.rkG Z\tL Rrte BLr.tr,- (PRTNGFT€ LD, Cae ; ba ,r= l, RrtE [SLossa*'. Dn lrn .l *t'' I"t. f- .1" l --* ) I I I FI il, ,,1 g'l o( LANE COUNTY iNSPECTION RECORD F 1 (-6)'a Ol.lNER' S NAI4E PHONE NUMBER M C N L FRONT SIDE i NTERIOR REARL Y PERMIT DIRECTIONS TO SITE SITE ADDRESS PERMIT NUMBER OR MOBiLE HOME SET UP INSPE CTIONF A OOTING / FOUID pproved ,,/ ATION INSPECTION Correcti on Di sa pproved Da ' 7 -'7 -9 u- Insp ector Approved / UNDER-FL Correcti o PEn_ Dj sapprov I d Da te r4nspector Sr-Tlplulqg ING GROUNDWORK INSPECTION Approved u,/ Correcti on D'isapproved--Date y'I nspector ROUGH T L UITIXG-IX S P E CT I ON Approved V/ Correction Disapproved_Date ? -Z - ?z Inspector. FRAMING INSPECTION Approved */ Correction Disapproved Date 7- Z- Sz Insp ector INSULATION / -VAPOR BARRIER INSP Aooroved ,./ Correcti on D - ECTIONisapproved Dat "7- / {-F-i nspector YPS App roved -r/-c orrecti on Di sapprove d Date 7 2z - gz tntpector FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTION Approved y Correcti on- Di sapproved_ Date I ' ' -_--I nspector FTNAI-TASTE DI SPOSAL SYSTEM NSPECT I ON Approved Correction-' Dlsapproved Date-Insp ector FINAL INSPECTION BUILDING MOBILE HOME Approved r,,' Correcti on-Di sapproved IDate2't, tr Inspector 4n CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Approved___Correct'ion D EMPORARY CERTIFICA E OF OCCUPANCY Inspector Form C74-197 r sapprov ed Date {-.L, /<,//) /)I Jr tu t/I tl/ t,t -t /I ./- t(-) ?, G JL ffi trt*/7-a3'26 '/ // / Slay' LAtit COUNTY INSPECTI0N REC0RD i NTERIOR REAR PH E K L FRONT SIDEL t,t H RIZED DIRECTIONS TO SI z;/ -//7 DRESSAS /4d.fYLL ERMI FOOTiNG / FOUNDATION INSPECTION OR MOBILE HOME SET UP INSPE CTION Approved Correction DisaPProved Da te Insp ector CONCRETE SLAB / UNDER-FLOOR I NSPECT ION ApprovedCorrection_Djsapproved-DateInspector U-NDER SLAB / PLUMBING GRO DWORK INSPECTION Approved Correctjon D'isapproved IDa te I nsp ector MUGH-T LMB]Xil NS P E CT I ONApproved Correct j on Di sapproved-Date Ins pector Fftfti+TitG INSPECTION 11 EC H Aptptroved y' Correction Disapproved Date e3 i)tU tr7 -Inspe ctor INSULATION / VAPOR BARRIER I NS PECT I ON Approved Correct'ion-Di sapproved Date-i ns pec tor S Approved Correct'ion D'isapproved Date I nspector FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTI ON Approved Correction- Disapproved Date I nspector TE SY SPECT I N Approved Correcti on-, D j sapproved Date I ns pector Form C74-197 d Date Inspector UPANCY +PECTION BUILDIN tr E HOMEea -tateAl ru00 Z1 InsPector MOBIL Approved f C onrecti on Di sa pprov l,/ ud cERT]TICATE OF OCCU PANCY TEMI'ORARY CE RTIF ICATE OF OCC Ap proved-=--.Correc ti on.---D i s a pprove /77IL /l,/ t I N