HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-12-29Z..RESIDENTIAL.. 22s .torth sth streeA??LrcArrcn/PERI'E? Spr,rqfieli, 2regon 97177 Build{ng ?tuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFlINGFIEL.O L.*l o-o rCol"'r.-o )j v4o rt.oo ,60 /r'- co Date c--, f- Genetal ,,\ - L /aql _@-2,Job Loca=icn: -J \Aacesaot3 :r.q I Tc= Iat # St bdi'isicn: \t/tM*;ner iqq/ /* htuJf"pto*a: ??6-O23OAC&esz: Jotul zip: 7 ZfZZcl:y: // .. \ ---1 , ,. , ( -r.) ( at^-2. - 1-'** N"-'** )'Y\"'"Cj-\x-t tO-.n-ol-r-^71 r.J Deecribe h'ork: tz -2, - 83 ValueData of Applia,aicn ACC|tica RanoCeL ,dso o Letder ?eeutred hstpeticns !! ia lhe responoibility of the pemi: holdet b see ttut aL?. inspections @e e,ad,e at ihe pro?er limc, t,Lat acch cddtess is 7sa;n'^:, fran the st:feet, crd tiut the p*nri; ead. is Located at the ffratt of the orooerfit..?ui!.diq iluicio- cp=tct:ed pl.bz shc,Ll reta,-Jn on tle Buildl?t? Stte bt all' tines.' ?:?OC1DUP, ?AR. i;lsPselCit R9iUZ1|:CALL726-3769 (teeorCet) state lour City l,esigr,z.ted, iob mtbe?, job ay'i-ess, type of incpeclicn recttesccti a-<i u,;':en you viLL be reatig for irspcction, Contractc?s cr Auters- ttane *rL plane nutbct. Pequesxs receixed befcre 7:00 ,=t'-ill be teie thc sane Ccg, teq'Lte6.s nde cfta ?:00 c;lt viZL be nade tle ta,t.,orkitt1 dag. Iour Cifu Desigta.ted Jab llunbey fs:8s 23 2zrSI7! I:lJ?!C:nl: 7o be naCe af2eracaation, but picr +.c sei u? ol t'grrns. WD|RSLAS ?:L':.BTXG, ZLECPIC,IL 'iEC!:;|li.:AL: ?o be narie beiore c,ny t,lork ;.s coucted. IYSULATION/VAPAR BASRIZR IIISPICTIOII : required. uqor be--Je?s @e in place Ltt before ory lath, ggpaat bcatC or rnLL couering is appli,ed., and. befcre oty ittstla.tion is concealed. DRY,LALL IiISP!fflCll: Tc be runie aiter aLL C.ry,taLL is th place, but ptior to ctty tagirq. IUSO\|P!: Steel Locatiott, bod. beonc, groutin4 or uertia,Ls in oceorbtce vizh tl.B.C. Section 247 S. DZI.:OLI?IO!! OR ::CV=) SUTLDI;|CS Sani'-ey se:,set eaVged at Foparur* Li7:e Septic totk y"aqeC ad iilleC vith gr.i;ai Pinal - i{hea &cue itees ore cczaleted. ozti uiea Cer.tcllticn is earplete br st:r;c- ture noueC oi prezrises cleaned up. i-l .ral::c , fia:!D^?ra:t: ?o be ttce LJ $er-*enc;A c;,e-,*cctsatad crd fctns cre etecceti, but pr,ior '.opt*Lrq ccncrete.I I r I fnr) wD??c?cu:!D ?aL'v3i:ic, s7,EP. 7.1!!?. DPAj]IAGZ: Io be ta,;e pior :o ,'iL-Lirq =rezci"ce. ltrtf?o?,^aa tT.rrhvra t tt:nrrrfa.f , ?obe@of tToor insuia,xiot or deckit:g. 7)ST AilD 3t;.i.1: To be race picr toinstalkczci oi 11oor insuLa.;ior, cr dccking. 3)ttii: ?a3:3!:!G. ?!3a9!cA! t :.tzc1-A;liil.L: :lo ,o:1 ia to be coterecw::il ;hese lrscec;io'x.s h;ue beettaie d, qirciei. Fi:!?LACZ: *)or 'a 7kc'Jr4 lcc.Jngnccert<zla ard before ir*irg ineoec- tiort. FP-r'\IilC: i,tu32 be rectac-.ed a1'2er @c:, oi rcugh pltr.airq, ezeczd,- a,L I neci,anical. ALI rcoi.!ry brae|rq ! chimcga, etc, ;tsc beanale--cd. ;'.b ..rcri is :o be cot- - ceclel. until :his insoectlct is,a'been na.l.e atd, cVpttveZ.r FI;!A! P!A:,B!::C il:t;L :.lsaa:IICAL ?f.r_at ----a?-.?...,^9 -d!9..;l9A& After ins talT-a.tion isl-1-t{6;asro,n:lg er,,oCd.1 CLIPS E APPRCACE ,E.PPCN: ee ereeceC but pn)ot tn &?1,el"ete. SID nALLt! gRT,TlA!: For aLL con- cetenalillg Eth,ii stz,eet rtght- of-urg, to be naCe after all, ecca- vdting catplete J ;-on uork & sub- base naterial in place. Aftet formst patr)n! ?ENC!: tlhen conolate -- *ouiCejG ot nooable'sectians throttgh otr? ALL prc,;ect cotii:icns, suc!. cs che i.nstallctian of sttae, crees, :c-lcxlon o1'tie reqaiteci Zcnzscoizg, ctc., tnlst be sat'isiied before ci.e SU|LDI1:G illAL:an be regestcd. ?:JAL ilIi'1IJC: lhe Final Buidit4 fnsoecticn arst be rcquest*i :jler lhe iinzl ?'-unbiaX ileccriecl, oti t4ecitar.iecl inscecctcns itqte been natie anti cporooaC. tsLocking od. 1at-:tp Plutbing connect'Jcns -- salte? otC uaien Eleclznlcal Corzecxr1on - Blocking, aei-u, and plwbing cottnections rr;st be qprcxad before requeet'Jng el-ec2rtcal itspec=io;z A,ceessory- Builiirq Einzl - Aftct ttrckes, sblrt|ng, 4,eci,s, etc. @e cazoieled. ttobi _l 'ALi :.lAJECais Aill cL|AilCWj :!US! 3E .1CCiS3!31r, .lDiL'57:S:t: :O 39 :!1Dt :t! ::0 ::S! ?C CCy ?z;a 7 o1' 2 € r T T l l tr l o Lot Fd,ces - icuse tit i.ot 5q. F*. Z cf lcc Ca;erc.?e__ lnzerict Cornet _ ?ctti.c:trile CUL-de-sac ! of Stoe)es iotaL !a")gh: Topog.ahl Access :(TaLue :C!.4L I/ALIE J.U.L. I.J = ;!o.a- I )-a &hrres ?es:i.zttt-..a,L ( 1 bcth) Ssucr nailE=ted, Ciralzts Semrice ,,lC c!!s,?ct bherct HooC Vent F't TcoCsto:te 5.0 o t i.0 0 aI o IS-G 5L..a)dL< )--. , 2 ,l soLAF.--{cEss REe.-L-CO G* 3ra!ccr:s: Teai LCCE VaoaoJote Building Vqlue & Permit This pertrrt ic grc.nted on the et?"e-ss andition ttat the saii coastrttet.l.onshall, in all rescects, ?olfctn to the Crdinar.ce d.ogted, by the Ci;y ofSpz-.ngfielC, )nclidzng lhe Soning Cvdinanie, r"grt"ta:"g-riL iii"i.r"r;."sd .use of bu'-icii.ngs, o,d n=y be susoetuied or rleuckei it cry tine u2ar: uic-la.tl.cn oi azy prcuisiors oi Za,)C 1riir,ances, ?uiUir,g Pelnit SL:ta Totcl *cgea Plnbz.ng Pernit Stcte 7 lotal Pe*nt fssu.ztcz !,teeiu.n-!c=L Per+nt --;'1,'=^iartr-trr a Plumbing permit llo_ per.son shall cc,si;r,.tct, instcl!, altet ot citatt4e cny ,.cu ct e=isting ll*2ir,S cr dtainage sVs-l? i-n .ahole or in part, '-rt."-" such petson is tleLegaL.porseasor of a oalid plwtbet,s Licenee, eccept thd a pie:sor rc7 doplmbing uotk to p?ope?tJ uhich ia ormted, leased ot ogetztei ly lle qpii_cdtt. Electrico I Perm it llhere stale lan requires th,at the electrical uonk be ccne by ot sleetriealcytygtor' th.e eleclrical porlio^ of :his pe*,rit ahd,Ll rot'bi oilid. t.,ztittlte Tabel has been signeti by the Electri,ccl'Cont"acto?. Mechqnicql Permit : LCC Ii:,tobiie ;ten f EAW CA.RS?ALLI SXAJTI:|ED ttu conro'Letz-d co-olication for peni:, crld dcherebg cettify that aLL itzfor,at,on hereon'is Lzue "lra "2"".i:, " e tfitther .cer:iji that oty crl. all uonk perfo*.aed stall be Corre in crccc?-da?.e'rrLth ,he o"dinzoes of the City of Sgrtngfietd., otd, ihe Lc;s oJ- tho' State of }regcn pereainina to ,he wii, aes'*ibld I,nii", ai- :rai: :to cccu-F!-xc'l 'nLl'L be ruie of dry stnotu'z Lltthc'ttt oentissiovt cf the 3u--id.inc Di-visron. I !'tsaher certiii thzt ottly contrac\ors o-"C eq'Lcgee, ;;i;-;Z i;cttliance ulth CRS ?0Z.0SS uiLL be-used on this pnojecx- EtsvL.frLr.er- - /z l2lAL A.i.!CUlt? DLtg:.){,c0 Da 2 E H: JoB No. ( : "-?eD iEin a=-ca lc.r::r: -lcce ssc L Sect;*)tu geeosit Stor-e lb'intez:rze 9zn:e