HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-11-13..RESIDENTIAL.. 2zs North sth streeAPPLrcA?r,N/PERMrr Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Atuision / ZO-O // DO tt SPFI't\lGFIEl.D Loo, 4 S/r*- R'"*! 's Yt/".,[ JS.6O Slgr."a, 0 oate: lt- lcl. g 3 /2,7 5 /V, b *^ Sfree*Job l-ocaticn: Aeseseore Mq ll Subdiu'Jsion: tY1 ari e, Lanc@ndmer: ytSgAddtess: citu: S-, -P/J,zip: qZV77I L<-t oo J s/o,t. R "n "* Salra-de h *WNcE Desczzbe htork: Ad&tian I ll-:--(iDate of AppL vou".ffi.fr Contrectot,s Adrb' General ELectrieaL l,techarical Saniteg sanet cqged :t progarbri Lire Septic totk y.n2eC and. fiLLeC uith grau-el ?inal. - itthen abcue itens ate ec:;oleteC a.d uhen Certcl..tion is conplete o" stt-ic- tute noued ad, prenises cleaned up. i!cnes tsLocking otd let-ttp Plurzbia,g conneczi.ons -- sane? od uatey Electr,)cal Cdnteciaon - BlockiTq, ;et-u, and, plwnbing cotnections rn;st be qprc"*eC before requeetin g el.eelrical insceeliar. Acceseo?i BuiEin4 ?inal - After pcrekes, skitting, Ceck-s, etc. @e eatple:ed. ?tge 1 o1' 2 lt ie the respotzsibility of tlu penrit itoll,er to eee that aLL inepectiorls @e nade at the proper tine , thdt aceh .:ddtess is retiob':e fron the street, cnC tllat the patrit cai ia Located at the fzent of tlte wooertu.,3ui!dir4 iluicio:: appro"'eri plbt shc.Ll rena-Jn on tle tsuildnng Site Zt zLL' tines.- PPOCIDUPE. F04-!!!SPgCry9!l-j'9,qW9!rCALL726-3769 (yeeorder) state !ou? City Sesigeated job ntmbeto, job ali.z,e*s. tgpe "equested a<i ui".en gou tiLL be ready for inspectioz, Cont?acia?a cr A,ne:s nane and. pt'one mtnber. Pequests receited'-iLL be rmd.e the sane dcA, "equeata naie after 7:00 od viLL be naCe the nezt:,nrkitq'd.ay. ConsSructicn_Lende!_ SiT1 INSP9C?fi|I: eEcauailon, but of;'ns?ee:icn befcre 7:00 ct forms. AND'RSLAB ?'L'I4BIITG. ELZC?,A.ICAL A i.tECM.ilICAL: ?o be nwie beJbre ctul wrk is eottered. PCOT!:IC 4 FAUiDATIC:'|: ?o be na.Ce M ;re,,rci;; ar,;Zca;ated attd, forms are erected, but pr.tor to pourtr,g ccnctete. ullDiR?.?1utD ?aat{9i:tc, str1p,'t.4!9.?. DP,AJ-IIACE: to be tp.ie prtor co fil- @renehea. UIIDEPFLOAR ?LUI,EDIG A IIECgANICAL:@o7flaor insuktion or decking. POST .A.ND Pgli4: To be nd.e prior to --- insxalkvian of floor iwulation or deeking. ROI.IGE ?iiI:B!:!G. !LZC:P:C;' i .'.8C1. ANICA.L: llo :,tork ia to be co'"^eteci ut*zl these i.racectiors iutse been nade std. qVrcued.. UELICI: N-or '"o plce-r4 fccingnater|als ard. beiore fratrtng inspec- tion. V yw:t:tc: t4ust be rec-tested aiteri) @trai of rottgh pl;nb;nJ, electz,i-cal & nechanieal. ALI tooiin4 brae':..n4 E chinmeys, etc. r.rlsc be eonaieted. llo .,:crk is to be con- - ceiled until this insoectic-tt ha.a 'been nade anC appnoveZ. f i! SULA! f 0 il / V APA.o. B AR R IER MSPIC 7 !0 Il : 7o be nade after aLL instlaticn ed required uqor bwrie?a @e in pla,ee bat before arg Lath, ggpsln boarC or rnLL couering is coglied, cnd. before oty iwul,ation is conceaLed. DRYIALL MSP9C?l1il: lc be nade after aLL Cty,taLL is in place, but prLot to ct'ty taping. To be nade afterprtcr tc se! up of ,I I rIIII o CLIRS A IPPRCACH /.P?CN:a'; "r.e"AA'ffijdi Afier fonnsto pcuz-Lng conctete. SfDEilALK & 9RT,TiA!: Eor aLL cott-ffiiffi-Eiffi stveet msht- of-uny, '-o be naCe after all, exca- oatir.g canplete t ;'om u:oz,k & aub- inse raterLal in plaee. ALL proiect condi:ions, such as che insrallation of s'tteet i?ees, :cryLexior,. of tie z,equired Lcnl.accpirg, etc., nast be satisfieC before a"e aUILDIIIC ?f|!AL can be reqaested- $NAL tslILDIitC: 1*,e Einal EuiLd.irq Ins-oection ntst be requested citel, ;he ?inal Pl.wnbing EleccricaL, ot4 !"leclwnical inspecxicns irque been nade arui aogrouel. 'ALL \IA\IUCLES AND CLEAI|1U?S itUS! 3EACCiS1!ts1i, .4DJUSZ:lit! !0 3E::ADt ti.v ll0:rST f0,ITy FIIIAL PLUIEI;IG EI;IAL |IECHAIIICAL ?IiIAL ELEC?PICAL Plw,bing 1o,,.! citv Desigr.zted. Job Nwber I"t 33J2-Lg u Steel Loeation, bond. or oeriiccls in U.8.C, Section 7l :tnct: l{hen conoLaxe -- Prooiie I) @ ot ;nouable' sections through P,U.E. LJ )--^, iat Sq. Ft?. 7 cf lct Caueraga_ I of Stodes ?otal lzight iopogryhy ?Lumbtrg Petntt Peyttrit fsatctce Xeciurt;.ctl ?enr|t -- ixcRoAciltlr:!! -- Mobile ilate SOLAR --CESS REQ.- rl4 Fw, _ Ir-tenicr _ Cormet _ Paniuruile CUL-de-sac L-CO G+ Plumbing Permit No person slnll cc*si:ntct, instalT-, aLter ot chanqe cnA t.eo cr esisting plunbing or drainage sAstqt in uhole or in part, uless sueh person ts th.e Legal posseasor of a oalid plunber's Licettse, eacept th"at a ce:son mag do plw;bing uork to ?"opez,tg ahieh is otmed, Leased or ooetated by the qpli.- @tt. Mechonicql Permit # a J ,t4 id*-r^a * f HAW CAREIULLY gX.L\filED the eonplete-d qolication for pezmit, crui dc hereby cettify tlnt aLL ttfona.tion het,eon is ttae ard. ebrrect, and, I f,*,tker certify that ary crl. aLL xork perlozmed ehall be done i* aceor- danee ',rith the Otdin*tces af the C-ity of Spr)ngfield, ayd. ihe Lr;iis of the State of Cregcn peti:ainina to tlg aark Cescribcd herein, ad tlut I'lO CCCU- P.l.llCZ ttil.L be nad,e of ery st"uctu?e uithout perwission cf the- 3utiding Di-uision. I fzether eert,l,f'g th"at onlg cont?actops a.d. atrclcyees ,sha erb in eanpllanee a't.th CRS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this project fi'W'T JOB NO 2'22 Zcre:Ctat Seivoons Lot Faces -Itnerau Soutees leat -r l{ouse Cataae Aceess '/y'ate" !!eaae? Norch Eest ?ireoLace So;th llest -- Fees --::i:.!F?C '{i Building Volue & Permit This pernr-t is granted on the exptess condition tlnt the said-constntction si'all, i.n all resoects, conicrm to the Crdinance tdooted by ihe City of Sot4ngfielC, including lhe Zoning Crdin,zr;ee, yo-gulctit:.g ihe ccnstrtetlcn otd, use of butldings, ozd mzy be susoend.ed oy, reuckei at cr.g ;ine upon uic- Lation o7'oty prcoisions of saiC 1rCirances. - J:,1J ,Ate L S.D.C. 1.5 s 9.,:7 ).'-- 9^*'+ lotcl Charyes CFA?CA li:fi*es ResiCential (1 bcth) Sanen :io. Electrico I Permit l{nere Stale Lot reqtires t|"a.t tiv electr.ical oork be dane by an L'Leetricd,L Contzlaetor, the electrical portion of this perwit si"a,LL rot be oaliC until the Lobel haE been signed by the El.ectrical Coittactor. ll a,t / Eet end, Cire"ti t s Sentice lotal i7!:,t ,,1C F.rr.zce 3!U'S *|wnat HooC Vent Fan Tcodstc:se t5.fio .bo e Dzcosit t<(o0 Storcae l,taintencrte Cutbcu! Sil.a'taik lZectz,ica1" Lcbel !3?AL A,+!OU\IT DU!:T IE r?!v 'ictet lence