HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-05-19..RESIDENTIAL.. zz s North stlt streeaPPLicA, r,N /PERI'*? Springfield, 1regon 97477 Buildirq Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD Job Locaticn: Assessore ilap #Tcz tot #0 & O.>tet: Phone: ]/b-CZLL.lddtess q S"*"^,e.*"^rrA; V(' /oo. ot: f -o* lbg a '/o,/ Par-,*1 8-&a-)a Q*.r"*; ,1,/, / {.o o l,7v 35'o " i,10 2{, o t, l" 00 l*tJ 2otnoug frbl. rlo*"J""'Z?'r$2rt, Neus ra,^hlr^n, "d"1. z Eedpa,v\e , Vaiue l-l Z 9 @iate of App Lieaticn RanoceL Sanilat1 seser capped :t Wcpetz- Lire Septic tank p'"a:ted arl. filled viih gratel Pinal - i.,4ten abcue 'Jtens ee ecr,oieced. m,C ahen lencl"i:ion is eorrcLete bt stz-"lt- tute raueC q'i trer',ses clbaned uV. e tc:12s Blocking od. Sec-'ag PLwnblng conneciicns -- sater d. ualer Electriccl Cmtection - Blockin4, set-ut and, plznbing connections tn;st be cpptcted. be7'or e requesting electrical inst ec lioti Accessc,,l 3uili'Jr4 Firal - !,ftcr:crei:es, skirting, Cecks, etc. de c;'noleted. Pz'-:e 1 of 2 General ELectrical C o n s j ru c t! c-n_lgrul s!_e- You! City Desigr,ated Job Nwtber is: r-t is the respottsibi-Lity of _thB penrit roZdet to see that aL'!. inspeetiorla @e nade at'.he propet t*n., that aach adlress is reaiabl-e ;'ron tiu street, anciluc the oenrit cail ie Loca=ed at the frcat- of the =?oDera).,9uildir4 v|uiciot .?."w^ed ptan shc,Li remain on th.e Euiitinng site Zt "1t' t;hZs." PPoclDUPg. l1R. I!1Ptnrcil iZqgtEST;CALL726-3769 (recorCer) state Aou" City Cesigra.ted job nu;ber, job aiiress, type of insoec--icnrequested a_-ii o.t:en lyou -"tiLL be ready fo-r inspection, cant?actcrs oi a;ne:'s twne -eA plane nunbcr. .g.equests receiu'ed befcre- 7:0C a:tliLL be r,ade the sane dcg, ?equeets ncde after ?:00 on vtLL be nnCe the nezt.arki$ dag. E3r b9O crTF r!ICDiaarant e=carrai;;;fr Pmar forns U;IDg?SL;3 ?:L':,5::IG. iLTC??IC,IL 1 :.Ec a ;.'; i cs i : ro-ie-na<ii5e loii-Zn Juot,k is ecuetei. PCCTIIG 1 !OL';|DA!:C:]: ?o be naCe ait ei-Ei "-n;E{ at;-ez c an at e d at d foz,ms ate ereclei, but ct iot, to pouzir,g ecnc?exa. POST AilD ]EAl,l: ?o be naCe priot +.offiiiffiTq iloor irsuT)tian ot decking. F1rtc:l ?au!9r:tc. lL|ciprcAi a, :,!tcl- wt T;V.ese ',nscecfiars hcoo- been naie a"d. cpptcu'ed.. rNSULAYTAII/VNPCR SARRIIR IIISFICTICN : lo be naCe after aLL inaulaticn ed required tqor beriels ce in place but before ary lath, Wpsn bceC cr unLL couering is cppLied, crd. before ay insulc.tian is conceaLed. DRY'IA-LL i:lSPgC?ICll: Tc be naCe -.. after aLL czyuall ")s in plaee, but prtor to ang taping, W.SC\IRI: Steel Location, bond. beane, grouting or oerticcls in accord.otce Lrith U,ts,C. Section 'iCCDS?C'|E: Aftet irtstalTa.tion is ccnoLeteci. CURB & .A?PPCAIII APPOII: Ai'ter fontsa'e a"cxA-fr;@o" to pcrrr"l,rr4 corritete. SIDIW).LX 1 DRI',TiA'!: ?or alL cc-n- crete pauing uichtn stteet r.Lght- of-ucg, tc be naCe after aL! ezce- uatino canolete !, fozn ,,;ork & cub- base neterial in place. aftet u? of tr Q] ulliaczart:tc p:t;.er:ic, si:ttz. l.t:tt.,.i) _ Lirg trenches. ,T ulcepr:c1? ?iij:sttc I j4lCrJ.A.yrCAL:rrt@oi floor ineul).cian or decking, ipa Fett:tc: ttust be tecuested cflen'til ap?"ov"L cJ' rough plw-bing, electr)-cal ! nechanicai. ALt reoi'Jrq btaetng t chitmcus, etc. trtsc beconoleted. :lo 'ncrk is to be con-. ceil"d ur.til this insoee?icn l"a.s'been nade anC cpgrc,*ed. ala=)t .1,^r. nctertats tian. FT|IAL PLA:$I:IG FI;IAL IWCiIAJICAL ?TilAL ELiCIPICAL Pz.tor r.o plcctra fce.tngard before ;'ra-rirq inspec- ?EllCE: ;nthen eonplate -- Prouiie gate6 o? nouable sectians theough P, U. E. E;l n ALL pro;ect ca-diclons, suck as the i.nstallation cf street trees, :on-c1.etion cf t'ne requiz.ed Laniscqir4, etc., tast be saxisfieC belbre the ilf aDnic FfiiAL :cn be reqttested. &\ PlliAL rurLDlyc: The Fi.nal Buitd,ir,4 fnspecticn tuet be requesiea after the ?inal PLurbirtg \1/ Electrieal, crd ].lecimical lnspecc:Jcns -hauc been nad.e arc't crcuei. |ALL ILAIIHCLES AND CLTATIOUT, iMS? BE ACCESSItsLE, ,4DJUST:t::it lO 38,,,!ADE.II IIO::,S! TC CI:Y x Ee'Srn€<z 3 suba,:u.:sicn:Ba<G\ 'A' Ot T.SZZrZrao # //,f2 blo c;ry: gpf,Ld, ot f1 ,,oo"r" ,o^u *^b Liac. IAdciress Phoneion|?actotls o\! r\€ P , Plwbina i.!eclw:iceL E tr T T Iot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct 2cueraga I of Stor|es lotal leiEhc Topogrcgrry t/*"7/m / LCr !v?s X h-terior JOB NO r/SOLAR AY-CESS REQ.-L-CO G+ Building Vqlue & Permit This perrnt is gtanted on the e*p?ess :ondttion tlat the said.constr"c;ion stwll, in zll resceets, eonforn:o the )rdinarce ado.oteC by the CltT cf Spn)ngflelti, inc!'i.ir,.g the ian*..g Crdinar-ce, r,egulating the ecna;neticn and use oi buil,Tings, and ney bt ;uscerieC ar reuckei at cry tine ticn oic- Latlon of .zt.y pt,co.i.sicns of saiC )rdir,ances. 3 Plumbing Permit Ilo peteon shall ea.sk."uct, inslal!, alter or ehange anA neo cz. etistit"-g plwnbin4 cr drainage systelt in uhole oz, in patt, unless such person ts the Legal possessot, of a ualid plwnbet,'s License, oaeept tl"at d ?erson r,aX do plutbing tork to prope?t'! uhich is ormed, Leased or operated by the appli.- cdr7t. Electricol Permit llhere State La requit,es tha.t the eleett+cal uork be Cone by an lleetrtcal Contt:a.ctor, the electr'ical portioa of this permit slalL not be taliC until the i.abel ius been aigned by the Electuical Contractor. Mechqnicol Permit Corder Patrhanrile Cul-de-sae ?uildtng ?ennt State Surch.rge !o*;4L Cla"gea Plunblng Petrrit State Surel"arge ?evttrt! Total Onyces Penmt fssu,ance Mecitanicel Perrrit -rv 3edtcoms: 2 Lot la.ces -inetot Soutees :t'uoa J .ieat D ll.ouse Cayaae Aecess ilater:ea:er llorlrh /2 .oan€e East 9a'lireoLcce South 7Zt rrlaocstote 'lest t?, -- Fzes --r!::t 7 Yalue4e(iftt7 tteztrttrvttFalata.23a )ccesscr:t ?A!.4L "',t LU! Lly.- s.D.c. r.5 : Check ?ee: Dcte Paid:/.% Receipt #I CAPGS !istutes Resi.denti.o,L ( 1 bath) Soitary Sa,ter 1$Q,'lo.'/t*ct z,a Tctey (lac4rea &H /sc ts'6 /.ya ,'t I 3r? .vo .;F Res. So. fta Na,t/Extend, Cireuits ?q ?t66 /fr* Tatocroy Sensice fuqvtcs <rrffiG p.* 25|* /. oo 4 4lj 4 Daf:?::4 Fi3 7,*-^A 24ttte bh.a$t HooC Veflt ?ot ',lcotisto::e e^-,;\, h--^^.'+ Storaoe i4d.antevanJe Si.Ca,talk ,/&.4 :ATAL L\!OAI? DUT:'d zas. /6 -- ilc,2.cAc!}:3:!! -- -f.'ZF=iq;T-- I HAW CA-REFULLY IXA]IINED tle eornpleted coplicatior,. fon petmit, qrd. da heteby certify that aLL o)lfotmation hetecn is ttae ar,.C. cau,ect, ar"C I fur,thel' ce!tL!i that oty drd. aLL aork >enionted shall be done in accor- dance',rtth the Ardintnces of the City of 1pr[ngfield, and, lhe La;s of the State of Aregan pertaining to the wtk Cesc'ribed herein, sd. li1ct N0 1CcU- FAIICI vrLL be na.de of c-nV sEtactwz aithout permission of the SuildinE Dt - oision. I further cettifi ti,.ct o:tly cont?actots od. etplcgees ui"o cte in ca::pliance uith CRS 701.055 r,till. be uaed cn this proieec L Mobile Hane ?#.a SPRINGFIELD C TT OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. George Downs 6.10 Centennial Boulevard Springfie1d, 0regon 97477 S i ncerel Y' Li sa pper Building Safety Division attachment March 6, ]984 Dear Mr. Downs: The springfield Building Code Administrative code.requires that, in order for a permitto remain valid, construct'ion work authorized by i! niust-uegin-*itntn igo diys-from thedate of purchase of the permit.,.If yglk,is suipenaed or auinlonea auring ini-corrr. orconstruction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit will iutomaticiirv exii... If a permit has expired and suspension andlor abandonment of work on a project has notexceeded.one year, a permit to start or resume work may be puiirrasea for one half thefee required for a comparable new permit, pioviaed thai no ihung.s have been made.in If a permit has not yet expired and a-permit holder anticipates the need for more timeto begin construction vrork, the Superintendent of Building';ay-cfroose to grant-a onetime extension of the pelmlt not tb exceed 180 dayi rpon i.f.ipi r.o* irr.'p..rii r.,oio."of a written request explaining why the extension-is h"cersaiyi' The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard toconstruction activity associated ,ilh.your perm'it. Please advise this offi'..-6i yo*intent'ions r^iith regard to the permit bjr ten'(iO) auy, i|gm ine jute of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. th 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726-3753 JOB ADDRESS: 121 7 North 5th Street JOB #:83.l 640 LAST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: NO INSPECTION RECORDED: X CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: VALID: However, your permjt will expire on If you wish to request an extension of your permit, please not'ify thisoffice in writing prior to the above mentioned date X EXPIRED: Your permit exp'ired on May .l9, 1983 If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be appl ied for. *If the "exp ired" box, a * bove, js checked and we do not hear frorn you byten (10) days from the date of this letter), we March I 6 w c ear our eso a re ated information with regard to the permit. th