HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-05-091...r:1a.,,:,, r!;-,_.." ' ^ IJi...td;U*,:.<i(i*,i..d j.+l -:. i. ?_r....:!.rtt " RESIDL.,ITIAL.. z2s North sth s;tz,eeAPPLrcATr0N/PERtlrrSpringfield, 7regon gZ4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26- 37 5s Teeeipt ! SPTIINGFTELD lc,s Iot # Phone: 7f/ - OOSO i-{.a I Job lacaticn: Aesessore Map # A;ter: Address: Nor,t Additicn L Date of App Licaticn GeneraL PLmbing o tJ, It, ci Ittl ilopl rtax T*sla//;flr,u ff Desertbe htork: Value q>>, Date: S4-'fo0 ?zt2- qV( 7) ELectricaL i Cons j rug, t-iptt__Lgndet It ie the respondibilitg of tle penrLt hotler Iyl-tly aty.eeb, and that the permit eatd ia*BuiAing D.i.uicion appro,-ed plan shell rZnann ,t" 1"".that-all incpections are nade at the ptoper tine, that s4sl1 diasss ,i,e vsasahlgLoeated qt .!h_e ftont of the property.on the Building SiLc at aLL'tihes.- PnocnuPE, FoR rNSPECTrott ,!1S1ESTrCALL 726-3769 (teeond.et) stdte you? city desigrn-ted job ntmber, job aciress, tgpe of inspee=icnnequested ar'd uhen uou,uill be reaciy fot'inspection, contraelii" on asners nante crui plone nunber. Requests t,eeeixed. befcre 7:00 c:tt'iLL be made the edte dcg, r'equests"mLie oi,1i", z,oo-.r-i11-i"- r*ae the nest torkira'day. $\a=q 7Iout' City Desigruz.ted Job Nunbey fs: required oapor barrier's are in pl-acebut belore oq la.th, gApsutn bcirC ortnLL couering is applied, crd beforeoty insulation is eoncealed. DRYilALL fNSPECTI)N: IcaJGiZi-EfiitTts tnbut prior to cny taping OR BU Sanilary saser cappted at ptopetfu Lir:e Septie tank p'atryed and filled tith gta:;et ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRTC,IL &tEClt\rcAL: fi te-ffieiifoiiinytxtk is cotset,ed. FOOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be naCealter t?enehes are ercauated and forms- are eteeted, but prion to Wurtng ecnerete. 7a pyosncpoultD zLUMDTNG. sswp. v.lrll.,J Lirq trenehee. I UilDERILOOR ?LU|EITVG & I4ECIIAN|CAL: To be maae prior to instalLation of floon insulation or decking. P.OST AND BEAM: To be made prior toinstallaticn of floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLUIIBIIIC, ELEC?RTCAL & I,IECH-ANICAL: no,ffi .unti,L these inspeetions haue been mad.e and opproued. FIPEPLACE: Prior to plaeirg fceinqmatetiale and before franing inspeZ-tion. EB!!|C: ltust be requeated aft.enapptoual of rough plwr,bing, electri-cal & meehanieal. ALt roofing btaeing & ehinmcye, ete. rrust be i conpleted. lto uork is to be con-. cecled until thia inspeetion hae'bee.n made anC approoed. : ?o be nade aften but pt'i.ar tc set up of To be naCeforms. FNIAL PLUAEING ba CURB & APPRCACH APPON: are ereeteC but prior be nade place, After formsto pouning lincl - Vhen abcue itens d?e canpleted and uhen Cqtclition is eomplete or at?uc-ture moued arrd. pz,emises cleaneC up. MASONRI: Steel Locatton, bond beons, grouting or uerticals in accond.otee Llith U,B.C. Section After installation is ccnp Blocking otd Set-up Plwnbing connectione -- aane? od. ualer Electrteal Ccnnection - Bloeking, aet-up and plwnbing eonnectione nust be a:pprited before requesting eleclrtcal inspec*ion Accessory- Building final - After pcrckes, akirting, decks,etc. are conpleted. Hcmes concrete. SIDET^IALK & DRILEWAY: Fot, aLL eon- crete pautng within etreet right-of-txq, to be nade after aLL erea- tsating canplete & forn tsork & sub- base material in plaee. FENCE: Arhen conplete -- ProotCe gatee on mooable aeetions thr:ough P.U.E. rt rnnt, MECHANTIAL -1 rrnnr, ELE:TRTIALtt -1I ALL p.roieet eonditions, such ae the i.nstallation of street trees, eonplation of tie nequired Landsccpittg, etc., rmtet be eatisfied before the BUILDING FINAL eanbe requested. n FrNAL B.urLDrNc: The linal Buitd,ing rnepeetion mtet be requeeted aften the Final pttnbing \J Electrical, otd Meeharlical InspeetZoro 'larn been nai- atd- ipp*ound. ,ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I,fiDE NT NO COST ?O CNY Pagelofzl T T tr tr ?8orql SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Jrr--coc^ Beiroons JOB NO. Zone Vent Fdl t llcodstotse Permit Curbeut Sida,talk Mobile Hane Serttiee L Permii State Iotal PetmLt fssuarlee Mechanieal Penntt -- ENCROACHI'IENT -- t ?otal PLan troninei Aate I HAW CAR9FULLy EXAIIINED tle cornpleted application fot permit, and'do hereby certifg that aLL informatton hereon is true anl eowect, and. f further eertify that any ard aLL uork perforzed slnll be done in aecor- dance titlt the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, anC the Lc;s of the* State of oregcn pertaining to the oork Cescribcd herein, end tha! N0 occu- PANCY dill be mad.e of any st"uctul,e uithout permisston of the Buildi.ng Di-vision. I further eertifg thet otly contractot,s atid enplcyees uho ore in canpliance uith ORS 701.055 wiLL be used on this project Building Vqlue & Permit Thi.s permit is gtanted on the erpress eondition tfu1-t the- said,constraction shall, in all respeets,-;o;,1;;'to th-e ordirutnce adopted by the city of i p "i.g 7 b u, i.nelldnn;' tiL zlii"s crdinanc.e, r eg u I at-irtg .the ecn s t-nl:t^:t :., ^-ra "L"n of'build.Lngs,'and may be suspended or reuokeC at ctY tame upon DLc- Tztion of a?1y prcoisions of said 1rdinances' Access. .ttu ?OTAL VALUE Si-gted: llat xITEI.I DC.S.D.C. 7.5 c P.L House [,ot Faces - Lace tote -- Fees -- st Date Paid: PLanEuildinq Pernrtt Iotal Clnrgea State LCT TYPE _ Intericr _ Co?ner _ I'anhandle _ Cul-de-sac X of Lat Caserage_ # of Sturtes Total Height Topogrqhy PlumbinE Perrmit No percon sLwll consttaet, inetall,, alter. or elwnge.anA ned,cr eristing -ptt*tina or dtainage eystan inuhole.or in part, unless sueh penson is the iegal p"osses"o, o7"o uiolid plu^ber's'Ltiense, ereept that a P??son na:1 lo-pt"ntlig uork to property uhioh is otmed, leased or operated by the appli- eant. C Mht,L Plunbinq Penrit L LLNO. 1 ITEII Ei.rhttes Residential (1 bath) Seuer I State LI',Ei.r ii0 L'I:L' Res. So. fta llao/Eetend Circuits C!)ARCEr,EE F\rnace P?UtS Ezhanet HooC rs oo t5.oo " '15 5,15 Electricol Permit Where State Lau requites that the electrieal aork be done by an Eleetrical Contraetor, the eleetrical pottion of this pemnit shall not be ualil, until the Label has been signed by the Electtical Contractor. Mechonicol Permit >h JI'AL N.lOUtr| DirL: "d 15.)5 | ' t?rr Lot So. Ftc.