HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-03-15.. RESID*\TIAL.. 225 Noy,th sth strelPPLrcArtuN /PERlffT SprLngfieLd, )regon 97477 BuiL&Lng oirsision 7 26-37 53 Plwnbi.ng Constmctton Lendet t! SPFINGFIELD 0lo llr 4o) r '), Date: C-L -19 It i8 the neeponsibility of the permit ltodep to aee that aLL incpections are nade at the p?ope! tine, that each ad.dtess is real,ti.Le fry tle at?ee.t, atd tltat the pdfiit eard. ia l,ocated at the frcttt of the Wope"tA.*Build,ing Diuiciot appro"*ed ptan shcll remain on the Building Sitc'at aLL' tiites." PR)C9DUPE F)R INSPECTI1N RE?WST:CALL726-3769(yeeotder) state yout, Citg designated job nunber, job aCitess, type of inspeeli.cn tequested ar,.d, uhen you uLLL be ready for inspection, Contracto?a or A'ners runne cnd p?nne nunbet,. Requests reeei,xed befcre 7 :00 anzill be nade the sone dag, requests nade aftet, 7:00 ott viLL be made the neat:,soz'kirg- d.ay. Iour Cifu Designted Job Nunber fs:rtro 230 Reat i,n e rl Tn en o a fi. en e Job Locaticn:o3e5 toAesesaore Map #Tas Lot # svbditision: Tfl 7 Annet: Address ci Phone ztp: Desa-ibe l,totk: Additian O{r,-- j -/E '{tr n N e1) t--l /"r,ro- RemoCel VaDate of App Licatian Conttacto?s Lisc. #Ad.dt ess F4 General SfTE INSPEC|I)N: ?o be nade aftet,IN EULATI)N /vL?oR BABBIIR !! PL1!4?U DEt.nLrTrall 0R :.10w) B?o be made aftez, aLL insulaticn ard z,equired uapor bavie?s @e in plaee but before oty Lath, Wpsutn boarC oz, tnLL coueying is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. ezcantation, but prtor tc set up of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCH!-\IICAL: To be made before anywtk is cooez,ed. FO)?ING & F)UNDATICN: Io be ntaCeA$;;Tenctes ate eccatsated and. forns ate erected, but prior to pourLng ccnereta, UNDSRCROUIID PLAMDING. SEWER, W,4TER. p844AGE: To be made pz.Lor to fil- @-trenchee. AilDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & I4ECHANTCAL : of floor insul,ction or decking. P0$! AND pElM: To be made priot, to ffiffiffof floov, iraul,ation ot decking. R)UGH PLU{BhC. ELE?TRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No aopk is to be cooet'ed ffiiT'these irnpections knoe beer, made and apptotteC. DRYWALL fNSPEC?f)N: Tc be nade -, aftet, aLL CtguaLL is in plaee, but prior to ang toping. I,\ASONRI: Steel Loeation, bond.Gdijgrouting or oerticals in accord.otce rtLth A.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODST01/E: ccntpT;m. After install,ation is Sanitary saser ccpped at pt,operbg Lite Septic totk p;,oryed cnn fi,lled trith gta;sel linal - hlhen abcoe itens ate ecrnpXeted and uhen dqnolition is cottrplete or stlac- ture motsed and prenrtses cleaneC up. Le Hcnes Blocking od Set-up Plwnbing connections -- saoev otd uatet Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and plurnbing conneetions rn;st be apprc"*ed befote requesti.ng eleclrical inepectio;'t Accessory BuilCing I CURB & APPROACH APPON: ue ereeteC but pz,iot, conct ete. STDE'IALK & DRT',EWAY;cl"A;narr@ni|ffi After fornsto pouring For all con- street right- FIP.EPLACE:,rat;iaG Prlor to placirq and before franing of-t*t!, to be na.de after all ecca- oating eanplete & forrn rsot'k & sub- base naterLal in plaee. IENCE: h4ten eonplete -- ProttiCe lfies on notsable sectians thnough P.U.E. facing inepec- Firal - After etc. are comp pct ekes, Leied. skirting, decks, tion. FRAI|IIIC: l,tust be apptouat of rough eal & neclwnical. requested aftet plutrbing, elecfu.i- ALL roofing btacittg & chinmeys, etc. tntst be ; eompleted. lto uork is to be eon- . cecled until this inspeetLon las 'been np.de anC approoed. FINAL PLUAAINC FIIIAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL ALL project conditions, such as the installation of styeet trees, co:rpletion-of the tequired. Lal.d.scaping, etc., m)st be sati.sfied befote the BUfLDING PINAL can be reqtested- ?INAL BUILDIN7: The Final Buildirq fnspection tast be requeated after the Final Plunbittg Electm)cal, otd Mechanieal fnspections l14oe been made atd approoed. *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASTIIEN! TO BE I,L4DE /"? IOO COST TO CIIY Pege 7 of 2 \ Iq\ u o 71 ,,ourrn ro^n JOB NO Iot Sq. Ftg. Z of Lct Cooeraga_ # of Stories Iotal Height Topogrqhy Total 8O zzn soLAR A.cEs s R EQ.- GT LOT ?WE _ fnterior Cor+1er L-co d BeCvootns: Panhanl.Le CUL-de-sac t# Dale f HAW CAREFULLy EXA!|INED the eottrpleted appltcation for pennit. and dohereby certif-y that aLL info,rnatibn hereoi'is ttae aii cZt,ect', and. tfut'thet certify that ang ard aLL aork per,fozned slall be done in oo"oo-dance rith the 1rdinanebs of the ci.ty bf bprtngfield, and the Laas of thestate of tu'egon pet'taining to the aork cescr.tbbd herein, end, tlnt No occ!- Pr'.NCr uill b-e mace of ara_ st?ucture uithout permisaion of the Buitding DL-uision. r further eentifg that onLy contraetops ozd e-nplcyees uho ar-e incatpliance uith ORS ?01.05s uiLL be-used on thia project \1 Lot Faees -Eneray Sout ces Tyoe Setbacks !!eat DT House Caraqe Access.Watet, lleatet,North East Fireplace South Wood.stoue Hest D ITgM SQ. F?C x Value tbin Geaoe Carport Accessot u TOTAL VALUE Cheek cn^18^ Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the erp"ess condttion tlnt the said consttuction sltal.L, in all nespects, conform to the Crdirnnce adopted by the City ofSpttngfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinance, regulatittg the ccnsttacticn and..use of buildings, utd may be suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at cnA tine upon oic- Lation of dtlA prcoisions of said 1rdir,ances. * Euilding Permtt ?otal Chargee State Plumbing Perrnit Nq person slnll consttact, i,nstal!, alter or clange anA ned cr existing glwnbittg or drainage syste"n in ulale or in part, unless sueh person is- thelegal possessor of a ualid plwnber's Lieense, escept that a pbrson naA dopltntbing uork to propertA uhieh is oaned, Leased or opetated by the "ppli.-cant. Plunbing Pernrit Signed: NO FEE CHARGE Fiotu.t,es Resil,ential (1 bath) Seuer Electricol Permit Were State La tequires tlnt the eleetz,ical uork be done by an EleetricalContraetor,, the electz.ical portion of thie permit shall not be oaLiC untilthe Label has been signed by the Electuical Contractar. l't0 Petmit Na,t/Ertend Circaits latpcrey Setoice Stcte ?otal blwnet HooC -- ENCROACHMEN? -- NC FEE UiiM'L Mechqnicol Permit Vent Eot llcodsto;te PermLt fssuance Mechanicel Pernrit Sectrt4t Daposit Storage I4aintenantce Permit Apbcut - Sidanlk o o.<\-_) Electtical Label Mobile Hane TOTAL AMOUN? DIJE:'5."o Date C: a ?enee