HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-11-03" RESIITtrNTlAL"" APPLICATI)N/PER\IIT 225 Nonth Sth Street Sprtngfield, 2regon 9?477 Building Diuision 726-37 s3 tt SPHINGFIELE' //-oL F^ d, \\ CC Date: PLtonb ELec Contjructton_Leder Reauired r-t i'e the tesponribi-Li.lV .of -t* permit l'o-tl* to aee that att inapectiona oe nade at tlu pro?e? tine, tl,at ecch cd)ness ie rea2ahieIyl-tb atreet,,and that the-pettrtt_eail. ia located at the froai of the wope"ty*Building Diuicion appraed plbr shc.tl remain on the eurlai"i-iite at aLL times, ?locEDURE Fon, rySPEcrI1N.Bl-SyESrrCALL726-3769 (z'eeorder) state your City designated. job nu1bet,, job aCdz,ess, tgpe of inspeeticn :-1ff"",:t1-i!-?l:: u"" -t:iLL be ieady fo1 inspection, contractors olr a,ner"-rr*re Lnd pnole ru-rbi.' a"q"iitl r.LetiLa b|1cre'z:00 o:tL4LL be nade the sone dcy, requests made after ?:00 on oiLL be nade the neat tnrking'd.as-. tions Cifu Deeignated Job Mmber fs: Job Iocaticn: /)35d/06Aeceeaors Map #?as Iat #0 S'ubdiuision: Qsnet: Address:Phone:7 ztp:ci A;;-r*F. $* rl-3-91 Value n Date of AppL ieatian Additian Ranodel ltobi ae. GeneraL SI?E INSPECTI1N: Io be made after eccaoation, but prtor tc set up of fonne. qNDERSLAB PLUMBTNq. ELECTRICAL & WCI|AI\ICAL: To be rrude befot,einytnrk ie eotseted. INSULATTON,/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : To be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn e"d. required oapor borie?s de in place but before og lath, Wpslttn boarC or tnLL couering ia applied, and. before otg insulation is concealed. DEI,IOLTTIOII OR !.IOWD P0OTING & FOUNDATICN: To be rnaCeafter trenehes are e-eeauated and forms are ereeted, but prior topourtng ecne?ete. 2D UND\RCROUND PLUMEING, SqWR, I/...TER. DRAIIIA,GE: To be nade prior to fil-Tfi-iiinchee. aNDIRFIOOR PLUMBING & MECHANTCAL: To be made ptior to installation of floor ineul,ation or deeking. P)Sf AND BEAU To be made prior toffiTiTTiTl6Tof ftoon insulZiion ot, decking. ROUGH PLUEITIG. ELECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uork ie to be coxered ,GilT-theee inspections lnue been made and. approueC. FIP,EPTACE: Prtor to placirq fceingna.ter.tala and before franting inepeL-tion. FRAI,IING: l,tust be requested after approual of rough plwr,bing, electri-a.L ll mechanical. ALL roofing bracing t, ehinmege, ete. mtst be i conpleted. No uork ie to be con-..eealed until this inspeetion lae?been trud.e anC approued. Sanilarg setser eapped at propertg Line Septie totk p''nped and filled trith gra;tel Final - I{hen abcoe itens are ecnpleted and uhen dqplition ie canplete or at"uc-ture nooed and, prenrises cleaneC up. DRYWALL INSPECIf2N: ?c be made;fter-m@T-ia in ptace, but prior to any taping. MAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oertieals in aceordorce vith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOT./E: ettpT;t;A. After installation ie CURB & APPRCACH APRON:ee erected but prior Hcmes Blocking od Set-up Plunbing connectione -- aa,ter otd. utater Electrical Connection - Blocking, ee-"-up and plunbing conneetions trust be dpprooed before requesting eleclrtcal inepeetion Aeeeesor,; Buitding Pinal - After pctehea, ekitting, deeka, etc. are eornpleted. After formsto pouring concrete. SfDEIIALK & DRM'llA!: Fot, aLL eon- crete paoing uithin street right- ef-tnA, to be made after aLL ecea- oating complete & forn tark & aub- base materLal in pl.a,ce. i!!!E: hthen complete -- Prouide gatee on mouable sections through P.U.E. FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL ALL proieet eonditions, such as the inatallation of street trees, conpletion of therequired Landsecping, ate., rmtet be eatisfied before the BUILDfNG FINAL eanbe tequeeted. FINAL BUfLDING: The Final Building fnepection mtet be requeated after the Final PtumbingElectrical, and ileclnnical fnspectiono -hque been nade ard'approuad. lAt,L \4ANHCLES AND CLEANOIITS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTT{ENI TO BE \L4DE AT NO COST TO CI?y Pege 1 of 2 710 fet l T age z JOB NO.0 soL,/ AccEss REQ.- No person plunbing , Legal pos, systan in aholualid plwnber,pLwnbiis uork to propez'ty uhich iscant. : alter on change cnA nea cr ezistina 1 1l ," part, un'Lees auch person ia" thts .Llc,en:e, alcept that a pereon naa doouned, Leaeed or openated by the "ppti_ or drainage eessor of a t:St: sltall constmtct inetal!, Plumbing permit L-co d Bedtooms: Pem:it State Stcte Total Penrrtt rseuanee ilechanical permt Electrico I per mt tllhez,e State Lan pequiree Contyactar, the elictrtcathe label lus been signed tlu.t the electrical uotk be done by an Eleotr-icalL,portion of this permit stall no t be uali-C. untilby the Electz-ical Conttactor. Mechcrnicol perm;t t Iotal UUfrff"'i'ii;ru;!"*'iy;:#;'izl":!:!r":tionrorpermit.anddoturthez,eentZiytiit'onyar.d.aLL";,i-;;;:;":;.1\1*7t'uZ,Il.1Z",r,"H.L_ dance wtth the ordtnanci:.lt;li c;;;.5V:b;"!,:sri*;: zla*tiZ'riae or theti?,ttr iirtriz.k1Z":7r"ons to the ,nik ceslrited .herein, and ilwt No occu_ut,io,.'-i;;":,;;;;zt":i.ilj""iu?:q1r":'J1i:"i"?xr"#"Tt":m;xz"y": cazpliance utth oRS zot.''o"ss "tit- i.,"f,li")tr "nr" pnojqct Ipt Facee - P. L.Ilouee Aceese. th ll of Stoz-iea ?otal Height Iopography fnteriot Cotvtet, PanhandLe Cvl-de-sac Iat Sq- Ftg. - I of lot Ccoerage LOT ?YPE ITEM x Value TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 o Paid Receipt i: Thie penrtt ia qranted. on th: e$pt'e,s eondition ,ut the eaid, conattucti,sllall, in all rZaoects, conform to the Uiirronon adopted. b:A the ctty ofsprinsfield, inctudinq'thl'2;;;,;";";;1"fr22, ,.grtotins the ccnsttucticnd,r. of buildinos,"*rd C;';.i"."";;;;';1:;1".n reuokec at cny tine upon u.Latlon of any prcuisione of Laid O"il.r*.)". * Building petmit ?otal Clnrgea State Building Vqtue & permit NO,CHARCE Signed: Fi.ztures Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer 00 Nal/Ectetd Circuits Set'uice NC.PPT CIIARCE Eshanat Hood, Vent Pot Hcodstoue Pernrtb Cutbcut Sida,nlk t'tobile Eone TOTAL AMOUN? DIJE: T /s o0 Da \ Reee.Jpt # /O ao" RESID-..lTlAL" 22s North stt, stto"fPLrcATr,N/P,Rttrr Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Dttsision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFTELD /ctil;o/{ 6 tllql|' to)rt Signed:drr- Date: /O -.2E^* 42 GeneraL Conslrlrcti& Ids It io the rcryrotitrility ai tlc pmtit l,wlda" to w tltat all iaspetiotts ee nod.e at lhe ptope" tine, that ecch address is ve4A,thle fian tle sttvat, @d that dte pa*it @d'EE lmtd. ct tJle f|otrt of tlte propetty.*Building }iwiei,or ryrocd plor slr:.ll twin oa tte hn&tng Site at aLL- times. PRocEDUpE paft tNSpEfrIoN REqUES!:CA!-L726-3769/l.eqrda) state gour City desiyated job ntmber, iob aCiress, type of inspecli.cn nequested atd.ul*n'g@t tsi.U" be r@ fat irepeetian, Can&actors or A*ters nane and plane ntntber. Requests receixed befcre 7:00 d* '"vill be truda t]re eawie dag, wques*a made aft* ?.'gA @fl sill be wde tle nest uotking day. I@ Ctq tusi,grated Job llwnbez' fs 84C8Ad Rcmti.noi Ta cnaaifi me Job Loeaticn, '7/( .0, {4 Aacesso"s I,@ # l/? O3 35 el 6 b a-60Ic,s Iat # Subdiuision: O-/,etu //4, /ht/rrtr*Affier: ?tg a,_{4 *r 24-€tr?Addtess: 9Z*r.r^.,/-"fu oz q7{77City: Z<Vlrz- sart6v /r"l{ Describe Hork: Date of AppL' v aL/ H.sne Value Additlcn Renalel Page 1 of 2 forme ANDERST,AE PT,AWING, &IBmNT-CAI, & WCHAIIICAL: to he de befa*e ang uotk is qo*d. F)OfiNC & NNIfrDATION: To be aaCc, @tdod. fonns m rud, fut priot ta potu'Ltzg 6ar@ete- ^,-r0UNDERffiU|XD PUWTM" SgvW, itATER, DRAfNAGE: To fu nude priar *o fi-L@ tu*tws" AilDERY[ffi& FWMBISC & 9TWTATI\trCA,T,:af floor itrc.ulction o* d@kistg. POST AfrD Et4U: To fu rwde pr'iot ta ffiffio7 flmr i,ou,tatton a* deckiry. ROUGE PLTBMTIIG. EWtrRlA!"L & MECts: ANfCAtr: b r;rlrk ie to be cocered ffi-lt *e.se inspec*icr^s twre beq, nad,e d qpruoed. TSSWATTON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION : To be rw..de after aLL iasulaticn ,.n'ri tqui,wd oqor botrie*s ee in pla.ce trlt before oq lath, ggpilrn bccrC or tall. oooering is appl'ied, and. before oty haul,at-i,on is concealed. DruWAII" INSPEtrr?N: Ic be made after a.-l,L d2'gtnl,L is in p'l.ace, fut Wior. to aq ta"i,rq. ILAFONB : S'tee-|, Locati.on, bond ffijgw*t^g or oqt{als in affivd&tce tith II.B.C. Sectlon 2415" IIWffiTffdE:@M"Aft* i.atfult"attbn is DEIIOLTTIO!] OR :.:OW) BUILDI;|CS Sanitory saser eapped at properag- Li.r:e Septic totk pwrped and fi,Lled trtth gz,axel Final - l{hen abctte itens are ccrnpleted and uhen Cenolition'is cornplete ot' sttae- ture moued and. prerrLses cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- aatet std. uater Eleetrical connection - Bloeki,ng, set-up and plunbing conneetions tn;st be apprcxed before requesting eleelrical inspectio;z Aecessory BuilCing SI?E INSWtrX,OE:e-@W FTPEPLACE': materi-aLa tion. FITIAL PANNING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ' To be aad,e aft*pria tc set ry of, Wip? to plaeirg fasinsod before frafing inspw- Piral - After ete. at'e eomp skirting, decks, CIItrB & APPRAACE APffiil: Afta fornsoe *ected but prion * pr,ring afi,ctete- SIDEffALX. & DRIVE|IAI: lar oZL con- erete W@ fitiii street rbht- of-uq, to be nade afta all etca- odting eatptrete e !o*n tptk & sub- fuse natqtal ilr plee.pcrches, 7,eted. ?F$t!lnQ: l&et be reqtested aft* @fffit af, ruush plbrbia, itxtot-cal & neclwti.q.t" A'1"! ruofiag bracittg 8 ehiwzegs, ete- narct be . atrpletd. No tplk ie to be cor ." eealed tnt'il thie i:ttsgcb{.an lu.e 'been tode anC qprcxd.. "1 PWCE: vhen, orylste -- haride gates on ilolwbLe aectiana thangh P.A.E. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITETI! TO BE TL4DE AT NO CCST TO CITY I t ALL p'roject cortditions, such as the installation of s+-!eet trees, co::pletion_of the reqiired Lantl.seaping, etc., rntet be satisfied before the BUfLDING FfNAL ean be tequested. ilNAL BUILD1NG: The Final Building Inapection mtet be requested aftet the Final Plumbing Eleetnical, otd Mechanical fnspecti.ons llque been made atd approoeC. f1 ,_, ,/:7-/ // -Z-EI?D 9-AddvPssq e O-) at, Lab n) 7/LLsc- .*9v L Zane: *JOB NO.soLAR Ac :ss REQ.-L-CO Bedtoons Int Sq. Etg. % of Lot Cooenage LOT TWE _ fntericr _ Cormet' _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac # of Stortes Total Eeight Topography Ileat AceessDfHouse Lot Faces - -- Fees -- This penm.t is granted on the etpress cond.ition tlwt the said constructionshall, in all respects, confomn to the 7rdinance ad.opted 6iy the City of Spningfield, inchtding the Zoning Cndinanee, regulating the ccnstructicn otd, use of buildings, urd may be suspended oz, r,eookeC at cnA time upon olc-'la.tion of any prcuisions of said 0r,dir,ances. Value TOTAL VALUE Pee: ud.te ?aad.: rTEM F?C Y Signed Building Vqlue & Permit S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Parrtt Total Clnrges Sta,te Plumbing Perrnit No pereon slwll consttact, install,, altex or elange any ned cr existing plwnbing ot drainage systan in uhole or in patt, unlees such petson is tlze Legal possessoz, of a oalid plunber's License, edeept that a pbrson may do plutnbing uork to pyopertA uhich ie otned, Leased ot operated by the cppli- cant. pb & NO FEE CHARGE cfr, * Sani Seuet Firhpes Resil.enti.al (1 bath) Plutnbing PerrrLt State &o. oo /, oD 60 Electricol Permit Where State Lan requires t?nt the electrieal uork be done bg an Electtteal Cont?aeto?, the eleetrical portion of this permit slnll not be ualiL untilthe LabeL las been sigaed by the EleetrieaL Cont"actor,. Pezmit Neu/Ectend. Circuits Seruiee State Total ITCM NC FVF CIIARCE Mechqnicql Permit blzanet HooC llcodstoite Vent Edt Pennt t fssuctr,ce Meelnnical Pevrnit Eeryt tU Deposit Storage Maintenante Petrtit Cvtbcu! Sida,talk ,?enee ELect?LeaL LabeL tlobile ltorne Reeeipt #: PLan * I EAW CAREFULLy EXAILfNED t?e eornpleted application for pernit, and. do hereby cettify that aLL infonnati.on heyeon is trae and. cbrrect, attd. Ifuttker certify that any ard aLL wrk perforned elnlt be done in accoz,- danee trith the 0rdinances of the City of Spningfield, ard the La;s of theState of otegcn pertaining to the uork Ceseribed herein, end tlnt N0 occu- PANCY ttill b-e n ,uCe of any st?uctlile uithout permission of the Buil,ding Di-uision. f further eertifs- that. only eonttactot,s ad. enplcyees who ar-e in eonplianee oith ORS 707.055 uiLL be used on this ptoject 6 TO?AL lNOUNT DUE: *Da (7 htrnaee BTll'S . lotal Clfiraes State Total Chanaes uate &r&