HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-07-22" Rt5llJhN llAL.. 22s North stlr streeAPPLrcATrw/PERI'Er Sprlngfield, )t,egon 9Z4ZZ Buildtng Diuision /zo-6/b,7 sPFllNGFlEr ri Phone:Tt/ Job Iocaticn: Assessors Map #ry 335:u Sttbdiuision: A;nen: Addtess: Additicn roK 4'(Tas lat #o 3ao 477 t Z RenoCeL Date of App Licaticn GeneraL Plwnbing -L74 Desct4be l'!otk: Value r ,l l=_l 4' SoO Date: Mechotiecl Constmretiott Lend.er rt i8 the respottsibilila of-*e pernrtt holdet to see tlut aLL inspeetions ee nade at the pyopet tine, that ecch cddress ie Tsnsailgiyr!-tly at?eet' and titat the-permtt card ie Located. at the fzottt of tle propet,ty.*Buiuing Diuision apptw^eci pLcn s?tcll yemain on tLte si:,\i+"b' s'iie at aLL tines. I PilocsDUP\ Fol I\-\SPEcTION ,8:-QWST;CALL 726-3769 (reeond.et,) state yout, Ctlty designated job ::tr"i:1-1y_r.r:::o" uiLL be ready for inspection, contyactoir- on atners name Lnd p?nne|"LLL De made the sane dcy, "equests nade after 7:00 on aLLL be nad.e the nest sorkina'dnu. nurber, job aCi-t'ess, tyoe of ir,-spee=icn rutnbet,. P.equestE teceixed befcre ?:OO alwYouv City Desigr,ated Job Nunbe! fs --]l Snt tvspstrtoy: I e.eeauation, but7 forms. - ulp_EEQylB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRT1AL e ) I\ECY]!rCAL: ?o_ be naae before anguorK Ls coDe?ed. -f poorfic t roltnoerrcn: ?o be maCet afte" tyencnes ate eseaoated and, forms ote ereeted, but prior topout-ing ccna,ete. z,equ'tred uapor borie?s @e in plaeebut before ory lath, Wpslm boarC or w.LL cooering is cppli.ed, od. beforeotg insulation is concealed. To be nade Laticn DRWALL TNSPEtrION: Ic be madeaftet, aLL dryaall is in plaee, but pniot to any taping. MASONRL Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting on uerticals in accotdorce LyLth U.B.C. Seetion ?( Aftet, ins tal'l.ation is Sanilag seser ccpped ct ptoper4i Lir:e Septic tank pu-:rped od filled vith gra;;el IFinal - t{lten abase itens ate eanpleted and uhen d.qtclition is eonpletet or at?uc- tut,e moued otd. prenrises cleanei up.'r- I ''-/ To be nade afterprtot, tc set up of - UNDERGPIU!]D PLUMDINI, SIWE.2, WI.TER.I DRAIIIAGE: To be maCe prLor to fil- .Lirq trenchee. -l u=nolprroon prulnrnc a wcsawtcnr,, 1-9 be maae prion to installation of floor insulation or decking. I P)S? AI:D BEAM: To be nade prLot toI installayian of floot, insuLation or decking. -1 ROt-tGH pLUEIrlG. ELECT|ICAL & I.{ECH-I ttlf!41, noM1-.ut:til these inspec*-iors lnue been_ matie arui apptoueC I FIPEPI,.ACE: E?Lor to plccir4 fceingI mcterlats and. before frarting inspee_tion. 1 rnitnc: ttust be requested aftet, ) dpproual of rough plwrbing, eleetri_cal & nectnnieal. ALL roofirq ..' btaeing E ehinmegs, etc. nrast-be i cotnpleted. Ito r,prk is to be con- ......eecled until this inspection haarbeen mod.e anC approued. CURB & APPROACH APPON:ue etecteC but prior After fonnsto pour.tng I Il l FTilAL PLUY,BING PTilAL MECHAilTCAL FINAL ELECIRTCAL corlc?ete. SfD!ilALK & DRrlryHAy: Fop all eon-crete pauirq uithin styeet right- ef-t*A, to be made aften aLL esea- oating canplete & fotn rnrk & sub- base matey*Lal in plaee. IENCE: h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe gate6 o" motsable sectians through P.A.E. 1> ALL proiect eonditions, sueh as the installation of stteet trees, conpletion of tierequired landsecping' etc., tmtst be eatisfied befot,e the BUILDIN1 FIiAL can be tequested, n Fr-NAL B-urLDrNG:- The Fi.nal Build,ing rnspection rmtet be requested aftez, the Fi.nal plunbiry \J Eleetrical, otd. tlechanical Inspections 'have been nad.e ard'approrsed. Hcnes Plunbing eonnections -- sa))e? otd uater I Electz,ical Conneetion - Blocking, eet-up and pLznbing conneetions rnist be qptcxed before requesting eleetrlcal inspectio:t Accessory BuilCirq Firnl - After pcrckes, skiz,ting, decl<,s,etc. are ccnpleled. Blocking od. Set-up Page 1 of 2 *ALL MANH2LES AND cLEANotJ?s ttusr BE AccEssrBLE, ADJUST\IEI7 lo BE 1LADE !.T No ccsr ro crly o i I I i I I I I I I i I In ) tr JOB NO. : Secari Pawit Ctpbeu! Sida,talk llobile llane TCTAL AMOUN? DU|:' !;ULAK AU(;E>D KEV.- Sem;ice -- EilcRoAcHWNr -- ?otaL I PLan Esotrinet, * f HAW CAREFULLY EXAILINED the contpleted application for penrtt, and do het,eby certify that aLL information hereon is tnte and. eoruect, anC f further certify that any ard aLL uot:k perfomted shall be dote in accor- ilance vLth the ?tdinances of the City of Springfield, and. the La:;s of the State of 2regon pe?taining to the uork Cescrtbcd herein, ad. thdt NO 1CCU- PANCY ttill be truCe of dnA stz,ttcture tLthout penrtssion of the Building DL-oision. f fw'then certifg thtt only cont?acto?s cd enployees uho @e in eanpl'i.ance uith ORS 701..055 uiLL be used on this pnoject ?+z -trs L-CO G^ So'"&ces Df Aeeess.7 of lct Cooerage_ I of Stortes Total Hei.ght Topogrqhy TfrT ?WE.*, _ Inter.Lot _ Cormer _ Panhand.Le atl-de-sac tot Faces - Beiloqis rot Sq. Pt€. Grot -- Fees -- F?C x TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 r Date Pa'i.d: Building Volue & Permit Thi.s penrit is granted on the exp?ess condition tlnt tle sciid, constraction slull-, in all rLspeets, conform to the Ordinance ad.opted $:y the City of Springfield, inc!.uding the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnsttacticn srd. use of bui.Ldtngs, otd may be euspend.ed or retsokeC at cnA time upon oic- Tation of @rA prcuisiona of aaid 1rdinances. * Building Pa,ftit ?otal Charges State Sigted: N0.EEE CHARGE Ei.shttee Resi.d.entia.L (1 bath) Saer Plumbing Permit No person shall construet, install,, alter ot, elunge anA neo cr ea'isting pltnnbittg or dtainage sAstqlt in ultole or in part, unless sueh person is tlte Legal possessot of a ualid plwrber's Li.cense, ereept tlnt a petson nay do plunbing uork to propeptA uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the cppli.- cdttt. Plunbing PenT it Stdte Na,t/Eztend. Cirauits Electricql Permit Wltere State Lan requires tlnt the electt"tcal ootk be done by an tlectrical Contraetor, the electyical portion of this permit shall rot be ualil. w*il the Label ltas been sigted by the Electrtcal ContTacto!. * State ?otal NC.F?P blwnet HooC Vq* F@t llcodstotse t )h { Mechqnicol Permit Perni.t fssuance Meeltanicel Penrit IIIIr 6,t Date uaxe House Caraae North EasX tt FireoLace South tt WoodstoDe 'lest il #: TTEM 'lJata, Total Charqes