HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-03-09Re tl W tltr r5 !.. RESIDF \ITIAL.. APP LI C AT I 1., N / PE RP|I T 225 Nov,th |th Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Butlding Diuision 726-37 53 General SPFIINGFIELD t/c Date: Plumbing Job Locaticn: ?c,r lpt, #200-04-S'eAssessote Map # Subdiuision: Otmer: lto 7CL -6 -l Addtess: rhy ilart t f^,y Describe Hov'k: 1-q- 10Date of AppL t--l Nar) VaLue o,oo Additian RenoCel e l,lechanical E ec tr d Srr Elec t.r: ic ian rt ie the reeponribility of tle petwtt holder to see tlnt aLL inspec-tiotts ee nad,e at the p?ope? tine, that ecch addrees is readobi'e fron the stteZL aid tlat the p**it catd is. Lacated qt .t-h,e. fryt of tly-plopentg.isuildirg Dioiciot qptw^ed plot slnll remain on thz Building Site at aLL tines. pROCtDtJpE FOR INSpEC?I1tt RIQWS?:CALL726-3769(recotder') state your Citg Cesignated job eadg for inspection, Cont"aetcys or )tmers nane cnd phone'.*iil be nade the s;te dcA, tequests-made afi* ?:00 an vLLL be made the nest'arking dag. ntmber, nunbet,. job aCitess, tgpe P.equests receited of incpeclicn befcre 7:00 qi oyour City Desigr"ated Job Nunbet fs: R e,atin e 11 Tn so e e ti cn s SITE INSPEC?ION: ?o be made aftere-;A;ion;At pr.iar tc set up of forns. I]NDERSLAB PLUI,{BING. ELECTRICAL & WCH\\IfCAL: ?o be male before ang Wl{lorseted. FOOfiNG & FOUVPA?ICN: Io be nP'de INSULATIAN /VAPAR BARRIER II\SPECTIOII : io be maCe after aLL insuleticn ard required oapor betie?s @e in Plaee bui before ory Lath, Wpeum baotC or tnLL cotsering is applied, attd before ag insulation is concealed. DEI.IOLI?IO!1 OR :.:OVE' Scnitoty seser eapped at pt'opert:r1 Line Septic totk ptped attd fi.Lled tttth gtaxel Final - l{hen abctse itene are ecnrpleted and uhen dertolitiort is canplete o? at"u3- h,ue morsed otd. prenrLses cleaneC up- I I I after6enciis are and forns are etected' but Prior to Wuring ccncqete. UNDqRGPOUI\ D PLUM9 rNG L 99WEE2- VATE& t{oneltucE:-rte rdle Priot to fil- Tfi-derchee. UT|DEPFL)1R PLI4.EfiG 4 I'{E1!1.4N1C.!'L: ^fr-uffi erlat' to L.nstallation of floor insulation or deeking. POS? AND BEAII: To be nade PtLot' to dFlffililof floor i-rculatian or deckittg. ROUGH PLIXETIIC. ELECTRIqAL & t,{EcE= TNrcAL: No ,ro!,kE to be coceved ffii-these inspeetions lnoe been mad.e ond appt'oued.. e Hcmes Bloch)ng otd Set-uP Plwnbing connectiane " la)e! otd. uatet Electrical Ccmnection - Blockirtg, set-uc and pLwnbing conneetions nr;st be apprcu*ei before nequesting eL eelrLcal i-nspect iot Aecessory tuilCnng Firal - After pcrekes, skirting, decks, etc. at,e cornpleled.PrLor to Plceirg and before froning VOODSTO'IE: attrpTetea. Aftet i.nstallation ie CURB & APPRCACI| AP?'9N: After forns o'e erecteC aut prioi to Pour"itt4 con2?ete. SIDE\IALK & DRf',TVAY: For aLL eon- c"A;nc,r6 dlffi stteet right- of-tea, to be made after aLL esca- rtating carplete & for'n wtk & sttb- base nutertal in Place.FIPEPLACE: mc;;AA; FTIIAL PLUII,BIIIG FIIIAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL faeing inspec- tion- ll fiu:tttc: !.!ust be requested aften i W approrr"L of rough pLwrbing, eleatri- - eit & nec?nnical. ALL noofi-ng bractng & ehinmegs, etc. rntst be . contpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- , ceiled ut*i,L this insPection las 'been nod.e anC appro,*ed- IENCE: hlhen conplete -- HouiCe f,EZi or notsable sections through P.U.E. ALL ptoject eondttions, sucy'. as the inetallation of street t?ees'- co:pletion-of tie nnq"\rla"i"a",orpirg, Ltu,, mtst be satisfied befo,e the BLlrLDrNc FIIIAL can be requested' The Einal Building fnepection mtet be requested after the Final Plunbing Mechanical Inspectlons latse been nade ard approueC' NAL BUILDINC: Electrical, ord Page 1 of 2 I [] *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOI)TS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII ?O BE I'L4DE /'T IIO CCST TO CI?Y I |-|)RWALL INSPECTI1N: Tc be nade I l/{AfrA-;TT-A,audlfis in place," but prior to cny tapirtg. 17 u,asoanY: steel Location, bond L) 6"ffi, s*uting on oerticals in a.eeord.otee LtLth U,B.C. Section 24L5. 5 JOB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co * )ccupancu Gr BeCroons Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Catetage # of Stortes Total Height ?opographg toue -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pertnt,t is granted on the ecpress condition tlnt the said constractionslwll, in a_'ll respeets, confom to the Crdinance adopted giy the City ofsp,ingfield' inetud.lng the zoning crdirnnce, r,egulatZng thZ ccnstta'ctiZn and..use o_f buildings, and may be suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at cnA time upon vic-LatLon of any pncuisione of said 2rdir,ances. Building Perttit State ?otal Chargea Reeeipt #: PLcn r HAw 2AREFULLy EXA!,!rNED t?e conpleted cppli,cation for permit, and dohereby certi.fy that aLL infornation hereoi ie true "t "Ziiilii "rra tfurthen .eertlfU that any ard aLL wrk perfozmed slnll be done 'in- aceor_dance rrlth the Ordintnce-s of the City of Spt ingfield, and the La;s of thes_tate ol O_rggon pe,taining to the utork ceserib-od hnnbir, end trnt No occn- llr! *ill_b^e nyde of any stzacttte tLthout permission by tt" Buitding Di_DLsLon. I lut the? certifE that only eontractors otd mplcyees uho arb inconpliance Dith CRS 701.bSS uiLL be-used on this project 3 Lot Faces - Setbacks DT House Caraqe Access. Not,th East South llest 5Q. F?G X Value I'lain Ggaoe Carport Accessot r.l TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c PLan Date Paad-, 5 2,03 Signed Plumbing Permit Ng Person slnll consfuuct, inetal!, altet, or ettonge anA neD ct, ed.sting qlwnb-ing or drainage sAltql in uhole or in paz,t, 'unlesL such person is- theLegal.possessot' of a oalid plwnberrs Li.censZ, eseept tlnt a p.t,son nag doplwnbing uork to propenty uhich is oaned, Leased ot openated by the "ppli-cant. N0.FEE CEARGENEM Fixtutee Resilenti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Pemri,t State Electricol Permit whete state La,t te,quiree tlat the electrical uork be ilone by an Electticalcontraetor, the electrteal portion of this pernit slnll not be oalil. untilthe Label has been sigmed ly the Elech,ieal'Contyacto?. Petmi NeD/tutend. Circuits Senoice State ?otal -- ENCROACHMENT -. NC.FEE CIlARCE Mechqnicol Permit Eshanst HooC Veat For Per'mLt Issucnee Mecltanical Permit Sec,u"ity Deposit Storqge l4aintenqnee Permit Cvrbcut. Sideualk Fenee LELectnical Mobile llonte ,|OTAL AIIOI]Try DUE: *53,ffi LOT ?WE _ fntericr _ Corner _ Panlntdle _ CUl-de-sac fl/v?r,2ce B?UtS I,lcodstole ?otal Chcrae,s Statc { ?otal Chanaes " RESIDETTlAL " ='FTNGFTELD. APPLICATI'., PERMIY 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, 1negon 97477 Building Dtuisio.n 7 26-37 53 Job laeation: Tc,x, Lat flAeaeaaors Nap il A,mer: Address:I-or Value Deacrtbe,A C\ )n * Date of APPLicatian L AiMitian RenoCel $+ 0^c rsrac E General Plurnbi l,Iechanica trica Elec t t:Surle C Sutitory aettet eapped at property Line Septtc tank pnped atd fil'Led uith gra:'tel Einal - hrl'en abcue itq"p ote cctnpleted and uhen Cenolitiot: ie cattplete- or strus- l.rr.- ^ou"d atd prenriaes cleaneC up' e ltcmes Blocking and Set-uP Pltnbitq connecttona -- aal)er and uater Electrical Conection' Blocking' get-up , and olunbinq connections nrtst be aPproe"ec f,&o'r, rZqu"eeting electrical inspec !io:; AcceesorY Buildittg pcrchee' ekirting, decl<s, Leted. Pinal - After etc. are conP Page 1 of 2 It ie the ho fran the e oard rBuilding elnt on the that aLL inaPec tions are nade at the proper tine, that each cddreas is teaCab';e at the front of the--ProPertY' Buildtng SiLe at aLL tines' ob ali,reas' tYPe of insPeclicn F.eques ts receit;ed befcre 7:0C a:t Iour City Deaigr,ated Job Nunbet Ia be after a t 1 J' PR11EDURE FoR INSPE1TION ,99-QI!EST:CIL! Z requested and uhen Aou D1,LL be reaay toP u.iil be tmde the aone &y, requeate nade SITE INSPECTION: etcauati.on, but forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, EL;EqRI=CAL E ffininat: {o be nade before anY ffiTi5oered. . FOOTING & EOUNDATION: To be tmde afLer trenchea d?e etcavatecl antt 1or." *n enected, but Pnior t'o pourittg ccterete. \NDqRGROUND PLUMBTNG? SgrytR, .w,1ry8' DRAIilAGE: To be na'de Prlor co JLL- TfftFinchee, "ffloor inaula,tton or decking' POST AND BEAM:ffiTiffatffof deckiry, To be rmde after prior to aet uP of lo be nade to or' beer raquired 0apor barriers are LN l.ace LaLh, gyPaun boarC or ia applied, and before is concealed. p bu before LN L cooening otu lnau lntion VOODSTOVE: @T;TA. ola After iwtallation ie L DRYHALL INSPECII1N: Tc be tmde ffifr att@,nlT-ia .in Ptnce, but Prior to anY taPt'ng' MASONRI: Steel Location, bond i66ijr"orting or uetticdLa in i""orldo]ron ttth u.B.c, secbion 2475. No ffi#ffi;r"ob:;irl;" coterete. SIDEWALK & DRI|I-|Y4Y: For aLL eon- ;"ete oaufu Dithi,n atreet right- nf-txu'. fu be nade after aLL ezca- iLti""o'canplete & for'a wrk & sttb- fuse iaterial in Place'nad.e attd appnooeC. FLP:EPLACE: PrLoY to Placirg facing ffiAlffi and before franing inePec' tion. FRAIIING: ltuet be requeated after ap1frFffit of nough plbrbing, .electti-iai 8 ^echanical. - ALL roofing braoitt7 I chinmeYa, etc' naat be . conoleTad. No tnrk ie to be con- ""il"d until thio inaPeatton lae 'been nad,e and aPPnotted. theae FilIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECIIANICAL IENCE: hthen comPlete -- Prouide ffii o, nooable- sectione through P.U.E. \WA-(r;\t!/ aLL proiebt conditions' suc!" aa Lhe t'nstallation of sLreet treel' required Landsccping,'Ltt" i"t be eatisfied bcfore the BUILDING conolction of bhe PIiAL can be requested FINAL BUILDING: The Einal Building Inapection mtet be reoueated clter Lhe Final Plwnbitg O';Xi"i:;:r':'l;,;;; ;*;i "aL r ns p e e tlo;: ; T;;-;; ; ; iie- o'd' oppr ou n d' IALL MANNCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I'L4DE AT NO COST TO CITY ffrnm EIE;TRTzAL iicce:t.i er 1. Date: Subdioision: Phone: LL a tr l(oO /o3 k L-CO G'f JOB NO SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Eedroone: Crc LOI TWE Intet'ion [ot Faces ' Iat Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lot Cooe"aqe P.L Ilouse Acceas. { of Stories Cornet' Panhandle CuL-de-sac Total Height TopograPhY tove -- Feea -- TTEM FTC x Value Building Volue & Permit this permit ia gnanted on the ea[)reas cond.i.tion tlnt the said'consLtaclion elwll, in att reapecti,-'io"'i,i io the. ,rdinance a.dopteC iy the City of springfield, includtng'tiZ 2o"':"g Crd''Jnanc-e, tegulating thb ccnstructicn arxl uae af buildings,'oni-^ry t"" euapend'ed bt n-euokeC at cny tine upon oic- l.ation of ory prcuisiona of said 0t'di'nancee' TOTAL VALUE DC S,D.C 7.5 s Building Permi,t te Paid: State il: Iotal, Clnrgee i Signed: ITEM N0.TLL CHARGE Plumbing Permit No Der,son slnll constraet, instal!', alter or clnrqe,cnA ne,-cr existing';i,;rbr;"";' i;tiri"-'"iit"" in ahoie or in pant, inleas such person is the i;;;i"';.,;',';;";7;;:.1;e fi,,b,i'" Li""n'-Z' eccept that a -pe:'son nav do p1fi$i uotk to p"op"'ity itt"n iu oaned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Fi.atu,ee Resi.denti.al (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Pernit. State Swclnarge lTEM Electricol Permit h\'pre State La t'equit'es tlat the electv'ical uork be done by -an Electrical iiitn"Llin, the elietriial iortion of this -permit stnll not be ualiC until the tabel las been signed by the Electtical Contractot" ts Sensice L State Total ,l CIIARGENCFSEIT9M Fltrnaee YIU I S Ezhdtet ilood, Vent Fan Ilcodstope State ^ Mechqnicol Permit Pet'nrtt fssuanee Meclnnicel Pet'nrtt -- EilCROAC4IMENT -- Secartty Deposit Stordqe l"lainterunrce Permit Cvrbant Sida,taLk Fence Electrical Label Mobile Hone udcePL"1li EienLt?e? r HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED the completed application fo-r permit, and do i"iity i,ertifA that aLL info-ntntibn hereoi ie t?ue and correct' cruC I ii*li"n -i'"itliiy that ony ord aLL wtk petf-o*ned atnll be bte in aceop- iincie vith the' Ordtnai,c"es of the City of bpringfield, .atd th-e la'ta of thc iti,ate o7 1regon pertainino io the uo-rk Ceecribcd herein' cnd tlnt N0 occu- prtnCy ,itt b"e ,,aCe oy'i),y" ,li"o'iure utthout permiasion of the Building A-- uision. I fut'ther ceri:i."fy that otrly con-t"a;torB od anplcgeee uho are in canpliance "itt OAS ?01.055 uiLL be- uaed on thie proieot TotaL j 3g' { Date .a