HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1991-10-25DEVELAP\NEN TSERtfCES PUBLIC I4IORXS i ", ETR APO LlTAl,l VIA STElt,tAT ER h/, Ai i AG E t,/, € i ; I DonaJd and Donna Bond 82261 N. Butte Cresvell, Oregon 97 426 0ctober 25, 1991 RE: SANITARY SEITER DEFICIBNCY AT 823 NOR?H 4TH STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Dear !{r. and Mrs. Bond: In conjunction vith the construetion of tLe netropolitan vastevater treatment plant and subsequent improvements to Springfield's sanitary sever system, the City must also eause certain repairs to be made to private sanitary sever systems. There are tvo primary reasons for this action: 1) Many defects exist in the private se'-'er system vhich allov storm vater to enter the sanltary sever. As a result, millions of gallons of vater that should not be entering thl sanitary sever must be treated at a great expense to the users of this facility. z) Many of the problems that exist in the private sanitary sek'er system are real or pot"ntiat treatth hazards. Broken sever laterals not only allov storm vater to enter the sanitary sever, but they also allov rav sevage to escape into the ground' In addition, faulty sever or diain vents may also a]Iov toxic or explosive sever gases to enter into building. Recently, several segments of the City's sanitary sever system vere smoke tested to locate potential problem areas. The tests on specific segments of the City's sewer system, also r.u."I.d that the private sanitary sewer and/or plumbing drainage system serving your property aontains defects. The deiect(s) are listed in the attachment' please note that, depending on ih; ii'p" of defect, it is not alvays possible to specify the "*."i deiect oi its "*""i'location' For example, vhereas smoke testing may have inaicaied a leak in the sever lateral, there *"y ut several causes for the leak. There may-also be several-deiects in .the same sever line' In these cases' although ve vill be able,o rugg"ri-a probaUf"-""ut" and focation' and offer as much other information as ve have uuiiirUf"l it vlff-U" up to you (or a contractor hired Uy you) to locate and correct the deficieneies' please contact Ralph Shav of this office as soon as possible regarding this matter' Mr. Shav is assigned to the p.ogt"* and vi]} tttiti Vou in locaiing and identifying plumbing a"t""is] Iie vill also iespond to. your inspettion requests as repair or replacement vork progresses. If Ur. Shav has not blen contacted by you vithin 30 days, he viII initiate contact If you have any questions 1b9Yt this matter' please contact Ralph shav betveen the hours of 8-9,06 i'*' or 4-5:00 p'm' at 7?6-3665' SincerelY,.r$N>. id J. Puerit \Dav Building 0fficial at tachment \Lr I SSES INFORMATION AND REPORT FORM ADDRESS | 923 North 4th Street REFERENCE NUMBER: 17033521 TAX LOT: 09200 rNsPEcrr.N DATE: July 21' 1991 LETTER MATLED: ,ctober 25, 1991 DESCRTPTT,N 0F ?:ltaT:- During the.smoke testing of the sanitary sever system,ground smoke aooeared tton, un;"r- the ,"".-oi-,i,L r,o.r"e whieh may ue rhe resurtof defective arain rines-""i"r",rr" rror."l "g "i"r"r inspection of 5,6u. under lffiiJi'mbing svstem bv vou or a licen."a pru*f". r"y identify the possible DESCRIPTION OF IJORK PERFORMED TO CORRECT DEFECT: INSPECTOR:DATE COMPLETED: