HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-08-06.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s ttorth sth streeA??LrcArrcY /PERltr! Spr.r4field, Cregon 97177 BuilCinq ?tuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFI'HGFIELD Tceeitt ! Siot:ed:^1r,tute: S -0- t - dJ)>aJ* - Conatrtc?ica Lc-nder l2CUe3 uien tou ready fo_t ir.spcct -ott, cofitvdctcts cr A-ze.:s ng,te ad,?none nu-.toc?.:ill be nz.ie thc sante &J,,eqaes;s ncie cfta ?:00 ctt viLL be nale the nest..torkinE bg, Iou? City'Desigra.teC Jab Nunbet !s:z q05 3" !: io ihe reexonoibility of .tl* penriz itolder so a.e ?t@,t aL! inspectiona @e nad.e at the ?rope:- timc, tl,zt a*h ddteee is ?ea;.-^:i:1"a-t!T 'cre'e.t, c'.t ttitiT"-e.fi;-9..-a1; b"";;;;:;.;i" fr;"?o7 trte -.ope'.i,,r.'3uia'J:4 iui=io- rt=tot:ed plbt si=.il r"r.z,l:n on tla tsu-Jld,-,tto s-Jte at aLZ tr,nes. L 726-3759 (yecoriey) state your City lesigtzted, job tasber,job n)i-ess, type of inspec-.tcn P.eqttescs receite<i bei'cre 7:0C ,= l-g-cat.',ac -t*Job bcaticn: Aaaesaors :r.Jo I Tc; i-ot fl Subdiisica: alar... - gzo?AC&est:Plone: at* ? 7 </77 Deecibe h'ork: Data of Applia, aofa Genetzl €1 to'' A tz' QtuL-- 't /-1,t*\ -+ira- tUJo&r- *. E__/, $ooValue d A&iticn RenoCeL c;atr "r--:a-....r. accvcxzon, but to be naie aflen prJcr tc aet u? of after DEt.:0Li7I0!! 0R tequired uoor bd.ets ee in P1a.ce Soti',*1 sane: cq;VeC =t gogarfi; LiteLtt before otg la.xh,WpsTEt baarC or Lied, od. befcrernLL oue*ing is Septio totk 7taeC d ialleC vith gri;eioty i*-alaticn is coneealed. lLl :]r 1'czms. :rer.cies. 7)ST AitD 3tAi.r:insaLkd o; fo ,rlct --o 7o be raic pricr to iloor insula.)iot cr WOi,?SiA3 ?:L':qIJG, 2L2CPIC,1' 't.v,.,_,,t.-Au; Lo oe Lvute cejore ot! .rrrt is covc:ed. rc-W!:ic 1 ?0A:!D,1TIC:I: ?o be tnCeaiaer a"encnes cJe e:cc-vateC crd, fcras. cre etecceti, but ptio:. -apurirq ccncrete. : lc be nutie aften a LS LN place, but priot to crtg taViry. W.S0!1P!: Steel locatiott, bond. beatc, orcuting or uerticcls .ln accorbtce ahh U.B.C. Secttbn 241 S. '.|OODSTC'/!: After instalTa,tion isatoleted. .t CURS ,J TPPRCACE A?:|CN: Aftet foxnsse ereeceC but >riot to poaz-Jng eotuatete. SfDiltALK d SRT,TLA!: Eot aLL co+t- c?-ete pauing uzth:.n street right-of-ucg, '-o be maCe a;'!er aL! esca-vatirlg sqplete I i'or-,-t tprk & sub-inse nctezq-al in plzse. Pincl - i{hetz &coe itats are cc!,1Etlet^;eli xhen ia:ol;.iicn ie cqtplete o:r s:r=.-ture r,pucl, oi pra:rises eleazed. tq. e ilcaes tsZocktsq otd, Set-tg PLmbinX cotmect-Jctts - aae:r od, txset Etectriccl Ccdtacxion - Blockin4, aer-u: afld; plmbing ccnx,eet-;ow nr-st L-e q?rnb: be for e rcque 8livq e lcelpJcal ir-so eba io:. Accessorg }uiliitq w;.::o ce ieze ?rL..r -,a instcli-ztzon of fbor .-r,suktiot or dzckirg. .to ?i,cse irscec=icx.s L=ue beer.d.e d. ???2.rea. nccerLcLa FT;:A' P'U:3!::C IIX;L :!I'?-1:ITCAL *br 'a 2Lc,c--r4 lZt-noard. beJbre 7'rzring inegel- ?ir.al - Aftcretc. @e cai?, slirtitg, d,eci,s, -'giVC3.. ,,,lhen co,tzplate -- *ouiCegatec o" aouable sectlbns th.tough P. U. E. ALL pro;ect ecnii:icns, such ca che .j.nstal Zcxton otf slteec :rees, cc-lecicn of tiereci lcncscair€, .tc,, ,i,tst be satisiied beiote cie 3AiL2f::C !!)!AL :cn be regestcd. I:JAL aUIIJI:\C: *e fi.nal Suild,ln4 lnsoection =tst be yeotleste<i :iter :hc Finat ?t-tnbiryileccriccl, qti lleciuniecl insaec=]-cnc 'i.tque t""" i"i"- ii;;;;;;ri. -tLT,{, i;J-.i.?fi;t 'Aiz :.!A:tEC:is AttD CLSAI|CUIS :tUS! 3E .4CCiSi:z1i, .lDjtsT:!i:;: :o 39 :!1D' :'.? !i0 3i57 ?2 Cry ?=ie ! of 2 T V ,,orrr" r*.u I I tr ',Jcb Ntntber: *ttO(31 Ct LC! TYPE _ fntericr _ Comez' _. Panlnrd.Le LUL-de-sac Value Referer-ee ))*nbet's Lat Faces -Iot Sq. Ptg. % cf Lct CoDe?dge t..# o1 storles total Height iopogr:u';hY ITEi,I Euilding Perwlt State Total Clanges Nau/Eatend. Cit cttits Sensiee '.L Petmit Stdte Total Permit fssuance Meelnnical Pertmt Building V<llue & Permit This pernrtt is granted on the erp?ess eondition that the sail constraetion slwll, in all respects, conform to the 1rdinance cdopted by the City 9fSpringfield, ineluding the Zoning Cvdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn otd use of buildin4s, and may be suspended or reuokeC at sLA tine upon vic- l-ation of any prcvisioTis of said h,dir'ances. Date Paid: 'l- 3L L * Electricol Permit Whe?e State Lan requi.tes tkat the electrical uork be done bg an Electr-tcal Contnaetor, the electt ical portion of this permit sltall tot be oali.C w*il the Label lws been signed bg the Electrtcal Contractot'. Mecho nicol Permit * I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI4INED tle contpleted application for pennit, anQ do hereby certify that aLL infortnatibn heneoi ie ttwe ard ccrrect' and f furtk-er eertify that any ard aLL uotk perforned srnl,L be done in accor-'dance vtth th'e- OrdinaneZs of the cita bf Sprtngfield, and the la'ts of the* state of oregcn pertaini.ng to the uork cesc"'Lbed herein, ud that N0 occu- pANCy fil,L b-e na-de of any ettucture uyLtlput permission of the Building DL- oi.eion. I futther c:ertl.1g thtt only eorltractots and anplcyeee uho ate in canpliance ulth oRS 701.055 ttLL be used on this ptoiect * tsaitooms: AceessHouseP.L !!eat Sourees SQ. FTG X af,i,aG e- Accesso!,u ?OTAL VALUE ooPLan Check Fee: S.D.C. 1.5 a Crq Gq\ Reeeipt #: SLOneA: Plumbing Permit No person slwll construet' install' altet' or elwnge anA nan cr ecisting pltibing or drainage sAstal in uhole or in pott, unless sueh person is tlle Legal pbssessor of a oalid plttnber"s License, e&eept tltat a peason naA q ptttntL:ng aork to propez:ty ulvich is ouned, Leased or opex'ated by the appli- cant. N0.I LL co oo (& @ Sani Seuev' CHAPGE C)oEi.stures Residential (1 bath) Plmbing Penrtt State NO EEE CHARGE Res. So. ftq t \s.oo \5. oo \5. oo ,-tt ADa? 60 ::lM iic.FEE Fuxnace E?U|S E*hatst HooC Vent Fot a i90 q.c)o llcodsto:se il\'\^ gEE \o.oo \o.oo \to -- ENCROACHI|ENT -- rlo Sec,n"itu Deposit Storage Maintenance Pernit Curbcut Sidettalk lenee 4oELectrical b I'lobile Hcne 'IOTAL AM)UllT DUE:*qq H ;.!ai.n 60 9L SFRINGFIELE, CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Mel Hines 808 North 5th StreetSpringfield, Oregon 97427 Dear Mr. Hines: S i nce re ly, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Division attachments J885-l 985 Sprinqlield Centennial year January 29, 1985 The springfield Bui]9ing Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for apermit to remain valid, construction work authorizeJ'Uy'it il;; begin within 180davs from the date of purchase of the permit. -rr-wor["i;-r;;;;rded or abandonedduring the course of construction for i-p".ioa exceeding 1g0 days, the permit willautomatical Iy expire. If a permit has,expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a projecthas not exceeded one year, -a pei'mlt to itJi't'o.'resume work may be purchased forone half the fee required for a comparable new pgtTit, proviJ.i tnut no changeshave been made in the original-piuni-unoio."ipelirications. If a permit has not yet.expired an! a permit holder anticipates the need for moretime to begin construction'woi[, the sirpeiintenaent of Building may choose togrant a one time extension of the permit noi-io-.*...d.1g0 dayi upon receipt fromthe permit holder of a written-request explatning wrry the-eit;;rion is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records withregard to construction. act!vity associated with-your permit. please adviseIffi !g,l."rlr.l.l;,1,i:il:;;; ;iil-..il"a"iJ"t-n.-p.i;i; ;y tL, r10) days Please direct all inquiries to the springfield Building safety Division at 726-36sg. 225 North sth street o sprinsfierd, ore son gz4zz c so3/226_3zos JOB ADDRESS:ROR Nort sth st t.JOB # z 849537- I.AST ACTIVITY DATE:NO INSPECTION RECORDED: OTHER: CURRENT STATUS 0F PERIIIIT: ** VALID: However, your Pernit will expire on .Ifyouwishtorequestan.extensionofyourpgrll.Iit,pleasenotifythis officeinwritingpriortotheabovementioneddate. -EXPIRED: Your Permit exPired on Ifyouplantostartorrestrmeworkontheproject,anewpermitmustbe aPPlied for' / 22/ 8s * *If the ttexPired" box ( , above, is checked and we do not hear from you by i";-iioi l"yt rro^-the aat" of this letter) ' we wi iniot*.iion- with regard to the permit ' 1 c ear our files of al 1 related e,l)? 184