HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-08-20.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s itorth sti, itrnffP'rcA?rcx/PERtlr! Spr-rqfield, 1regon 97177 BuiLdrnq ?iuision 726-37 53 SPRINGFIFT rr 8 -70 _xd/ r 0 Date: Job bcaticn: .Y1Aaaesoo'"J :4ao I Tcs bt il Subdi'r)sicn: 3-;rar...\3 5ACc-o-ss Pl,zne: TfeSrsE\)\\NL tscnt\. \ Q.exosse Deacnbe h'otk: Tazue\(\.Qff;- aCdi:ica Data of Applia,'-icn Genettl PLwbiru CorujrrcCca Lcnd"r !: i. th. rcaponaibilj'rgr th. ttree ity of tle penti; iodet to aea t, crd thct the ;lat al! inspectiotls ee rode at 2he ?$pe, tinc, t,.ct a.*h .),l-esa is rea:.n'-'at the frcnt of tha oroperty. tsuildin:a Site'at aLL' t:aztes..3uiU.-rq llui:io- ct:,-.ot:ed ) state your Cifu ,l.esigr,eted job nr,ber, CA,!ou ContTactc"g ct A,>te:s ncne ad. chone ntnbct.natie thc san;c Ccg, reqlteats nd,e cfta ?:90 ar viLL be npde t,he nat',nrkin1 dzii. iob ay'"-ess, t!?e P,eques-"s teceixed of inspee'-icn befcre 7:0C ,= CALL 725-376 9 f@7* tan Xo?!:iC , ?2Ul!DA?lCtt: ?o be taCe ro bi ,aia pr)cr co Jloor iaub,iior, cr &ck:.tq. Iout Cifu'Desigra.ted Job tlunbet fs: l-l Il5 u'LA! r0 :t / v ltPC R -p,4 s.?rf,? r !! s ?!c7 !0 it : - rcqu'Jred vqor b*ie?e @e in pTace btt before @q lath, Wp?,rt baeC ot tra.Ll ouer.Jng is qplied, otd. before ory inr.tlation is concealed. ^c Sani',*1 ease:" cqped .t Fop€tqj Lil,e Septic tank VqeC ard. i;.Lled vith gri;z Ptncl - i{hett ccate i'.ats are c*roleted cti uhet Canclition ie cantplete ol st3"- ture nouol, oi pr*risea eleaned up. 1.e lcnes tsLocking od. Sat-tp Plunbiry contecticae - 8a)et otd, ua:er Elec*ical Ca'neccion - Blockitt4, aet-ut and plwbing cc?tt cct':,o*t nr;st le q?r.t;ec be for e rcqte e tlnq e'!-ec2rical ir-sa cc=io- Aceessorl- 3uililttg ?in-zl - Aftcr :cnekes, sblrtit".g, d,eci,.s, etc. @e cataZa=ed. IND!,?S1A3 ?iL':,3T:IG, ZLZCPIC,I!.' iEcil.:liiAL: io be naoe ceiore an-vrrrt is covc:ed. a i- : ei iiiiia s EJ-ezcatat e d crd. fcr-.ns *e etected, but, prio" iopurirq ccnctera,. 7 ,t::ciczcr:D pawz:::c, s?.2p, t.tr9?.J.Lirg lreneizs. UIIDEP?'CCR ?T,U:3/::C 1 iI,C?AIIIC:L:@oifbor lnsuia,tioa or deckirg. l-l-DPY,tALL fllSPldlClt: Tc be rptie 14 Ctet'-;tt@t-T-is .in ptace, - AE pr'ior to cty taVirq. r I -l ao 2c cocelec chese tr-scec=iot:s h-;u E b e er. ncie zl =2aflea. IUS1NP!: Steel Locatiott, fund. beans, gwuting or uerriccls 'Jn aceorbtce uirh U.B.C. Sectinn 2415. ',1OODST0'/!: After instalTation ie etoleted. : CUFS 4 IPPSCACE .L?rcN: After foxmsa.effi butVG to ba&ng 3or1,ctete. SIDTT ALK & gRETnA!: Por a?.L co,rt- ct eteiat @ It?eet right- of-tx!, ,o be ndCe a;".er all, esca- uatir.g canotete t fo*,a r,tor"k & cub- base nater)aL in plzce. mccerLcLa cion. ard before irxirq bbr , ptc.:Jrq lc='-ns inegec- a,@ i4w3 be rectac;ed af.-er i_tzJ ffiai of ragh pltr.air4, aiectri- a.L I necizn*al. Atl rcoi-lz1 brae)rq ! chilaegs, atc. r.rrc bca,nlc:cd. ::o .;pr< ic to be ccat- - cecled, wcil :his iweecic-n 4a,s'been tale and. cppt-:veZ. -t ,',?Cg, $hen conplate -- ?rouila gaces o? nooable gections thtough P, U. A. , uz{ rt::tt ?Laist::c a w;t:s:u:trcALv,4 i:nt i:;,;,src:L eLL pro;ee-- ccr:ii:icns, suc!. cs the').nstallctlcn of s?teet rrees, :c-Lc*cn o1'tie reqaired icnzscqiq, .tc., n$t be sacisiied bcfcre .i1o 3UiLtI::C !!)!AL can be reqested,, ?lilAl ts!.lfiJlltC: ft.e tinal Suildlr4 S.scecti.on l.:.tst be request*i:i:ar th.z ii>tal ?r-urbinXlleccrical, oaz, :4eci@iacc,L instecztcns |tgtla been ncie arti c-oorouzi. 'Aiz :tA:iEC::S AilD CLTAilCWS :tUS! 3E .4CCiSS:31i, .lDiLSi:E::: :O 3S :.tDt :,.: ::0 ::ST ?2 CI?y ?=ie I oJ' 2 td I qqc)\\c\? I rr tr t 2:f100ns Access En th DT House Lot Faces -So;tnees lleat SQ. FTG x C@Dort Aceesso?r/ Nttst<ror.:q2i( ?OTAL VALUE \OCCO dnir(- 6200 Date Paid:?_. crr Reeeipt #5q.c8 CEARGEI!EI|N0.FEE Fi.ctuzes Residential (1 bath) Sanitatg Seuer tldte? Nrrtr-Q$rrrr \\o:-\o,e)o \(\.s . L\O \(}.qo - CHARGENOi.EE Res. So. fta. Nas/Ertend, Circuits \\a:-\4.6 ?apcrey Setoice \s.eo GO GO CI]ARCE;tc.FEE fitnzce PIUTS Ech-anst HooC llcodstoise u.N -- ENCROACHI4ENT -- Seeurt4t Deposit Storage lla'i4tenance Pcrmit Clsbcu! Sida,taLk \----i.tobiZe Hcne TO?AL AMOUIIT DUE: * ,icb ilunber: Crc LOT TWE.! fnterict Cotner Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac Value Refenerce ilwnbers: - Fees -. :cze.' \e/Cor-st Iot Sq. Ftg. % ci Lct Ccuerage i# of Stortes ?otal lleight 'iopogrcrphy I?Ei,I !lain Euildirq Petwit State ?otal Clntges toxe Building Vqlue & Permit #))siF?rrrr( H I HAW CARE?ULLy IXAUINED t?e cornpleted applicatton fot pernrit, and. do hereby certify that aLL information heteon ie ttae ard cbnect, ctd f futthet, eertify that any ard aLL uotk perfotned slnLl be done it aecot- dance tttth the 1zdinanees of the City of Springfield, and the la,ta of the State of )r,egcn pettaining to the uotk Ceecribed herein, ctld tlnt N0 )CCU- PANCy vLlL be nade of any et?uctu"e tytthout permissiotr of the Bui\ding Dt-uieion. I futther certifg that onlg conttaelors and etplcyees uho arb in canpliance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie project Ihis pennt is granted on the espress cond.ition tlnt the sail. constmtctionsltall, in aLL respects, conform to the 1rdinance edopte,T by the City of Sprtngfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regalating the ecnstmtcticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or reuokeC at dlA time upon oic- l.a.tton of any prcoisions of said 0tdir,ances. Si,gned: Plumbing Permit No pez,eon shall constract, ins*all-, alter oy clwrqe dnA na) cr ezisting plunbing or dtainage systan in uhole ot in patt, unless euch pet,son is tt".e Legal possessot, of a oali.d plwnberts License, e.Ecept tl",at a pe?son na7 do plwnbing uork to prope?tA uhich is oumed, Leased or operated bg the qppli- cant. Electricol Permit llhet,e State Lan requires th,at the eleetrieal uotk be done by ot Elecfu-ieal Contnaetor, the electy"Lcal portion of this pernrit slall rot be oalil. utttilthe Label has been signed bg the Electrical Contractor,. Mecho nicol Permit State Total PermLt fssuatzce llechanical Permtt Vent Fot IataL 2o \\_td PLan che-ck Fae: 96^ OC Plunbing Per.trit Etate Sureha.rge I ,oro, *nou, -1 * - Total Clnraes State * lence qo