HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-12-08.. RESI!,ENIIAL .- CCI,IBINATION / A.PPLICATION PER}IIT SPRINGFIELD t!:.1'-'.' n(]lJ:lUt :LIJU o c < .r^4! <cl caraf, SPRI::GFIE"' ORECO:I 97477 Buildit4 Dtuisio:t ?26-e7 53 AD"filt r qqo d rr,u ,60 {l 7i,ao fi \ ty REQUIRED INSPECTIONS !tistheresponsibiUtyofthepemithcldertoseeth3ta].lilspectioasare readable f'crn the streei, and tha: th: pernit card is located at the fuont of * .{IL nanholes and clcanouts ar€ tc be adjusteC at no cost to the clty nede at the ProPer ti.!re' that cach address is th€ propefty P:rior to placiag faciag : After installation and before frasing l{ust be requcsted afte.r CIJRS 6 APPROACI{ APP.ON::are erected out prlorof rough Plumbing,concrete.cal 6 mechanical A1I rocfing' IX{DEO.SLAB PLUUBI}I6, ELECTP,I9AL 6 UEqql,'llCat: To be rnacie before any 6ffirercd. FOOTIIIG € FOUI{DN.TI0N: To be uradE f'trenches are i:lcavated and forms ar: erect:d' but Pnicr io pouring @nc?cte. IJNDERGROUND PLUI{BI}IG' SEHER' I{ATER, DRAIXPGE: ToE rnade Pnior to fil- Iing trenches. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIEIEETIgN T;-E"-rnad;Fall iBsurat iou and forns. floor insul'rticn or decking. STIE I}ISPEC'IICN: excavation, but POST 6 BEA}I:Gffin or Cecking. EINAL PLUMBING E:TNAL ELSCTRIC.{L To be nade after prior to s:t uP of ?o be nade prior to of fleor insulation FIREPLACE: il-te;iars tion. FRAI{ITG: a6ro.E1 required vapor but bafore anY barricrs are in Place 1ath, gypsuD board or To be nrsde in place' bracinE 6 chinmeys, etc. :mrst bs cc,Erpleted. No rork is to be con- cealed uatil this insPection has been rnade and aPProved. After fonos to pcuring SIDEWALK E DRIVEIIAY: For aIL eon- E-ate pavIng t ithi,n street right- of-rayr te be EaCe after al'l exca- vatiDg ccmplete 6 fo!'ltl rork € sub- bas. nateri3l in glacc. 0THER INSPECTIONS: naY bc rcquired ffi;i-odaTaiicilITh B u i rc in g co de' to bs indicated in ;lans or bY no- tlce frora Building InsPector. Flaal Building Inspection has been HAS IEE}I ISSUED BY THE BUILDI}IG DIVI' reccrder)stats your CIty designated job and when you will be ready for inspec- i. Requests received before 7:00 a'ta' rO a.n; will be made the next uorking U}IDERFLOOR PL'JI,:BING t IIECHANIC]IL: @of ra.ll coveriag is aPPIied' and any insulation is conccal,ed. DR]II{ALL INSPECTICN :ffifr-r:.s but prior to any taPing. ROUCH PLU}T8I}IG. ELECTP.ICAL 6 HEC[{- Aiiffiiork is to be covere<i Gffthese insPections have been nade and aPProveC. UASONRY: Ste€I location, bond iFs-, grouting e! verticals i'n accordance with U.B.C. Section 2tr15. Allprojectconditions,suchagtheinstallationofSt!.ettrees'conPletionofthc required landscaping, "t"., .rr"t be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested' EIIIAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspeetion flrust be raquestod after the rinal Plumbing ii""i=i".r, and Mechanj.cal Inspections have been made ald apprcved' lto occupancy of the premises can be made until the rnade and aPproved' anC a CERTIFICATE 0F oCCUPAIICY SION A!{D POSTSD O}I THE PRE}IISES. PROCEDURE EOR INSPE3IIOI REQUEST: CaIl 726-3759 ( ffi1?cress' tEiffiPection requested tion' ioitractoas or osnens nane and phone nu"tbers will be rade the sane day, requests rnade after 7:0 cay' youR crrY DESTGNATED JOB ltuMBER rS: 5o,Iob Location: Subdiu'! sicn: ?ebt#.6.saesso?3 l!@ ll O ,\-e ,.\ . ! :u-,fptl ; vn 1 -fi9- -l/- Desc?&e votk +(lne?I -:; $n\ 7- r--l AClition (gah - 3!E-9-'Zq7-l-. lt$ I CLw l-W--r*---- Co".tYnctors il@'re tscfrA,ldresa Genenal lleetriaT. l.tecitei.cel Constrt:tiott Lend.et 9age 1 of 2 rlNAL MECHAUICI.L I y":--?6.Q.*{a-.:/jj-----_ w- $" e2 JOB NL}IBER.€ t o {6 8 R,EFSRENCE TN\,IBERS L-COG 'i ZCNE TYPE/ CONSTRI'CTIO}IOCCLIPANCY CROUP BEDROO}1S So.rth i{est Lot ,quare !ta. :i c1' Lot Couered # o;' Stories'-ctaL Helah: :cVogrq\il i;4.te? ilea.te" Setbacks 0ther ;;o €; Lot ?ype fnteriot Cornet Sq. Ftg. Gotzge . Perit Caertee ,9tate. Sutehatrtc TOTAL CEARCaS t/alle lio..9EE t-d#uL ?itbures ilete* Setwiee Sznitar.t Saset BUILDTilG VALW/PER!,|fi Thi.s pernit is gro*ed on the e@".sa candi:':on '.hn{: the said cotsi?"tction slu,l,L, in all 'tee?ect-., eonfcr:to the fudina.ces alopted by the Ci;1 o;' Sprlng;iel.4. inchtding the Zoning Minance, regtlat')ng :7,e ccn et?..ction otd. uee of brildings, sc 1q be statarl.e'Iot re:toked a! ary tine upon tiol.aticn cf ary gtcrsi. eions of .qaid Crdinoeee. PZan Opek lee Date Paid p PLUuBTNC PfrILIT No ?e?son ehaiZ constmot, itzstzll, alrcr cz" chotge @.y netrt or e*sting plwtbing ot dttitwge s7iraai inulple or in pat, uflLesa sueh petscri is :he '.egel possegso? of a oalid pluttber's Licerae, .-aee2t that a petson nag ic plmbing uotk to prcrer? uh-.ch is wned, Leaseti ot opetated by the aplicant. SUB?AL|L State Sutclurge ?AML CHARGES ELENETCAL PEPTLI? ot *tensicm/Cireui l{hete State La.t yequites that the elac*ica1 uonk he dor-te bg an llectn)cal C.ntr.acto?, tb.e elacL*)cai pe.. tion cf thie penrLt allall ,1ot be uai"3 unti'u the La- bel ha,s been sig:ned bg the ikctticzl Ccnt!c.!o". The Electm)cal Safety h't does rzot rcqztite . ?e?sorlto obtain a License as @t alectrtcian ozl,/* elcc- trJca.! coqttacrc" tc nake ot electrical ins;:LT.ztictt on Wo?e"ft uhich is owzed bg hinaeii or a ::atbet ofkis itntedi,c;e foilLg uhich iE not i*ettiad ;'tr sale, Lease cr renc. Coltst?uction SWTNAL ?AML CIIARGES MECEAIIIC.4L P MT? Erhzust Hood Vent Fqt SABTUTAL 0 f EAW CAREIALLY EXAMINED the contpleted application fot penrit, @td, dbhgrcbg cettify tlat all infotmattoi hereon- is tmte o.td, cortect, otd, Ifyther eetttfy tlnt oty awl aLL :urrk petfonned shall be done in accor-d.ance adh tle rbdinorces of tte ci.t! bf sprtngfield, a d. the rai of theState of O"egoi pe"taining tc the twk described, llerein, and, that NO OC- CqP4NCy viLZ be tm.de of a1A stflctt&e urLtttout pentrissicn of the BuildingDi,-tision. I f,.nthet certifg that onlg cont?actora otd. etrplogees ulTo arein conrplianze vith ORS 701.-055 diLL ba tsed on this project,- PLot Eeam-tet iLectrteal Label appro-ted plet sita.Ll,|CTAL AT,IOUIIT DUE at aLL Date 8, ttnes../ EltcRcAcEi.tt!]t Secudty Deposit ilainenatce PemrLt Sida,talk Ctrbqtt tunnil| nil? the Buildi-ng :._'. :r . 1.. .: ...,: i - : --i : :;:!:.r.:,: --yj,..+.--.-