HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-01-14Job Locatton:++( N rv Stbdiv'isicn: lasesso:s W: r ll_ffi 4rto- 35 -2-L+Tebt# Aite" Phon*il b?S-323Addtese Citt .uy CITI O! SPRITIOEIELD q4< :jaw <io ailrcfl sPRr:tcFIELD, 1RECON 974?7 tsuildir4 Di,oisiorl 726-37 53 Mry* +% ql a Jt.tr -- RESIDE AL -. COMBINATION/APPLt- .IION PERMIT F,ECEIYT SPRINGFIELD tA Agent Deacri,ba llotk Potod.el *WlM Mnruqfuu wRts^e)<2 ll e,, Adlttion Contrqccons llane Addteea Li scil t Gene*al lleetria,L l,lachaice,L Coaatmrtioa Ieider. Page 1 of 2 SI1E IIISPECTICN: To be made aften;GJ€J-ilEC prior to s.t up of forns. HoOTISTQVES: After installation, ffi*-prerea CURB t APPROACI{ A!P.0N: After fonas are erected but prior to pcuring eoncrete SIDEIilALX 6 DRIVETIAY: Fon afl con- ocete p$fi;.iffi'fi street rigbt- of-way, tc be E:ade after all exca- vating ccmplete 6 forrn sork 6 sub- base rmteriEl in plaee. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ft is ths ncsponsibility of the pennit holde!. to see th3t all irspcctions are nade at thc Prsper tine' that each address is rea&ble fr.crn the street, atxd tha: tha peflttit card is located at the firont of th€ ProPerty*.{IL raanholes aad cfernouts arc tc be adJusted at no cost to th. City U}IDEP.SLAE PLI'I{BING, ELECTP.IC.{L 6 HECHANICAL: To be nade before anyEffivered. FoO?IllC 6 foUtlDLTIoN: To be made after trenches ale e:lcavated and fonns are erect:d, but pricr to pou?ing @ncretc. nade to fLoor insulation or decking. L'NDERGROU}ID PLWBING, SEI{ER, WATER, $!!!$, To be rnade prior to fiJ.- ling trcnches. tLoll. FRAHMG: Must be requested afteti approval of nough plunbing' caI 6 mechanical. A],I roofing, bracinE 6 chimneys, etc. must be conpLeted. No wonk ls to be con- cealed uotit this insPection has been nade and approved. F?9FDT ANF. nateria.l,s DRY'flALL INSPECTTCN:;@s hion to placing faeing and before fianing inspec- To be rlade in plaee, x OTHEF. INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance sith Building CoCe, to be indicateC in ?Ia::s or bY no- tice frora BuiJding fnsPactor. POST 6 BEAH: installation To be nade prior to of flcor insulation on Cecking. ROUCH PLUMBING, ELECTP.ICAL 6 HECI{- AllCIl\L: No rork is to be covered GEthese inspections have been rnade and approved. rI}IAL FLUHBING FINAT ELECTRIC.CL FIIIAL HECHAUICI.L but prior to any taping IIASONRY: Ste€I locatlon, bond Effigr"uting cr venti.cals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2rt15. A1l ploject conditions, such as the installation of sfireet trees' conPletion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FfNAL can be requested. EIIIAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspeetion must be requested after the Final P!.unbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspeetions have been mad'e aed apprcved llo occupancy of the premises cen be made until the Final Building Inspection has been rnade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE 0F OCCUPA}ICY HAS BEEII ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DM- SICil AND PCSTED ON THE PREMISES. PROCEDURE EOR INSPECTION REQUFST: CaIL ;ffier; joi adcress, tipe of inspection reccrder ) sta te your cl ty designated job tionnill day. 1aa-3769 requested when you wiLl ready ].nspec-and for Requests received before 00 a m., Contractors or Ounens name and phone nunbers. be nade the sa$e day' requests IIEde 3fter 7:00 YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER IS: will be rrade the next ',rorking t /u-/-or* n EtV;.ree Plmbinq I a INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION : to be nrade after a.].l, insulation and rcquired vapon barnlers .rre in place but beforc ary lath' gyPsurl board or rall covering is applied, and beforel7, any insulation is concealed. lX I.-Ftx Qo-l A),- 0 OCCLIPANCY CROUP TYPE/ CO!''STRI'CTIONZONE BEDROOI'!S i;4,te" Heater Lo! laces: or llouse ,ni?eoe llorth East South tleat Lot.souate Fta. :i cf Lot Cotseredi of Storiee lotal Heiah! -r?og"qng Setbacke 0thet Lot TA?e fntevior Cor.ne! FEES Sq. Ftg. Catage Ftg. Cqort ?o!.4L C|L4RCES YaLue ?e?r;.t L'hi.s penrit is gror,ted on the er,pr€ss e.ndi!-:on thct the saiC consttltctlh slall, in a|i "es?ecta, confon f,o tle Mirld!,eee ,xiopted, by the Ci:y o.-' Spnnqfibld,inehiing the zoning'otd;n&ce, r"qrllotl:$ =ie- bcn-struction otd uec of htildinga, ori tag be ansae-"d.edot rqsol<ed a, eq tine upon iiotati.n bf ort piaui- aiona of said. Mittotcee. BVTLDI N G VALW,/PER!,IN Plot Cheek ?ee i Date Paid tlo pereon elall eonstntct, i,tetzll, altet ct chotge qA _n4, or eztsting pluitbing ox dtz-Jnage sga=an iiulole o? in pet, wtkse *tch pez,eon ie :hb )egal pooaeeso" of a ualid plunber,a Lieerae, ezeezt tito,ta pe"aon nry b plunbtng uqk to p"o?e"? at:ch iaaned, Leased o" opsrated bg the qlicant. PLUMBI:IIG PqRMTT 5UgTOT.qL T/IAL CHARGES State Cdtattuction llhete Stale La.r nequitee thdt the eiect?tcai uork bedone by ot gleetf.eal Crilt"dcto?, tha eleeL*)cai oot-tton of thia pennit ahall not be oalid until thc la-bel has been signed bg tle ilectrical Ccnt!*to?. The Ele1tyical Safetg ta,t does not rcquire . ?elsonb obtain a Liceisc ae ot electrician ad./cy blcc-tt)cal co,ttractc" b maka qr electieal -)ns;:Llaticn f Py?e"-ry uhich is cwted by hineeii or a -atbe: ofkia ilmedicxe iadly uklch is ttot itten ad i:r eale-, Lease ct nent. ELEnETCAL PEPILTT TAML SAg?EAL Hood Vent F@t EllCR1ACHitEyt Seeuri Deposit rtlaincnaee Perwtt TOTLL D!,!E Si.ddalk Fenee Electrieal ta.bel NAOUIIT DUE g I AW C.4RSEALLy dXAMI-NED _the cotttpleted qplication fot petnrlt, @d doherebg certifp that aLL infomatton heyeot' ;" t-rn -h;":;;;'a1d Itla.ta" c.?tifA tat @ry anrl aLL :.alrk petfotrned EtuLL t. ii-in-oeoot_danee a*th the rMi,otcz.s of th1 city'of bprtrgyieia, ""d;h.'ta,ti of theS_?te ?f 9ry5^ pertcining tc the l.arrtt< deebrtbi"Z lreoerin, otd tttat- no OC-cwANCa rrill be tmde of o7y atructure urittout permission of ttB a"iuirrgDiuieion.. I fur.that eeftiiy that onlg eotttru,ctore ord urpilog"i"-it- oo"Ln catplianze tmth 2RS 701.055 vil,,L be taed on lhis prcject. Ditision cpproled pla,t slull rqcin or the Euildtng Date 8ui tines PL@l I te at dLL 7'l- Page 2 I JOB !{TD:EER. .l REFFRENCE \IIT.YBERS L-COG '-'