HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1987-03-19Reeei" RESID ,lTlAL" z2s Not th stt, itrnffPLrcATr,N/PERI',rr SprLngfield, )r,egon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26- 37 53 Job Iocaticn: Aesessot,s Map # Sttbdiuision: Otmer: Addtess: City: SPFlINGFIELD a" t-t I,lork: Date of GetzeraL Pltnbing ELeetyLcaL 14eclwtieaL 1 Constractioa Lendet forms are ereeted, but ptiot, topouttng Date: VaLue LL 7 26-37 69 ( recorder ) state youz, City designated job nunber',fot ir,spection, Contlaetcrs or Aine?s ncme and pinne nunber,.nade aftx ?:00 on ttill be made the nett aorkinE dag. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nwnbez, fs 6 tW TNSULATION /VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?ION : 7o be made aftet, aLL insulaticn ed. required oapor burie?s tre in place but before org Lath, Wpsum baatC oy unLL couez,ing is applied, cnd beforeoty irnulation is concealed. job aCiness, type of inspee=icn Requests receiued befcre 7:00 cn ?D (g/ VAdditicn RenoCel /)2- rt ia the respottoibi-Lila oi-tte permit hotdet' to eee that aLL inspectiotts ate nade at the p?oper titne, that eaeh dd,tness is ten)qlief,yr!-t!g atteet'. anc tltat the-pirnrit,eatd, is Located at the fro"; of ttte propettg.*Building Nuicion appro"*ed prin s?nLL remain on ti ai;.\ai"b' siie at aLL tfmes. PPOCIDUPE FOR TNSPECTTOI\ RIQWST:CAtequested anci ahen you uiLL be ieady'-iLL be made the sde dcy, nequests". SfiE INSPEC?TON: ?o be nwde aftez, escauation, but priaz, tc set. up of fonne. ANDERSLAB PLUI{BTNG, ELECTRTCAL &wclrlllcAL: io ae-ffidT7JGinst'lotk is eo,eted. OR :.:OW) BUILDI\IGS PCO?fNG & FO.LNDATfCN: ?o be rmCe - alter tyenches are escauated and DRYVALL fNSPECIf)N: Ic be made---;:--.aftez, aLL dryualL is in p'Laee, but ptiot, to ang taping. to MAS1NR! Steel beons, grouting accozdarce tylth 24L5. Location, bond ot, oerticals in U.B.C. Section 7 wpultolR pLUr.ErNG & MECHANTIAL:, , 'J'9 be made priat to installation of floor insulation or deeking. PPST A:ND BEAM: ?o be nade pz.iot, toinstallation of flooz, iraulation or deckinE. ROI-ICH PLUIIBI\IG. ELECTRICAL & !,IECH-4!J94,: no aoz,k iiE1i cou-deZ-ffi|T-these inspeetions haue beennade cnd. approueC. FfPEPLACE: pz,Lon to plaeira fccinoncterials and before f"*rtd ,:""pul_XLon- 7f rnilnrilCl ltust be requested. after. I approual of rough plwrbing, eiectri_cal & mechanieal, ALL roofingbraeing & ehinmeys, etc. mtst be. cornpleted. llo ubrk is to be con_. cealed until this inspeetion lns'been made anC approted. WOODSTO'IE: cctnpT;i;a. Aftez, tnstallation is CURB & APPROACH App1N: After formsee eyecbeC but prion to pouring concyete. STDEWALK & DRf,,EttAI: Fon aLL eon-crete pauing uithin street right-of-rey, to be naCe after aLL eoea-tsating conplete & fonn uotk & sub- base natet LaL in place. D?naD. gAes Wen eonpl.ete -- fuotsiCeot notsable seetions through P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallat.:,on of street trees, conoletion of therequired Landsccpir4, ete., rntst be eatisfied before tne auiioinb FrtaL ean be requested.. FINAL BUTLDTN1: The Final Building rnspection mtet be requested. after the F1nal plunbing E L ec t,ical, anC Neetanieal I ns pectloro'haun b. en naie- ird' ipp"oi " d. ,a.?A sere! capped et ptopetQ; Lire\- ilp*c tunk pu::ped. and fitled utth grateT. Pinal - l(hen abctse itens aye uhen d.enclition is eonalete o! stz,uc- tut,e noued and. pz,emtses cleaneC up. ccnaleted e Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing conneetians -- aa/te? otd. uatet Electtical Connection - Blocking, set-ua and plwnbing connections rrust bb apprcied before requesting eleclrtcal inspebtiot Accessory BuilCnng Fitnl - After pctckes, skitting, decks,etc. ue canpT.e--ed. Page 1 of 2 7ll Icz lot #oo JPhone: *ALL I4AI\H?LES AND 1LEANOUTS llUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASnEiIt To BE |L4DE A? ItO CCS? ?O eny { U-op X,Rf,rrurBrncF I FINAL ttEcnAilrcAL ) rrnnt ELEc?RrcAL l \qp JOB NO, Lot. Sq. Etg. 7 cf Lct Cweraga I of Stot Les Total Height Iopogrqhg I neu ITEi.1 Settsice Eleetri Total , ITEM bhanet IIooC iiVent ?or i llcodstoise PermLt Issuaee Meehnnical Permtt State Seatrl Pcrmit ?otaL Sida,talk 1 Mobile Home SOLAR AC^ESS REQ.-lg L-CO G* Bedtoons LOT ?WE _ Interior _ Cormer _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac Electricol Permit where state La nequires tlnt the electrieal uotk be done by,an gleettical Cont?dctor,, the eliettical portion of this permit slnll not be oalil until the Label lns been sigtted by the Electu"|cal Cont?acto?. Mechqnicol Permit * -- ENCROACHME!]? -. Planz EranineY I HAW CAREEaLLy TXA\'IINED the completed application for pernit' and do i";;L, iilf1y tLnt aLL- i,formatibn heneoi i.s tnte and ebrrect, a*C r ii"li"n"- i"tiiy that ory orl aLL uork perf-ozrned slnll be done in aeeo?- 'd)n"n- rsith the" 1rdinenc"es of the City of -SprLngfield, and th-e Las of the State o1 Oregcn pertaining to the aoik Ceseribed herein, c'nd' tltdt NO 1CCU- pLqCy *ttt b"e olaZe o7 i4" "trr"tut,e uithort permissi-on of the Building DL- uision. f fw'ther cet'tify that otly eont"acto"s a;d ezplcyees Dho are Ln conplianee u;tt, OnS ?01.b55 ai.LL be used on this project \\ ,l Lot Faces -Sources HouseP. L.Access Lace toDe I?EI.I FTC x Value TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 t Fee:PLan Date Paid Reeeipt #: Signed: Building Volue & Permit This penttt is granted on the espress condition tLat the said-eonstruction slwll', in aZL rbspects' conform to the Or&inarce adopted fiiy the City o-f spring?ield, ine|uding the Zoning Crdinance, negulcting the ccnstntcticn and "ie of buildirqs,- otd mey be suspended or reookeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of dry prcttisions of said 2rdinantces. Building Pe"nrit ?otal Clnrges State N0.FEE aun paF Ei.rttaes Resil.zntia.L (1 bath) so/Sa'tenSani o5 .Go Plumbing Permit No person slnll consttaet, inetal!,- alter ot ehange -any net-c? eristing pt;ntlng or dtainage eysten in uhole o,r in patt, unle1. sueh pe,son is the iegal p"osses"o, o1"o uloLi-d plu^bnrrs Ltc-ens_b, e.s_eept th.at a pe"son matl 1o ptirnU';ig uork to'property ihi"h i" otmed' Leased or operated by the qpli- cdnt. * Plutnbing Pemtt CHARGE Nau/Ectetd. Cit cttits PEP /9.@ TOTAL AMOUII? DUE:,33.UD /_z+/z Date v -{?-27 TAP i,letat,,k N0. Po< 9n- ftn- hnntee BTUTS \o--, J Cvvbcu! uM- .. RESIDI ,ITIAL.. zzs Not th stl, stonlPPLrcATr,N/PERI'ffr Spr"Lngfield, )regon 97477 Building Dtuision o6A -nfot/ ZO-O / D6 Locaticn: Assessote Map # /W4U-o/L t# SPRII\lGFIELD : svbdioision: Xaddrn", n Try v ^rl1^'l" C& Additicn TI RenoCel L Date of App j -/7- r?Val,ue LL 726-3769 (yecotder) state youx City designated job nz.onbet,, job aCiress, type of inspee=icn fot, inspection,Contractcy,s or A,tners nctne end pitone nzunber. P.equests receixed befcre 7:00 c:t ncd.e aftet ?:00 on trill be nade the nect aoz,kinE day Iout, Cifu Desigzated Job Nu,nbet, Is: INSULA?TON /VAPAR BARRIER ITISPECTION : To be made after aLL insulaticn ald required oapor borie?s tre in place but befoz,e any Lath, Wpsum bcatC or mLL coueying is applied, cnd before oty irnulation i,s concealed. GeneraL I^t ia the responsibi_Lity of the penrtt holler to see that aL! inspeetions ee nade at the p"ope? time, that each address is reada^ie Iy.-tlp at?eet, anC that the petwtt eayd is Located at the froni of the property.*Building Nuiciot appro"*ed plan sLcLL remain on tlp Building sitc bt aLL' tikes." PROCEDUPE FOR TNSPECTTOil RISUEST:CA z,equested. at;ti ahen you aiLL be readyuiZL be natie the sde dcy, "equesis ?ro /r; Conslructton_Lendgr . : SI?E INSPEC?I)N: ?o be nade after e.ccansation, but prtor tc set up of fome. ANDERSLAB PLUI,IBTilG, ELECTRICAL & WCHAI'IICAL: To be made before anyuotk is eotlez,ed. i1 umtprtooR pLUtET\tG & ruECllANrcAL:t t1obe@of maCe ard to (., SE'IEP,T,tAryFO DRAII'IAGE: Io be made prior to fil-Lirg trenehee. floor insulation oy decking. POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade prior toTiitaTTillai-o! floor insulZtion or decking. ROUGH PLUI.IBIIIG. ELECTRICLIL E MEC]]- .w:til these inspeetions haue been nale cnd. approueC, FfPEPLACE: PtLor to plceirg faeingmaterials and. befot:e froring inspee- tion. FRA.LIIIIG: l,tust be z,equested after approoal of rough pltmbing, electti-cal & necitanical. ALI.. roofing braeirq & chittrneys, ete. rrust be . eornpleted. Ito acrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspection lns'been made anC appz'otsed. >A FTNAL PLUII,BING FTNAL I4ECHANTCAL FINAL ELECTRICAL \a DRYWALL fNSPECII)N: Tc be made -. aftez, aLL d.r,guall is in place, but pz,ior to ang tapitrg. I'IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in aecotdotce LrLth U.B.C. Seetion 2415, VO1DST)TIE: After installation is ectnpleted. CURB & APPROACH APPON: ate ereeteC but ptiot, to concrete. SfDEWALK & DRflEllAI: Fot aLL con- crete paoing uithin street right- of-zxA" to be nade after aLL e*ea- oating conplete & fottn uork & sub- base tw.tez.Lal in place. ?ENCE: hrhen conplete -- PtouiCe gates o? mottable seetions tlwough DI'? ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, eonpletion of the required Landsecping, etc., nust be satisfied before the BULLDfNC FfilAL ean be requested FINAL BUfLDINC: The Pinal Building fnspection rmtet be requested cftez' the FinaL Plumbing Electrical, anl Mechar.ical Inspections h4vs been made and approueC. After .forns ' pourlng DE\,iOLTTIAI] OR :,:OW) B,JILDI;|CS larrJ sa)e? eapped at propetfi; Litce Septic tattk p;,it::ped. and. filled. vith gratel Final - hrlzen abcoe'Lt.ens are ccrpleted and uhen Lanalition is conrp;Lete o? stntc- tute nooed and. prer,rLses cleaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- saier ud. ualer Electtical Ccnneetion - Bloeking, set-ua and plutnbing eonnections rn;st be apprct;ed. before requesting eleclr"tcal inspeetion Aeeessotl- BuilCitg skirting, deeks,pcrches, Leted. Pinal - After etc. d.r,e comp Page 1 of 2 Ic,t Iot # t7Phone ci 14ecltanieaL I :l *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?IEIII TO BE I.IADE /.T T]O CCST TO CTY A79 JOB N SOLAR AC^ESS REQ.- Zone: ^*L,L-CO Bed"oons: Lot Faces - Setbaeks DT House Access Laee Ipt Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cozterage # of Stories Total Height Topography. LCT TWE _ fnteriot _ Co?ner _ Panhandle _ CUl-de-sac -- Fees -- ITE!.1 F?G x Value TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x PLan Fee: Date Pa!d.: Building Volue & Permit This pen1,t is granted on the egpress eondition tlnt the said-construetion shall', in all r-espects, conform to the Ordirnnce adopted fuiy the City o-f Sptingfield, incl.uding the Soning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstmtcticn ind ,-se of buildings, cnd may be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of anA prcoisions of said 0t'dir,ances. ,t Building Pennit ?otal Cltarges State Signed: NO FEE UffifrUL FLxtures Resid.enti-al (1 bath) T,l 60Seuer o bo 5 -oo o Plumbing Permit No person slnll consttttct, instaLl, altet ot elwnge anA nel cr eristing plti$'tn7 or drainage s7sten in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal pbssessor of a uolid plrnber"s L'Lcense, escept tlnt a pe?son nay lopluntfng uork to p?ope"ty uhich is ormed, Leased ot operated by the cpPli- cant. ( ,( P Lumbltnd .uelT "iLt NO trFr a! A Da, Neu/Ectend Circuits Sez"uice Electricol Permit Were State La requires t1".at the eleetrical uot'k be done by an Electt'ical Contraetor, the eleetrieal portion of th'Ls permit shall not be oaLil until the lobel Lns been signed by the Eleetrical Contractor. Permii ?otal I?lM NC FIF C]lARCE bhanst EooC Vent Fot * Mechqnicol Permit Pentrtt Issucnee Meehanicel Pez.mit llcodstooe Maintenance Penrit ?otaL C'utbcut Sidasalk !p,nce Electrieal Label MobiZe Hone -- ENCROACHMENT -. Receipt # PLan Econlnef'Date f HAW CAREFULLY EXAI4fNED t?e cornpleted application for permit, and do herebg eertify tlnt aLL information heveon is true and correet, attd f further eertify that any ard aLL uork perfoz-ned sVnLL be done in aecor- dance ,"rith the 0rdinances of the City of Spt"ingfield, and the Laxs of the State of oregcn pertaining to the wrk Cescribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 )CCU- PANCY LvILL be rnaCe of any st?ucture uithout permission of the Building DL- oision. I further certify that only contracto?s otd enplcyees uho ate in eornpliance Dith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project s 7 / Rao TOTAL A]',ljUilT DUE: *33.bo NEM Wntor F\tntce BTU'S ^4*r7@ holrrt SPTIIilcFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER Planning and Development Department December 31, 1986 Pacific First Federal Savings & Loan P.O. Box 1257 Tacoma, TYashington 98401 Subject: fnspection of property at 432 &" 442 N. 4th Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Property Owner: fn response to a citizen eomplaint, the Building Safety Division recently ins- pected the above referenced property to determine the validity of the alleged City Code/Ordinance violatione. The following conditiona were obeerved which do not conform to the minimum required maintenance standards for residential housing and property: 432 N 4th Street 1.1 The front porch, because of rotted underpinnings, missing and buckling decking and inadequate foundation, is a potential safety hazard in its deteriorated condition. 2.t Steps at the front and rear entranceEr to the building are of excessive height and represent a potential safety hazard to future occupants if the building is reoccupied. 3.A pit in the pavement outeide the rear entrance which appeara to have been a wooden catch basin is unprotected. This condition poses a potentia- lly unsafe condition for both pedeetrians and vehicles. This building was properly secured at the time of inspection, so no inspection of the interior was made. 442 N. 4th Street 4.t Repairs to the front porch were started recently without proper permits and inspections. The porch is presently unsafe because of inadequate foundation supports and overspanned plywood decking. The protection of untreated wood in contact with concrete maaonry is also inadequate. 5.t Recent repairs to the exposed plumbing eystem outside the kitchen were made improperly without permits or inspection. 6.x Steps at the North side door of the building are of excessive height as similarly indicated in Item #2 above. (,. 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 7.X Portions of the exposed foundation were observed to be failing with concrete piers crushing the wood sills which they support. 8.The front entrance door was not secured, allowing unobstructed entry to the interior. This door must be secured. 9. The kitchen sinkl toilet and bathtub are inoperative. 10. Water was observed to be leaking from the upstairs unit in several locations in the bathroom and adjacent room. This condition will contribute to accelerated deterioration of the structure. The upper level was properly eecured and inaccessible, so no inspection was made of that area. Both buildings were vacant at the time of the inspection, and must remain so until adequate repairs are made to the above items. Meanwhile, please take the measures necessary in the next 30 days to diminish any potential hazards to the public safety which are preaented by the above conditions. In addition, the apartments addressed as 335 D Street, which we understand you also own, have miscellaneous paper and trash strewn about the grounds. The sidelvalk fronting this property harbors a potentialiy hazardous condition in that leaves and other tree debris cover it. These conditions and the pit/catch basin (Item #3, above) must be corrected in 10 days or by January 11, 1987. An inspection of the property for correction of these specific problems will be made at that time. *Please note that repair of the above items which are marked by an asterisk must be done only with proper permits and inspections obtained from this office. The houses addressed as 432 and 442 North 4th Street are designated ae primary structures (buil.t between 1890 and 1915) of the lYashburne Historic District. Therefore, no alterations, including new construction, removal or demolition may be camied out without a permit. Application for such a permit may be applied for at the Planning & Development Department and will be approved,/denied through a public hearing before the Springfield Historical Commission. If we can be of assistance in clarifying these requirements or the options available to bring the building and property into compliance, please call us at 726-3759. 74'* cc: Don Moore, Structural Inspector Dave Puent, Building Official Jackie Murdoch, Associate Planner Sally Johnson, Associate Planner Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney ,