HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-10-08dHY- nll oo LtTLe q- Lane County Authori za'ttort SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ADDITION I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!'iINED THE coMpLETED APPLICATION !'OR PERMIT, atril ,1o here)ry certify that al-l inforTation hereon is true and correct' and that I have the following legal interest in the PropertY,[1o"" {25"'F r of record; f, c<,ntra"'; P'"th""et; f done in accordallrle uith the ordrnances the Laws of the State of Oregon of the Building Division. I fur- if exempt the basis for exemPti on this project. I HAVE READ AND 9-29-86 DATE I f:rther certify that any and all work Performed shall be pertaj.ning to the work described herein, and that No oCCUPANCY ther certify that registration with the Builderl s Board is in full'force authorj.zed agent. of Lane wiLl be nade of eLi'srructure withouc the pe iud effect as required bY oRs 701 ad mployees who are in with ORS 701.055 is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors CHECKED THIS APPL.ICATION THOBOT'GHLY. t{illiam t,J. Ring NAME (please print ) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 33:*i:"i'"n/ 3R/414 OUT OFTAX LOT 7000 SECTION 23.3.4 If,wN-SHIP 17 RANGE 03 Br.ocK I4 PROPOSED USE OP PROPERTY [_l cc,mrnercial f n,ru:.i. x Re s identi.a1 I ndus tr ia I S-JBD ZTP!.OCATION ield 0r.974772872 N. sth St. STRUCTURES SFD CITY S r x 1ro IFSPEC ICOFPROPOSED ,ar v x6 7fa'lm I &rm tosI4 g')(genAdd2IxAddv( ,{ SUPPLY Proposed xis ti # OF EI',IPLOYEEST or stonrrsOF BEDROOMS TELEPHONE NUMBER 746 730! _.AND ADDRES l^lm. IrJ. and GlaRI NG sameR TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTRACTORIS NAME AND OSR # s)@aNo interi-or Date: rnstallation Record rssued? fl v"" I N" Linea1 Feet of t)r.ainf ie Id Date -8-8G COI'!YENTS + COM]'IENTS t4 s COM}IENTS trDaLe tr SANITATION Use TI I plaus EXA}4INATION t- 5', B. P. *s. r. il otJDDI YOUR AUTHORIZATION 1{AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING rear TIONS: READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. Partition { crorp-R-S parcel * W, Maxinrrm DePth of TrenchesInstallation Gallon Specifications: -Tank Parcer "ir"E-AJdl-l plenurxc,/zoNrNG: c Miniml'ull Setbacks: L, c L,S b-e-ace PERMI'T APPROVED BY -eutLott{c orr E COUNTY DEPARTMENT (per ORS 455.(r OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAG EMENT OlVISION' 97401 DATE 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGONLAN SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INT'ORT'IATION ct4-.25 R* I **{ SETBIICKS AND OT:IER CCNDITIONS OF APPROVAL }IUST BE STRICTL)'OBSERVED. VIOLATION CA\ RESULT IN REVO-C,ITION OF TIIIS PERMIT, CITATIO:j UNDER PROVISIONS OF LAN*E COUr-TY'S INFRACTION ORDIN-tNCE, AND/OR OTHERREIIEDIES ALLOI{ED BY LAtl. viHEN RE.\DY FoR INSPECTIoT, CALL 687-1065. A IlINlIlUil oF;T LEAST 24 [oURs ADVAt,icE n*oTICE FoR INspEC-ffi:I-;,E.tIe_ToI1owinginformationready:permi.tnumber,jobaddress,tyPeof inspectron, when rt wrLl be ready, your name and phonc aumber, and any special Ciiections to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: l, Foundation-Inspectj.on: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when aIImaterials fo! the founCation are delivered on the job. I{here concrete from a central mixingpl.ant (comonly rermed ,,transit nrxed,,) is to be uied, materials need nor be o; l;;-j.;:'-", -+9-^:+:!r--r"=d::;11"". Jn:!e*]J]-r' ro be made af rer ar.r in-s1ab or under-f toor buildinsservr:e eiurpmenE, c)nciurc, piprng accessorrqs, and other ancillary equipment items are inPl'ace but before any concrete is poured or f/oor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3' Framinq & rnsulation rn:pe9lions: To be made after the roof, arr framing, fire b1ocking, andErcln, trry-1re na-If-lFes, iirepraces, chinneys, anit vents are comptete and aLr rougheLect'ricaL and plumbing are approved. air wati i-nsuLa-tion ""a ".p". barrier are in pLace. 4. Larh dnd,/or Gvosum_Board lnspection: To be made after alI laLhing and qypsum board, rnteriorei-d exEarrcr;=-Tnl1are-5ut-Eef-o7e any ptasteiing-i" ippri"i"j.a r"tor" gypsm board joinrsand fasteners are laped and finished. 5' Final rnspecti'on: To be made after the bu'r.ding is complete and before occupancy. APPRoVAL REQUTRED' No work shall be done on any-part of the buirding o! structure beyond the pointindicat'ed in each successive inspeclj.on withoul'rit"t out.i.ro;-;;;"lp;;.".1 of the buirdinq offrci.alsuch approvar shatr be given cnly after an inspection shart- have u.un'*uJ"-or-"";;".;;:;;:;;"":;"oin the construction as indicated by each of ln! in.p."tio.","g"r..i.."" NorE: All building oernits requJ-re inspections for the work authorized, such as but not l-imited to:A' Brock r{arl; To be made after rernforcing is in prace, but before any grout 1s poured. ThisiiEFEcEr6i- is required for each il;;-;;;; p"".. There wirl be no approval until rhe plunbingand electrical inspecLrons have been made ind approved. B. h,ood Stove: To be made after conpl.etion of masonry (if appl.icable) and when installation is:;::-:fi; il:'ilii:l:t":::+l ia,lt;i::::::U:.:i!l ;;'";S:ii:e:'i",io^", rv '"..s"i,"i-i;",i,ec' I'lobile Home: An inspection j's required after the nobiLe home is connected to an approved:;J:l':;,':i:';rffil;; ::;,:::i:;:.'equirements, blockine, rooii'E connecrion, tiedowns, 1' :::i#:;.::tri':;: ;:.:;I:ll,:::n stare foundati.on requilemenrs for mobir.e homes or as 2' Xili*"^l:I;"fl:liT:.;:::'n rroor el"evation shar.r. be certiried when required by a rlood- 3' Mobire home tiedowns'-when required, and skirting sharl, be instaLled and ready for inspec-;::".X:i::3r:t reast lo davs u'tiui-6"Irp.."v. riedowns and skrrtrnq shar.r be instarrei D. swiminq poor: BFrou.grade when steel is in prace and before conci,IA-F;61 --iFinsta.Lred. -r rn prace and before concrete is poured. Above grade APPRoVED PLANS MUsr BE oI-I!..t JoB srrE AT ALL TrMEs DURrx-c woRxrNG HouRs. THrs pERMrr wrLL ExprRErF woRK DoES Nor BEGrN wrrHrN rao oavs,-'on"ii rd"*.rt susperuoii^oi iiii.iio,..uo FoR r,roRE rHAN r8o DAys.iH;:XrXi?i-:" REVocArroN r',AY occuR ir-i'uiJ pinori, was rssueo os i;rE";il;; oF TNC.M,LETE oR ERRoNEous ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POIiJT OT REOUIRED INSPECTIONS !'TLL DO SO AT THE,R OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEh,AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEI.IS:l. pernits shaLl be effective for one r._IIo^ the date of issuance.2' 35:lr;"t[l':ilg :::":;';:l:;H:1.':; Xll:1,. pernir has been issued, rhe. permit hor.der sha11 'n'r'irurion i".oia rl.^r'-;h."ilp;;;:;';':r:ri'i":;u:'l;I ::x:r:x::r:.ri"";!T:ill::':Fr.compJ''i'es with the rules. contarnea'in tr,i" iiri"ion.'-ii in-. IJ.iii,l..ion does comply with suchii'ii; jii.?i3:l:::':^:!.r1 ii.'" """",iiticate or ".ti"ractorf-Jiipretio. ro rhe parmiti horder.rroraer ana-Jn;ii-;.,q:::: ":"..::?::1.:;.:ilii:i:r.ii;ii: ?*:1il:li.;::ii,r!::!.,["li*::..T:::";n:,.3;i'l;T:;;; ::.,;i:+;l;:jj;t,::il:j;::"" ;;;;;; .";;::3nu'il," .... cons,j,u,es a vio_ Setbacks - Subsurfacc Sewage Disposal Interior propertl,, lincsLoge ot rodCl rt::rt_ot _waV BulIdrnq founclation lieIls, other waEer sources Scptic Tank 10, 50' Drai.nfield l0 | t0't0' t 00 ' t AC' ;VITY INFORMATIO_. SHL,E I COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS I,lILL BE REJECTED! I [J,r t, rwr \d--Rd E Utlourw L G4-rur,rs R_ R lN6 PTRSON XITING MQUEST tszz N <r( g{-a s MAILING ADDRESS Frrx6trrELD CA qv4"?ffr ue.CITY !--'-''--"') ffi 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS STATE zIP CODE 7Ue-73oct C ITY STATE ZIP CODE €--'4t -?-bo HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # ( IF DIFFERENT 3 rvlae 6i FAFIeEL NUMBEFT (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation ( REQUIRED I NFORI4AT I gN)or from tax statement) t1 oZ 73-s-r TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION x00D TAT-IOT(sIOR PARCEL # \AF MilNSF.IP MN6E SEETIOI'I W ZONING MFRSTTP RANGE SEETMN W ZON I NG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP:ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION ( if appl icable) 5 REQUEST (s;tate exactly what L$ ):l_BLOCK + you q ( r-u fiJ srt6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: L4-33 LAND I'TANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. Bth AVE., EUGENE, OR 9740] / 687-406I Sxu,t-q se r,?