HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-06-22..RESIDENTIAL.. I N(q( llcoa," t fl+,_, SPNINGFIEI-D APPLICATION|PERMIT 225 ilorth |bh Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-3753 Job Lacaticn: \) tuts: 6\15 Aooeaaora l,lap ll S'tbdiu'ision: NeD tdditicn RenoCel Date ol Applicaticn. c rac Eor Ceneral ,fou fr c>t Tct lot ll zii; Deocrtbe Horl<: Value /?,va ?oo,,-- rl 3 Asner:t//, Address: c; t-l ,b 6,zzsz-,r,,'z :HA c-*5.3-4'*.?rru: P lutnb 1ng T- i55a) Ul.ec c r i-ca tlechanica l ./-> Suoerv IN lllecl:rit irtt-r 72 It io lha reaponcibility of tle permit hotder to oaa that aLL inopec^tione a.re nade at the ProPer tine, that ecoh addteee is readab)e J'ron th. otreet, aruC thZt the pai,trit oard ia. Lccatecl at.th.e fvo\l of the-property.'rguildin! D"luiciot upVrotetl pl<tn shcll retn<tin on Lhe Inrlkling tits at all tinea. Reouined fn :;rt o r: ti.c rts l-/) SITE INSI':^I)'!lOlt: 'l'o be nade a!'tetlA I ;;;;;;nc* t,n prict' tc set up of - 1or-r. Vg1ei *fzta 5/2ru2z fTV INSUI,AI'TON /VAPOR BANRII:R ITISI'EC'I'ION : lr4l - rcquired vapor barriers ate in plaoe bui bcfore any Lath, gyPswn board or unLL oovering ie applied, ctd befone ay inoulation ia concealed. DINOLIIIOII OR !.IOVED Sanitaty oaet capped at propett'g Line Septic tork pwrped atd fillad uith gnatel Final - l,lhen aboue itena ate ccnpletcd and uhen denolition ia oanplete or atnt:- turo noued ad pretrieao oleaneC up. ,,!,ETNC e e elore cny 18 coucred aftet trenchcs at'c ercaDat ecl and FOOTINC t F0U,VD,1'lICll : To be naCe forna are erectctl, but Priot to pouning ccnct'etc. DRYHA\,[, INSPEC"\'I)N: To ba nada ittc;-ill ,li,t,xlt-ta in ptace, but prior to any taPing. iIASONRY: Sbcel looation, bond tiiGlgrouting or: oerticala in accordance vith U.B,C. Section 2415 . w I tr i- UNDtRCltou!!D P!.u:!yINc, ssllE!?, l,l.1TE?, I I DRAI\IACE: 'l'o be nale PrLor co ILL- Lir4 trenchex. UNDENFLOOR PT,UI.IBINC,2 IIECIIANICAL:of floon inoulction or clecking. PAST AND EEAI'I: 'fo be nadc Prior to TGlit|dcG{of floot' insul(ttion on decking.-- no,-td t P r,t)! lB r : to,@_ltEg!!; ANICAL: No uot'k is Lo bc aoacrea GiT-thcoe inspectiorts have beet tacle arul approue?.. FfPEPLACE.: Prior to plccir4 facing na,terials and bcfore lruning inapec- tion. t\!!!!t: t'htst be requeote<! aftet' approval of rough plwnbing, electri- cal & neclanieal. AL! rooling bracing C chinmcya, etc. rrust be . completcd, llo Dcrk iB to be con- . cecled until thio inspection lrao 'been nade anC approv'ed. After ino tal'l.at'ion ia Blooking otd Set-uP Plumbing connectiona -- ta)ar ad uater Eleotriaal Conneotion - Blooking, set-ut and plwnbing conneotione nuet be apprct;ed befoic requeoting eleo|rtcal inepeclion Aooeosoei Building Final - Aftar pcrcheu' ,l<irting, decks, eto. are oanpleted. HOODSTOI/E:.crqf;;il. cUnD & 4ll!!91!l!_l!30-N: After fornsat" "r"ctrJ6ut pt'l;; to pout'ing concre te . SIDltlAl,X ,t DRIt'ElltY: For all con- ;r7;-p"Dfr;im B treot right- of-rx:y, to be na<Ie after all exca' vating canplete & fotz;t wtk & tub' base natertal in Place. a lENCll: Lllrcn cotnPlate '- ProoiCeji6i or rnottable oootiona tht'ough P, U. E. FIIIAL PLUI,IBIIIC FINtlL tlECllAilICAL AIL projet:t c:onrlttions, cuc!; as the i.netallation of glr'aet ttee-e, co:tplation-of the'';,;;r,i'r;"d-'i;,ri-ri"pii.'s, Ltc., mtat be aatiaficd befoie the BUILDTNG PINA\ oan be requested' FIN,4L BUIt,t)tNC: 'l'irc l,inal Buitclitrg fnapcction mtst ba raqueotad aftet tto Final Ptwnbinn Elcctt,ical, anC l"lecharical Inspectiona hqvo been nade ard app|ovad Pege ! of 3 a FINAL ELEC?RICAL IAI,r. ilANIICLES AND CLI,:ANOUT'S III.I9'1'NT ACCESSIBLIi, ADJIJSTIIEIIT TO BE IL4DE AT NO COSI TO EIIY 7 P1OC9DUPE FON IilSPECIIOII RSQUES,I,:CALL 7 "ady fontill be nade the aatne dcy, requeate mcde your City Ceaigrnted iob nwrbet', iob aCdreea, type- o-* Arn"r"- ,orna -anil phone nwtbcr. P'equeatl teceir;ed26-376 9 (rccorcler) ctate Cot'rtt,actoro on urtll be nnda the nctt wt'king daY, Iottr City Deoi-gnated Job Nwnber fa: of inspec'.ior befcre 7:00 ctinspcction, after 7:00 tr tr tr & JOt] NO SOLAR ^TJCESS tIEQ.-L.CO C n o[nt l'acen - lteat P, L,Ilouoe Cdta c Acce ss t. l.a,:,. Lh toDe 7 of Lot Cwerage ! of Sbrtee LOT TYPE :Interion _ Corner Pdnhand,le CuL-de-oac Total lteighL Topography l./ant -- Fe.ea -- ITf:N FTG x Val.uo l.kti.tt Car t 11 eta TOTAL VALUE cs,D.c, 1.5 r PLan Chock Foc 3 Datc Patd Receipt ll a*42 Siq:ted Building Volue & Permit Tltio pcnntL i.a 17nant;trl on the atpreos corvli.Li.ott LtnL tlte tt,tid. cort:;t,tac'Li.on alnlL, itt aIL renltcl.:;, cott|onn Lo Llrc Orrii.trttt:r:tt :rlo; l.t ! lttl L)te Ctly of Springfield, i.nchulirtlT the XoninT Qvfl'jnaru:t:, railuLt;t.i)1,1 Llt,: ccntLntcLi.ctt and use of bui.Ldi.nls, ancl'n:;y bo euapendc,T or reuokcC tiL c,ilJ Lina uport ttic' LaLion of arry prcuiaiona of eaid Ordinanccs. ' Euild,ing Pemrit ?otal Clargea State NO CIIARGE Firtwee ReaidenLial (1 bdth) iiani Seuer l,lcf. No pencon alnll conttt'ttct, inalal!, al!:er or ,clnngc .:n!l nea cr exiltirl7 plumlti.ng or drainal1e aya!;az in uhole on in part, wtLess {tuch petcort is the Legal pocncsnor of a uali.d pltnbcr'a Liccttse, cacepl; Ll:at a pc:sott nay do plunhing uork to proyarty uhtch is ooncd, Lcdscd or opcrated lty thc c1;p,Li- cdnL. Plumbing P erm it Plmbtng Pernit State .11'Et't NO.CllARGI: Neu/Eatend Circuita Sentice z?-6-a ??-63 Nc.Frr CINNCE , Ex,hant llooC Vent F@1 tlcodatooo -- ENCROACIIHENT -- Pcrmit Cvrbcu! Sidasalk Fctt:tl tnica tabeL Mobile llane /Connt Badloot:is Electricql Permit Hlrcre St;ata [,a,t rcquires t]'at Lha clcctrical utork bc dotc by ort Sleat,rical. Contractor, tha eleatrical porbion of ';his panntL cluzll not be ualiC rottil the Label lna beon oigrted by flrc Electrical Co,tt).actor, State Total Permit leeuorce l,lechanioal Pendt Mechqnicql Permit 1Ct' I IIAVE CAREFULLy DXAI|INED the conpleted application lor permit, and do lrcteby certify tlnt aLL infotmation hereon ie true and correct, anC f furthen carLify tltat any arl aLLutorkponfonned alal! be done in accot- danca urith tlte Or)inanceo of tha City of Springficld, anl tha Lcse of tha State of )regcn pcrtairrtng to tha l-r,ork Ceacribcd hcreit, atd llnt N0 1CCU- PANCI uill be rmde of an1 Bttuctut,e without perniosion of the Building Di- uieion. I furthcr certif,; bhet only contractors ai;d enplc'geea ul:o are in canplianca dibh clts 701,05s ui,LL be ueed on tltia proiect ,,4F At t,/a -'7 ^ z/?-92TaL;i-