HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1988-03-30\i I{-r. F Application No.- rl -1 -..\I I a't Itt<t/\--/ wJ '-' LANECOUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ,. APPLICATION FOR FACILITY PERMIT PERMITTYPE L.- DrivewayApprcach - Utility - Other plansAttached ' I '. 'ts.' ,,.1j : permit upon the rightof-wayof , i,.l.1i ;..1 t, Applicant's Namo - FlnaEo Prinl hereby make application for a facility *l--f If,'i7','l ' l ': i. :.; rr i., i i"' .: :.t_"' ln strlc{ contormity to the exhibits attached hereto, subject to all terms,conditions, agreements,stipulations, and provisions contained in the application Lane Code 15.20$225 and Lane Manual 0.1an124 and and permit, and the rules and regulations regarding roads and rights-of-way, as set rorth by the 15.50$550, and any other applicable regulations, law or ordi ;,. ('!,'' '/-,-/.F. -e..u, {t I/i--*1 l .'; a (1 ?'1 (ZP,) ", it '.r'-t - €t- * (Phono where you can b€ r6ach6d) Data' (Appllcant Do Not Wrtto Below Thts Ltne), FACILITY PERMIT : i:., 1, .r . : i grrj{: t1.:..:,,lj:i . ... . .." i..: . . ,. ISPECIAL PROVISIONS: (Adhere to specifications as checked) . i: .: :DRrvEwAyAppRoACHESoNLy: f , ,ii ;, ,. ,l." ^T^T}::l},r"*"roror;.n l etof-inchculvert(eitherconcreteorcorrugatedmetal) -inches or 1,/z.0,,crushed rock (subbase) _l:;fi;:ffi:lil, ilillins orvegetation Inches of s/r.0" crushed rock Standard Traflic Control & Safety procedures .:J dipproved tr Denied -:4i'/ - been completed ,l*;i( i. -f ..r;,#nchesofasphalticconcr€te(State..B,,Mix) r.r,'^i: llra apgoach musi m€€t shoulder grade so as to pr6vent r downgrBde €qual to a 2 lnch drop at lho prop€rty tin€. to property lin6. surfacowater flowing onto th6 road surface. This will be accompllshed by havlng a slght I{OIE: UNLESS OTHEBWSE SPECIFIED, ALL CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO DRIVEWAY. FACILITY.APPROACHES MUST BE MET PRIOR TO USEOFTHE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS:.''.,yru*"'ny (liryrr"",< : t'7,/ / <: I "7.ctrThis permit shall be void unless the work before .t\ t By the Board of County Commissioners '.EllPbrorreo ,-tr Denled cl&203 WHITE COPY - Permit File YELLOW COPY - Staff 2 PINK CQPY - Applicant ,"r tr*r. aAA 3 07 ":n . I:{ il lt-J| a/ r:, '}, '| Y 'i 1:1' 'il :1 r ., ': ' 11'"' "-'i .'1 - -j'... ., 'l:r I f- lnspected S.0.P.P # T-4..1a APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRIVEI.IAY .4.A" Qrtt,DATE: '3 -Z-g{ APPLICANT (PROPERTY OWNER) : ADDRESS 0F APPLTCANT: 2:5 7a ^{ - rzl, , g/F0 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR 2ND DRIVEI,IAY: SAAAE APPLICANT' S TELEPHONE NO.tt / - The follow'ing conditions must be answered affirmatively in order for this appl i cati on to be cons'idered for approva'l : 1. Property is ejther a single family residence or duplex. YES t/' N0_ 2. The proposed driveway wi1'l take direct access from a local street (not a col I ector or arteri al street ) . yES v' N0_ Y gt-b @ 3. The drivewa-y wi I I have a minimum setback of 30 ecu return of an intersection (for corner lots) 4. The proposed driveway (parking area)must have mlntmum depth of i8 feet betleen the front property line and the garage, carp.olt, fence or wail, 'if any (identical to setbacr for garage). YESA N0_ 5. The second driveway must have djrect access to a garage, carport, rear yard or the side yard where the vehicle, trailer or boat rvill be stored. YtS N0.-,' ,rt//* 6' If the vehicle, trailer or boat is to be parkeci/stored in the side yard, there must be a mjnimum setback of 5 feet betrveen the stored vehicle and the side property 1ine. This setback is for fire fighting access and to compiy with the intent of the zoning code. Setback sat'i sf i ed YES .z'. N0_ 7. The proposed parking/storage area must not create a v'ision obstruction to adjacent property driveways or to any vehicular movement on a public street. Satisfied YES t/ N0_ Applicant hereby agrees to install the requested driveway to City of Springfield standards. The applicant further agrees to have 6" of concrete in the sidewalk area adjacent to the proposed driveway and further agrees to pave the area behind the back edge of the sidewa'lk adjacent to the drjveway with a minimum depth of 3" of asphaltjc concrete or wjth a min'imum depth of 6" of portland cement con- crete. The area behind the sidewalk shall be paved to the property ljne or for a distance of 4 feet which ever is greater. The appljcant agrees that if he/she does not pave the area beh'ind the sidewalk wjthin 30 days of cutting the curb opening, the City of Springfield has the authority to close the driveway access by the removal of the curb cut. All incurred costs shall be assumed by the applicant and'if unpaid, said cost shall become a lien of the property. ( f ES t-- ffi -2- Tflaut\e + Bottnr rE t{AtN* - S.0.P.P. #T-4..Ia lJhen this appficatjon js approved by the City, the applicant (property owner) must obtain a driveway permit from the Public t^Jorks Department Building D'ivis'ion. 0n an improved street (existing curb): 5.l2.00 plus l2d per lineal foot of curb cut. b. 0n an unimproved street (not curbed): $.l2.00. 0n currently unimproved streets that are under- construct'ion: $]2.00. PROPERTY OI"INER'S S IGNATUR DATE: 7 -7 -s{ APPROVED tr IT iC DIV DATE: .3 ,o a a BUILDING PERI'IIT NO.: DATE: V-Vo*# TRA 9-I ATTACHMEI,IT:City of Springfield Standard Drawing No. 3-ll Dated 10/B/82 (, a c ( P ERI,II T FE E Lane Countg March 28, 1988 Thomas and Bonnie Marx 2537 North 5t.h StreetSpringfield, OR 97 477 Dear IYlr. and Mrs Marx: The Lane County Pub1ic Works Dept. will allow the placementof an additional drive approach onto N.5th St., as requestedby you and approved by Dave Brown of the City of Springfield. I have attached ato fill out and r has been approved standards, please blank facility permit application for youeturn to this office. Once this application and the drive constructed to Springfieldcontact Ed Chastain ( 341-6931 ) , the Laneineer, so NO PARKING signs can be placed.County Traffic Eng If you have questions or comments, please contact me at 34L-6932. Your tru1y, G. HoI soc r ate trnasportat ion Planner cc: Dave Brown, City of Springfield DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 3O4O DELTA HIGHWAY NORTH EUGENE, OREGON 97401.1696 SPRINGFTELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Commu nity & Economic Development Public Works Department March 10, 1988 Thomas and Bonnie Marx 2537 North 5th StreetSpringfield, 0regon 97417 SUBJECT: Appf icat.ion for a Second Driveway Dear Mr. & Mrs. Marx: The Transportation Division has reviewed and approved your applicatjon for asecond driveway on your_property. Sectio, iz.65o n...i, .nJ'b.ir.*.yStandards of the^Spiilsfielil oevelopment-CoJ.'requi..-i-orireilay to be locateda minimum of 30 feet fiom the nearest intersection curb return. As shown onyour site plan there wjll be only 20 feet. A-reduction in [fre requireddistance mav be.granted if the new drir.*iv i'r'iigned ind mirlea for one-waytraffic. Therefore, the new driveway must be used tor-righi lu.n entranceoniv. with the circurar shape of th"e aiiu.-il,.ie shoutd 6;-r;-;robremaccommodati ng th.i s movement.' S'ince your property is located wlthin the City's urban Growth Boundary youwill be required to receive. permission i.om [in. couniv. ir'.v-iti1 remajnoperational contror of North'5th^Street. A ;;;t ;i-r;"r; .p;ii.ition is beinsforwarded to the Lane County friffic ingin..r." After you receive their approva] you then will need to obtain a countyFacilities Permit whictr wiit allow you to work in the street riqht-of-way.0nce you obtain fhe county,s.approvir vou ir,.n,iri"r,.r.'il"p.y'the city,spermit fee for the second-drivbway. T-he ciiv wirr ne-aoi;; i[,. inspection ofthe work. If you have a. questions concerning youyou must go through p1 ease cal I me at S i ncerel y, r]ygway request or the process which-3681. rd 726 Dave BrownTraffic Technici an cc TRANS 63-3 Ed Chastajn, Lane County Traffic EngineerGary Karp, Associate plinner 225 Fifth Street a Springfield, OR 97477 o 5031726-37 53 \ SPRINGFTELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development March 10,1988 Public Works Department Ed Chasta'in, Traff i c Engi neer Lane County Publ i c Works Department 3040 North Delta Highway Eugene, 0regon 9740L SUBJECT: New Driveway for 2537 North 5th Street Dear Ed, Enclosed is an application for the installation of a second driveway at theabove address. Jh. applicant would like to create a circular driveilay toprevent from havjng to back into the street. l^le.have approved the permit. However, the property is located in the City,sUrban Growth Boundary, but not within the city'limits. The County still -has operational control of this street, therefore we are requesting that you rev'i ew th i s permi t al so . Thank you, and il^you have any questions concerning this appficatjon pieasecall me at 726-3681 S i ncerel y, Dave BrownTraffic Technician cc: Thomas and Bonn'ie Marx Gary Karp, Associate Planner Encl osures TRANS 63-3 225 Fift}a Street a Springfield, OR 97477 a 5031726-37 53 l_--_ tq /-__1 |*vtnv/ 7fifi )r7 aJtl, C <24 t10 htl olf I 1\l6Lsfdil4AlN I \l, ---____.,-/ f,a\ )rrtVryot H I I I l'la 2/ Y{i t-, t J sc LE N $ $l, N1 I + fa tr)p **+-lf CAItIBRI0E.-tr ; .r: j21tl ;l.'j;.r s90 5697 s .;il . ,) :.. ,l v \9\t 1.,:.,i i\0$$ 698 ,'1'' 3 iii . ii :.- r0 E. ,. I ,v n ooq'. ; 't, t. 24A5 f)rt to i'i l:., t.:. EIN r-lc{o l{l'-il t-4-!t t I $t! loo REV DATE GKD t'l'8 ir oP E NAB,RAh EM m s90 247 n ,l 241o ro .-.i r." ..i ,:, FI EED. U TI LITY, BOAR[ 24A1 oY\t-5o !..' ul 5 , i- : $rnrMiPrn LO, ONEG()N t J{.. "i, i). ti ': tlfiAwtN,. I l,?-6tq \r..,l-6-84 FCL ArJrrltc!\/,tt l]t NLE Lg- ,a l' ':,}'l' r'24 i' I.i ,' j 1. 2478 {" ,l i a lr.',. .n c{,\+ . ri' I G i, L I I I .' .i l' .-:' ...! ,:i, :,I 'z 635 { .1. 2626 'l: .',: ..; t 'i .:,1; 3 lit :'i i i' '. :75C rl;r1., "' J.,l .0[tAwN (r J C,Ou xtT-/ ?Ac^-( t f/ /Cu n ta ,(,,Ore-472nzm 77 (- 5b3l / CAEL \ 'l a /// CITY 0F SPRINGFIELD Planning and Development Department DATE OF tETtER April 1.8, L988 DATE OF HBETING ApriI 14, 19BB APPLICAITT Thomas Marx Bonnie Marx 2537 N.5th Street Springfield, 0R 97477 SUBJECT CITY J0ITRNAL NUMBER 87-04-54. Pre-Application Conference to discuss the conversion of a day care group home to day care center serving approximately 40 children. The location of the property is 2537 N. 5th Street. ATTENDANCE APPLICANT: CITY STAFF: ACTION No formal action vas information prior to approval. Thomas and Bonnie Marx. Gary Karp and Cindie Harmon. taken, this meeting was held to provide the applicant vith submitting a formal application for a Type I Site PIan Review DISCUSSION The items discussed may not include a}l issues vhich may be revieved as part of the actual application. 1. Assessor,s Map# 17032334 Tax Lot 3000: The zoning is Lov Density Residential /UF-10 (this froperty is vithin Springfield's Urban Grovth Boundary); the Hetro PIan designation is LDR. Z. The schedule of residential uses in the /UP-10 Overlay District (SDC 29'050) does not list Day Care Centers are a permitted use. In fact it specifically states: ,,... URBAN ilsss (e.g., multiple-family or churches) NOT LISTBD IN THE UF-10 OVERLAY DISTRICT ARE NOT PERMITTED.II 3. Annexation is not a viable option in this case since the property i" lq! adjacent to the existing City Limii tin" vhich is one block (approximately 500 feet) to the south. "Islindrr annexations vould not be supported. 'l I Page 2 Harx Pre-App 4 Sincer .{4 Discretionary Use approval from the Hearings Official vould not be a viableoption for the folloving reasons: a The access is not on a arterial or coLlector street. Harlov/Hayden BridgeRoad (vest of N. 5th Street) and N. 5th Street (from Centennial to ttaydenBridge Road) are Iisted as Minor Arterial streets. The subject property islocated just to the north and east of the Minor Arterial designitiLn. Theare existing curb cuts on the N.5th Street and Hayden Bridge Road are locatedon the local portions of these streets. The house is only 5 feet from the east property line and 15 feet from thenorth property line. These setbaeks need to be 20 feet. b 4 c. Day Care Centers require 1- parking space for each 400 square feet of grossfloor area' but in no case less than 4 spaces plus one additional p.it ingspace for each full time equivalent Day Care Center llorker. gff-sp.""" "."required to be paved. The proposed site cannot handle the amount oi parkingvhich r^rould be required. Hovever, if the standards in a. and b. above couldbe met' the parking standard could be met vith a parking agreement vith theFaith Center. You stated that you have another site that you are considering at 496 Har]owRoad' Please remember that an occupancy Inspection vil1 be required by theBuilding Division and Fire and Life saflty Department to determine if thebuilding you propose to use is in compliane" ,itt iluirding coJ"s governing thisuse. The folI0ving standards vould apply to any Day care center proposed: a. Special Use Standards to be met (1) The facility must provide a play area in accordance vith csD regurations. (2) The faeility must be approved by CSD. 5 ) The- facility sharl abut an arterial or corlector street and shall bedesigned to direct the flov of traffic avay from rocar streets, inaccordance vith section 32.o8o, Access and curb clt standards. (4) The facirity shall have a pranted front yard setback of L5 feet andplanted side and rear yard setbicks of. 20 feet. staff looks forvard to scheduling another Pre-Apprication conference vith you todiscuss your nee, site. Encrosed is i pre-Apprication-conference apprication. (3 Ga . Karp Associate Planner Copy To: DRC Members ,