HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-01-15" RESILtrNTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Notth Sth Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Butlding Ditsision 7 26-37 53 t# SPHINGFTELI) Job Locati.cn: Aesessore Map fl Subdioision: Asner: Address 5 City: a\tt I ( N1JI Tl+Phone: 7 t-t Deserlbe h'ork: Ned Additicn fron the street, and that theABuilding Diuisiot cppro"-ed p SI?E INSPECTION: eccavation, but t eazd ia Loeated ildenn l\RemoCel Date of Appli.eati General PLmb l.leclnnicaL qgnstruet'ion Lender It ia the reeponaibility of the pemit holdet, to aee Value designated job nctne and p?wne Date: ntmber, job aCdye nu-lbet. Requests of incpeclicn that aLL inapeetiota ote nade at the ptopet tine, that edch ail"ess ie teaCnhleat the ftont of the orooertu Bunlding Site 'at aLL' tihes.- ) state your Ci.ty tss, tape reeeixed befcre 7:00 an'!ou Contractc"s o7 A,mersL be made the sone day, requests mcde aftet, 7:00 @n uyill be made tke Iour City Desig:nated Job next rntking da.y. n*rtnn# 8 1063V forme. Io be nude after priar to set up of INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER il\SPECTION : To be made aftet, aLL insulaticn o:d. required uapor bart'ie?a @e in plaee but before oty Lath, Wpsun baarC on tnll coueting is applied, and before ory insulation is concealed. DRIWALL INSPECTI)N: Ic be nade after aLL CrywaLL is in place, but prior to any taping. I.,LAS1NRI: Steel loeation, bond beons, grouting ot, oerticals in acaondotee atth U,B.C. Section 241 s. WAODSI)VE: After installation is atnpleted. UNDERSLAB.PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHL\|ICAL: To be nade before ang uork ie eouered, FOOTING & F)UIDATICN: To be naCe af t e r t r: enc hii-d6-et c ao at e d and forms ate erected, but prior topoutirq ccnerete, ---1 uNDlRcp,oultD pLuMErNG. sEtrER. w.ttTER-' I DRAIilAGE: To be made prior to fil-l.ing trenches. 1 uaomrLooR pLUlErNG & MEIHANT:AL:lof floor insulation or deeking. I POST AND BEAM: To be nade pri,or to J TiitiTlallc"-o1 floor insulLtion ot decking, .-- ROUCH PLU!'|BI:]G, ELECTRICAL & IIECH- I - until these irapeetions haue been _ made and approued, I PntPtlct: prior to plceira faeina| ;dte"i-als and. before'froilni Zn"pnl- tior.- - FnlyTNc: I,tust be nequesbed aftet, ) dpproual of rough plinting, eiectri-cal & neclnnical. ALL rooftng' braeing E ehinmeye, etc. trust- be . cornpleted. tlo uctk is to be eon- ." cecled until this inspeetion lns'bee.n made anC approoed. cottzt ete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEIIAI: For aLL eon- cr.ete pAfiAdn st?eet right- of-txg, to be maCe after aLL e*ca- oating canplete & fora uotk & sttb- base natetial in place. CURB & APPRCACH APRON: G,e er.AtA-6ut wlor PENCE: gates P. A. E. After fonneto pouring h4ten eonplete -- Prouide or nooable seetions through l _l l l ENIAL PLUMBIIIG PINAL MECHAI,IICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL )3 ALL proiect conditions, such ae the i.nstallation of street tt,ees, co:pletion of tia nequired Landsecping, cte., rmtst be eatisfied before the BUILDLNG FINAL ean be requested. FINAL BUILDIN1: The Final Building. fnepeetion mtet be requested aftet the Ei,nal Plwnbin?Eleotrical" and Mechanical fnspeetiona |taue been nade ard'approueC. ICALL 726-3769 7 rc,r rot r ntflnn -e OR I,:OW' BUTLDI|ICS Sanilary saser eapped et propertg Line Septie tank p'atrped and fi.Lled trith gra;sel Pinal - lt1ten abcue itene ore ectnpleted and uhen dqralition is complete or' attac- ture noued attd prenisee cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- aarer otd. ua*et Electrical Cannection - Bloeking, eet-up and plwnbing connections maet be approted before requeoting eleelrieal, tnepection Acceesory Building pct ches, skitting, decks, leted. Firal - After etc. dte eomp', Page 1 of 2 *AT,T' IIAI!ilCT,ES AND CLEANOUTS IIIIST BE AECESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I,I. DE I.T TIO CCST TO CIIY .0lu I ,l -M{y n c- JOB NO.dsoLAR AC( !S REQ.-L-CO BeC-roons Lot Faces -Enerau Sources T'loe Setbaeks lleat Df ltouse Ca.raS€Accesa Water lleatetNorth East Fireplace South Wood.stou-e Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Couerage I of Stories Total Height Topography LCT ?WE _ Intez.ict, _ Connen _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac llest -- lees -- Building Volue & Permit This permi.t ia granted on the erpress eondition that the said_eonsttuctiott sltall', in all rbepects, conform -to the Ordtnance edopted 6y the Ci,ty of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinanee, regulati,ng the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, cnd ney be suspend.ed oy, reuokeC at dry time upon oic- Lation of any pncoisione of said Ordinanees. SQ. FTG VaLue TOTAL VALUE Total Chanaes ITEM X es9 * Signed: S.D.C. 1.5 c ue Euildingt PermLt Date Paid: Check State Su.t chat ae! Plumbing Perrnit No person shall construct, instal!, alter or clange cnA net ct edtsting plunbing or drainage syatan in uhole or in patt, unlese sueh person ie the Legal possessor of a oalid plunber,'s License, e$eept that a person nag do plunbing uork to propert! uhieh is ormed, Leased or operated bg the appli- cant. NO.T'E:E RCE Fi.*tures Resilential (1 bath) Sani Seu:er Plwnbing Pernit State Surel'.-an ge Electricq I Perm it l,lhe?e Std.te Lau requires tlnt the eleetrical uork be done by or Eleetrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit elnll not be oalid unti,L the Label has been eigned by the Eleetrieal Contractor. L Permit CHARGE Nau/Ectend Circuits Tanporey Seruice Stcte Total ITSM NC LitAfiaL llcodsto;;e vL Mechcrnicol Permit Mechanical Permtt Vent Fot Ezhanst HooC ,,s -- ENCROACHMENI'-. fggfrlt Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit Cutbcut Sida,talk Fence EZeetrical Label Mobile Hone Receipt # PLarT Etaniner Date f HAW CAREFALLY EXAILINED the eompleted applicati,on for pernit, and da hereby certify that aLL infonnation heyeon ie ttwe and. conect, and I fw,ther cet'tifg that any atd aLL uotk penforned shall be dote in aeeor- danee,,rith the Oydinances of the City of Springfield, atd the Lcaa of tha State of 1regon pertaining to the uork Ceseribcd here:-n, and. tlat NO )CCA- PANCy uiLL be naCe of any structure uithout permieaion of the Building DL-uision. I fut,ther eertify thct only contractors ord enplcyeel Dho ore in conpliance uith 1RS 701,055 uiLL be used on this project Total TOT,1I. AI.IOUIIT DUE: ^l5 s w Date 5:-B