HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-11-20'ccei t!.. RESIDT. ;IAL... APPLICATTON/PERTET 225 North Sth Street Springfi.eLd, oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Aasessote Map # 5 3 TJob lpcaticn: SPFIINGFIEI.I) e ,1 0 Subdittision: Amer: Address: p Additicn RenoCel ?az lpt # Phone: Dexribe Hork:':4- -- - [ t ' truCj;,ta,^Otan-1 Stu.cy l--l Eome 46 /) r- d-'-^). L (- ! uq.'vu. oat"' l(-2-O-8b Date of AppL ->o -Value sc. # GeneraL Cons-?uct ion_Lende!_ _ - _ It iB tha respons'ibility oi the permit holder to eee tlut aL! inspeetiotts ee nade at the p?ope! tine, tlat eceh addrees is vsasnAip fra n tle atteet, atd that the pamit, eazd ia Located at the froat of the Wope"tA*Building Ditsiciot appro"*ed plot shcll remain on tlte Building Sitc at aLL- t[mes. PR?2EDU?E FoR INSpEc?f1tt RI)UEST:CALL 726-3769 (reeoz,det,) stdte you? City designated job ntoiiber, job aCiless, type of inspee'-icn requested and uhen iiou uiLL be ready for inspection, Cont?detc?s o? Atrzers ncttte and piane nwnber. P.equesxs receixed befcre 7:00 ci'-iLZ be tade the sone dcy, reyests ncd.e after ?:00 ott urill be rnde the nect uotking day. Iottt, City Desigr.ated Job Nwnbet fs:q3 -1 SITE IIISPlC?rcn: ?o be nade after ) acao;;lon;@ prior tc set up of Jorne. ANDERSLAB PL!.]!'TENC. ELEC?RICAL & iECH{|IICAL: To be made before cny uo?k eooeted. dcckitq. ROUCH PLUIBIIIG, ELECTRTCAL & IIECH: AI'IICAL: ilo uotk ie to be cotset,ed ffiiT-these irapeetions haue been made cnd approued.. FfPE?.LACE: Prlot to plceirq faeingnatffi;C and before froniig inspeZ- tion. M!l!9: I'tust be requested after approoal of rough plumbing, electri- eal & meclnnieal. AL! roofing btaetng & chinmegs, etc. rrust be . eonpleted, llo ucrk is to be eon- - cealed until this inspeetton llas'been made anC approtted. FTilAL PLUI{BIIIG FIIIAL I,ICCHAIIICAL FINAL ELEC:PICAL INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPXC?ION : Io be made after aLL insulaticn ed. required ocpor burie?s @e in pla.ce btt before ory Lath, Wpsum bcarC ot' tnLL cooering is applied, and before ory insulation is eoncealed. DRYWALL TNSPICTTON: Tc be mAde -. after aLL CtguaLL is in pl.ace, but prior to any taping. \4AS)NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beons, grouting or oerti.cals in accordotee LlLth U.B.C. Seetion 241 5. WOODSTOIlE: co@;t;A. After installation i.s CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fonnsce eveeteC but ptior to pouring coneyete. STDWALK & DRflEwAf : Eor all con- crete parsing uithin street fight- of-txg, to be na.Ce after aLL esea- oating canplete & fotn uotk & sub- base ntatertal in place. a rcormc 4 F)aNDATT)N: ro be rm.Ce ) AF;-affis at,e ezcaoated and forns ote etected, but prior to pourLrq ccncrete, -- uNDgRGpoultD zLUMDJI1I2_EEIrEq _ wA!!&, )Lirq trenehee. --1 uno*rtooR zLUIETNG & r4EcsANrcAL: ^.) of' floor insulction or deeking. 1 Posr mo auu: To be nad.e pnior to ) GuffiAi-o" of floor insulaiion or f l I l PENCE: hhen eomplete -- Protside gates o? nooable sectione thnough P.A.E. lll I ALL project conditiona, sueh ae tle i.nstallation of st?eet t?ees, con?Letion of tie required Landsecpir:g, etc., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FIIAL can be tequested. FINAL BUILDIN?: ?he Final Building Inspection nnrst be requested cfter the Final Plunbing Electrical, ard Neclnrical Inspections hwe been made and approveC. DEu?Lrrlolt oR !.10w) BU. Sodtary sa-ter eapped ct properfu Line Septic totk p;^ryed a,td. fi.lled ttth grateL linal - l{lten abcue itens ate eqtoleted and uhen Cenclition is conryLete o? st?uc- ture noueC od. pra:rLses eleanei up. e Hcmes Bloeking otd. set-;,tp I Plunbi.ttX connections -- aaie? otC ualer Eleetrical Ccnnection - Blockittg, set-ut and plwnbing eonnections rrust be appnc;*ei before requeating eleclrtcal inspec'.iot Aecessory BuilCing Pinal - After pcrehes, skirting, decl<s, etc. dre cornple'-ed. Page 1 of 2,ALL I4ATIHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIZII! TO BE I.IADE r'.? ilO CJST TO CIIY d/-tt, tr ( JOB NO Iat Sq. Ftg.LCT TWE _ Intericr _ Corile? _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Z cf Lct Cooerage_ # of Stortes Total Height ?opography I?EI,!x Value Lot Faces - c^ieat P.L i!ouse Access th iro FEZ CIIAP,CE D 31 SOLAR A/-^ESS REQ.-L-CO G+ Zone Llaq'a Beetoons A -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This perrnt-t is gtanted. on the erp?ess condition tlwt the s,zid-constraction stnlt-, in all rbspects, confomn to the Ondinance edopted iiy the City of Springfield, incluLing lhe Zoning Cz,dinance, r,egulcting the ccnstructicn and. use of buildings, azd may be suspended or reuokei at cny tine upon uic- Lation of cnA prcuiaions of said 1rdit,ances. i s.D.c. 7. s x Euilding Pet'mit ?otal Clnrges !)Lr- Resid.ential (1 bath) Seaet ilat Plunbing Perrtt State Sutel'anae L:ate Patd Receipt #: Plumbing Permit No person stnll consh.'uet, install, alter or change Gny neD cr e:istinc plwnbing or drainage systen in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a ualid olumber's License, ene€Dt th,at a pelson nay cio plunbing uork to prope?ty uhich is oumed, Leased or openated by the appli- eant. Nas/ZetenC Circuits Selice Electricol Permit I,lhe"e State Lan z,equires tlta.t the eleetrical uork be done by an lleetrical Cont?aeto?, the electz.Lcal pottion of this pernit siwlL not be ucli.C. until the l.-abel has been signed by the Electrical Cont?cctot. L I?2.\ Eslunet HooC Vent Fot 'tlcodstotse > ecJT>1- )cntrtt )lrbcut ;ideualk 'LectrieaL lobtle Honte Penri.t fssusrce Mechanicel Pez,rtt -- EitcRcAcHtlE!'lT -- Mechqnicol Permit PLatT E8anlne? f HAW CAREFIJLLy EXAMINED the eornpleted aoplieatiott for permit, and do hereby eertifg tlnt aLL infotr,ation het'eon is ttue anl. ecrrect, an7 f further certif"- that any ar.d aLL aork perforned shall be dote in aeeoz,- dance ryLth the 1rdinences of the City of Springfield, and the Lo;rs of thc State of )regcn pertaining to the uotk Ceseribed herein, cnd tiu.t N0 ?CCU- PAI'lCy vLlL be nsCe of any st?ucture uithout permissiott of the Suilding Dt - oision. f funther certify that only eontracto?s at;d enplcyees aho are in eo:tpliance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet 5*iltu-//-zo 46 I'55 (s.o' bct /3,oo,bo /5 .bD ')TAL Al'!1uit? :/s,bo Signed.Date Ts-pe/Cor.st: * Canorf ?OTAL VALUE //^