HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1978-05-09CIffY OF SPH,I1rTG3-IEIJI) SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753May 9, l97B Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Thelen2340-4PattersonDrive Eugene,0reqon 97401 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Thelen: At your request, the Building Division of the City of Springfield made ahousing inspection on May 8, Lg7g, at zz5z t,lorth 6tn sti^eetl springfield,0regon. The^following'items must be repaired or replaced to conform with theUniform Housing code as adopted by the city of springfield: -- 1. A cold water shutoff varve installed on the hot water tank. 2. A trap instal led on the washer dra.in. 3. A pipe extended from the hot ulater tank relief valve to thefl oor. 4. An application of t hour protection on the garage s.ide ofthe wall between the house and garage. 5. A 1 3/B sol'id core door with self closer installed in theabove mentioned wal l. 6. Remove all partitions in garage. 7. Close in the opening in rear wall of garage. B. Install additional attic vents to realize 1/300 of floorarea. 9. Ex'isting chimney in kitchen must be removed or p'lugged withconcrete so it cannot be used. 10. A1T openable windows must open freely. Housing Inspection Page 2. Replace the broken range plug and cover. The wires spliced in the wall, must be in an accessible box. 13. Replace the missing plates and worn out receptacles wjth the kind originally used. 14. A switch is missing from the light fixture over the sjnk. 15. Replace the grounded receptacle with an ungrounded one. 16. Install breaker blanks as needed in the service pane1. L7. The wire to the hot water tank must be in flexible conduit. 18. Stapl e al i I oose wi res. 19. The loose receptacle must be installed properly. 20. The broken light fixture must be fixed. All necessary permits shall be'obtained before work starts and al'l work shall be accomplished accord'inq to applicable codes and inspected before a Certificate of Compliance will be issued. P'lease direct all inquiries to the Sprjngfield Buildinq Division at 726-3753. S'incerely, 11. 12. "((K'm?'/"***- Bu'i I di ng I nspecto r .=:> *-\lcol,2 \N OC-TPANCY . II'S?ECTION APPLICATION EXISTING BUILDINCS CITY O}' S}ITINGIIIIJLD BUI],DING DIIPARI}II|NT 1Date: Job Addrcss;zL12-N6 No. of Units Address:3 drcss: /ltrs -,/1(€r r%/E Lo -7/7t +L Orvner: Appl icanL:tf For Acccss to property - Telcphone3 Remarks: fE one A $20 ins ection fee is required at Lhe time of application. -(,rrs AppLrcATr'N FoRly MUsr BE srcNED By 'r-rE owlrER oF TrtE pR /rryz SPECTED. S IGNAIURIi OF R FCR OITTICE USE ONi,Y Drrl:c of Irrsl>ccl-iorr: Date of Repor!: D;rtc o f Co fC : ReceipE No.: ti tq .; .1t,. .'-..' ,r.. -. e ' r+ , ' Lnsp ; I I" E CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON _ Public Works JOB ADDRES BUILDING DEPARII,IENT Pll- 11 Inspector's Mbmo S 3.R -fg, 2.* ^fH,DATE */-78 TO: |,hz<- a*"2a.a,a ^-A i!, /a/e/r (-,/id.d i< d-r-'n-O Jez-*-Zt 2.ZI il" ( q4a/. h -/'b Z e2-w?,,-+zo/2fr /7 Phone 747-422L INSPECTOR /- 2 4 / L cIlY 0F SPRTNCFTELD, 0R- N Bulldlng DepartmenE CERTIF ICATE OF CO}TPLIANCE Th{s corc{floa char rhe bulldlng and property,locaCed st has enl nspected and oun co comply vl Ehe ordlnances of the ClEyof Sprlngffold, Oregon. Or+ners Name Addrees City IEens of speclal conslderaElon are: '<- DaEe 7tr Buiiding Inspector N./ TZSz >ze5 4 iH? 4-,^t r"(/ '" y' ! {At-, 4t /)Za4 Z4{TL t)rz^rc crt--4- adt*"k4h/.*/,)*V/''- *T &2ut- @ bL nz."/*r<^r?*/ --' d1 Lz%;*/fu4*f- ,:. ,( \Date 4 REOUEST FOR INSPECTION Springfield Buildirrg Department 1%Time Tyoe of lnspection Ho'l Si/v^-g Time Oesired \ l' '-r, c.l Lr I ',o Lt- r'rOwner Contractor Proiect Address ZZ7?-<U^.l\I Remarks INSPECTOR'S REPORT lVzqk A^fl *!nI*' s -'Approved y-/-vt r>t l{ tJ,/{* 1---t t ).' .t t 4,l l,t-. n,-i ':{ r{.i. Not Approved Remarks {../ , Date !a 5x1-.--.1 | .,'-t i,/,* .t /Whb t I t .t. { 1 I .t ,{ .t - yf4f14. p I rl I 'l{ II i t i I ! ,l 'l I I I I I I I ,l I I I i,l I I I.,.1,; i I'ii )t t I ) tr' .: I ! I I I I I I I I t i i I i I iI I I I I I I I i I I I i i I .' I CI:trY O}'' SPH,I\TGFIEIJ]f SPRINGFIELD, OREGON S7 477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 May 10, l97B To Whom It May Concern: 0n May Bth, 1978 I inspected the dwellinq located at 2252 North 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon. I observed an opening in the rear wall of the garage that led into a makeshjft shed on the rear of the garage. The height of that wall will not allow a door to be installed, that would 'in any way be 1ega1 or safe. It is my opinion based on the Codes of the City that we cannot allow a door to be placed there. Thelen to close that opening. ) Sincerely, '71.//0Y.^1, l.1ari on Jo son Build'ing Inspector of (r Spri ngfi e1 d .i ns tructed Mr. d