HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1982-11-24SPRTNGFIELD
Fire Prevention Bureau
Building Division November 24, 1.982
Mr. Art Paz, Jr., A.I.A.
353 North Znd Street
Springfield, 0regon 97477
RE: Faith Center Remodel at 2?0 North 5th Street
Dear Art,
As you indicated in your letter of 0ctober 29, L982, several meetings between yourse'lf
and-City Staff have been held to discuss the Faith Center remodel proposal.
The first meeting, 0ctober 19th, was primarily to discuss feasibility of the proposal
in broad terms. -The second meeting,0ctober 22nd, involved an inspection of the build-
ing and a "first hand'discussion of occupancy classification, construction type, area
allowances, fire separation wal1s, etc. At this meeting we determined that the build-
ing has the structural potentia'l of being classified as a Type III,1 hour type struc-
tuie. As such, the local sprinkier ordinance allows 7,000 square feet of area between
area separati on wa'l I s .
At a third meeting in the Fire Marshal's 0ffice wjth M'ike Hudman on November 4th, it was
detennined that, in accordance with Section 505 (d) of the Building Code, such area sep-
aration walls sha'll be of four hour fire-resistive construction.
Some concern was also voiced regarding offsets in the area separation wal1s, and you
agreed to address this item in your working drawings.
Aga'in, we reiterated the fact that the bu'ilding use shall be'limited to assembly usage
ai alior^red for a Type A 2.1 occupancy classification, and that educationa'l usage shall
not exceed 12 hourl'per week. It is our understanding that this usage limiation has
been agreed to by Pastors Rob Tucker and Gene Skinner.
In summary, let me conclude that the City Bulding Division and Fire Prevention Bureau
have apprbved the proposed remodel concept for the existing building_qt 220 North 5th
based bh an occupancy'classification of A 2.L, a Construction Type III, t hour, and
conformance to the local sprinkler ordinance v'ia four hour fire-resistive occupancy
separation walls at maximum 7000 square foot intervals
Your next steps should be to apply to the City Planning Department for a Conditional
Use Permit and to the City Buidling Division for Development Coordination Review.
225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97 477 a 503 / 7 26 -37 53, 503 / 7 26 -37 37
Art Paz
Faith Center Remodle
220 North 5th Street
November 24, 1982
Page 2.
if I can be of further assistance, please call me at 726-3669.
Lorne l'I. Pleger
P'l ans Exami ner
Ll.lP : MH/1 h
Michael Hudman
Fire Prevention Officer
@efirfrcste uf @ccupenr?
T'ltis Certifcate issued f>ttrsuant to the reguiretnents of Section 306 of t/te unifonn Building
Code certifyittg that at the time of isstnnce this stntcture Loas itt cornpliance witlt t/te aaious
ordinances of the Cit1, Tsgr\rting bui/dittg cottstt-ttction or use. For the following:
Occ. Group- I2-,fype Construction 5-N
-Fire Zone- I I Use Zone_
Owner of auilding McKenzie Enterpri ses ,Address_444_ "8" Street
Buildins 466rs5s 220 North 5th Streel-Btds. permit N g4R5