HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-12-07Receipt ll ( 'i.ntrpccttion,Cotttra,:tcr'::t or hsnets rwne cnd phone numbcn. ct'ter' /:00 tTn D|LL be nntle tle ncxt :'torking day' Itcun t'tLy Desigrwtetl Job Nwnbet Is: :iob aCdteas, tYPe of insPeelior nequesta receixed befcre 7:00 ctPI\1CSDU PE FoR I N ]t'ii':T Io tt .l'l-QUE !;T:CALL 7 requested and Dt:c'tt 'riou i)'[.LL Ltc PeadU Jurtiil be matle the sine dcy, reEiests m':'lt' T SI?E fNSP!,)'l'lr:)N: To be n'tde 'z!'l':t'e6"vit{irr, l* Prict" tc set u1t cs1' forms. UNDERSLAB T!,1',\IBI NC, li L!C'!'!? I !:A t. S. uECA,t.ttIUi, 'fo be rutde bclbte ,vrY Gi{-li-.otcred. FOOTINC 4 I"OUNDAT\CN: To be tm,le Aft;;-tr"n;ie" are i;.tcauabed an'l forns ate erected' but P"ior to pouting ecnctete. l--l u tt o m c n o u t o p :,!t n s r u ! J!/i.!,-J!!!' !' ! t -, ', I onatnact: l'o be na-|.' L't'tot' co J t L' Lirq trencltec.I 2 )-.. RESIDL-,ITIAL..SPPINGFIELD APPLI t'A' i't oN /PCRM I 1' 225 Nov,tlt Sth SLY'eet Spr"tngf'tckl, 1regon 97il?"r' Buildin(t Dtuision 726-37 53 rBui lding Nui::io): ilPftrot:etl I: permtt, L, ot slt.: L r:trd 'La Loaatecl at tlre ft'ont of tlte property i t,,lr.'r:n ttrL t'!r: lidL<llni-1 ::itr.tt aLL tirnes'JYon the street,anr! that the 26-3769 (r'a:or'(1.\') state yottt' City ileai gnated job ntmber, Date: It ia the resqon sibility oj' the Permi !. lplder to see thttt aLL ins ote nada at tle prDpet' tine, that ecch cddress is readabie !! ; ;!!!, A' t' -I o N / v AP1Y tt A U I-[: R l- tt s P.!t c'I ru \ : 'l'o be n<t:le after aLL insul:iticn a'"tl ncoulred uapor banriers are in place ll,ti t:etbre anv labh, gYPsun boarC' ot unLL cbuering- is apptied, attd before @tU insula.tibn is concealed. DRYHAL\, INSPECafuN: Tc be nade ;t' t.,;tflQrntfte .in Place, but Pr'ior to cnY taPlng. T(: to tuL ,lf floor inau L'Lon or clecktng \TASINRY: Steel Location, bond-tii6frlgrott"-ing or verti'eals in a".onrl,rir.e ttLth u. B. c. section 24 15. W!D|,J'o!-\t Aftet instal'l.ation is .rarnpLe te:d. POST o : To be rnde Prior to )URIJ ,$ AI'PR]AC|! AP!?p!: Aftet fonns tti.t'rz i:re:'Le:l but prior to Pourlng concreLe. !:rDrhtAl,K & DRIIllll/AY: Fon aLL con- ii,, t,i -r *ulr,,l iiii'ii s tre et right- ot'-t-u,i, to be matle after all exca- ,t|ti.u7- c<xnttl.ete & forn L)ot'k & sul'- basc 'rrr:terial in Place. floc,t' itrsulatior',:r' eouel'i:, .TgiV() un nade arul cqtprcuel. FI?ET'LACD:,Mr;i;l; tion. FITIAI, PI,U!.!DI iIC FINAI, MECIIANICAI, FI NAT, ET,EC'I'I? I I:AT' t'rior to plca'irq fccitrl arul befottz froning insY'en- uc be,'t, r..ll.t, ll,1,.,rr: \I r': ! .4/!i FRAI'IINC: Irtuct be requestetl aftat' ffirnt oJ' rough plur,bing' elecLt'i- &'l & neclnnical. ALI rocling braci-ttg E elinmcys' etc. nast be conpleted. lto ucrk ts to be con- ceiled unttl this insPection lw:t 'been nnde anC aPPro"^ed. IENCE: ta4ten conPlete " ProuiCe f,ii1,, "r' nouable sectians thnough P, U. E. -.tllL prt,,i,,:t:L ootdttt'.ons, guch rre the i.nstaLlation of stl'eet trees, conpTetion of the rt,tlut)r,t1 l.aw!:;r:ayt'tng, ctc,, mtst tn "ot:iiJiua befo,e the-BLTILDINC FIfAL can be requested' / -^^,,^-+o) nffer the Finf\/ l.tN.4L BUf LDINC: 'Ihe Fi.rnl Buildirq lnqtectiort nuet be re<tuested alter tle Final. Plubing (y 'i,',i'ii,'ii'l'.'il'jZ''a ninino''|'.,)il ruorn..jo'-,,,-'t"t"o been nade and'approoec i ' I I'c.x tat ll n ( Job Loeatiut: Subdivision As::essor.c trlap ll Ci ty A,ner Addt,ess:Plnne zi.;, \eL- \[: eo3,ldditicn | ) n,uu,,tnt. 1.c ili"::" ValueDate of trPplitrtt i.r;n, (-rn t r,i-lc S(,s ()i r Ilecltan icit I P I rrrtrbing Oenera l. 1i.,1 Il'l lt:c't r li I trt't tSrillerv ( lillln OR :,:OVEDDL:I.IOLII' Sanilay sq;er oapPed at pt'operty Lire Septic totk pwped artd fitled uith gra:sel !'i,nal - l{hen abcoe ite:ns are eonpleted and uhen Cenolitiot: is eonplete o? atruc- tw,e noued and pnenises cleaneC uP' Blocking arul set-uP Pltnbing connections '- aa,ter o'td' uatet E'Lectt'ical Cqrnection' Blocking, eet-uV . an<l olunbinq connections iast be aP?"ctec i,n1in" tequ-eeting elec lrical inspec2i'o;t Accesooryl fuildittg Pinal - Aftet pcrches, ekitt;'ng, decks' etc. ane conPleted. l-/' P.1,JP 1 ol 2 't) t:f,tAl'!(\[:: lltt::'t't1l iC!:n:;STBf'L', '40'tl't::'!'!t:':ltT TO I]t tIADIi !i''f NO CL'tST'l'0 CM W,V \ { ]tr Zonc LAR ACCES RE Crou L-CO G{. Mecho nicol Permit Pertdt Issuanca llechanicel Perrtt :)JOB l{O. /Ct;r:st f,ob Face:t -LOT TYPE _ Intenicr _ Corner _ Panlwndle - Cul-de-sac lio;t.rcc:; Iat Sq. Ftg.!le.at 7 of Lot Cooerage- I of StorLes Total Height TopogtaphY P, T,ilouse Ac( tr!:;{i Ila l:i Laco th Lts t ITEM FTG A Value Building Vq lue & Perm it This permit is glrantod on Llttz ax:f"recs cond-ttion Llnt the 'ia1:;d co'tsLrucLton shall, in all,esytectnr"'rto",fn,",'t" Ll\c orclin'tt;ae adop'te''7 liy Lhe c.ity of ipriigfl.iti, inclludtttg" rirl i.nr",r, C*litt,ttrc.e, r,ttgul.cLi.tt;7 l.lte acnstructictz o'ni u'in of Luild'inq,;,- o,rrl-,r".1 b':-'susytan4e'7 or retokcC oL c'titl tine upon uic- Lar;ion of ony pncotsiot;:t o{ said ortTinltrces' TOTAT, VALUE S. D, C.1.5 d JI Building Permtt I'./.r t 11 l:aLc Paid State lteeci.pt ll : Total Clnrgea t-):, t.rl:icQ NO.D''E CIIAIICE Plumbing PerrniFi.rturee Reaidential (1 bath)No Derson slnll consLt'ttr:t, ins!al'L, alLer or clunSc .cny neD -cr eai'sting'iiJri'ti'., iiiii't" syst,Ln in uhoT'c or. in potL, inles:: such penson is Lhe ilgit p"oounr*o, o7'o ,,irii.a pi.*,,t'r,n's I'ic-ens'e, cscept bhat a perso.n nail !o- ptfibtig ttot'k to property uihi"h i" ot;nc'l, Leizsed o'r opcrated by the appli- cant. Seuer Plunbing1 Pernit State ULt- tud2c\".+o CIlARCL)NO.ITEM L t L-C Where SLate La1', Contractor', the t,lrc LlLct: l,r,ical lonLractorthe Label has bcen :;igned b11 U.lt( b btcL.N-?E Nert,/Extend Circuits Seruica State ?otal Electricol Permit reouir'rzs ttnl;. Lhe a|ecLt'ical ttotl" be rlonc by el)ah,ical portt'.ort oJ' ';his pcrmLt shall t;oL an glectrtcaL be taliC wttil DCLl CIIAl]CEITEMNC, Flunace BTUTS Ezlanat Hood. llcodstope -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secarita Deposit Storage l"b.intenance Permit Curbcut T'OVAL LnA?gAA Si.da,talk lence Electrical tabel Mobile llane PLan Eecniner LIALC I ITAVE CARSEULLy EYAM\NED t!rc conplet:cd application fo-t' permit' and do i"'ilti iirTtiv-ln"t aLL .infotmation lrct'eoti is true att'd carrect, aru4 r futthlr certZ"lg l;hat any ,i*t oLL tto,k perfotned sfuiLL be dote in accot'- 'dano. ,rith th'e" Ordtnanc"e' of the City of bpz,i.ngfield, anC Lh-e f:d-o of tl9 sti7. )f o"L11on- pet t,zitting to the oot,k Cesbribed herein, cnd tlut NO OCCU- pLiCl i|tt Ol'e ,*len of a.ny" stntatut,e t,sithout permission of tlte Building D.i- oiaion. I {ut,the? a-e.rtif11 that only contrac'bot,s at;d enplcyees uho are itt canpliance Dith CnS 701.05s utLLL be. uso.d on thie project NIE:1 3f)Dal;e a/c ,/ts 11,;.!rooiis: Vent Fa t ..RESIDFNTIAL.. N /PERMIT SPFIINGFIELf)- APPLICA 225 North |th Street Springfield, )negon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Ilechan lca I Electrii:a -g _ts:";),11,' {)..1 t:(l)l- r,s SrrDerwr'si.n Electr-.it i;trl Job Locaticn: Ior. t<;t llAssessoro Map ll Subdiuision: A .Q--v'rr\6\^Asner: t1^--r Ci Addrcss Plu;ttc zip: Descri.bc llorl< Va!,ue Net ) $oo L NQu \a-oo-3 oDatef Additicn \rlrl ress I,isc,/ /l ltltf ril S Genera I P I r"rurb.i rtg i!.)in'? i) I.i Lr. r:k ing cnd S : i,-:t1,- PT.unbi.ng aonne.:tacns -- scuer anC ualer lil.c,:tri.c,tl Ccntt,:Licn - Blockirt3 ' set'-u:' ,iri.i. plmtbi.nq c;:rtnecticttts m;st be apprcte,'- bef,s:rc r,tqttr:stlngi eleclri cal inspec!io;: ,1 r:.: o :; :: o t' ; ; Bu;-l,i'., t i,: l''i.l.t l. - t',ll-;:r :tt'c:i:"s, si'! rting, decT::', cl.i'. t1)"11 ct)npl.; : i' i. i'.r.:,' I o.i' I' It is the nesponsibility of the petmit holder to see that aLL inspe-cbions dte n;adc at !h- i:r'L)r'-.'l' t.iLnt, tl".<zt ecch::.ddress is rea!ai''-c fron the streeb, and that the pemrit card is Located at the front of thc pro-pet'ty.,Buildiry1 D"Juicion appnoxed plan slu:Ll rema.in on Llrc Buildinq ::iL; at all t[ncs. P\OCEDUPE FOR INSPECTIOIT REQIIES!:CALL 726-3769 (recordet") state aour CiL11 .lcsi;trt,tt eadyforinspcctiott,Co,xtractarsc|ra,lnersni;:near-l lill be nnde the satne day, pequests made after ?:00 an uiLL be nadtz Lhc ncrt :^torki.rt.3 rr..1 .i,,i. ritt:bct,, ,iol: a,i;y,4;1..-, i;;1:p of inCpea:ic': y:itot;,' l;.;,:i:.:r'. i:cque sa.i rct:ci.tetJ befcre 7: C0 ,;:', Iour City Desigtuted Job Nunbcr Is Qta3p R eoui n ed fnso e,r: ti cns SITE INSPECTIQ!: ?o be nade after *c;;;tlon, aub prior tc set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL li MECHT\|IICAL: To be made before any GiE-li-iZ,;oz,nd. FCOTING 4 I'OUNDATICN: To be mtCe after trenches are escanlat.ed and forme ate erected, but prior to pouring ccnc"et€. FIIIAL PT,UMISIIIG PINAL MECIIANICAI, EINAL ELUCI'I}ICAL rNSUr,ATr'VATOR To tmde after aL P,U.E i()il : a:i :r,r,,1)l r-,,"1/),ir \'.;. '.:)\tt ' ;i ;i;,1):;,4,; 7-1 ultDxncRortlo p:,uuntpc, sswun, wlrm,:. I DRATilAGE: To be na,1e prior bo fil-Lir4 trenches. UNDERFLOOR PLIII.IBING & I4ECHANICAL: o1 floon ineulation ot, decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Prior to TiitalTatGn of floor insulation ot' decking. ROUfiI PLTIIIBII15. ELECTRICAL ,X UECH- -ANdAL: No aoz,k is to bc cou^ere,l GliL these inspections haue been made arul approoed.. FIPEPLACE: Ptior to placirq facinqmaterials and before franing inspec- tion. FRAI|IIIC: ltust be requested after appnoual of rough pltunbing, electri- cal 8 meclnnical. AL! toofing bracing 8 chirmcys, etc. mtst be eompleted, llo t,tcrk is to be con- cealed unttl thts inspection lns 'been made anC approued, rcqu'lred uapor batt'ie?s dre in p1.q12 but before any Lath, gypsun boa.rC or tnLL couering is applied, and before any insulati,ott is concealed. DRYWAI,I INSPECTI)N: Tc be. nade;fter';tT-fifiralfis in t) Ldce, but prior to any taping. MAS)NRI: Steel Locatton, bond diffilaroutinil or oertiaals tn accordance LYLth U.B.C. Secti,i:n 241s, WOOD:;TOVE: After install.tb[ott Ls ccmpleted. CIIRB & APPRCACE lA':?P!: Aft;et' fonn::.1. "."."te{but pt'ioi to paurf.ng concrete. SIDI;IIALK & DRfitEl'//'Y: For aLL ccn- crete paufng uithin stracl: rt'-Qht- of-rx:-y, to be made after al'l- er,r:,r- Dating conpletc & font oot'k ,fi su]:' base materiaL Ln Place, IENCE: hhten conpleLe -- Pt'ctti'<lc gii6i or mooable sectiortc througlt i),;ni.!as,;t ;:,li-tet' :apperi :t pt'opet'ty Lite 5c1:i 1'.' 1:a.t;i: 1::L-:':,i crui ,"'!.LLed uith gra:ei FLrtaL - h'lzen cbcue itens are ecnpleteti aT;i Dlzcn .lenclltion i.s aomplete ot' stvu:- tuye moue,7 aru;. preni-ses cleaneC up. A.l.L 1;t'o,lr.:r:1, aonrli,l;iottt-', iiilir.il .-Ir'i Llt' :tt:;i,ri !rti i., tt rt-i' :;:.t"'ttt' tt")(;t:, "--; "''i'i"ti- ol tie f TNAL BUtT,DtNC: llhc tltna1. Buikli.rt,t ,rn!;i,,',!l i.tnt r;:cL i.t', 1','11r1,';;16:,j :."/.':t' ti;': !'ittzL i!wtltini lil.,'at.ri.,tal , and l,lcclt,trict':1. In,:i',',:t.i ''?:r i; lt'" 1" "': ''r'r" 'r'l''l ''i,:'t,'t' j' *ALl, l.lANilCr,ns lND CtIiANOUTS IItET nli AC!:E!;]lBi't:, .n[\.'tt,-"':"':;a :',' .''j ':.]a'' I " i!'i'' ";f' :') '^'-\' I ''.ll-. I (- !leat llouse /lccess LaceFi toteth l,lest Lot Sq. Ftg. 1 cf Lct Ccoerage # of Stortes Total lteight Topography LCT TYT'E _ Ir,.terior _ Corner _ Panhantlle CuL-dc-sac Lot Faces - dSOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO Bedrooms:1..r"'.' JOB NO. -- I"ees -- ,Y VttLucITEI,I ttu A TOTAL VAT,UE DC Date Patd Sigted Building Volue & Permit This perrntt ts granted on the ecpress condition tltat the said construction slutll', in all r'Zspeets' confonn'to the Crdinance adop.ted tiy the Ci'ty o.f spi,'tngfie2, incl'uc1i.ng- the 1oning Crdinanae, regulath'tg the ccnstmcticn and u'sZ oJ'Luildings,- and may be suspended oz, reuokeC at cny time upon uic- taLion of any prcuisions of said 1tdinances. Duildtnti Permit Total Clntges State Surcha4Te L't1.4|:(;1.;]1'EM NO t'L't; ResidentiaL (1 bath) Sani Seuer I,lct.et' Plumbing Perrnit No pereon sl,nll constract, instal!, a'!.ter or change -cnll net-cr existing pturb'l.ng cr drainage systen in ahole or in part' unless such person is the iegaL piosses*o, of o u-olid plu bnt'ts License' ercept that a pet'son nail !9ptirrtl-ig uotk to property uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Plunbing ?en::it State Surcl^.arcte ,,.iU . :i..)!i,;i'. Nas/Ectend Circttits Electricol Permit were state Laa nequires th,ot the eleetnical work be done by an Eleettical Contractor,, the elictrical pot"tion of this petmit slnll not be oaliC until the l.abel has been signed by the Electrical Contv'actor. ?otal ClLat:ges Stcte hlrrlx.ee E*haust HooC r.'li.'tiii.'i. Vent Fan State Mechonicol Permit Permtt fssucnee MecLnnicel Pemnit -- LiNCfiCAL',ilr'tEN',t - - 9erruri t Pcrmit L\rbcut Sideualk !ence Mobile Hcme Receipt ll: Vcodstotse Total Cln Plant Err:nirtet Date I t!,1V8 CARSFULLY EXAMINED the completed appltcation for pennit' and do het'eby cettify that aLL infot'mation heneon is tnue and. eontect, cnC f funthet, centify that any ar.d aLL aork penformed slnll be dote in aceot- dnn<:e vith th-e- ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the La;s of the State of }regcn pertaining to the aov'k Cescribed here;-n, cnd t?tat NO OCCU- Pl.Ncy ;iLL ble nnde of any structure uithout pernission of the Building N- uis'ion. I further certif'g that otly contractors and enplcyees uho are in <:onplictnr:e uibh oRS 701.055 aiLL be used on thie project l/-L>?7 '!'0't"1t, A].louttT DU[': *,13 Date. t: I Storo.qe MainLenance EleetricaL r,ohcz Receipt ll 2_J^. . RE S ID T * IT I A L . . APPLi r l,'|'.r' i,.,, / PER!1 ['I 225 Norbh |th SLt'eet SpringftttT-t!, )regon 97'!'"7 Building i)t-uisiott ooc zcc?/ LU-O I OO SPRINGFIELD u $r U ( Date It Tc-r Lob ll /rn,1,:b Locuticn Assessot,c l'lap ll ^t\'\ 4 Subdioision Ci ty /\j t\t'l_r t(*r\Otmer Addt,ess Plirtte ZLp [;tL r\ Value [-l ,.. (( (ilob ile il a Date of APPLil:ttt.cn .lcld'iticn be lte,:.'t,i!, !"',','i : | ) oo,n,t"t. )ilnr ra l- BUILDI:1CSDEI.IOLI'IIO!] OR S!1nitu'!/ seser eapped tt property Line SepLic tank punped and f'JLLed ui'th gratel Final - l{hen abcue ttens are eatpleted a.lr.d uhen Cemolition is complete or stru3- ture mooeC and prenises cleaneC up' e ltcnes Bl<;cking arul Set-uP Plwtbttq connections -- sa)er and watet ElccLriccl Ccnnection - Blocking, set-u: an:l oltanbinq connecttons rtr'ist be ap?Pcte': i, e |J " c re qu"e s t ing e ! e c ! t" i cal in s p ec ! i'o:': Accessony Bui-LCtrry Fin.fl - Aftct'pcrch-es, skirting, decks' etc. are conPleted. Pt,.:e 1of i) tlcner;tl Plrrrnbing llechan lcit I l'lIr:t'trit:it S rt ne rv rilin Jion the :itPeeL, It is the resPo nsibiLi ty l'. let'Ll't( i,llr anC that the I,r: l'r)i',,', I l' oj- the permtL holder to see thctt aLL inttltections are nad'e at the ptoper tine' that ecch cddxess is v'eadabl'e ed at the fron t of the prope?tY tgut!.dirul Nui:: i. oY:, permt t L,trt slt,:LL tim€s CALL 726-3769 (?ccorder) stale yout' City Cesignated iob ntotber, job aCdress, tYPe of insPeelictt Contraatcrs or' )dne"s nctne -erul phone nwnbcr'. Reque sts receixed befcre 7:00 ct r:tt'll 'ts Loaot [ ! t,i]n, r:.tt ovL t!t,: i;uiLd !ng ! i t; ,tt a i'cr i.n:;pcct!on,PIIOCSDUPE :tJ I L)cil uou be neadyrequ --iLL be made the srune dcy, nequests tn.:d. after' 7:00 on tvill be maile the ncst wrking day qt I ))l oTma TircDtr.!r'r,ll,' tTn 6i.6iiii,-b,t p,i", fonns. UNDERSLAB I'',LL',i'tBrNC. ELlcI',RrqAL N WCtU.Af:at, To be nctde before 'znYffit7i-iou*od. FOOTIN? & I'OUNDAT.ICN: lo be nale after trenc'h?s are eicduated an'! 1or " or" erected' but Pt'i'or to pouring ecncrete. --l uttomcpout'u r: ut'tttuz, sl!;.:p, w't'l'y1.' ! I onllaact: l'o be nwJ.' p'rtot' to J t t- Lit".g trenches, I)llDE!:FLOOR ?!,tl:BINC ',! 't!Ef:t4Ntc.'.t! : .-To be nade p'rior to Lttstd.LLaDLOr! ')J floor insulcLion or decking' POST AND BEAII: To be nade priot' tc' TGTitTii-att of floot' insulatioti'tt" decking, Rouci Pt,a!!BI :t,G, ErtEc':2|QA' 3 ttl'::!i-- ANICAL: No ro?k '[s Lo ot' coae!"t: ur.rli!*d"a,' irrspeci [ ;r:s ]t';tte- bc'' made arxl aytproued. FLPEPLACE: PrLot' to plactrq facitro natAfi;G czni before fraaing insy"16'- tion. FRAI.'!INC: I4ust be requested aftit' ffiFoiit of rough plutrbing' ale':Lt'i- cil & neclnnical. ALL rociing bracing A ehinmcYs' etc' rrust b;: conpleted. llo Dcrk ts to be con- cnilnd unttL this insY'eaticn Ln;: 'been made anC aPPt'o"-ed. any insulation is concea DRYWALL INSPECMN: Tc ifii,;7t tT- cQGTT' i- s .inbut prior to anY taPlng. lcut' City Desigr'ated Job Nunber Is 'R1'1.:R ION To L insu rer1ulred uaPor brtt,riers are in place bui beYcre any Lath,gypsxun boanC or Lied, rznd beforeuaLL couering is aPP Led be made place, MASONRY: Steel Location, bond iiiiilgtotrting or oet'ticals in accorda-nce aLth U.B.C. Section 24 15, blo0D::'roYF:: After installation is arryt Leted. be ntde a!'t,tt' ' tc set u1t oj'ruttle after a I CUI]IJ & are.)?eatt concrete- After formsto pouringe,J but ;:rl)fl,lAtl<,N DRII,IEI'IAY: For aLZ con- .^;,' ,,*Ufiftm street right- of-uL,i. to be ma:le aften aLL exctt- u|tf.r"n' r()ml'lete & forn uot'k & cub- base mttLerial tn Place. \J FIIIAL PLU!'!BIIIC FINAL MECHANICAI' FIT,IAL ELEC'I'NICAT, IENCE: h4ten conPlete -- ProtsiCe g-"i;J on notsable sectians tht'ough P, U. E. tlll.pt'<t,i,zt:Laontlii'ions,sua!^'ustlrcinstallationofsl)t-'eett-71e;'conVleiionofthe ri,i1uir,,:tl Ln,u:lsr:aping,"Lt"-., ^r"t tre sattrfi'o}-A'.fZl"t- tn" BUILDINA FIiAL aan be nequested l'lN,4L RUTLDTN|: The Firnl Buitding rnsp'ectiott mtst be requested after the Pinal Plunbing t:;Lt:ctt.i.cal, onc *n.nori,"irt l""iiiti"ns'h,t,o been made and'app,otsed.'ltl r-l /NI) (:t,t,1ltt)Ll'l':'!lt!::'1'ttl'l iICCL:]Stttl'ti' AI)Jt!::T!i"if'l'i0 Bt;'l:'1DE l'l N0 (:)ST'l'0 CT!y It tav 1 I -t J n 3 u JOB NO. -- Zone: SO LAR ACCESS REQ._I L-CO C / Cc:r:st Lot Face-s - 15'-l LOT TYPE Intericr LitP Sou.rees Lot Sq. Etg !lea % of Lot Cooerage_ I of StorLes Total Height TopograPhY P,L Ilou,.,e Acc:css et Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac l.aae Lt )De slt -- lTeea -- rTEM FTG X Valtte Building Volue & Permit This permit is grantetl on the. e.:cpress cond-ition Llnt ttrc, s'zidr-consttwction slnll, in all t'espeeL::' eonfcmr l'o tlt-o' Ordindiice adopt'z'l fiy the City 2f ip"i"ift.ita, incLludittg' ilt) ':,o,ti'tq Ctdltz'tnc.e, va.gulcti,tto .ihe acnstru:!:t:.'^ o\d u'i"n of 'buildings, rnrcl m::.11 bc- sttspantled or rertckeC aL 'it1!1 time upon ulc- Lation of any prcutsiotis o{ t,airl ordi'rzrtrces' TOTAL VALUE 0c e S.D.C 1.5 x Building Permtt PLa l'at(; laa(l State Ilecziytt i Total Clnrgea L L )b1.Qi1c(1 ITEM NO FEE CHARCE Plumbing Permil No person slnll constttu:t, insta1'L'- al'l'er ot' chttnge,anlJ neD.cr existing';Lr;b;A .;'irainogln "i"te" in uhoie o-r. in port, inless such person is the i)gir p"r"nn""on o7'o i71i_i 1't*ntror,s licens'e, escept that a pet,son may do ptiittig uork to p*opnr;ty ,ihi"h i' ot':ned', Leased ot' operated by the appli'- cant. Ftrtures Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer <-LPlwnbing Pernit State Sut'charge ['EE r\ Total ITEM D L rState s frCE CIIARCENCI?gM b-\ Mechonicol Permit Na,t/Er,tend Circuits Sentice Esltanst HooC BTUIS Vent Fan llcodsto;te Pendt rssuanca l'lechanical Permit 'LlttfilMLt- 0uru1flCLC Electricql Permit Wet'e SLate Las requit'ezs tk"at the alpctt'ical uotk be rlone Conttactor, the eleatt':.cal portion ol' !;his -petmLt shall no the Label'lws been signctl ly l'lze Eloat'rical ConLractor' bu an Electrical 't be ualiC until e \ -- ENCROACHMENT -- Security Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit Cvvbcut Sida,taLk !enee Electrical Iabel Mobtle Home I HAW CAREFULLy IXAMINDD tle completed application for petmit' and do l"iiti i"rllfV-ln"t aLL .trfo:mation hereoi- is true and cc*ect, aruT I i"rli"n, "nntiiy that any ard aLL uo.rk perforned alall be done in aceor'-'iin"e vith thL" o*dinanc"es of tlte City of bpri.ngfield, .and tlla Ita,,ie of th-1 \i"-tZ Z7- o""j""- pi"t"t"ing to the uo-rk Cesbribbd herein, cnd tlnt No occu- pLiCi i|n b"e ,*1' of ai.y" struature uLthout permissi-on of the Bui.Lding Di- uision, I furthe? cet"tifii Lltat otly eon-tracf'ot's aiid enplcyees dho a?e Ln eazpliance uith lRS 701,'0-5s ttiLl be used on this pnoiect Planz Examiner TotaL D,ttt: Tate- TOTAL AMOI]N? DIIE: * I B'ldroons: )