HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1993-08-120f, SPFlINGFIELE, D EV ELO P M EN T S ERV I CES O EPART M EN T CERTIFIED LETTER August 12,7993 Reita Parham 2121 N. Sth Street Springfield, OR 97177 Subject: Housing Inspection at2l2l N.sth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Dear I\[s. Parham: Due to a complaint received about the properly at the above address, tlte Comnrunit-v Sel.ices Diyision/Building Safety conducted an I{ousing inspection of the properly. Records indicate ),ou are the ou'ner of this proper11,. The inspect ion revealed the follo$'ing items rrhich do not meet minintum City Housing Code requirenrents and rvhich cause potential hazards in the electrical s1'stem and shall be corrected promptly: l. The electrical service panel contairu unused openings in its protectile face plate $'hich must be closed $'ith circuit breakers or blank fillers. 225 FIFTH SIEEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-s753 FAX (503) 726 s589 1 3 The improper use of extension cords u'as noted. \\'hen used in place of permanertt rviring, it is potentially hazardous arrd can cause electrical shock or fire. Exteruion cords shall not be run through floors, rvalls, ceilings, doors, u'indorvs or olher similar openings. Cable clamps are missing on the u'ire cabtes entering melal electrical boxes. Clanlps must be installed to prevent damage to the cables and to reduce the potential for short circuit conditions or fire. Inoperable, damaged or missing electrical light fi:ttures shall be repaired or replaced. All circuit breakers in the electrical panel shall be properly labeled. Broken or nrissing cover plates n'ere noted on electrical outlets, srritches artd/or . junction boxes and shall be replaced. 1. 5 6 a - Reita Parham Housing Inspection Page 2 7. Romex u'iring shall be removed or protected to a height of eight feet. Improper splicing of electrical wiring was observed. The splices or terminal end of electrical u'iring must be contained in an approved junction box, n'ith a cover, to prevent possible electric shock or fire resulting from exposed electrical wiring or short-circuit conditions. 9 8. x.0. 11. 12. 13. \\/iring in the building space shall be adequately secured to the structure every four and one-half feet to minimize the potential for accidental damage. The exposed electrical n'iring at the rvater heater is susceptible to physical damage and shall be protected in an approved manner. A smoke detector shall be installed on the ceiling directly above the stainvay u'hen bedrooms are Iocated on an upper level. Due to the improperly installed and potentially hazardous rviring to and in the rear shop, electrical polver to this structure must be totally disconnected and the rviring removed at the source of supply. The new "sub-panel'r located to the left of the main panel must be removed or properly wired. The above items shall be replaced or repaired and reinspection request made within 30 days of this letter. trf you need any further information or have any questions regarding the above requirements, please contact the me belorv betrveen the hours of 8:00-9:00 a.m., 1:00-2:00 p.8., or 4:00-4:30 p.m. at 726-3759. Sincerely, Electrical Tnspector cc:Dave Puent, Community Services Manager ,/*d*f Jim Hays u . Complets itsms 1 and/or 2 lor additional services.. Complote items 3, and 4a & b. . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can raturn this card to you. . Attsch this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space doss not Permit.. Write "Return Receipt Bequested" on the mailpiece below the article number . Th6 Eeturn Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date d6livsred. 3. Article Addressed Reita Parham I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee ): 1. E Addressee's Address 2. E Restricted Delivery Consult {ee. 4a. Article Number P 866 797 969 4b.tr Service Type Registered E lnsureo E Certified n coo E Express Mail D Return Receipt for 7 2121 N. sth Street Springfield,0R 97477 (Addressee) 6. Signature (Agent) 3 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) =o g PS Form , December 1991 * u.s.G.P.o.: rse2-307-530 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ) UNTTED STATES POSTAT SERVICE Official Business a PENALry FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. $3OO Print your name, address and ZIP Code here DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 lililt a * U.S.MAIL i\