HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-02-19Receiot # po,+ /oz?/ ,fl SPHI]{GFIEL.D uu tt ,J u GenetaL Date: I ntnbe?, iob aCiz.ess, type nunber. Requests receixed of inspeelicn befcte 7:00 an It iE tha reepoaaibilitg of the penrtt holter to aee tltat aLL inspections ee nade at the propet tine, thdt each address is reaCahie fln tlu street, atd tlnt the penrit eatl. ie Located at the ftont of tle property.*AuiUi.W Ntsiciot approv^ed plan slu.Ll remain on the Building Site at aLL- tines. PPOCIDUPE FOR INSPECfi?N RE)LEST:CALL726-3769(recotdet,) state you? City desigtnted job requested and uhen you uiLL be z,eady for inspection, Cont?actot,s o! Anne"s nane end. ptnne t""il,L be nu.de the aane dcg, "equests ncde after ?:00 an vtLL be rnde the nect:,ntking day. You? CitA Desigr,ated Job llunber fs 0 SI?E INSPECTION e.ccauation, but lo be made afterprtor tc set up of INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRIER ilISPEC?ION : To be made after aLL insulaticn ctd required oapor bavie?s @e in place but before ay la.th, Wpst/rn baatC or tnLL coueri.ng is appLied, attd. before or,y insulation is concealed. DRYITALL TNSPECTTON: Tc be nade @er-dt'&yad-te in place, but prior to any taping. I,IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouti,ng or oerticaLs in accoydotee tLth a,B,C. Section 2475. ilooDsT01,/E: cctftpT;T;A. After ittstallation is CURB & APPRCACH APPAN:After forrnsee et ecteC but prior to pourtng cone?ete. SIDEI,IALK & DRI',WAI: For aLL con- atete pA@GTffi st?eet right- of-tny, to be made after aLL erca- oating camplete & forn Lnrk & sttb- base matertal in place. DE!.IOLTTTAT OR !,!OWD BUILDINCS forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELqCTRICAL & WCHLIIfCAL: To be nale befoz,e ang ttotk is coueted. F0)TING & F)UNDAIICN: Io be maCe @erEen 6 a". etcatsated and. forns ote erected, but prior to pouritzg ccncreta. ANDgRGROUIID PLUMEING. SE'/ER. WATER, DRAIilAcE: ?o be made prLot, to fil- @TJnchee. ANDEPELOOR PLUI,DING & MECHANTCAL : of floor insula.tion or decking. POS? AND BEAM: ?o be nade prior to installation of floor insulation or decki,ng. ROUGH PLU.IBII]G. ELEC?RICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uotk is to be cooet,edwtil these inspeetions haue been mad,e and approoeC. FIPEPLACE: Py.Lor to plceirg facingmaterials ard befot,e fronLng inspec- tion. PRAI'IING: lhtst be tequested after apptoual of rough plurnbing, electyi-cal & meclwnical. ALt roofing braclttg & chbtmeys, ete. rmtst be . eotnpleted. Ilo uork is to be eon-. cealed until this inspection lns'been mad.e anC approued. When cotnplete -- ProtsiCe oy mooable sections through ?ENCE: gates P.U.E. PTilAL PLUMBING PINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL project conditions, sueh as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of the requined Landseaping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BULLDfNC FINAL can be requested. EINAL BUTLDING: The Fina Electrical, and Meclunica L Buildirq Inspection mrct be requested after the Pirnl Plunbing L fnspeetlons lwte been nade and approteC. /?? s ,4/5THJob Locaticn: Tas Lat #Aeaeesors Map # svbdioision: T/cht"/ 7E&Asnet: T//?-Phone:Addtess: City: Ltrt-l ValueJ1q-K4lDate of Additian RenoCel '?L"h4'- DeacqLbe l,lork:Ur,ful / Plunbing 4A Mechanieal Sardta4 seoet eappted at properfu Line Septic totk ynped and. fi.lled rrLth gra;sel Final - Wen abcue itene ore ccmpleted and uhen Cetnolition is cantplete o? sttue- tuz'e nooed od. prenrLses cleaneC up. Mobile Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- sa)e? otd. uatet Electyical Connection - Blocki.ng, set-up and plwnbing eonnections rn;st be apprcted before requesting eleclyLcal inspeetion Accessory BuilCittg pcrches, ektrting, decla, 1 ^L^s Final - After etc, ate cotnp Page 1 of 2 r *ALL !,|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST\IE\\T TO BE r44DE A? N0 COST ?0 Crty .. RESID' .JTIAL.. T APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 t Conatructton_Leder_ __ trr LLsc. #?ho',Uont?actors Address EapLPes /7 ,4 I I ELectricaL \,) SOLAR AC^ESS REQ.-dJOB NO L-CO Bedtooms !!eat AccessP. L.House Lot Eaces -bt Sq. Ptg. 7 of Lot Cooetage # of 9tortes ?otal Eetght Iopogrqhg fntericr Corner Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac LCT TWE D-^^ Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the ex'pt,ess condition tlwt the said consttuction slnLl', in all rbspects, conformio the tudinance adopted 6:y the City of Springfield, including the Zoning CYdinanee, regulating the ccnstracticn and. use of buiLdings, ozd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cr'y tine upon uic- l-ation of dty prcoieions of said 2rdinances. ?OTAL VALUE ITEM f 1u x Va S.D.C. 1.5 s Building Pet'mLt Iotal Clarges State Date PaLd Signed Recedpt #: Plumbing Permit No pereon stnll consttuct, instal'/., altet or clange anA neu cr eristing plwnbitq or dtainage systen in ulale or i,n pott' unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a tsalid plunbet'ts License, eccept tlnt a Pe"son mag do plwnbing uotk to p?opetty whieh is otrned, leased or operated by the 6pPLi- cant. NO CHARGE y0 * Fi,ctutes Resid.zntial (1 bath) Seuer Pltnbing Perwtt State { Electricql Permit Whez,e State La,t reqtires th,at the eleetrical uork be done by an Eleett'i.eal Contractot,, the electrical portion of this perrnit slnll not be oalil until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractot'. L Nan/Evtend. Circuits Setltice State Iotal NC.FEE CILARCE Mechqnicol Permit llcodstotte Vent P@t Eshanat HooC ,s PermLt rssuntce Mecltanical Pemrit -- ENCROACHMENT -. Sec"r'itg Deposit Storage Maintetlanlce Permit C:urbcu! Sil,asalk Yenee Electz,ical Label PLan Exaniner Date I HAW CAREEULLY EXAI,IINED tle contpleted application for perrnit, qnd. do lerebg certify that aLL infortnation hereon i.s tmte attd cotrect, artC I further certify that any ard. aLL uork perforned slall be done in accor' dance tLth the 2rdinances of the City of Spr"ingfield' and the La:ts of the* State of 1r'egon pertaining to the rprk Cescribed herein, cnd that N0 1ccu- PANCY uLtL be naCe of atlA structure uithout permission of the Bui1.ding N- uision. I fu.tther certify that otly eontractot's and enplcyees uho are in eanplianee uith oRS 707.055 ai.LL be used on thte proiect ?otaL 2 -rc -r1 TOTAL AM1UNI DUE: *3l.zc Date Total Charoes State Surcha?qe Mobile Honte THE HoUSING AUTHORITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON PURCHASE ORDER EI E I NOT VALTD tN EXCESS OF $100.00 Unless Approved on Lines 1&2 Below VENDOR: Mail Invoice to: HACSA of Lane County Atcn: Larry Abel 177 Day Island Road Eugene, OR 974Oto17 P0#Ne 10294 DATE d.- /?-92 '€ DAIE t-/7- INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE /zShow PO# on Involce, ShiPment or Correspondence Check Appropriote Boxes, fl Material Picked Up ft Ship Prepaid to Agency EI NET g - Dlscount UNT' PTICE Dtsc. %NET AAOUXTQIY.ACCOUNT COOE CHARGED D ivis ion/ob i ec t /Program o,L" *r,20-5/ - DESCXIPIION 4o*l;, ftro,,h # t?oas{ &lsrcT &srr< lqqg /U, 5 S7*4, Ct?, LL Acr of 1970 29 U.S.C 651, PL gt-596) ond by Oregon Worka/r docr nof conforn to thc OSHA ondlor OSEA rtondords ond/or t o nd/or rcEulorioru Prornu lgottd Sofc Employmcnl Aa ol 1913 (.: re?urn lh. Ptoduct fror corrction or nploc;ncnl NET IOTAT by rhc U. S. Drportncrn of Lobor under ttra OePoriorcl Sofcty ood Heohh SB ,I4.ORS 654.00I io 651.295 qnd 65,{.991). in thr evrot lhr product rold per{ormed bY thcot lhe :rllr/r oprion ond at lclle/l lxpcar' Srnicc.r lhr bvyir ol buyrr'r r:pen* io thr cwnl rcllcr foilr "Seilcr worront: lhot the p roduc, rold or reryicc rendcrcd to the buycr rholl confom fo thc rtondords Conpcnslion Boord rnder thc Oregon r?gu lqtions, ihc buyer moy .o mokr rhc op- tcllcr which do not conform ro thc OSH ,/OSEi\ :tondordr ond,/or regulotiont mult propriotc corraction within o raqronoblc timc." "NOTE: This purchorc :ubiect to oll oppiioblc proviriom The above items are requlred ln the operatlon of this Agency and the expenditures they esent are an approved budget charge. a-/7 APPROVED AY OATT bc corrccted by thc :allrr ot thc rlle/: arPcnra or by of ORS Chaptrr 279 on public codlro<ting-" or ., APPIOVED CY c-L4-28 OATE /?hovc bten rcctivrd or Porformcd ond hnvr bocn acrrPtad. OAIE a€ 9vz,b7 l'ltl ' - ! Subdiuision: Ot tner: Address: City: Nea l, ol )4w a(59 -c/c. ht-tJrd [-/(?-{ " RESlDf {TIAL " APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Nov,th Sth Street Springfield, )r'egon 97477 Building Dtuision 7 26-37 53 "rob Loeaticn:tu gil sn Aesessore I'lap fl l0 SPTINGFIELD Tas lat # zip: Desez,ibe llot k: Value .3 Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nunber Is: INSULATION /VAPOR BARRTER il\SPECTION : To be maCe after aLL insulaticn ald. requiz,ed uapor batrie?a ore in p|.a.ce but before ang Lath, g7psun bcarC or tnLL coueting is cpplied, and beforeag insulatton is concealed. "r/ rtit *0 ! Additicn Dcy,c"r 1 p/cte.tl /d, /<parL ?d lfi on^oou,@ Date of App Lication Genenal ELectrical L Constraetion Lender Date:-8 I numbe?, iob aCiress, type numbet. Requeste receixed of inspecltcn befcre ?:00 ct It ia the reaponaibi-LilV of-tta petwtt ho_lder to sae that aLL inapectione a.ra nade at the p?oF)e? tine, that cach,zddreee ie reeC-hie ty.-t!r.. atree-L,. and that the -pemrit .eat'd id Located at the fu,oni of the properfu 'Butlding Diuisiot appro"-ed plan shall remain on the Butlding siLc at aLL'tihes.- P?)CSDUP\ FO4 I\SPEC?I1N,E!-Q_ yEST:CALL 726-3769(recotder) stdte Aou? City desigrnted jobr-e.luceteci ar.,7. .rshen you uiLL be ready fot, inepeetion, conttactors oIr anne"s ncne Lnd plone'ILLL be nade the sane dcy' "equests made aftet, 7:00 dn urtll be nade the neot :sotking'da.y.,fllbcK SITE INSPECTI1N: ?o be nade after escaoation, but pr-iar tc set up of fomns. I--1 UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & i I MECHT_ilICAL: To be nade befoz,e inu uo?R Ls coue?ed. i-l F\pTINL & FOUNVATTCN: ro be rmCe: I after trenches are ercauated and. forms are ereeted, but ptior topourtng ccnetete. - UNDERGRIUIJD zLUMETNG. ;EWR. II.ATER.'. I DRIINACE: To be nade prion bo fil-Lira trenchee.- ?\-fu Etognrr,oqn prulnnrc a uraunrcnr,,- | To_ be mad.e prior to installation of floor insulation ot decking. I P.9Sr AND BEAM: To be nade prior toI installaticn of floot, insulation or decking, -]-1 ROUGH PLTXIFIIIG, ELECTRTCAL & MECH.'lulett'w hese inspeetions haue been made and. aporoueC. I FIPEPLACE: Prior to plaeiruJ faeinoI materials and. before franing inspel-tion. -1 FRA\I|WC: ttust be Tecuected aftan J apryoual of rough phmnlng, i1".i"t-cal & meelanical. - ALL robfing braeing E- chinmcys, ete. nrust- beeompLeted. llo work ie to be edn- ., cealed until this inspectton hae'bee.n nade anC apptotted. DRYWALL INSPECTI)N: Tc be nadeafter aLL CryuaLL is in plaee, but prior to cng tapin4. llA9g!_!!: Steel location, bond beans, grouting or tertieals in accordozee Llith U.B.C. Section 24 15. WO0DSTOVE: Aftet, inetalTa.tion ie ampleted. qaB- {A?PR1ACH APP,oN a.e ir.eitea nntiFld to conc?ete. SIDEIIALK & DRfWWAI: Eor all eon-c"et;n6fr- ulTffi stteet right-of-txq, to be naCe after aLL eroa- uating canplete & forn uoyk & sub- base naterial in place. After forrne ' pouring gate6 When eonplete -- prouide or notsable seetions through P,U.E l ll l FINAL PLUMBIIIC FINAL MECIIANICAL FII'IAL ELECTRICAL ALL proiect conditions, such as the installation of street tlees, con-oletion of therequired Landsccping, etc., mlat be sati,sfied before the BUILDIN| FINAL ean be teqaeeted. FINAL BUTLDING: The Ei.nal- Building. Inspeetion mtst be requeoted aftet the Einal plunbingEleatrical, and Mechanical fnspeetlors 'hqtte be"n nain- ird'ipprooni. DEI.|OLITrc!] OR !,:OWD BUILDI\ICS Sanitaty saser cappted at propettg line Septic totk p;,rrped ald filled trtth ga;tel Final - hhen abctse itens dre eanpleted ard uhen Cqtclition is conrplete o" struc- ture moued and. pretrtses cleaneC up. Mobi Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Pltnbing conneetione -- aeue? otd uatet Electtieal Cannection - Blocking, eet-up and plwnbing connecti.ons mtat be approoed before requeeting eleclrtcal inspection Aeeessory Buitding Final - Aften pctches, ekitting, decka,etc. are conpleted. Page 7 of 2 *Ar'r' I4ANI\CLES AND CLEANOUT:I llttsl BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTltEttl TO BE ttADE /1.T tto COST fO Cny Phone: I * b soLAR lEss REQ.- Zone: ?otal L-CO d BeCtooms: Receipt #: I HAW CAREFULLy EYAILINED th.e eornpleted appli.cation for pemit' and do herebg eertify that aLL ilformation hereon ie tmte dnd corl'eet' dnd I further cet,tify that any ar.d aLL L)ork perfornted dltall be done in aecor- dance urith the Ordinances of the City of Spr"tngfield, and the LGaB of the State of Oregcn pertaintng to the wot'k Cescribed herein, md tlat tlo OCCA- PANCY uill be nnd.e of any strueture uithout Pemisaion of the Bui.lding N- uision. f further certify that only eontlaetors and. enplcgeea Dho are in co::rpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie ptoject PLan Etantner Lot Faees -Energty Soureds Titoe Setbaeks lleat DT House Catage Access llatel lleatetNorth East Fireplaee South Waodstote I of Stories Total Height Iopographg LCT TYPE _ Intenicr _ Corner _ Panhandle Cul-de-sac Iot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cooerage Ilest D-^^ Building Vcrlue & Permit This permLt ts granted on the etpress condition tlnt the sail. conattactionslnll, in all reepects, conform to the Ordinance edopted g;y the Ci.ty ofSpringfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnsttaiticn and use of buildings, cnd mey be suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at cnA tine upon oic- Lation of any prcoisions of said Ordinances. SQ. FTG VaLue TOTAL VALUE Date Paid: ?otal Clnrges ITETI x Signed: S.D.C. 7.5 r aDuildinq Pennit State Sutcharge f{,u .?0 Plumbing Permit No person shall constntet, instal'!., aLter or ehange anV ned cr eristing plwnbing or drainage BAsta'n in uhole or in patt, unleas such pereon ie the Legal possessor of a oalid plutnber's License, e$cept that a pe"aon nny do plunbing uork to property uhich is onned, Leased or operated bg the appli- eant. FEE CHARCEITEM Fi.stures Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Petnit State L Electricol Permit hthere State Lad "equites tlnt the electrieal uork be done bg an Electtieal Contractor, the eleetrieal portion of this petmit ehall not be oaliC until the Label lns been sigted by the Electrical Cont"actor. L Permi.t ?otal FET; Neu,/Ertend Ci.rcuits ?anpor@y Seruice ITXM Eshdret HooC CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit Yent Fot llcodstote Permtt rssucnee Mechanictl Permtt -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Secarity Deposit Stotage Maintettance Permit Cvtbcut Sida,talk Fenee Electrical Label Mobile llone TOTAT, AI'TOUilT DUE:'/8 zc Si qn ed Date /4: JOB NO. Fttnaae PTU'S HOUSING AUTHORITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY OF LANE COUNTY, ORIGON NOT VALID IN EXCESS OF $ZOO. OO UnLess approved on fines 1&2 below PURCHASE ORDER Mail Invoice to: HACSA of Lane County Attn: Larry Abel 177 Day lsland Road Eugene, 0R 974Ot Show PO/l on Invoi-ce, Shipment or Correspondence tr ship Prepaid to Aqency[ NET tr POII N 9 2858 DATE -tVENDOR: CtrT o€,/d-INVOICE NUMBER INVO DATE '"r - /c' tr) Check Appropriote Boxes: E Material picked Up Discount Barad/'. L o F-4-*4-4d "Seller worronts thot the DESCRIPTION prod I, PL NET AA{OUNT obove moleriols or seryicec ond hove been occepted. f"/r*t h-roa t??g il, gbgF +P4.q., /-/c .D does nol conform lo the OSHA ond/or ond/or regulolions, lhe buyer moy relurn seller's option ond ot seller's exPense.Sewices performed by the seller which do nol conform to the OSHA/OSEA stondords ond/or regulotions must be corrected by the seller ol the seller's expense or by the r ol buyer'r expense in lhe evenl seller foils lo moke the op- NET TOTAL uct sold or service rendered lo the buyer sholl conform lo lhe stondords ond/or regulotions promulgoted by the U. S. Deporiment of Lobor under lhe Occupoiionol Sofety ond Heolrh ond by Oregon OSEA slondqrds Worker's Compensolion Boord under the O 654.001 to 651.295 ond 654.991). ln the event lhe product so,tdregon Sofe Employment Act of I973 (SB 4'{-ORS the product for correclion or rePlqcement ol the Acr of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 65 9r-596) propriote correclion within o reosonoble time." "NOTE: This purchose subiect to oll opplicoble provisions of The above items are required in the operation of this Agency and the expenditures they represent are an approved budget charge. APPROVED BY DATE ORS Chopter 279 on - I cedify PR,ICE UNIT Dtsc.ACCOUNT CODE CHARGED Di visi on/0b ject./Proqram /t9e* / gto 2. APPROVED BY c-14_27 DATE hove been received or performed DATE o/oQTY, I HOiJSiNG AUTHoRITY & URBAN RENEVAL -{GENCY OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON 342'6081 HOUSTNG AUTHORIY MEMO 177 DAY ISI,AND ROAD POST OFFTCE 80X 907 EUGENE, OREGON 9740I / ESub T /,dl Oas /u€ K Rol €KT- ?a-sfa,€ lqgf rrarfh d3L sf spal uj ltL4, 2r. ?zq z z Ploryc ?qZ- z?40 Cory f* eT-Tzrry Bott4Rst-L 4f z- J .? a t OR florrl €.,(rr. < c ( l' 3 q oo , I 6*rl Roor4 - l,U€ 4tr2 J "r-rf lo ?e aroye /4 z z2e /a1 -fho,t€p Ptru, PeVaix all azyaor r'nt r4a B*rt t€o opt y',(oor a nJ us aALg, (e , bs f*// 4t C f.ol Vzp /rp -rA o,nC,(/ /'^) < fo /"t ?or<pt ;!-.a (tr-t< 1 ,S4ou,,t€t( tll EA?O a ^, / ,v € tat v t tv/ /E o A/ €,lz aR. ,QrrArry ti/ E D E/ t(of olrl rtoo'q - utt'L/ f{E t*loug / /e /r(oor A P/ 4o.t K rl..* ia ,o ^' "ttl//,g Apd / i/ ,fa// r?.€ *t utey lt 2P //aat . ,, €eTr v e fo .nikc ('' o t) Pa lat ru o ,a) l1 7/a €X t s ltt$t €A ou, E,<, ) 2,od /o (t7..ie c+,orcl.a,l,ls /.1 € d*n.a_7€\, cl oat t b y doy tCo 11 €-sf 4 o-sf * { /,,ora e Uoe! fo b€ boil€ Ay- /ant Co*rTf franslug Aqrttocrr/ /7" o.ZtsAAnd (d, E"Sailt1 o(, i,z4ot fH, # 6gn7- 3?oo Z SIHRS uf-+ ((LlT/l/Ty ROO /3Ed Roon Z ( , : 4er4l PA// SAoutCR o ( kt rc,?frt// t vt rt* ftoort Z Dly<or aztl Z SrHR.t up+ Z siL' trl s trrtl / Ty Roon APr?o x, 4€f4l PAtl SAooeR o 3'- o" s o: I ?'t;' -J.k-.' A L'- 1" x ?'- o"t s'- T f)lr Sg + 9Jt\ o s ,r o! BEd Roon Z O(ro RoAe rr /osf(R lqqt N, €rJ s7/d, o/€. ?1tt?1 pA,# C,t7-2?uo k t rc4.{t// t vt rtq t?oon