HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-09-30..REsIDENTIAL.. z2s North rrtr rro"ff'o"orro*/P,Rttrr SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFtIt{GFIELD o- L-, th 9ate: Job focaticn: Assessors Map #2 Subdiuision: 5lzer:.' r. CL Address:\1 ) . Phone: Describe Hork: llet ) n )Va?,ueDate of Additian GetzeraL DEI.DLNIOII OR :.!OW BUILDI\JGS Sotilag seoer cappe<i ;t propetty Lire Septic tork pr,nped enn fillad urith gzael Pinal - l{hen abcue itens are ccnaleteC and uhen Cqtclition ia cornplete o? stt\c- tuye noued d. prerLaes eleaned, *p. Ecmes Blocking od. Set-up Plmbbr4 contectialTs -- eare? od. uatet ELectriccl Ccnnection - Bloekin4, set-u? ard. plmbing coaneetions rnist be qprc"-e<i before requeating eleclrical inspeclio:t AccessorS- BuilCing Pit-zl - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, etc, @e ccnpleled. Pcge 1 of 2 Construetiott Lender qTAC TilQDDaarnil. *cauatTon;6t fotns. ' ?o be rude after p?io? tc set up of tt ia the reaponsibility oi the pernit hod* to aee tlat aL! inspectLons oe nade at lle 1'nan the st?eet, and tlat the petrttt catd ia Located at the fzent of t|re wope?ta.*2uildiry tuiuiciot appm^ed pTbt sitc.Ll remain on tle Bualdang Jice at aLL' tikes.- PR1C9DUPE F)R INSPECTIII| R11.WSTTCALL726-3769 (recorder) stdte you! Citg .Tesignated job requested and ahen gou aiLL be neady for inspection, Conttacto?s c? Anters nane and. plnnetill be rade the sane dcg, "equeets nade after 7:Jg an urill be nade the nezt :nrking dag. aNpERSLAB PLUMBIilG. ELECIIICAL & IECH4IIICAL: ?o be nade before aru1wrk is eouered. PCOIING & FOANDATICN: To be tnCe @e;ttffis are *canated and. ate etected, but prior to ccnctete ?IIIAL PLUABIIIC FINAL AECEA,ilICAL PINAL ELSCT ICAL YaE CitA Deeigzated Job Nurnber fs INSALAT|)N/VtPCR B.ARRI9R ITSPEC|I)N : Io be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn ed, reqzired oqor bavie?s de in place bat before ag Lath, Wpflon bcei or tnLL coue*ing is aoplied, and. before otg insulatinn is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECII)N: ?c be naCe @fr@aT-te in plcce, but priot to any taping. MASCN\I: Steel Locotiott, borui @gro"tinq or oerticals in accordotce uith U.B.C, Section 2415. p?o?e! time, that ecch adlteEs is reqsahl.e rumber, job aCitees, tgpe of inspeclicn runbet. Requ.ests receixed befcre 7:00 ctt 7 uapeprLoCR ?autttsrvc g :iEcgANrcAi:tt@of floor ineul,atiott or decking. ?1ET 4!l! B4tl.t: ?o be nade prtor to ffitatal of floor insulation ot d.ecking, ROUGH ?'UEI\IG, ELECTP:CAL I :,{EC9- ANfCAL: ilo Ltork is to be cco*e?ed frlTthese inspectiors 'ncue bem rud.e and. qprouei.. ?I?EPLACE: PrLor to plairg facingnaterials cnd. before irarring inspec- tion. .rR$I|!l!Q: thtst be reatested after @f,al oi rough plinbing, elecvr)- cal & nechanieal. AL! too7'ing btaatng E chimtwgs, etc. mtst be eotfipleted. llo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inepection lns 'beet'r, rad.e anC apptotted. Afte? inotallation iaUO0DS!0,/8:ffiffia. CURB & APPRCACH APPAN: After fornsee erecteC but prLor to pouring co?E?ete. SID\WALK & DRIIEVAI: Poz, aLL eon-ffin@Aiffi street risht- of-uny, to be nade after aLL ecea- uating cattplete & forn wrk & eub- base naterial in place. ?ENC!: tihet complate -- ProoiCe @ or nooable'sections through P, U. E. ALL project conditions, such as the installation of stteet trees, eon-ole'"icn oi' tie required Lald.sccpirq, etc., mot be satisfieC before the BUILDfilG FfllAL cen be requested. ilNAL BUILDIN1: Tke Final Electrical, ad. Mecltanical Euikiin4 Inspeetiott mst be requested cfler the linal Plunbiry Inspectiotts hatte been nade anti approtei, *ALL !4AIIECLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESiIBLE, ADJUST:IIN! ?A 3E:.14D8,1.? IIO CSST TC CTIT { I u tr u 2 lq soLl.ccEss REQ.-L-co d Bedtooms: JOB NO. Lot Faces -Ene?ou Sou?ees TuDe Setbacks lleat Df ilouse Cataoe Access llater lleatet, No"th RanOe East ! L?eD LAee South lloodstoxe Vest bt Sq. Etg. % of Lct Cauerage # of Stortes Total Height IopogWh4 LCT TYPE _ fnter'tct _ Co"ne" _ Panland.Le Cul-de-sac -- ,aees -- Building Volue & Permit This oerntt is granted on the e$ptess eodition tlut the said-eonstrtction sLaLL, i.n aZL z.espects, confomn to the Crdinanee adopted. bg the CitT oi Spr.!,ngfield, includi.ng the Zoning Crdincnce, regulctittg the ecnstntctl)cn cnl. use of bu:.Ldings, otd mty be susoenLe,C. or re,,tck-ei at cr.g tine uton uic- Lation of ar.y ptcu.Jsions of saii Ctd.ir,ances, ValueITEMFTG bldled.: TO?AL VALUE Building Pe?tilt ?otal CTtcgea State Check ?ee: Plumbing Permit No peteon shall consttact, i.ns2477, altet' or elange anA rleD cr esisting plutnbin4 or dtainage sgstslt in alole or in patt, unlees such person is the Legal poseessor of a oalid pLumber's License, e.acept tlut a petson nag do pktabing aotk to ptope?tl uhich is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli- @fit. NA FgE CAPGE I rTEM Fi.ofiites Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plwbtng Perrit Elecfricol Permit Wete State Lan requirea that the eLectrieal aotk be done by an Electrtcal Cont?dcto", the eleetr.ical pottion of thie pernit slall not be oalid. until the Label has been signed bg 1:he Electrical Conttacto?. Nat/Sstend Circuits Sewice lotal iT!M NC,C!]ARCE 'icodsto:se Mechonicol Permit Eshatst !|ood. Pernr[t fssuoge Meclnnicel Per,nit -- ENCP,CA,CHLIEIIT -- Secarit,t Deposit Storage Maintetnnee PerqrLt Ctsbcut Sido,talk Eleca*tcal Label Mobile Eone \ TO?AL AMOUIIT DUE: A 10 # PLcn Exaninet i flAW CAREEaLLy EX.LMIIIED the eontpleted aoplication foz, pennit, c71d. da hereby certifg that aLL ittfo:,nation hereon is tnte anL ecrrect, atC f fi?tke! certify that ory ard aLL uork perfor-ned aiull be ione in aceor- dance tith the 1ydinqtces of the City of SprLngfteld, arui the Lc;s of the State of Aregon pertaining to the ao?k CescrLbed herein, end. tlut N0 1CCA- PAIICI vLLL be rm.Ce of anA st?uctu"e trithaut pemttission of the Sui|ding Di-rision. I further eertif'g th.at onlg cont?dctopa ud enployees aho otb in eanpllance uith ORS ?A1.055 ai.LL be uaed on thie praject latal s.D.c. L.5 c ilalar O Oa httnz.ee 3?ll'S Vett. lot State Suyeltaqe 'l'o'-a/, (:hfraes !ence ,l Tdir-- CITY OF SPRINGFI.ELD, Oh-.-.JN Department of Public I'Iorks 225 North 5th Street JOB ADDRESS:4 BUII -r{G INSPECTI0N DIVISI0N JOB NLIMBER: DATE: TO NOTE: I % ,4r1 D<r Z /J ,/-<^D E An/.o -Ser- .,+ /.2 c ,/,a,a,/r{D 4,r Ec, INFOR}IATION: INSPECTION: 7 26-37 53 726-37 59 ,1(*t FOR REINSPECTION INSPECTOR:a /3- ?3 P" 44r,/ -Gr-toz.t tt )€Z D an),4r