HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1989-03-14Reeeipt !..RESIDtrNTIAL.. APPLICAT-vN/PERI4IT 225 North |th Street SprLngfteld' ?regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-s7 5s SPRINGFIELD \" Date: re P lurnb i I'lechan icit lilectric;r Surrerwising lile<'tt'.i t i:rtr It ia the responaibitity oj' the permit holdet to see that aLL inspections ate nade at )he pro?er tine, that acch,zddtess is readai)e J'ron the stre'et, anC that the petwit card is Located at.lh-e. frol1 of .the-propenty.'t\ui.lding Nui::iot ttpl.'t,o"-ccl p'ltttt shr:Ll renain on tlo Buikling !it: at all tines. ?nOCgDUpE FOR INS7EI!I9!!_BEZ!!!!;CALL726-3769 (rccord.er) state you" City Cesigna.ted iob nwrbet" iob aCdtess' typlof inspee:icr'' ,atlyfot,inspection,Contractcrso7a,n","-,o,,e-cndph.onerulmbel.Request8yecei"*edbefcre7:c0c:;.tiil be nade the saire dcy, requests nade after, ?:00 on tttll be nnde the nctt:,nrking d"P11xAo Iour City Desigrttted Job Nunbet Ic.' .\---/. l\-- -lt L-l { eecavation, but prtor, tc set up of forne, UNDERSLAB PLUI,IBI!'|C, ELECTRICAL E ItECHnl'lICAL: 'lo be made before any6iF liTorset ed. PCOTINC t FOUNDATICN: ?o be rmCe aft er'tiencite{ ariZxcaoated and forms are ereeted, but prtor to pouting ccnctete, UND\RCqOU!]D P!,UM? INC, :;!IIT:P., II.AT\N. OnltllACE: 'w Ue rniLe Priot' bo fil- Tfr-Tiinches. T)IIDEI?FLOO:I PLUI.IDINC,A LECIIANIC!!, : o1 floor insulction or decking. POST AND BEA\4: To be nacle Prior to TiiTtTTiltdlo f {loor insulation ot' decking. ROI.ICil PI,U!,!B!llC, E\.E?TRTCA!. ,9 \TECH: ANICAL: No uorP. is to lrc aoteted Gii-these inspeaL-ior:s hante beer made arul approoed. FI!.E!LqI!E: l)iot, to plccirtt fccingncr;;lr;L; anrl before'fruning inspec- tion. FRA11INC: !"tuet be requested aften opirourl of rough plwnbing' electpi- cal & neclanical. AL! roofing braeittg C ehinmeys, etc. rntst be conrpleted. llo ucrk is to be eon- cecled until tlds inspection has 'been made anC appro'"-ed. SITE INS|'\C'|'ION: '!ct be nttde a!'tet' FINAL PLUI|BIIlG FITIAL MECIIANICAT, required tapor ban'ie?a @e in Placebui before ang Lath, gypltun boarC ot' unLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYIIAT,I, INSPECIION: TC bE NAdC ;f;""ZtT-ZiWtT-ts in ptace, but prior bo any taPing. MASINR(: Steel Locatton, bond 6i6ilgtou*-ing ot' uerticcls i,n accordance Dith U.B.C. Section 2415 , I,IO)DSTO:,/E: After installation is arnpletetl. CURB & A?P8!4!!!-/i!!?ON: After fornsa". ";AtA-ilT p;ffi to pouring concrete. SIDEIIALK & DRII.EIIAY: For aL! con- "";C p"rrfrnGifn atreet night- of-tx:y, to be nade a!'ten all etca- oating eonytlete & fotn wrk & sub- base material in Place. Blocking otd. Set-uP Ptunbing connectione -' sane? and ualer Electvical Connection - Blocking' aet'u, and ptwnbing conneetiona rrust be approu^ec! befoie requ-eeti.ng eleclri cal inspec lion Acee*sory BuilCing Pinal - After pctehes, ekirting, decks, etc. ane canpleted. I 1,,0R To aLL I T IENCE: h4ten conPlate -- Proui-Cejilii on nottable sections thnough P, U. E. AIL pto;iect condtbions, such as tle "i.nstallation of street ttee-1, co.,,'Plctton-of the nnqrlirirt Landsccping, Ltc., mtet be satisfietl before the BIJILDINC FIIIAL'can be requested' FINAL BUILDINC: lhe Final Building fnapection mtst be requeated aftet the Final Plwnbing ileictricat, aiC Mechanical Inspectlons hqte been nade atd approved' Pegc 1 ol' J Ta* Lot ll 5\ ,tob Loccticn: Aesessore I'!ap fl Subdiuision: L Piionc ci Adclress: rc5 O*nn,'1 Descvibe h'ot'k:r-t NeD Va'!-ueDate of Applicati "n 3- (r\-t? No,^stDeuoLi f io,.: "FAdditicn RenoCel snrri.]ct ceneral Sodlaty eeuer Septic tank p:.rqed attd filled uith gra:el Ftnal - t{hen abcue'ltens are ecnpleted uhen Cenolition ia conplete ot' st!'1.3- ' nooed and prenises cleaneC uP. i.t pt,op.?t'i Lite ture Hcmes FINAL ELECTRICAL AAi,t, t,tAtttlCttS ANI) CLEANOU'|': ltt)ST RL- ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTltEttl TO BE I'\'4DE /'T NO C2ST ?0 CtTy ! \ rr, rrl l{ ar (t - ',:'-Onc TotaL soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ Ilti:rcon;:; Recei1tt ll Tf,an Ercniriet'UA LC I ttAVE CAREEIJLLY EXAI4INED the completed application fon permtt, and da herebg certtfy ttnt aLL infoxttntiott heneoir is true and coftect, ami f funthbr centily that any ard aLL uonk perfor-ne1 alal-L be dote in accor- 'danoe ,,rtth thZ- ordinanaea of the Ci,ty of Springfield, an'C !;ha Lcr;a of the* Sbate of 0regcn pertainind to the aork Cesct,ibcd herein, cnd tha.t N0 OCCU- pANCy ;itl bZ rmZe of any structure uithout permis,iotl of the Building Di,- oision. I further cerfilfil thet o:zly contracLot's ai;d ezplcyees Dho dre in eaapliance uith cRS ?01.055 uiLL be used on tltis proiecL 3-//47 JOB NO. !)o;tt,eesLot Paces - !leatSetbacks Acaelts,llal;ot !!caterP. L.IIouse Carage. North Rattic Eas t South Ile at Lot, Sq. Ftg. 1 cf Lot Cooeraga ! of Stories Total Height ?opograPhy LOT TYPE _ Interior _ Corner _ Panlundle CuL-de-sac Building Volue & Permit This permtt is granted on tha erpress cond-ttion Ltnt the::aitl..constntcbion "hrLL', i, all iLspects, conform'Lo the Crdirurir:e ilo| t"z'l lt'11 Lhe citu of i;jyi."n1l.ta, i.rte!'wl'i.ttg-:)t,: i,',rtntLtt11 ordi.tntr:.':, t'(:'ltlcl'i.tt4 l'lrr: r:cttt';l'rnti:Lir;n uirnl u;L oJ'itui.kli-n11:;,'ruul m;iy1 lx: t;us1ten,l,tl ()t, t'(tDol:cd dL t:titl Li-rrtt u1'rtn utr;- Lation of anry prcuisions of :;aLd grdirunrce::' -- Fees -- TOTAL VALUE s. D.c. Date Pa.id Sigted: FTG X ValueITEI'I b uc * * 7,5 r Total Clunges Buildtng Perwit State Plumbing Permit No percon slnll construct, instal!, af,ter or clange drty ned cr etistirtg ilriii"g or drainage systen in uhole or in patt, unless such pet'son ts the injrl p"oosesoon of o ullid pl*rbot,s Lic-ens-e, ercepl; that a petson nay 1o-ptiitihg uork to property uhi"h i" otined, Leased on opet'cted by the appli- cant. N0,FEE CHARGE t ITEM Fi.ttures Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Pernit State Electricql Permit Where St;ate Lant requites tlnt the elecl:ti.cal tto:Pk be done by.an Electrtcal contractor, the electtical portion of this pemiL shall not be taliC until the Label lns been signed by the Elec*'ical CortLractor' Total * Neu/Erted Circuits Seruice khanet HooC Vent Fot l,lcodstoite FSE CIIARCEIT:IM I t Mechqnicql Permit Permit fseudnce llechanical Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sacatity Depoait Storage Maintenance Pcrmit J Cw'bau! Sidalalk Fanca Electrical Inbel t'lobile llome tqr., o(-) ,ft),fAl, AM)UNT rtrtr. 1 3t -5 t D,zte NC. State &uelurqe Tofal, Chnnoan