HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1989-03-14ReceiPt # .. RESIDtrNTIAL"SPEII{GFTEI.DIT APPLICAL *)N/PERIIIT 225 Nox,th |th StY:eet Sprlngfield, Oz'egon 97477 Building Diui.sion 7 26- 37 53 \33sl Date It ie the t,esponsibit,ity of the permit holder to see that aLL inspections are nade at the prope? tine, that acch address is neadaZ-e frorn the street, and that the pennrtt catd is Located at the front of the propenty.t9uilding D"iuisior. ap;rocetl plan shcll remain on the Building lltc at aLL times, PROCIDUPE FOR INSPECTI1I\ RIQUEST:CALL7 eady for;'iLL be made the satne Ccy, requests made 26-3769 (recordet") state llour City Cesignated job nwnber,,job aCCtese, type Requests receited of inspec:icti befcre 7:C0 i:t SI?E INSPEC,!ION: etcauatlo"; but 'lo be nade after priar tc set up of inspection, Cotltr,acto?s ot, Oumez.s rane and plane ntunber. after, 7:00 qn uiLL be made the nest :,torking Your City Desigrated Job Nutnber fs: To a required uapor ban ie?s are in place but before any Lath, gApsun boatC or tmLL cooetingt is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTI)N: ?c be made aftet, aLL CryaaLL is in pLa,ce, but pnior to any taping. MAS)NR!: Steel Location, bond beams, grouting or oerticals in aecotdance uLth A,B.C. Section ,211 < IIO2DSTOV|: Aften installation is arnpletetl, CURB & APPR)ACH APPON: After fornsate erecteC but pnior to pouz,ing concPete. SIDXI,IALK & DRIItEHAY: Eor aLL. con-;Cte p"rril,g ultii sl;r'eet right- of-Dc!, to be made after aLL erca- oating conplete & forn work & sub- base mcterial in place. IENCE: h\ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates on nouable sectians thnough P. U. E. ALL project conditions, such as tle i.nstallation of street trees, conp|etion of the required Landsccping, ete., nust be satisfied before the BUILDINC FfNAL'eanbe requested. FINAL BUfLDINC: The Final Building Inspeetion rrust be requested aftet the Final PlunbingElectrical, anC Nech<tnical Inspections hque been nade and approoeC, *AT,L T,TANHCLES AND CLDANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTMENY TO BE I,,IADE AT IIO COST TO CI?Y I T forme. UNDERSLAB PLUI,DINC, ELEC'TIICAT E MECH!.IIICAL: To be rnade befoz,e any uotk is eooez.ed. PC)TING t FOUNDATICN: To be rmCe aftet tz,enches are excatsated and forms at e erected, but priot, to pouting ccnerete, UND1RGROUIID PLUM9INC, SIIIER, g.4TER, piA!!A1q: To be naCe prior to fil-TiQ-liinches. UIIDEPFLOOR !'LUI.E ING & I.IEC!]ANICAL : o7 flooz, insulction or. decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made priot, to Ti|iiTTiif,oti of floon insulation on decking. R0t-tCH PLUIIBIIIC. E|,ECTI?ICAL I l,lECH: ANICAL: No t'tot"k is to bc aou-ered GliT-these inspec tior:s h,l.ue been made arul approued. FII?EPLACE: Ptior to placirq facingmaterials aral before franing inspec- tion. FRAI.'IINC: l"tuet be requested aften approual of rough plwrbing, electri- cal & nechanical. ALL roofing braeing & chitmeys, etc. rntst be eompLeted. lto ucrk is to be con- cecled until this inspection lns'been made anC approted. FTNAL PLUI|BIIlG FINAL MECIIANICAT, FTNAL ELECTRICAL "rob Locaticn: Y3Tcr Lol: llAssessot,o ltap # Subdioiston: LOtmer Address: ?P5 Piione rS Describe tttoz.k: Ne0 Value Ldo,^s.D<attt'oLi lio,tr oF a- Additicn RemoCeL Date of Applicaticn rract General ectrical P lurnb ing l.lechanica1 Supe t-s ln lil.ec't t'it'littr putrped and filled aith graiel L - t'lhen abcue t)tens are ccmpleted and uhen Cenolttion is complete or st"u:- ture nooed and. prenises cleaneC up. at property Line Blocking otd, Set-up Plutnbing connections -- aa)e? and. uater Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, sef-u: and plutnbing conneetions trust be apprcue:! befoz,e requeeting eleclrical inspeetiot Accessory BuilC'i.ng Pinal - After pcrckee, skirting, decks, etc. are cornpleted. PqelofJ T r--l I se0e? JOB N Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Couerage I of Stor[es Total Height Topographg LOT ?YPE _ fnterior _ Corner _ Panland.Le CuL-de-sac Lot Faces - Beclrcons Receipt ll L-co dOLAR ACCESS RE a.- lleat P.L House Carage Access tI-Fireplaec.1r Wootlstote ITEN -- Fees -- F?G x Va llatn Building Volue & Permif This permit is gnanted on the etpre$s cond-ition tluTt the satd.constmction shall', i.n all r-espeets, eonfonn'to the Crdi.nanc:e uloJ:[2,! i1'y t,he Ci-by o.f ii'i"if;.ti, i.ne!'urlinl' tiL'zuni'n9 cr(l!"tttr.1tc,(:' t":'1ttl'.ti,tt'1 ,t'it': "'i:':'o": '-:-":.... oirri ,i"n ol- itui.LlLn11s' orcl m;tll ltr'', susp,t:ntlc'l Qt' r't''t)l(t! 'tL '!::t LrnLT ul;on ulc' Lal;ion o1 ony prcutaions of said ?rdinance's' t\ TOTAL VALUE b.u.t L,5 c Building PermLt Date Paid State Total Clnrgea *Sigted: NO,CHARGE Plumbing Permit No pet:son shall construct, install'- alter. or change -cny neu.c1' existing ilitirrl or drainage ")"tL" t" inoit o" i' part' irless sueh person is the Legal possessot' of " rZ"tLi'pt"l'ii'" tl"n""Z' except that a person mav do plwnbing uork to pr"p""ty-"LtZi-;-, ir-"a, Leased o'r, operated by the appli- eant. Firtures Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuet' Plunbing Pernit State TctaL D^- Electricql Permit Whet,eStateLa,lrequit"estlnttheelectt,icalaork'bedonebyanElectrical cont?aetor, the electrTZoTf,ori;.o"-9f lh.Ls-permit shall not be taLtC until litn litnt -has been signed ty the ElecLv'ical cotttractor'Neu/Ectend Circuits Set uice State Total * NC,FEE CIIARCE Futnaee PTU?S Eshanst Hood Vent Fan Llcodstoite * Mechqnicol Permit Pet:nrtt fssuotce Mechanical Pernit -- ENCROACILMENT -- Seaarity Deposit Storage Mai-ntenance Pernit Cvrbcu! Sida'talk !ence Electv,ical Iabel Mobile llome tq\ oo \ fHAVECAREFULL.EXAUINEDS!2zsmpletedapplicationfo-r'pertnit'anddoh":;;;; LirTiri-\n"t ott- ,:r1o,*"tibn hereoi is t,ue and ccrrect' cn'c r 'iTnlLLn L'n"tliiy that ony ola aLL uork performerl elnll be dote i-n dcso?- danoe ttth the ora.aaneZ"" Jf |ir. i;.ti Lf bprinllficld, .and the Lt;e of the fr:;}"" -.7- i)r;,son--p,""t"ii1lg-'to- iLn- "o"rk ceieria'i7 hcrein, end ttldt No occu- PANCY uiLL be naCe of ii,y" tl"Liurle uithout pennission of the sultaly- !i- tsisi.on. I further "nrl'i"!ii tieL o:iy con.trac'tot's a;:d enployees aho are t'n Lnplr:onon Dith cRS zol."ois atLL be- used on this ptoiect UALET[ati Escminer Total Date 3 ,IOTAL AI,IOI]NT DUE:*5 No"th lost iouth lest ll Charaeg \,[rtrd I,1C)r\