HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1989-04-11q SPRI _iFlELE,1fr -DEVELOPMENTSERY'CES ADMINISTRATION PL,A/VN/NG / BUILDING PUBLTC Yr/O,qKS L4 ET BA PA LI TAN WAST EWAT E8 M AN AG ElT E N T DATE OF LETTER Aprii 11, 1989 APPL ICANT Don Stutsman 31716 Fern Roao Phi I omath, Oregon The ci rcul ati on avo'ioeo. The ci rc u'l ati on Fi nal Si t,e P'lan enc'loseo. Pete Pi fer 1782 North 5th St,reet Springfie'lo, 0regon 97477 plan submitteo creates points of confiict which neeo to be 225 FIFTH SI,qEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 SUBJECT S'ite Pl an Revi ew l'leeti ng of Apri 1 11 , 1989 for Ci ty Journa'l Number 89'04-59. Proposeo construction of a netrl orive"up winoow for the existing restaurant. Additjona'11y, a new strip'ing pattern is shown ACTiON Si te Pl an prel i m'inary approva'l . STANDARDS TO BE MET 1 a. The southern oriveway on Mohawk Boulevaro has been approveo as an i ngress access . The p1 an subm'i tteo shows the ori veway as an ingress/egress oriveway. The oriveway neeos to remain an ingress only oriveway to avoio conff icts with veh'icles using the driving isle in front of the buiioing. b. The westerly oirectional arrow shown north of the Sherman l,liliiams bui'loingand the westerly oirectionai arrow shown on the south sioe of the l'lcDona1 o' s bu'il oi ng need to be ei'j m'inated. I have encl oseo copy of t.he proposeo p1 an 'i noi cati ng whi ch arrows I am referri ng to. per 1 ast years approved a copy of wh'ich i s al so pattern needs to be painted as ( Ci ty Journal Number 88"09-153 ) a{- Fi nal i of the Decision. s e0 n i ngfiel o Devel opment HHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE A'11 oecisions of the Director are final unless ancalenoar oays in accordance with Section 15.020 of Cooe. 1. 2. t. Submi t, a Fi nai Si te P'l an drawn to sca'le whi ch shows the adoi ti onal i temslisteo under STANDARDS T0 BE MET on your p1an. Sign the encl.osed Development'Agreement. Once the Site Plan is submitteo along with the signeo Development Agreementthe Site Plan Review process wfll be complete and bui'loing permiti can be i ssueo. QUESTIONS Pl ease cal 1 Devel o any questions regaro PREPARED BY pment Cooe Aoministrat.or Greg Mott at 7?6-3759 if you have i ng thi s process. di;41^/w,....'-) Cynthia L. Harmon Development Permit Cooroinator Copy To: DRC Members APPEAL PROCEDURE :,