HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1968-03-06rC ).1\CrE115 B t.rvLLt -' (l:MARo1 aM \y'r5w^t L -s,\N l)l iRS. I t \r F,l.\'. ( .r\ NIAR( )'l' tt \\/lS\ii\ l'l' _I I LoR BtrrLDlNG 655 N(rRrH A SrPtF,r SPRTNGFTELD C)RE(loN e7477 a n ANf o,Nh€trTON ll Claude Maione City Manager City HalI springf iel.d, Oregon 97477 March 5, 1968 Re: Sewer connections to 5Lh & "O" St. property; (Cosgrave Fountain Apartments & Associates) Dear Mr. l'lalone: Pursuant tc our discussion held this date at City HaII regardino t.he above, I am memorializLng the statements made at that time b-v Ron Cosqrave and myself . The discussjon evolved around sewer connections to the subject property on which there is presently located 22 units. There is presently pending for immediate construction an additional16,units, and it is anticipated approximately 32 more units will be constructed within the year. After reviewing several alternatives, it appeared that a lateral running frr-r Pleasant Street along the east boundary of the property wculd be t-he most feasible way of proceedinq. I r* was also recognized that some engineering drawinqs and discussions wr Lh county representatives was another intermediate step that ha.l to be brought about before there could be finalization of a firm agreement. Very rough estimated costs were pJ.aced at $3r000 tc: run the line from Pleasant Street over a lot fronting on Pleasant Street, across the floodway onto the subject property. One other vital and crucial point was that Cosgrave & Associates are desirous of immediately proceedinq with 16 units for which financing has been aporoved by Pacific First Federal Savings & Loan and a contract .rsreed to with Stu Rurge Builders, fnc. A building permit is helri up nendinq t.his sewer connection beinq worked out. Accordingitt,and against the above, and on behalf of Cosgrave & Associates, the follor^ting is agreed to: Cosgrave & Associates will cause to be constructed the from Pleasant street to t.he subject property according specifications and subject to the approval of the city regarding the running of the line across the floodway. sewer lineto city and eounty A suspended bridgeorpeerwillalso.beconstructedbyCosorave'&ASSociatestocarrysaj"<tline.Again,itisestimatedthatthiscostwilllreS3,000.Itisagreedthatthe.sewerlinewillalsoconnectthe propertv Jue ""it of the subject propertv and that the line rvill thereaftei be turned over to the citv' Cosgrave&Associateswi}tarrangetheeasementsoverthelot fronting on pleasant street and 6n the subject property; aDY ease- ments necessary from tne county "f-city ' oi conlent to construct the said sewer line, wirl oi"=r*.ury bL granted cosgrave & Associates at no cost. wilI cause a drawing and ProPosal approximatelY two weeks ' There- "irl representative wiII confer this time so that a building.perm.rt. t["-""""truction of the 16 units that -2- & Associates city within the citY and I"tarch 6, I958Claude Malone By tntechanicallY, Cosgrave to be submitted to the after, it is Presumed and work out details ' This commitment is made at be issued immediatelY for now pending. The undersigned is agreed to the above: COSGRAVE & ASSOCIATES SANDERS, L Y, CAMAROT & WISWA],L noted above, too greatly, can is it is assumed if at aII,If any chanqes must be made to the approach I;.t i,irr ue ieisonable and will not deviate froit the cost figure noted heretofore' Itshouldperhapsbenotedthatthereasonaformaldefinitive agreement is r.,ol-spelled ""t ii this time is that it can not be determined with anv degree of certainty whether the proposed se$ter line wiII in fact meet tne demands, inituaing ordinance requirements andbuildingrestrictionsofthepity.ofcourse,thesewerlinewillbebuiltinaccordancewithcityspecifications. VerY trulY Yours, ,C,*,Lr-.'r.7 uenry y'. t?t" Camarot By 1: Atla nticRich li eldC omP anY Richfield D'^lon 1208 S.W. lcrn Avenue Portland, Oregon 97205 Telephone 503 224 6640 February !, L96B City of Springfield. B4o w. Jth street Springfield, Oregon Attn: Build.ing DePartrnent Connection to B" Sanitary Sewer Lateral Along lth Street South of "Q" Street Gentlemen: Please be advised- that we have received a check in the amount of $6f6.40 from McI6y Investment Company to cover the hookr.rp charge for fax l,,ot 6U2 listed on lvlap No' L7-o3-26-t+-2. P}ease accept this letter as your notification as required under the agreement betveen the city of springfield-, Oregon, and. Atlantic Richfield company which was recorded in the Official Record-s of Lane County on OctcbeT L9t L%6t lnstru- ment No. O+Zll. Thank you for your advice that the state Highway Department took 33 feet from this tax lot for freeway construction. we vill make a note of this on the map which you previously fur- nished. in connection vith the above captioned. sewer lateral' Very truly yours, W. -l\7 Re ReaI Estate RePresentative CMI: ch ce: Mclfay fnvestment Co., Er':.gene, Ore' Knightts ReaItY, Eugene, Ore. Atlantlc Rtchfleld Conpany 1208 g. W. 13th Avcnue Portlaad, Oregon A.ttentlonr !{r. Cllnt Helvcy Reel Estate Dlvlcton February 2, 1968 SubJ eet:Connectl,on to 8" 8an1-tary Sewer Lateral along 5th Street eouth of tQ' Strcct for l{r. l{tlco ldehy Gentlemen: l. lhe follorLng confLrns a telephone converratton betuccn![r. Cllnt Helvey and nyaelf on Febnrary 2, 1968. 2. Reference ls oadc to an agreeoant bct$een your coupany and the Ctty of Sprtngftcld dated Augurt L7, 1967 and our drarr!.ng number 3025. On the t,atter tt w111 be notcd that tax lot 602 har a frontage of 228 feet, plue or olnua. 3. You are adrrtged thet the OrGgon Etatc ltlgtmay Dapartnent subaequently took thc South 33 foct of thts property for frarway conatnrctl.on and the prtvetc property frontage ls now reducsd to 195 fcet. At $3.151 por front foot, tha prtvate property orrnor ts no$ obltgated to pay you only $616.40 tn order to aonncst to thc garrer, 4. Pleaec edvtse us tf you vtll scaept thtc reduced flgurc and, lf eo, gtve ua a tetter rhen end lf thtg rount hea been rs- calved by you. AtLentle B,lchflclo Coopany Fcbnrar;7 2, 1968 -2- 5 A legal deacrlptlon of the rcdueod propcrty le enclolcd. Very tmly youre, Toa R. Johnlon Clty Englnccr TRJ: bw Enctosure (As stated) ce:Mr. BtIl Kntght Bulldlng Department I.{r. Mllee Mctrky / A trect of land lylng ln Seetton 26, Townehlp 17 South, Range 3 I.{est, l{tllauette HerLdlan deecrtbed ag foltore : Beglnntng at a polnt on tha south llne of the J. Ilaletead D.L.C. No. 47 l{orth 89"54r l{est 564,85 feet frou tha Southcaet corner thereof, sald polnt belng the eaot rlght-of-way llne sf 5tb Street €xtended, thence South to the Southerly rlght-of*rray llne of tQt Street and the True Polnt of Beglnntng; thence South along thc east rtght-of-lray llne of 5th Street 195 feet to the northerLy Ltne of ths Eugcne-SprLngfteld lll.ghway; thence Northeasterly along sald rlght-of-way 240 feet more or Lees to the intcrsectlon of the south llne of the property ae descrlbed ln Volume 457, Page 56 of Lene County Deed Records, Lane County, Oregon; thence North 89t54f Weet 27 feet to thc eouthwest corncr of the last deecrlbed property; thence Horth 0ol8t East to the south rtght-of,-way l.tne of 'Qt Straet; thence South 89o40r Wegt 207 feet motre or tees to the True Polnt of Beginnlng, all ln Springfteld, Lane County, Oregon. CITTf O3- SPFLI}(IGS-IEI-D SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 BUILDING DEPARTMENT January 31, I968 Richfield Division 1208 S.Ll. l3th Av,:nue Portlandr 0regon Gent I emen: According to the county assessorrs map, tax lot 602, index 17-03- 26-4-2, located a; the corner of 5th and tQ' Street in the City of Springfield is su:ject to the sewer hookup agreement between the Rich- field 0il Company and the City of Springfield dated December 13,1965. The west side of the property abutting 5th Street is lll feet, at $3 . l5 I per f ror"rt foot of property. According to our records this is the sewer hookup fee due the Richfield 0i I Company. When we have received a letter that your interest has been satisified, we will issue the necessary permits. ours tru ly n6 c7 **- Jack C. Mayer Bui lding lnspector Jct4/ i i AtlanticRichlieldCompany Richlield Divi \ 1208 S.W. qlr. .renue Porlland, .rgon 97205 Telephone 503 224 6640 c</*ul L J.o:-y :-3, L967 City of Springfield, Bl+O w. Jth Street Springfield., Oregon Attn: !lr. Lee Gold-en Build"ing Department Gentlemen: This will confim our telephone conversation of this d.ate in vhich ve ad.v-ised. you that our local office in Eugene, Oregon, vas in reeeipt of the hook-up charge for the sewer whieh Richfield- lnstalled" in f95B along Ith Street from Q Street South, for Tax Lot lJ 03 26 )+ 2 6oo. This notlfication is in accorilanee vith the agreement betveen the City of Springfield and Atlantie Richfield- Cmpany which was recorded on Oetober 1p, L%6, in the Official Record.s of Lane County, Oregon, Reel 2p6D, Instn:nent wo. 64e33. Very truly yours, /\ 6u* 4*14 6u,r /F=)7 ofr,C. w. ReaI Estate Representative CMII: ch {;-,.+ uu*, oi..* !t**'*' *l BIIILDINC & FX'IGINBEBING DEPARflTENIS March L, L966 L. T. ELefir, Ctty Eaglneer ProJeet No. SP-Z for 8" sanl.taty seerer laterel al-ong $orth 5th Strcct froil ''Q" Street south tot"bffttt School. Ttre follmtng te nrLttan ao authorl.scd W the Clty !ilanngcr, Mr. Sn{1ey. ftre cubJect proJect rlat conetrrretcd by RtchfLeld Otl Coryany wl"thln the publtc rLght-of*way and was aceepEod by the Ctty Councll on Itecenber 13, 1965. lhe hookrrp agro@nt har rrst ea yet boen rigncd by the f,,!.ehfteld Ot1 Cotlroratton, ustt & dtvleLon of the Atleltle Reftntng Company, but Ls erpccted to be slgned vcry ehortly. You arc authortaod to a1lor and lscuc BGN#Er hookup pemLta for thc abutttng propertr.es as tndLcated on the stteetrad map ln eecordance wLth the Eotl.owfng prmrleLont: Eanc the appllcant obtaf.n a wrttten eLggned elearunca from ths Atlantlc Reftntng Company to the affect thst the respacttva apptlcant has sctlcftcd thc eoryany mnatarlly and the Coupany authortsea the Ctty to allew the hookup. ?tle fee ls aet 8t $3.161 per abuttLng front foot of property. !{r. L. U. Ktddon, Conrtruet{on Supt., Rlchftctd Otl Coqporatlon, L477 1st Avanue t{cet, Eugone, Oregon has agteed to aceapt p&ynottt and glva rrl'tt'an autlrorlsrtlon f,or clcersnco te thc Clty to allmr hookupc to rafcrGnee aemcr llne" Ttrerefore, tha applteant for trookup, f,or any of the propertior ag iadtcetod on thc attsehed drardng #3025 trllt be requlred to furnLsh the Ctgy wlth the clearance fron !,fr. Kl,dder before ttre Bufldtng Departrerrt Lsruce e permtt thcrcfore. 1 2 l. Engirr*arnn6 & Sut1dl"ng llopt*. Mareh 1, 1966 Pagt f Ctty Flanager w/sncl. Butldtng llept. w/srEt ..," SubJ. FlIe w/ensI. R. tr. w/u oncL . Chrono. w/a e*cl " &oferLns ts atfachsd aketch #3025 lt ohould be notcds 1. Ttre ssssr fa loeated along the !{est alds of 5th Street outer"de tha pavod araa and therafore no hookup prcbtr"em Le anttc{,pated f,or prop€rtl.Gg along the l{eet sl.de of the str&ot, 2 Stx-lnch stub-suts were lnstalled therafor& no problern for tax lota prlor to pavtng 600 and 60*. 3. ALL lots shoqrrr ln h*tchtng ox Dr*ul"ng #3015 areqrallable f,or sclror trookrrp mrbJect to chargc and clearsnsa by Eh6 0iL Coryany. Should ysu n6od furthsr el*rl.fle*.t!"on lnttrpretetl,on, please edvtge" L. ?. Bl*on C{ty &nglneer Enclssure ce: \ q \ J 2co \1\ $ 'f) a $ 't hJ F s t b\ \-tk oto>N 0rr) q{ q ,'t h ;$.r.\ L' .ix q\ '.1 hrtIqt\ ?$r- t/) Er. f.oF -{t) 0_ --, trJ r,i D t. r!! Z trno.iq=.ft hlt-z r9 -1!.J\, 5?57 ,h.cn,}",/A,.i 207 "jr ,4 rt:,+tt*2zz! ao 40L t62 .foo .l ..1 I .\ \) 1)u'.. aN if;ht I'l f?,*_ lr'i'.t I b..J :t0lz \\ st .;] ,.:. q f. -{"1 ,a \i \: {l\ t;l {.. /" t,'C i.") Starofr' e I .o i.? Sl ,6 trt r') ,*'sp>,J 8oo ,,/r;\FT,TE rj r{):t v) (; ..l I \\, 0\ n qJ 92 ,iP' t'r+ FLAlr I F*/2 \.[ ritl ar i' tt\Yr\0 \h ,.\ ${ tn NF n \.t i$ Q\ $i8t a-l\ ${ (N \ $r f3iiq "sNi$itt p I Ir \ r') f) \ Q f r r?E,sr <-,1 , 1..- .- *)C.'/'.-r'..- B Ft,/z- RA /VC C 20c /oo \ N' ,,; D -/4Z.er'- ?:,. t/ -. fl ) ri iL__ arrl .". \ ---r ; >+ \ JA.. -'"-'--- It I 7ao 1 p) i\l .t I _,'t I I I I I _ -.-J I <. t. ll -t.l-!rlq tltlltan Hanaeil, Fl.nance Dlrector L. T. ELson, City Engl.neer Sewer Acceptance November 19, 1965 Transmitted herewith ls the offtcial acceptance for the followlng descrlbed eewer: L. T. Elson City Engineer By Tom R. Johnson Assoc. City Englneer TRJ:md,s Enclos:rre cc:Bullding DLx. a' Street Supt. SUDJ. FLle R. tr. Chrono. ProJect No. Horth 5th Street fro,u Q Street South toI&ffttt Sehooltina installed ln 1958 under City supenrl.slon. 8" &rPC plpe alo,ng west sltle of North 5th Street strrtlug 8t approximately 100r south of Q Street and extending 835r t south to entrance to l(offttt School - west Eo exlsting Clty sewer neer NE corner of Moffitt School Property. Coples to Citv Reeorder ,., Butlding Dir. _SEreet SuPt.-FSrare Sanltar:y C I T Y O F S P R I N G I' I E L D, O R E G 0 N -Files -XFpalvate Engineer-FDsreloper Selfteny SEI,IER OFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE, by City of SprlngfLetd, Oregon, fof, use, operation, maLntenance and ovrnership by Clty of Springfleld, Oregon. ProJect No, *orth 5fh Sarct fra Q St. Sqrth go l&tfi,tt SobooltFlnstrllori tn 1958 radcr Ctty trpctvlrtm. Location: 835 * ranth to otrtrmeo to t approxr.l{offttt t Developer:Btehfletd 011 rrft tt Contractor: Hot hn*a Layout By: Ctty o{ Serlasfteld (J{la, Parrrl,dge) _ Inspected b1,3 Ctty of SarLacfteld Lamp Check By:Not appl at tLlls table: Hydrostatlc Type Water Test By:lied !qt_qpL-head Standards . Iak t s to ctoar back reeorda . The undersigned, each hereby certify that this project has been cornpleted in accordance with the General Conditions and appLicabLe portions of the Standard Specifications and other contractual docr.ments including Change Orders of the Clty of Springfleld. Insp ector Chtef Insp ector Date Hqtrglrberlgs$ Assoc. City Engi neer . Seal This project Ls accepted and thle w111 serrre as the dLrective for the followlng action: Finance Dtrector:Prepare a resolutlon of acceptance for the Corrmon Council for the next regularly scheduled meeting. St. Dept. Supt:Place thls f.ine on the department schedule for permanent maintenance . Dir- of Bl,fle._&_Zo!!. : A11ow hook-ups to be made to this ltne as lndt- cated by the as-built plans or any agreement that may be pertinent to thls project. Clty Enginee Da re f,Evds 17, 1965 City Man r 8r' R'BC Type Backfill: Hatlvo. _ teakage-Actual (Min.)--__.,_(max.) - -.Allowable- Cleanup:- E ,, . ---. .. Fteld Note Book: _ ., . REMARKS: Ihts, prgJcc.q Sqretlrlcted eftpf to 1959 Edltlon of SttI,- flot appllceble