HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-05-01?.ecei Date {.. RESIL -NTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Spring,eld, )r'egon 97477 Bui Diui,sion 7 26-37 53 SPTIINGFTEI.D d Constmrerion Lendet rt is the teeponaibi-LilY oi-tte permtt hoZder to eee tlnt aLL inspections ate nad.e at the ptope? time, that each ad4ress is nealab;eIy,!-t!p atree.t, and tltat the-pernit-catd id Located at the froat'of the property.*Suildirq Diuiciot approxed pI.an slnll remain on tlp s"i.\ai":; iile at aLL tines. ?ioc9DUPEi F)R. IYSPE1TI)N =WyES?:CALL 726-3769 (z'eeorder) state your City desigtnted. job mmbet,, job aCiyess, type of inspee=icn ::f"il"l-yd.uhen you -uiLL be ieady for inspection, contractao" oi a,tnet'e'ncne L"a pt "" nurnbi.' iqnii ""LeL.i:Za t|1cri z:00 an'*rLLL be nade the sante dcg' requeets nade aft* ?:00 @n urLLL be rnade the nett:nrki$ d.ay. 8qo3flIour City Deeigr"ated Job Numbet, Is: NN -3'lZb Ics Int # *hJob Locaticn: Assessore Map # Subdiuision: [f\q.r,lm G. Le.e.Otmer: Address: llq( (],^e._,n (innf . phone: (1A e ub ut3city: tlocd S{oue, ?-c^.^ *- €,-e" Sean ry'Tartor'" Descrlbe Hotk:l--k'I ln^, oo,ilValueDate of Addition RemoCeL !.!obi General Blocking old Set-up Plwnbing connectione -- aa)e? od uatet Electrical Ccqnection - Blocking, eet-up and. pluntbing conneetione nust bb- qprcxZd before tequeating eleetrlcal inspiction Accessory Bui.lding Pitnl - After pcrekes, ekitting, d.ecks,etc. @e completed. Page 1 of 2 STTE INSPEC?TON: ezcamatton, but forms lo be nnde aftet, pt"ior tc set up of ANDERSLAB PLUIilBTNG, ELECTRIC,IL &wcyt:licWny uork is cotseped. FOOTIN} & !'0\JNDATICN: ?o be naCeafter trenches are escatsated and fotns ate erected, but pz,iot, topouring ccncrete. U-NDERGROUIID PLUMEING, SEWR, W.4TER, D.UilIAGE: To be rm.Ce prioi to fil-lirq trenchee. ANDERFLOOR PLUIIBTNG & MECIIANICAL :'Jo be nade p"io" to installation offloor insuT,ation or decking. 4?Sf AlD BEAM: ?o be nade priot toinstallaticn of flooz, insulation or decking. ROUGH PLU,EIXG. ELECTRICAL & MECH-ANICAL: Uo@ffiiT-these inspeetions hanse been nade ord. approued. PI1EP+.AC_I: Pz*Lor to placirq facingnaterlaLs and before franing inspec_tion. TNSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION : To be nade after aLL insulaticn q,-d. t equired uapor borie?s @e in p'l.aee but before ory lath, Wpswn baayC or unLL coueying is applied, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed. DR.YI,IALL INSPECITON: Tc be nade aftet, aLL CryaaLL ie in plnee, but prior to any tapirq. MAS1NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beans, gz,outing or oerticals in accotdotee tLth U.B.C. Section DEUOLITrcll :,!OWi BUILDI|ICS Sanitoty seuer capped at properc! Line Septic totk V"i,ryed and. filled trith gta;;ei Final - It1ten abctse itens are eanoleted and uhen CqrcLition is canplete br stutie- tut,e mooed and. premises eleaneC up. Le Hcmes I After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APRON:d,;i;;;tAE n;1o" After fortnsto pouring co?terete. ?RA.llINCl ttust be requested afterapproual of rough plwnbing, electri_u,L & neclwnical. AL! toofirq braeing &_ ehimnegs, etc. nast be . co,tpLeted. llo ucyk is to be eon_. cealed unttl this inspeetion lwe'been nade anC approoed. SfDEWALK & DRftEl,lAI: pot, aLL con- cr_ete paoing uithin street right-of-tey, to be made aftet aLL bxca-vating sdnplete & for+a do?k & sub- fuse nater"ial in place. AICE: When conplete -- ptouiCe gatee or motsable sections through P.A.E. ALL p.t'oject eonditions, such ae the "i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of therequired Landseaping' etc., rntst be satisfied befote the BUTLD|NG riltAL can be requested. !rNAL BUTLDING: The Final Building. fnepection nast be requested. after the Firal ptunbingEleetrical, cnc Mechanical rnspections 'houi t""" ila2- i"iiobrZi"A. FilIAL PLUAAII]G FINAL MECHAIIICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL *ALL \'IANH1LES AND cLEANou?s MUST BE AIIESSTBLE, ADJaswEN? ?o BE r.L4Ds /.? no ccs? ro cry ur u NM soLAR A' ESS REQ.-L-COG* Bedtoons: Plutnbing Penit State ?ctaL ?otal Dd.te Pdad.: Reeeipt # Signed: Plumbing Permit No peteon slnll construet, install, alter ot charqe anA neu cr esisting plumbing or drainage systan in uhole ot in patt, unless such pet'son is the Legal possessor of a uali.d plunber's Li,eense, e.ieept tlnt a petson nag do plw-,bing uork to prope?tA ulvich is otsned, Leased or operated bg the appli- eant. PLcn Etarlne? f HAw CAREEULLI EnAI,IINED the conpleted application for permLt, cnd do nereby eettify that aLL infortnatibn hereoi is true and. con'eet, and' I furth"er centiiy that ang ard aLL uonk perforned elnll be done in accor-'dan.e vLth th-e- 7rdinene-es of the city of springfield, and. the La"ts of the State of Oregon pertaining to the uonk Cesctibed herein' cnd. lhat N0 OCCU- pANCy trtll bL ,raZe of any structu"e uyithout permtssion of the Building DL- oision. I further .'n"t;ig that only conttaclors ad. enplcyees who ee in eonpliance dith oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie ptojeet nJ: / * Fl< Lot Faces -Sources Setbacks lieat DT House Cdraqe Access tlate? lleatq,North Ranqe East Fineolace South Iloodstoxe LO? ?WE _ Interior _ Cormer _ Panhand.Le Cul,-de-sac JOB NO. Iot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Caoerage # of Stories Total Height Topogtaphg West -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penn.t is granted on the ecp"ess cond.ition tlnt the said-eonsttwctionslnll, in aLL respects, conforrn to the Crdi-nance adopted $iy the City of Springfield, including the Zonittg Crdinrnce, regulating the ccnstructicn otd use of buildings, otd may, be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of etA prcuisi-ons of said Ordittances. SQ, FTG Value TOTAL VALUE PLan Check Fee: ITE14 x NEM N0.?EE CHARGE S.D.C. 1.5 x Building Perftit Iotal Charges State ?irhpes Resid.ential (1 bath) Sanitarg Seuer Water Electricol Permit Wet,e State Las requires tlnt the electt'Lcal uork be done by an Eleetrieal Conttactot,, the eleetrLcal portion of this permit slnll not be oalil until the Label tas been signed by the Electrical Contractor. cal Permit Na,t/Ertend. Circuits Sensice State ?otal bhanet HooC FEE CIIARCEI?9M Mechq nicol Permit Vent Eat tJcodstotse PermLt fssuanee Meettanieel Penrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seeuritu Depoeit Storage I,laintenance Petmit Clttbcut Sida,talk Penee Electtieal Label Mobile Hone TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:'t5.b0 "a./.L Date I ,5.o4 €PRINGFIELD CTIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 1885- 1 985 Sprinqfield Centennial year November 19, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Marvin Lee 1245 Queenanne 0denton, Maryland 21113 Dear Mr. Lee: The Springfield Building Code Administrat'ive Code requires that, in order for a permit to remain valid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended or abandoned duiing the course of construction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit will automat'ical 1y expi re. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a proiect has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one half the fee required for a comparable new perm'it, provided that no changes have been made in the original plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for more time to begin construction work, the Superintendent of Building may choose to grant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt from ihe permit holder of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your peryit. Please advise this office of your intentions with regard to the permit by ten (tO) Aays from the date of this letter. please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 7?6'3659. Sin erely, Li sa per Building SafetY Division attachments 225 North Sth Street o Sprinqfield, Oreqon 97477 o 5O3/726-37Os !a,-tt o 3 ..q c_ .ooN B "x vm{ zt2 !mo tr!{ r $EllOEB: Complets ltems 1, 2, 3, and 4. Add your addross in the "RErURN T0" spaco 0n r8vers8. (coilsuLT PosrrsAsrER FoR FEES) 1. Tlts lcllcwlno seMco ls roquestad (chack ono). ffi Sn* o ,rtlo, and date detlv?rod O Sn* to *tom, da!o, and addross ot detivsry .. e. E nEsrnrcro oELrvERY........ (ftp r'6rlcta.t tblwry ta ls ct,,ged lo Ndltlon tu w Btwn ,rcdpl lce.) T0TAr $_l*55 _0 _0 _0 Mr. Marvin Lee 1245 Oueenanne ll.lan.lan [r--.,'I ^^A C111') 3. AflTICLE AOORESSEO TO ARTICLE NUMEER ?329 964 t47 l. ryFEtF SrhVict: DnEersrmro fficeRnnso flupnrss uul C rarsuneo Dcoo (Alwey3 obtsln rlgnature 0t ddr$roo or tgml) I ha/o roceived lho articlo descrlbed abovg. SIGHATUBE nAddressea OAurhorizedaseot L-/fu= //-25 5J/ DATE OF OELIVERY // 6. ADDRESSEE'S ADORESS (0,,,y,, ,q,rlcdj I !o* ,se sldo) )r 7. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: *r982.37$593 ill ll lUilTED STATES POSTAL SERVICE oFFlCl,AL lusrl{E33 sE[DEi DrSt?RUCflOtl8 Prlnl yur rne, rddraar, ad AP God. li 0r rp.Cr bdcr.. CoilDhtr [.m t, l. t. till { oo lb ].v.]t...llbcD b troili d !ild.; r9tcr 9rilb,otllrrlt. ilft b !.cl C attcL.. Eidoo. tr[cl "R.Urtl R.cdDt R.quotd". tdFc.il to llrmDar. P€NALTY FOR PRIVATE usq t300 RTBRN ? EEPARTMENT OE PI rnr In rrrr-rrrc 229r4SRffi"str,U TREETqDPlNeFtFln a\DE/tn\r ^', lv I { / J +o t dh n".,*r 4"i- fi ob.,A-, >t: Jttt kP-Rq ' /-i',. p r,,r< 1$ rr r,;r , ta '9EALrrq.-Y I t. '., J J 4 $ /'r''-'r4;'z 9rfr ,l f,J2;eJrht c'n4 ) Ar'W*{ d */- ?7yzz I USA2Q ( JOB ADDRESS: t7i4 North 5th Street. Sprinqfield. 0R JoB #: 840311 I..AST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: Mav 4. 1984 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERIITIT: _VALID: However, your permit will expire on rf you wish to request an -extension of your permit, please notify thisoffice in writing prior to the above mentioned date. xx EXPIRED: Your perrnit expired on Novemhpr 4- 1gRA rf you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must beapplied for. *If the 'rexpired" box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by November 29. i9B4 (ten (10) days from the date of this letter), we wi 1I clear ourfiles of aIl related information with regard to the permit. * 0/fun ^' h'-4' rt)/? 7''"-'Jt ' /?f,r' C -,4{' *4r4"tt' e'rr'4 rteH;%'' p l* -441 o--zol b4/?,/ r. .4-z ) '^ /'\dat A'1r-+&ffi of \qY' / r' '1.* h^' )(*' ; ?e**x4 /t*J* & r 7tr /'o:'#)t- ,.,/*,/ ** , /* L '**"/ /b-fu; Y'"'b- fu*t*'< /--^.JJ-d4 tS*',,.%.*-*-aa^ e^-l A+**'t ?Qt^ 4 a^+*32*a' ./;-*+ | *t /n e'^'-;' lo' 7,rl l Ye',1/t CITY D;: SPRINGFIELD BUI LDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE To the 0ccupant of: l7l& ttot,th 5th Springfield,0regon City Ordinance No. 1623, Section 3, requires that all persons maintaining plumbing upon property whose nearest boundary I ine is with-in one hundred and twenty (120') feet of a public sewer lateral must connect to said sewer lateral At the date of this notice we find that no connection for the above address has been made to the newly accepted sewer lateral serving your area. You are hereby given thirty (30) days from the date of this noticeto obtain a sewer tap permit and to connect to the sewer. ln the event that you are not the property olrner, piease notifythis office, either by phone or by mail, giving us the name and addressof the present owner. (Phone: 7t+6-1674) Futhermore, if you have secured a sewer permit prior to receipt of this notice, please disregard this order Dated. JulY !6, lt$6 Yours truly, Joseph F. Reeves Director of Building and Zon i ng JFR/jj -l+