HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1997-04-15RESIDENTIAL PEBMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726.3769 Office: t26.3759 SPFl LI) JOB NUMBER 225 Fi(th Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WOBK:z ASSESSORS MAP:2 ^o7 ^%^ r./ LOr BLOCK: TAX LOl: - SUBDIVISION: PHONE STATE:ZIP:4>CITY: ADDRESS: OWNER: DEMOLISH OTHER DESCRIBE WORK: NEW- REMODEL ADDITION CONST. CONTBACTOR # ADDRESS EXPIRES PHONE CONTRACTOR'S NAME PLUMBING: GENEBAL: MECHANICAL: ELECTRICALI r OF BDFIMS: ; OF UNITS: _ OFFICE USE _ LAND USE: OUAD AREA: r OF BLDGS: SECONDAFIY HEAT: SOUARE FOOTAGE: RANGE;WATER HEATER:-_- OCCY GROUP: * OF STORIES: ZONING CODE: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: To req ues an n p ec il o n you m US cal 726-3madehe769.Th S IS a 24 h o UT rcc o rd n s A n specSAmeworkln0day,ns pect lon s req u ested at ter 7:00 o NS requ ES ed before 7:00 a.m. wlll be day.a.m,il be m ad e h e fol ow n s wo rk REQUIRED TNSPECTIONS [-l femporary Etecrrtc Rough Mechanlcal - prlor tocover.fl rtnat ptumblng _ When ail - plumblng worl< is complete. Slte lnspectlon - To be madeafter excavation, but prior tosettlng forms. Rough Electrical - prlor tocover.Final Electrlcal - When ailelectrical worl< is complete. [-l Unaerstab ptumbing/ Elecrricat/ - Mechanlcal - prloi to cover.Electrical Servlce - Must beapproved to obtaln permanent electrlcal power. Flreplace - prlor to faclngmaterlals and framlng lnspl Framlng - Prlor to cover. Footlng - After trenches areexcavated. Masonry - Steel locatlon, bonctbeams, grouting. Foundatlon - After forms areerected but prlor to concreteplacement.Wall/Celling lnsulatlon _ prlor tocover. [-l Unaerground p]umbtnq - priort-J to fllltig trench [-_l Drywatt - prtor to taping Underlloor plumbing / Mechanlcal - Prior to insulation or clecklng. Post and Beam - prlor to floorlnsulation or decklng. MOBILE HOME TNSPECTIONS Wood Slovc - After lnstallation. lnserl - After flreplace approvaland lnstallailon of unlt. Curbcut & Alrproach - Afterforms are erected but prior toplacemcnt of concrete. Sidewalk & Drlveway - Afterexcavation ls cornplete, formsand sub.base materlal ln place. Fence - When completed. Streel Troes - When all requlredtrees are planted. [-_l atocktng and Set.Up _ When aI - blocking is cornplele. Floor lnsulation - prlor todecklng.Plumbing Conneclions _ Whenhome l.ras been connected towater and sewer.ffi SanltarV Sewer - prior to fiiling.€ trench, [-l Storm Sewer - prior to fiilingu trench. l--l Water Ltne - prtor to fiiling'J trench. Eleclrical Con-nection - Whenptockllg, set.dp, and ptumbtnjInspections have becn approvedand the home ls connected tothe service panel. Rough Plumblng - prior to cover. Final - After all requiredrnspecuons are approved andporchcs, skirilng, decks, andventlng have been lnstalled. o^ :7 T tl fl I Final Mechanlcal - When all - mechanical work ls complete, l-_l rlnat Buitding - When ail - required lnspecilons have beenapproved and bullding lscompleted. l--l otho' - tl Lot {aces Lot sq. {tg. Lot coverage ToPograPhY Total helght Lot TYPe - lnterior -_ Corner - Panhandle __ Cul'de'sac HSE GAR ACC N S E l{ yes, this application must be slgned on'J-'uPPro'"0 bY the Historlcal 6oorOinator prior to permit issuancer APPROVED: lcT, THEiNKRWOEDTOSPPROHEONRoSTRDIICALroFI ?STEREGIRLBICAISTOHETH Date Plans Rcviewed l3Y . PLAN Enulr KcHEcEVLUAGDLNUB PGNDLUBDNA saidethhationondcrESSheoncxpranedSsiSThanceperminrdohetoconformsallresPectnshaloctintruconSehudnncsefidnilsSpcivhedolsebyaduandoptcionruheconsnatsCodreg ue,o imepmenDevelanyatrevokcdoreddSUspentlemayandtdinbu9s,nances.orddsalofonslrovtpany ReceiPt Numbcr: Received BY: upon violation of Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: VALUE (A) x s/so' FT. Total Value Builcling Permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fee BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT' Maln Garage CarPort Systems Development Charge is due on all itor"t,,"" withln the City linrits which are bei undeveloPed ng imProved.SYSTEMS DEVELOPM ENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) ADDITIONAL COMMEN TS ITEM Fixtures Besldential Bath(s) SanitarY Sewer Water Storm Sewer Moblle Home PLUMBING PERMIT FEE No aP FT. FT. ?7^-(c) Plumblng Permlt State Surcharge Tolal Charge Wood Stove/ lnsert/ Flreplace Urril Dryer Vent MECHANICAL PERMIT (D) No Mechanical Permit lssuance State Surcharge Total Permlt Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan By slgnature, I state and agree, that I have caref ully examlned ttre compteted application and do hereby certl[y that all lnformation hereorr is true atrd correct' and I f urther certlfy that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinanccs of thc City o{ Springfield' and the Laws of the State of Orcgon perlaining to thc work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without perrnission o( the Bulldirrg Safety Divislon' I further certi{y that only contractors and employees who are in cotnpliance with ORS 70'l'055 wlll be used on thls proiect. e to ensure that all required lnspections are time, that each address is readable permit card ls located at the front approved set ol Plans will remaln Date e4/ I further agre requested at the ProPer f rom tlro street, that the of tho ProPerty' and tho construction.on the site at all times Signature t{-ii.27 MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State lssuance State Surcharge Sldewalk - ft Curbcut .-..- ft Demolitlon State Surcharge (E)Total Mlscellaneous Pertni ts >aDATE PAID AMOUNT RECEIVED RECEIVED BY VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBEB TOTAL AMOUN (A, B, c, D, and T DUE (excluding electrical) E Comblned) P.L. i FT. ,.- ----