HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-05.. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICAT I)N /PERMIT 225 ilorth ith Street Spri,ngfteld, Cregon 97477 Euilain4 Diuision 7 26-37 53 Const!g\4-!eruig!- pcee)tc * B 5q9 o Uiro & A{"-t- +r/ IS,GO Siqr.ed ,r) Date tt-a\-g ?- p':o?er ti;ae' t!"nt each addtesa is teaiabie SPFIINGFIEI.D tS.oo "G o It iB the the s To be naie---- ?\.-n--Af^^|.5i-!::J2(a'.-:J"' ezcauctLan, iua p?:ar tc se! uP of 3? io lo be tsCe uleflc"'es are eacaJd Led atl foxns de etec=eC,but Priat tc pournTq ccnc?ete. to see lccated on the nsp Conitdcta"s o? Anfleis dfte, 7:00 ot vi,LL be rnaCe the nezt lnrkiry d,ag ie naCe d Lf!s1,t *at aL! inaPeef,Lot* a:e ratie at lhe ftattt of tl''e -?to?e?t!' BuiLci:ng Site ct tLL i'"nes' at :he jroat lQ<'t' recotCer) state Your Citg lesigt-zted iob rc-qe a'C ?Lane nu;ber, iob aicte ss. tuDe oi ins>eczicn reZeii:'ed befcrz 7:cC ;rwbcr. Pequeszs Yout Ci\ Desigr,ated req,tired oqor bd'r'i btt befcre .otg .rnLL cooertng t' lath, S CPP e.y insulation is concea Led. Location' bottd ot tettic.Ls i'n tl.ts.C.7ection Aftar instaLlatlon'!s e,aQ e?s de i,n pTace ouDsl;n bcatC ct i2)d., ,rd beiote 4/t! ^ovu^f.r. ils7lc:rcr: 72 i26 r'ale ;iffit T@,"t fis .in olace' but ttio" to cv.tJ id?Lrq. I II '7 u:'l"tui irrtf='r, ,rr=-frrf' ",l-) to be n.e,ce Pr"'cr - i";; inaui'";"on or cecking' ?.sr AirD 3EA:,!: 7e i22 ncce ?r'o? "offiiEl;;of f"oor irsula-'taz ot deckittg. :;o ,c"E co';e? z'r-esc- '.ns?e c;icrs 'a':le bo-er' #*#"##;;';':i.i;*" conitete. .raturf.;( 4 tRI',T,'lA!: ?or aLL ecn- *ffi sx?eel mght-".'iii".- t" Le 'cde eiler e7'! e*cc- \L;T"Z' ,J.1n'n t fotn';ork t tub- fuse ncteial ":n ?bce'naie crd. qorcte!' F:|i?tACi; ?m)or :o ?'Lcclrq |zc"'ng'ffi "i b"io'n -irtrir4 inscee- tion. Fat*i:tc: i4us! le rectesteC cfler ffiit i i:i""gn plu-bin4, -.electr")'21- t- i"";'L"iec1. ' AL! moftry. fi".ii a chirecYs, 2t'c' ::trsc be Zhte'c"a. :to'irk is to be con- -Z-"it"a'ar-=iL'-his insoecicn iaa 'iLi" *nn otc cPotc'-ed' ?!,rtCE: |{hert' co;nPlaie .-' fuoviie #; ,"";;;;aLLe' sectians throush P, U. A. T.ecicn cf tie ALL proj ea.Citions, suci'cs the ;-.nstai.laYion ci stteex =?zes, :.. :: t be scttsi:-ed bc;'cre ti,.e 7Ui .DI:iG !I::A L :cn y'e reqrzstee' requircd i.criscaing,ctc, ' nu3 reqttestei, :iter the iir'zl ?hnbin'gFITIAL PLU:/3r:iG FrJAL !,ECAilICAL ?I:IAL ILZT.A.ICAL iIiIAL SUILDI)IG:Th,e Fincl ail ==crcvac'llectnical, ori llecha,-.iecL \u'tlditt4 lnsPeeticn -tsx be-:i.rr r "ri"",'havc be en rad'e robLoecticn ,q3S n.5+t" S*^"ot FEoltu 7ac- 65 S ( Tc, Lat #Assesso"s )!ap i Subdiu')sicn: ??7lrl 3 Desci.be Notk: U:.--*a *"R- t) - 5-82 /-r-Phcne yLYL L Daxe of APP Lieat;.cn ttaiue t* ? *;ner: Adtfuesa: Ci 77 GaneraL PLunbin4 ilechanic:L Satitarl se.ser cqPed 't PTcoeli'! Septic tork p',qed' at !iL|'eC trith gratz! Pincl - tlhen abcue ite-s ee coqlexei - *i rn"" iicl-tii.on ,is ccntlele c" s'?i3- lI"-nZu"c ol' irxr;'ees cleanei u2' Lite tsLock:-ng ol Sec'u9 ?knbittX ccnneciions -- sa'))et ol' uazet Electr)cal Cd'"'ec'aot ' Blcckirq' ;e"'ri ''#;l;ii"ry,::!:;LTi'oi,Z,Tj,iZi'" be;'ore l'equest"rq e :'e' Ac.esro,! 3uiEir4 ?iruzl - Aflet Vcrckes' akitiing' CecTs' etc. @e cmpla;ed" ?:ia 1 o1' 2I .ALL l.lAitHcLZS AttD cLi|'ilcurs :tu,? 3E 'lCCEssr3 tl t .1L!. .o. requestgbe nade the tl SteeL n tr tr tr ?:do 2 JoB No 822 (/'soLAR i(CCESS REQ.- Cccuicnc! Crous: l,ox' Sq. Fr-g. 7 cf lc! Couerage ! of Stoies icter- lleiEirc !ogogrq|r1 ?uiZd.ing ?enrit State ?o+-cl CLotges Building Vcllue & permit This -cernr|t is granted on th-e eq?ess cond.ition tlnt the said. consintctions)u.!,, in ail :.escecxs, :on!:rm'to the *i;.-rii"- "a"erii ri"inZ"'ii',,;sprir*fie,.d, inclucina' ,ne Zli,i"s- c!:;;";;;;;; regntlcti.t:g tae ccr.s;nlctiLn 7:1,:o' o; bu:-L,li't4s,-" and, n=y b.e.;us.peniec Zr reuckec et cn! ,-).ne .itct: v.r.c-La*cn of .ztg crcuisiors of saic j"dar,rrr;;s.- 'J q"x v'"te L-CO G* ?ecltor::s LCT :Y?9 _ Inxet.Jcr _ Cortet _ ?cnharrile CUL-de-sae Lcre !a--d: Reeeipt fl Mechqnicol Permit fssu.cae 'Veci.anicaL ?enit i yobile llcae Date lneto,t Sour2es .iea'u of Cataae Vater i2ar2? Pan€e : !?ED LCCE Souch llest .('/aLue ikin -At.? -.,-"tat - -.1t ./.LU: S. D.C. l. S s CAPGE ?i,:=i,tes RestCenti.al (l bcth) Seaer ;io !o, ?er.ecn sha-ll eozshttct, ins.-ai?.q!*o.rry cn dtainage syste_t i" ,ti !.,!!!.lossessor of e ualid pZwtberpLuEtoang _"ork to ppope"t! uhi"h i"@ttt- , al,ter. ot ehange cny neu cr eristir.-cf ?T Ln pant, ur:,iess such person is' the's Lic-ense, asce?t tha,t a pZ:so, *o, io-orzed, Leas ed oi "p"n"")d." ri' l:i"'Ap;i_ aPUmbnIermP tg ?lunbtng pert;it Stdte Nau/Eztend, Circttits Sersice ,,',c. l C:I/.D,GE Stcte l{lere Stcte Lan tequitesr..?ty?ra?, tite eZectricacne hbez )tas been sig_ned t\l ll" eleetrical uork be doneL.po"iion of thie petmit ;t_it';..by the ElecLzlcai' lontz.aclor, E e c rt c ct I P r6 m t c7tby llectr.[ea|. be unti ?uf.t+=,:o "rrt , <: *hast tooC Vent lat 'lcocis zo--e l{.oo ao o o Cw,bcu: SiCa,ta LK :cT;! A.UOU:I! DUi:./( Go I JLgned.:/_t