HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1999-01-07RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726-3769 Office: 726-3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WOBK: ASSESSORS MAP: LOT SPRINGFIELO zL1 JOB NUMBER 225 Fifth Street Sprlngfleld, Oregon 97477 ?7oo r3 ST -SPR: BLOCK: TAX LOT:0/0oa SUBOIVISION: ' 72 O- /|ttoE: BASTATE: 5qn fr-wr* ZIP:4t+tte-e1twc 5 OWNER: ADDR CITY: NEW - REMoDEL ADDrroN DEMoLTsH -X orHER onFou"nDESCRIBE WORK: ADDRESS PHONEbd"{3* MECHAN 1 EXPIFIES a EXP ELECTFIICAL: r FD IH s PE the Oregon Utility CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: lrtotilication Center. obtain coPies of the rules bY CONST. CONTRACTOR # PLUMBING: onOretheroF!F Ec e&i0USE g 008SCente RANGE:SQUARF. FOOTAGEWATER HEATER: ZONING CODE: HEAT SOURCE:SECONDARY HEAT: CONSTR. TYPE:r OF BDBMS: QUAD AREA: r OF BLDGS: -332-2344). FLOOD I)LAIN OCCY GROUP: E OF STORIES: # OF UNITS: _-- Fou To request an inspection, you must caii 726-3769. This is a 24 hour recording. All inspections requested before 7:oO a.m, wlll bemade the same worklng day, lnspections requested after 7:OO a.m. wlll be macje the followlng work day. REOUIRED INSPECTIONS Temporary Electrlc Rough Mechanlcal - Prior to cover. Final Plunrbing - When allplumblng worl< ls complete. Slte lnspectlon - To lre made after excavatlon, but prior to settlng forms. Rough Electrical - Prior to Final Electrical - When all electrical work ls complete.cover, Underslab Plumblng I Electrlcal /Electrlcal Service - Must be approved to obtaln permanent electrlcal power. Final Mechanical - When all mechanical work ls complete.al - Prlor to cover. - After trenches are Flnal Buildlng - When ail required lnspectlons have been approved and building is completed. excavated.Flreplace - Prlor to faclng materlals and framing lnsp.Masonry - Steel locatlon, bond groutlng.Framlng - Prior to cover.hil^ l/*,/rn,, - After forms are but prlor to concrete Wall/Celling lnsulatlon - prlor t cover. Underground Plumblng - Prlor to Illllng trench.l--l orywalt - prtor to taptng Underltoor Plumblng/ Mechanlcal - Prlor to lnsulatlon or decklng. MOBILE HOME INSPE TIONS Wood Slove - After lnstallation. Post and Beam - Prlor to floor lnsulatlon or decklng.l-l lnsert - After flreplace approval - and installatlon of unlt. l-_l glocking and Ser.Up - When ail - blocklng ls complete. Floor lnsulatlon - Prior to decking.Curbcut & AJrproach - After forms are erected but prior toplacement of concrete.Sanltary Sewer - Prlor to titling trench. Slorm Sewer - Prior to fllling trench. Sidewalk & Drivervay - After excavation ls complete, forms and sub-base malerial in place. Electrical Connection - Whenblocking, set-up, and plumbing lnspections have been approved and the home is connected tothe servlce panel. Water Llne - Prlor to lllllng trench, Fence - When cciilpleted Street Trees - When all requlred trees are planted. Final - After all required inspections are approved andpgrches, sklrting, decks, andventlng have been lnstalled. Rough Plumbing - Prlor to cover. tr,t tr .,'., i ilf,Hl,,ji LAND USE: E E fl fl n Ptumbing Connections - When - home has been connected towater and sewer. E ACCP.L.HSE GAB N S E Lot faces Lot sq. ftg. Lot coverage Topography Total helght Lot Typt v - lnterlor - Corner .- Panhandle \' - Cul-de-sac 1.- lS THE PROPOSED WORK tN THE. HISTORICAL DISTRI T, OR ON THE HISTOFIICAL REGISTER? - lf yes, thls appllcatlon must be slgned arrd approved by the Hlstorlcal Coordinator prlor to permit issuance. APPROVED: VALUE q97 3z 80.fr) {,0} /2.'tu c6.? 5(A) x $/so. FT. Total Value Building Permit Fee State Srrrcharge Total Fee BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. Main Garage Carport BUILDING TAII'IE, FUTU CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordlnance adopted by the City of Springfield, includlng the Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time Plans Reviewed By By: t,12" Receipt Numbe Date Paid: Flecei upon violation of any Plan Check Fee: provjglons of sald ordlnances. s2,97 SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) Systems Development Charge ls due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits which are being improved. ITEM Fixtures Residential Bath(s) Sanitary Sewer Water Storm Sewer Moblle Home PLUMBING PERMIT N. FEE FT. FT. FT (c) Plumblng Permlt State Surcharge Total Charge ADDITIONAL COMMENTS - Note: Bl,jl9ing Inspector may requir.e additional plans .information, - and/or fees for the completion of - this project. By slgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examlned the completed application and do hereby certlfy that all lnformatlon hereon is true and correct, and I f urther certlfy that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinanccs of the City of Sprlngfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon perlalnlng to the work descrlbed herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY wlll be made of any structure wlthout permission of the Bulldlng Safety Divislon. I further certi{y that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 wlll be used on thls proiect. I further agree to ensure that all requlred inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address ls readable from tlre street, that the permll card ls located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain Slg natu re Date q times rlng con ructlonon the site Wood Stove/ lnsert / Fl replace Unit Dryer Vent MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State lssuance State Surcharge Sldewalk - ft Curbcut - ft Demolition State Surcharge Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) (D) NoVent Fan Mechanical Permit lssuance State Surcharge Total Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, B, C, Q and E Comblned) |L1 L7 .7-7 _b32And AMOUNT RECEIVED RECEIVED BY DATE PAIi') VAI-IDATION: RECEIPT NUMBER t W ??MB DATE ISSUED: lffi StDE PERMIT NUMBER: '7,,//,,r),y' 1INSPECTTON LINE SEE TNSPECTIONS ON APPLtgATtoN DATE: FlFTH €)rtr,r'r-r/.€5 ENCRO.ACHMENT PERMIT NUMBER: SPRINGFIELO, OREGON 9?4?? ENGINEERING OIVISION oFFlcE TELEPHONE (6031 726.3753 .LOCATION OF WORK /43D FtPrn oD_STATE: sl k-p2 atd ,.'^ ,14-, k,. isrp.r r.rrr^, PHONE:'3 74/'c ,22 €ltn -oo 7z:Ea,TaeraLADDRESS: .1 ztP: 97H77 llpt 'bfaz. EXPIRATION.DATE: ' /-7 *7 "7 PHONE: APPLICANT SITE ADDRESS: CITY: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION NO: PROJECT SUPERVISOB: ,7.L ZlPz TAX MAP: TAX LOTr STATE: _rt E t SUBDIVISION: OWNER: PHONE: ACCOJT{I NOr REOUESTED PERMITS:hBttcTtoNt ilot tilDs A?ttlcATtoN FE! 'oEFo8nQ erucnoAcHMENT pERMtr Nor El t"eo. od Er tr tr tr Er Q C10.00+t.l6/FT. El clo.oo+ t.15/FT. vAtD toi !tm, tro, DAYI rtoM DAtt ot Itu$lcrocursrREEr OBonE eorxen Q ousr coN?RoL (TVrE opcorrtrnou Q coHsmucloN, sroRAGE, srAotNo Q orxen I I 0 tr Q rsnralr TYPE OF SECIIRTTY NEPOSIT Q auxxer suREry BoND e sunttw aoHo O cAsH / cHEcK E cung cuT pEBMrr No!.................... FT. rtLtstFrrrox: Q{Jfif , A?PROAC}tlfnA FORM8 An! IRECTIO-1qI ffi e secouti bn,r*^r'f; lliT^?:ffITl-,'i -su^N'i" "- --"' @ stoswaLK pERMrr No!.................... Fr.ffi El.new O nEMovE / REpAtB E pAvE ptANT srntp . _O'semecx e cunasroe El LENoTH l{-sqcltosilorwArr, onvEw^y ron Au. clrlcim rAvtNOMADE ^FIEn ^u rxc^vllNo n cor,r-riiii.-iib-iiilfiffifi WIIHIN THE ETAEET AIOHT OF ANO 8U}8A38 MATERIAL 18 N FROM DATE: TO DEPTH: WAY, TO 8EralcE. E $6.ob / El t5.oo / TOTAL DUE;*I: TOTAL DUE WITH PERMIT I o tr SANITARY SEVVER CONNECTION PERMTT: VALD FOA txw trot oAYt;roM DAT! O'r3EUAt{Cttrro sruB fl uarH UNE (EASEMENT-R/W E oTHERI sro RM SEWER CONNECTION PERMIT:V^tD toi Stxw t30l o^vt tioM o^tt or EEU Tlc!o clrcH BAstN , rusBLEn El srus e uarHune pBQOF OF TNSURaNCF. CSOO,OOO MtNtMUrvt. Q rrrecxeo O REoutREo AMouuT DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: PERIOD OF USE OB TIME OF CONSTRUCTION: U PLANS (TWO SETSIATTACHED TlME: TIME:AREA: LENGTH:I/VIDTH: TYPEOFWORK: CUT: OTHER: EXISTING SURFACE MATERIAL: BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE UTILIZED: SURFACE REPLACEIUTNT MATERIALS TO BE UTILIZED: TYPE OF DUST CONTROL TO BE NAME OF OTHER UTILITIES IF THIS IS A JOTNT WARN]NG OEVICES TO BE UTILIZED: HEIGHTI BORE: BACKFILL MATERIAL: WORK SHALL COMPLY WITTI worl ronc protcalm toE compllrnc. wlrh th.on Unllorm Tnlflo Dcvlccr X ABTICLE 6 OF THE CTTY Advtnca rnd DESCRIPTION: t RtvtsloNs En1n6 roRM ' tt!COT,TTRAfiOR TO COMPLY WT}I MUTCD. (MUTC0t. AEIEITTflT{LdilI E- E__ --r -t BEVIEW COMMENTS , SPECIAL INS'I.}IUCTIONU8 gFf, [,gf'B'#JUBfd^?thtB,'518#f [--.ffi ['u'r[dff , E(ISTINO CITY CODES AND -, STUPUEUCE WTTH CUBRENT 00r 002 003 OO/f 00! 000 . 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 010 0t0 ot7 018 &ckllll wlth I'mlnur loclc Comprct rvrry 18'loor drpth. Rrguh.t oomprotton wlth r rrrl rollht. A.C. to mltch th. gmtrr ol .xlrthe drpth or 4'. All cuo rcrlcd lor llnd lnrprotlon. Trmportry prtch mly br urod rt tho ottd ot tht dty. Slgnlng rnd Zoo.'gtorctlon to comply wlth MUTCD Cut oonctcr onlY on lcotc llncr or oold lolnr. Sldrmlkr rnd drlvrwlyr mln 3,000pr! Curblng mln 3,600pr1 I No pltohwo* lrlr thrn 3'. Mmt mh. rcquhmtntt on curt outt, SPld. cod.. Rutor plantrd.rrcrt, Spld. codr 208.3.06 Sp.a. to Sort I Jrol I No A.C. qlr. Mrchrnlcrl comp.cthg rcgulrcd. No prtchwort.llow.d. [.t.r.l our to hrvr oonttol d.ilw ,lll. Cutt to b! polYmcrlzrd ctack ralcd lor llnal lnrpcctlon' Mlnlnum 2'crurhrd rock I'mlnur. 019 020 021 o22 o23 024 026 026 o27 028 029 030 031 032 033I Mlnurnurn 4' cbrrlncr .t rnY potnt. rwing'rwry. Concr.t mlnlmum 4' dcpth. 3,OOOPrl. Tranch to ba 'f' out. t Nrcdr Stcr / CountV Prrmlt, No rbovr ground rnolorlngr ln lldcwalk or hrndlcrp trmpl' Dlrmond cut A.C./Concr.t. vlluc boxlr lo grrdc. Fruh Oll rlgnr I Otrdcd. Comply wlth Amrrlcanr wlth Olslblllti.t Act. Concnb drbr, 72h[. curlng tlrnr, 450opcl, Concr.t. rlrbt lcqulrc tolnt rlal mlttful. Drlvrwry rrquku dowrlr rvrry 18'. Submlt tnlllo cgntrol plln ptlo. to cxclvltion. Notlly Tntllo Dlvlrlon bclorc cxcrvatlgn. Corc drlll mrln llnr, ln.lrt tcc, 2% mln. gtadc. Murt comply wlth tht provlrlonr ol ORS 757.541 to 757'671' 6' Ckcul., holo/H2O.Vrc. Comments: ' L THE YOU ARE REOUIRED TO CALL LANE UTILIIES c0 0RDINA:r-|NG- -cQu N glL's 7'6NE eAt-u NUrueER' 1 -800-332-2344 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING t-l serufaRy sEWER, SToRM SEWEB, ENcRoACHMENT PEBMIT ANo OTHER INSPECT|ONS CALL CITY MAINTENANCE AT - 728-3761, E SIGNATURE: Lfttr""e;if*?'JB','J?g1's"11lii9"1r5?fJ*'ffr'"tl:ffi 3i"ii$Hti'a'd"i,l,tl3"'^!1?3[,!rme' that proiect oddreas rs readabre from the 8t'eet' //, ao ! haveand -) a-l -3t-77 not on r of the work n this and and thle ,8t AMOUNT RECEIVED: RECEIVED BY: , RECEIPT NO: I DATE PAID: I Slgnature ZoV, Cotra'Teucrtau Dat6 VALIDATION: E rnernc REvtEwED BY: I uerrureNANcE: E penrr,ttr tssuED BYi FoR stDEwA* auo cuRB cw pEBMlrs ptAcE A coPY (aaMPLETEDI tN PERMIT DMWER. DATE: ir nuE oF coMPLErloN: DATE: OEPOSIT BETURNED: ELB/ENTH DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: E enctrueERtNc REVTEWED BY: DArp: DATE: DATE: INSPECTION: INSPECTION: CALLED IN CITY NAME CONCRETE. ARE TO BUT PBIOB TOARE MADE th8 to of I