HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-03-09#.. RESID-NTIAL.. APPLICAT I'ON /PERILIT 225 North Sth Street Springfiald, )regon 97477 BuiLdirry Diuision 726-37 53 Job Locaticn, I SPRINGFTEI.D uzry - a/< tt t I 6o)' /Lo1, Date:-7 GenepaL 14echanical ConslmrctiotJaadet* Rcott'-rarl Tn sn aefi.ans It ia the respotts.ibility o! tle pendt lto\der to aee that aLL inspectiotrs ate nade at the p?ope| tine' that each cddress is reaC'iie ftvn tlv ettiet, atd tlnt the pettrit eatd id. Located at -t-h-e. frcnt of tlte -property.ieritdirS Diuicior. appro"^ed pl-an shcll remain on tlv Building sitc at aLL times. pRocEDUpE FlR INSpECtToN agguEsr:cALL726-3769 (tecotd.et) state yout Cita cesigtl,x.ted iob ntotber, iob acfuees, type-9f Snspeeti,cneadgforinspection,contlacto"sotra',,","-,*,eZndplnnenunbel.P,equestsreceixedbefcre7:00anlttit te nade the sane dcA, ?equests nad.e after 7:00 an urLLL be nade tke nect ttot'king day. you! CitA Desigr"ated Job Mttnber Is:8(cacs Aeseesors Map # I obboDTca Lot #2 $tbditrision: eOumer: }J Phone:Address:19 Desertbe Hor\i- -4 /'', ) +4^b,- fux 3-q-EDate of APPli,eation n Value ILLLE L Additicn l.lobile Hone Pege 1 of 2 ANDERGROUIID PLUMEING, SEWER, W.4TER, DR!I!I!-G!: To be nwCe pt"iot, to fil- T@-f,i4rches. V unoenilooR pLutErNG & MECIIANTGAL:itof floor insulz.tion or decking. POF! 4!P-PEAM: ?o be made priot' to ffiTffiffof fI,oor insulation ot' deckitrg. ROUCH PLANBilIC. ELECTRTCAL & MEQI: .ffif,Tthese inspections haue- been nade ard appz'otseC. FIPE?LI!2B: Prtor to placirq facingffie ard before fr*"L"s ir"pnZ- tion. FRAj.'lUlg: Ihtst be requested aftet @ffit of rough pt;rA;ng, e1ectu i-a,l & nec?nnieal. AIL roofing bractng & ehinmega, etc. rrust be . corryLeted. Ito uctk is to be eon-. cecled until this inspeetion lae 'been rrud,e anC approved. CURB & APPROACH APPON:After forrns are erecteC but prior to pow'ing cotlc?ete. SIDXWALK & DRIIWAY: Fot aLL con- c"A;na:t frAm street right- of-teA, to be made aften all erca- oating eonplete & forn wtk & sub- base materLal in place. h4ten conpLete -- ProuiCe or mooable sections tht'ough SfiE fNSPECTf)N: To be nnde after escaoation, but pt tor tc set up of fonns. UNDESSLAB P[,UUB!N?, ELEC:tLre4L 3i MECHT-ilICAL: To be made before anyffi-i)i-i,tured. P0O?ING & F)UNDATICN: Io be naCe @ ttenctes are escatsated and. forns ate ereeted, but prior to pout'ing ccnc?ete. TNSALATTON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION : To be made aftez' aLL insulaticn ard. required oqot, berie?s @e in pLace htt before ay Lath, Wpstun bcarC or tnLL coueting i.s appli-ed, and before ay insulation is conceaLed. DRYWALL INSPEC?!)N: Tc be made @e"-dtT'&afitTts in pt ace, but prior to any taping. I'IASONRY: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oerticaLs in accordotce uLth U,B.C. Section 2415. W1ODST1VE: After installation is atnpleted. DEI,IOLIT OR BUILDI;1CS Sanilaty seaer capped ct properfil Lire Septic tutk punped atd. fi,Lled trith gz'atsel linaL - h4ten abctse itens are ecnpleted and uhen Cqplttion is cotnplete ot1 strue- tu.r,e moued ard prenn ses cleaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking ord Set-up Plunbirug connectians -- sa)e? otd. uatet ElectricaL Ccmnection - Blocking, set-up and plunbing conneetions m;et be approxed before requeating eleclrical inspeetion Accessory BuiE:-ng Final - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, etc. ate eornpleted. U.8..u FTilAL PLUMBTNG FTNAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRTCAL ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, eonpletion of the required Land.sccpirq, ete., rmtst be eatisfi,ed before the BUILDING PINAL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDING: The Final Building Inspection trust be requested after the Final PlunbitgElectrtcal, ord Meehanical fnspeetions laoe been nade and approoed.o *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS T'IUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITENI ?O BE IL4DE A? NO COST TO Ary T u tr tr tr ,00 2 Df Eouse Cataae Access. East --l I tiy,qplaceSouthtoxe LOT ?WE _ fnteriot _ Cor.ner _ Panlrandle Cvl-de-eac SOLAR A.EESS REQ.-cJOB NO. Lot Sq. Ptg. % of Lot Cooetage L-CO Bedtooms: # of Stories Total Eeight lopognqhy West ll Lot Faces - -- Feea --x VaLue nb.in Ceage lclport Accessot y ?OTAL VALUE Building Vqlue & permir *i_:,,On1*t.is granted on the esp"ess eond.ition tlnt the said. constraetionEraLL' Ln aLL respeets, confom to the Ordirwnce adopted siy the city ofspringfield, includinq' the Zoning ctian;;;, regulating the ccnstructicn *,1!" of buildinss,.-otd may b."" ";;;;;;;; or teuokeC at cns time upon vic_lation of anA prcoisione of iaid Otdinances- Building Pernrit ?otal Charges State S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Patd: Signed: NO.FEE CHARGE Fi*tutes Plumbing permit No pereon shal,L constrwct' instal!, alter ot crwnge -any ned c? existingplwnbin4 on drainaae systq, in ahoie or in part, "urt.eL iiZn-p"lrlo, is theLegal possesso, o1"a,Ztta pt*i"";i 1i..""'", eseept tlwt a pL*"on nag do Zm1r"n uork to prope,ty uhi.h is ornna, inlrZe-;;-.;;;;;d,ti"Zn" cppli._ Residential (1 bath) Seuer PLwtbing Petrrit State Electricol Permit Nas/Extend Circuits Y_:1 tyt" Lan reqttires tlat the electrieal uork be done by ot Eleetyicaluont?aeto?' the eleetrical pottion of this permit slnll not be oalil, untilthe Label lws been signed ly the EleZtrical'Cont?actor.Sentice L Iotal rruM FEE Mechqnicql Permit trltatat HooC. Yent Pan Hcodstotse Petmit fssuance Mechanical Permit * -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Secartta Deposit Stotage Maintenattce Pentri,t L\ttbcut Si.deualk Fence 5oo Electrical tabel Mobtle Hotne Reeeipt # PLan Exarlne? I HAW CAREFALLy EXAMINED tle conpleted application for pennit, a71d. do hereby certify that all infonnation heteon is tnte and. ebtreet, and. f furthet, certify that any ard. aLL uork perforned sltall be dotte in aecor- dance vith the 0ydinances of the City of Spt"ingfieLd, attd. the La,;s of the State of 1regon pertaining to the uork Cescribed hereia, &d tlat N0 )CCU- PI.NCY ttll be naCe of anA struch)le uithout permieaion of the BuiZding N-oision. f futthen certifg that only contracTors md enployeee uho ore in eanpliance Dith 2RS 701..0s5 u.LLL be uaed on this project \Arl ?otaL- ,l ITOTAL AIITOUN? DAE: *<es/ -