HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 2005-08-30CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON _lac-ovvo 4'z-05 SPR ,FIELD D EV ELO PM E NT S ERV IC ES D EPA RTM E NT August 30, 2005 Mr. Renc' Fabricant PE, CSI Branch Engineering 310 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 RE: 1325 5ft Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Rene', On July 20,2005,I conducted an inspection with you at the above referenced location which is also known as Lane County Assessor's Map #17032634, Tax Lot 05900. The inspection was to be done on a lean-to structure on the west side of an existing garage. Upon looking at the structure in question, we agreed the removal of lean-to would not compromise the structural integrity of the existing garage. Also, while performing the above mentioned inspection, I was asked to look at an apartment above the garage for compliance to the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code. The unit appears to meet the minimum housing standards at the time of my inspection. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 726-4652 Sincerely,ts0 Bob Barnhart Building Inspector Dave Puent, Community Services Manager 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541 ) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-s689 www. ci. sp ri n gfi eld. or. us q{i.r Jl,tl cc: Bnanch Engineening, lnc. sEP 0 e 2005 PFIINCIPALS James A. Bnanch, P.E. Ren6 Fabnicant, S.E, P,E. Michael Lane Bnanch, P.E BY: 310 srh Srneer Spningfield, Onegon 97477 t541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-03A9 September 2, 2005 Dave Puent Building Official, Community Services Manager Development Services Department City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Project lnformation Applicant: Branch Engineering, Irtc.For Scott Leatham Site address: 1326 5'h Street, Springfield Tax Map: 17-03-26'34,Tax Lot 5900 Subject: Demolition of a portion of an existing dwelling Attachments: Summary of inspection, by Bob Barnhart, City of Springfield Building Inspector, dated August 30, 2005 1/1 Tentative Partition plan by Branch Engineering, Inc. for a property owned by Scott Leatham Dear Dave: Our client, Scott Leatham, is partitioning a property, as illustrated in the attached tentative partition plan. As a result of the partition, a portion of an existing dwelling shallbe encroaching in a setback. The client proposes to demolish a portion of the dwelling so as to eliminate this encroachment. In June of this year, I had discussions with Jim Donovan, City of Springfield Planner, and with you, about this project. It became apparent that there was not any known building permit history for the subject dwelling. Upon your direction, and as a possible remedy to the lack of a burilding permit record, I arranged for a site inspection by a City of Springfield Building Inspector, to establish conformance to the City Housing Code (Article 7). I have attached a copy of a letter by a City Inspector, indicating conformance to the Housing Code. CIVIL STFIUCTUHAL TRANSPOFITATION SUFIVEYING The owner proposes to demolish a portion of the existing structure. That portion shall be the shed roofed area at the west side of the structure. On the attached plan, I have shaded in red that proposed portion of the structure which shall be demolished. I accompanied the inspector at the time of his field visit to the dwelling. It was apparent to me that the structure does not have a lateral force resisting system which would be capable of withstanding the design lateral force specified in the 2005 O.R.S.C. Nevertheless, the demolition of the shed roofed area will be a betterment, with respect to the response of the building to a wind or seismic design event. The shed roof area is a separate diaphragm. That diaphragm does not contribute to the resistance of the remaining structure to a lateral event. The shed roofed area has a common wall line with main diaphragm of the eastern portion of the structure. The removal of the western shed roofed area will reduce the windage and the seismic mass collected into the common wall line. Thus, if the shed roofed area is removed, the force driven into the common wall line will be reduced. We recognize that this is a somewhat unusual situation with respect to the permit history of this structure. Our request is that you approve the demolition of this shed roof area, without any other structural improvements required for the remainder of the structure, if the shed roofed area is removed. Thank you for your generous assistance on this project to date. Please call me if you have any questions, or if you require any clarification on this project. 8,4 Rend Fabricant, P.E., S.E Principal Brarrch Engineerirtg, Itrc. (s4t) 746 0637