HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Application 1992-06-229 11 OZ3<:Z i oS)04 OCCTIPAI{CI INSPECTION APPLICATION CITY OF SPRTNGFIEID BUILDING DIITTSION ===============:===::==::=:=::==:==:==:=::=:====_=:======:===_==:_============== DATE:J,AI 22 7?-JOB NUHBER:?tu*<A ADDRESS 0F fNSPECTf0N: 130 N. 5tn, Springfield Ol.lNER: McKenzie River Motors PHONE NUMBER: 97\55 \8s-s6t t 0I{NER,S ADDRESS: P.0. Box 540, Pleasant Hill, Oregon APPLICANT: Springfield Creative-llind Science Center , c/o Rev. Joan K Mawhirter APPLICANT,S ADDRESS: 258 Hambletonian, Eugene, 0regon 97401 FgR ACCESS T0 pR6pERTy _ TELEpHONE NUMBER: Dana t4atott 485_561j ext. #9013 ================================================================================ PROPOSED USB: Church A $SS.OO INSPECTTON FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TTME OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION INSPECTED. PORM UUST BE SIGNED BY THE OIJNER OP THB PROPERTY TO BE : TURE Carolyn S Chambers, President, i,lcKenzie River Motors FOR OFPICE USE ONLY DATE PAID:.Z DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: COHMENTS: RECEIPT NUMBER: DATE OF REPORT: z. Adrtr CITY OF OREGO'U SPRII ,'!ELO DEVELOPMEilT SEBY'CES PUBLIC WORKS M ET RA PA LITAN WAST EUIAT E R M A N AC E IJ' E ITT At your request' the SPringfield inspection of the lease sPace at the i.nspection'"'as to deternine u-se as indieated. Building Safety Division conducted an the above referenced address. The purpose of the suitability of the space for the proposed 225 FIFTH STREET QDni^t/4tr,trl n nD c-.:- tCUJI / ZO'J| CJ June 29, L992 CEiTI;::D LETTEi. Springfield Creative-Mind Seience Center Re'.'erend Joan Ma';hirter 258 Hambletonian Eugene, 0R 97401 Subject: gccuparcy Inspection at 130 North 5th Street Springfield, 0regon Dear l'ls. Harthirter: 1 Based on the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions mentioned belov do not meet the minimum-Building Safety Code requirements. Corrective measures must be taken prior to occupancy to install, repair or replace the folloving items for the building or use to conform to the applicable building safety regulations. STRUCTIIRAL, FTRE AND LIFE SAI'ETY The exit enclosure for the rear exitvay shall be not less than 44 inches in vidth and of one-hour fire-resistive construction. Door openings shaIl be protected by a tight-fitting smoke and draft control assembly having a iire-protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Doors sha1l have an approved label or identification shoving a fire rating of not less than 20 minutes. Doors shall sving in the direction of travel and be equipped vith emergency (panic) hardvare, mounted at a height of not less than 30 inches nor more than 44 inches above the fIoor. panic hardvare may be omitted from the main exit door(s) provided there is a readily visible durable sign adjacent to the doorvay stating: THfS D00R MUST REHAIN UNLOCKED DLTRING BUSINESS HOURS An illuminated exit sign that clearly indicates the direction of egress from the building sha1l be installed at rear exits. Landings not less than l-l2 inch lover than the threshold of the doorvay shalI be provided on each side of exit doors. l,,enti1ation shall be provided by means of openable exterior openings vith an area of not Less than one tlentieth of the total floor ar-ea. or sha1l be provided r.,ith a mechanically operated ventilating system capable of suppiying a mininum of 5 cubie feet per minute of outside air per occupant r.ith a total circulated of not less than 15 cubic feet per nninute per occupant in all portions of the building. 2 3 4 \ 6. The building and it's related facilities, i.e. restrooms, doorvays and aisles, shall be accessible to and usable by the physically disabled. 7. provide one fire extinguisher vith a minimum rating of 2-A in a location coordinated vith City Fire Marshal. 8. The maximum number of occupants of the building authorized by the Building Safety Codes shal1 not exceed 98 persons. The maximum occupant load sha1l b,e permanently posted by the City Fire Marshal and maintained in a visible location vithin the building. EI,ECTRICAI 9. The electrical service equipment and emergency disconnects shall be accessible to the lease tenant at all times. 10. Electrical viring circuits shal1 serve only the lease space in vhich they are located. Electrical circuits not part of this lease space sha11 be removed or relocated to the lease space and electrical service panel for vhich they serve. Please note that the installation, modification or repair of an electrical system on property vhich is intended for rent, sale or lease must be done by an electrical contractor vho is licensed by the State of Oregon. If further information is needed or if you have any question regarding the above requirements, please contact this office at 726-3759. Cordially, \ David Puent Building Official CC: Dana Hatott, c/o Hckenzie River Motors Jim Hays, City Electrical Inspector Tom Marx, City Structural Inspector djp a ilil \ - PENALTY FOR PRIVATE usE, $300 a Print your name, address and ZIP Code here --,.-li@r.t )EVELOPMENT SERVICES ?25 FIFTH STREET i PR I NIiFtELD, OR 97 477 IES S GOODWILL toR Cl OUR *F - U.S.MAIL uNlrED srArEs posrAl t."r*f. j]r; offrcrarBusiness \,,1|/, Deann Buc kem lu, . Complete items 1 and/or 2 lor additional services.. Complete items 3, and 4a & b. . Print your name and address on the reverse ol thig form so that we can raturn this card to you. . Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. . Write "Return Receipt R8quested" on the mailpiece below the article 2. n Restricted Delivery. The Rsturn Recoipt Fee will provido you the signature of the psrson Consult for feeand I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. Xl Addressee's Address 3. Article Addressed to: Spra,ingfiel d Creative-Mind Science Reverend Joan l4awhirter Center 258 l-{ambl eton i an Eugene, 0R 9740L 4a. Article Number Pl69 578 467 4b. Service Type E Registered D lnsured E Certified ! cOo E Express Mail E Return Receipt for 5. 7. Date 8.(Only if requested fee is 6. Signature (Agent) PS Form , November 1990 *u.s.GPo:1ee1-287-0€6 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT