HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1993-02-09SPFlINGFIELE, DEVELAPMENT SEBVICES PUBLIC WORKS M ETROPOL'TA N WASTEWAT E B M A N AGE M ENT February 9, 1993 Jeffery Todd and Toni L. Brovn 1132 N. 4th Street Springfield, 0regon, 97477 RE: SANITAS.Y SEVER DEFICIENCY AT 1132 4TE STREET, SPRINGFIELD' OREGON Please con mat ter. M identifyin as repair you vithin please contact RalPh Shav betveen Lt "Ayt 225 FiFTd S;---:; SPRINGFIELD OR Y-:-. t50ir Z2o-ji5.- Dear Mr. Todd and Ms . Bro-*'n In conjunction vith the construction of the metropolitan ;astevater treatment ;I";i "and subsequent improvements to Springfield'i sanitary sever systems' the LiiV *u=t also ""ut" ceitain repairs to be made to private sanitary sever ;t;i.;". th"r" are tvo primary reasons for this acrion: 1) Man-v* defects exist in the prii'ate Se'hrer si'Stem'u:hich a1lot'r storm vater to enter the sanitary sever. As a result, millions of gallons of vater that should not be entering the sanitary sever must be treated ai a great expense to the users of this facilitY. 2) Many of the problems that exi-st in the private sanitary sever system are ,1":. or"potentiai rrealth hazards. Broken sever laterals not only a1l-ov storm vater to enter the sanitary sever, but they also a1lov rav sevage- to escape into the ground. lr-"Jaiiion, faulty sever or-brain vents may also allov toxic or expl6sive sever gases to enter into building' Recent]y, several segments of the City's sanitary seve! system vere smoke tested to 1ocate potenilat f,roblem areas. Tire tests on specific segments of the City's sever system, .ito rlvealed that the private sanitiry sever and/or plumbing drainage system serving your-property contains defects' The defect(s) are listed in the attachment. pleail noie that, depending.on the type of.defect, it is not alvays p;;;ib1; to specify tle exact deflct or its exact location' For example, vhereas-imoke testing may f,are-indicated a leak in the sever lateral' there may be sererat causes f6r iire 1eak. There may- also be- several defects in the same sever line. rn these cases, although ve vill be able to suggest a probable cause and location, and offer as much other information as ve have available, it vill bE up to you (or a contractor hired by you) to locate and correct the deficiencies. tact Ralph Shav of this office as soon as possible regarding this r. Shav is assigned to the program and vili assist you in-locating and g pfu*Ulng defeits. He vili also respond. to your inspection requests or replacement vork progresses. If M;. Shav has not been contacted by 30 days, he vi11 initiate contact' If you have any questions about this matte the hours of 8-9:00 a.m. or 4-5:00 p'm' at SincerelY, \to-.,* r, LL(- \ 'David J. Puen \l- /t. it Community Ser .l ;'\=L Manager 726-3665. I t< ADDRESS z Lt32 No 4th Street REPERENCE NUMBER: 17032634 )/?s' TAx LOT: 03500 INSPECTION DATE: October 28,1992 DESCRIPTION OF DEFECT: During the snoke testing of the sanitary sewersystemr ground smoke appeared in the rear yard by the south west corner ofthe garage, which may indicates a defective section of sewer line in thisarea. Corrective action may require the replacement of a short section of sewerline in that area. rN(1b) Cat*-o- )' o /'Fr<-<- 9,t t)t > '* fo d)* l/tclro T*po /: to 70 ry ntult'o b 1d Rotr"L/f P -3u 5 L{ o 6 n? 73 730 /r*&Drte ?3 y,6 Ur ";t Zt-ot'w aF lfu*tt<--' ADDRESS Z LL32 No 4th Street REFERENCE NUMBER: 17032634 INSPECTION DATE: October 28,1992 TAx LOT: 03500 DESCRIPTION OF DEFECT: During the smoke testing of the sanitary sewersystem, ground smoke appeared in the rear yard by the south west corner ofthe garage, which may indicates a defective section of sewer line in thisarea. Corrective action may require the replacement of a short section of sewerline in that area. rN(1b) SPFlINGFIELO OEVELOPMENT SEBVICES PUBL'C WORKS M ET ROPO LITA N WAST E WATE R M A N AG E M E N T LtZY 225 FiF:i -<-:-Fii SPCINGFIELD OR 37.!:7 (503) 72o-1753 February 9, 1993 Jeffery Todd and Toni L. Brovn 1132 N. 4th Street Springfield, Oregon, 97477 RE: SANITARY SEI.IER DEFICIENCY AT 7132 4TH STREET, SPRINGFIELD' OREGON Dear Mr. Todd and I'is . Broi^'n In conjunction vith the construction of the metropolitan uaste-"'ater treatment ;i";i lnd subsequent improvements to Springfield'! sanitary sever systens, the EiiV rutt also ""ut" c"it"in repairs to be made to Private sanitary sever ,Vri"r". There are tvo primary reasons for this action: 1) Many defects exist j.n the pri'.'ate sever system vhlch aIlov storm vater to enter the sanitary sever. As i result, millibns of gallons of vater that should not be entering the sanitary sever must be treated at a great expense to the users of this facilitY. 2) Many of the problems that exist in the private sanitary sever system are i!a:. oi"potentiai health hazard-s. Broken sever laterals not only a11ov storm vater to enter the sanitary sever, but they also allov rav sevage- to escape into the ground. In addition, faulty sever or drain vents may also al1ov toxic or expl5sive sever gases to enter into building' Reeently, several segments of the City's sanitary sever System vere smoke tested to locate poteniial f,roblem areas. fi:e tests on specific segments of the City's """"i-.V"tLr, also rlvealed that the private sanitary sever and/or plumbing drainagl system serving your property contains defects. The defect(s) are Iisted in ihe attachmeit. PILasl note that, depending on the type of defect, it is not alvays possible to specify the exact.defect or its exact location. For example, vhlreis smoke testing miy have. indicated a leak in the sever 1atera1, therl may be several causes f6r tLe 1eak. There may-aIso be-several defects in ih" ".r""sever 1ine. In these cases, although ve vi1I be able to suggest a fiobable cause and location, and offer as much other information as ve have available, it vill be up to you (or a contractor hired by you) to locate and correct the deficiencies. please contact Ralph Shav of this office as soon as possible regarding this matter. Mr. Shav is assigned to the program and viII assist you in locating and iJ"ntifying plumbing defects. He vi11 also respond. to your inspection requests "s r"p.ir 6r-replacEment vork progresses. If Mr. Shav has not been contacted by you vithin 30 days, he vill initiate contact' If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Ralph Shav betveen the hours of 8-9'00 a.m. or 4-5:00 p.m. at 726-3665' Sincerely, 0.-., ,.t/NttrN'.) David J. Puent. \ Communi ty Servi'ce! li Manager SSES INFORMATION .LND . ORT FORM //sy lts( ADDRESS: €€rfu REFERENCE NUMBER: #fr3+512- INSPECTION DATE: .i*ffi99f .LNStEG?€ff- ffi l ql DESCRiPTI0I'I 0F DEFECT:7 During the smoke testing of the sanitary sever system, ground smoke appearey' lt .Z Corrective action may require the replacement of a short section of the sever line a+rhj--loc:.ri-en or tfre re^a'r r ^r ;le c!ffi ' ., p flr-/ ,L<-. Ke a DESCRIPTION OF VORK PERFOP.MED TO CORRECT DEFECf: .f,.C.CI)T*. /tl fL-rv* dv"rtL *u-( - 6-f^'*-4-- T/,*7 ttt / " c,t 5,c-' {<,*- / t