HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-09-16#.. RESID-,{TlAL.. APPLICATION /PERILIT 225 North Sth Street Spr'lngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Dhti.sion 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIELD r,? lt1 q)or t ltl c_(_- Date: .rob Locaticn: 03 a C oaAesessots l@ {?or lot # Subdiuision: 0,mer: Address:Flione: Desc:t ibe llork: addirtan rt-t NeL, t-l Ren*7el Valaeeb-rDate of J Sz-u*en -f ar' ?r/ GenetaL Electrical t4echanicaL Pege 7 of 2 Conalry@Ifu It ie the fron the*Buildiytg resptsilbtlifu af tla Paai.t lolder' sdebt" oci ti@t tire wilLt, eli is ' Droii.ot Pln slttl twi;z & dlte fivttt of the ProPetfu.bailding Site at aLL ti.nes. b w M alt inspeetiotts ate nade at the pro?et tine, tv.at eaeh cd.dzess is reacahle l,edtet on tla qROCEDU1E FM ltsprtrrov,BqLES?:CALL726-3769 (reardet) state yout city designa-ted iob f,o-t ittspection, Cqltractot's or A^mers nane cnd phone .*itl be iade the *&u, ,qqr*l.d,ir;rd. af,iet ?:00-anuitlbe rade the nest:,nrkitq day' nmber, job aCiress, tyPe of i,nsPee=icn ntntbet. P.equests receixed befcre 7:00 cn Ercs rIau! C'ibJ Desigr,ated Job Number Is: Reouirerl lr#ffin$)g SITE INSPE:C?ION:q@ffi FTREPL'ACE: materLals >A FflIAL PLUASINC PINAL MECHANICAL To be tade aft* priortuse*ryaf rNsuLATroN / vAPoR BA4 r=ER r-!\sr.EcTr1 N.: ?o be tnCe aftet aLL inauLatlcn ana' reatErd. ooor borie?s @e in Place bui belate ory Lath' WPam baotC or tmll, qaen)ng i.s appli.ed' antd before ag iwsutatibn is concealed' DRYWAIL INSPZCTI7N: Ic be nade M@@uitTts .in Place, fut Wiar' to anY taPLng. 0R !.!)wD forne. UNDERSIAB PLUWTfrG, EIMRIOAL } WCHANICAi. to be de befarc mgffiG6o*d- FCOTING & WIIND{IION: ftA be wC,cfuad 1or." .* e*ctd, b* Wnor @ made od qYaoed. SanitatA saser capped at propetQl Line Septic tmk p*trped atd. fi,Lled tith gra;;el Final - I{hen ahcoe i,tens axe ecnrpleted and uhen Cqoliti-ott is eornplete o! st?ue- iure ^o'oed and pretrLses cleaneC up -rtnff#,#ffi'#.:'*&"]ry,| y'-l ona,mn@: To fu nwae Ervar to xza"7- W w*t*"- "tfloot insulH.tan or ilwlcing' POST AND BBAN: To be nade Pv -ior -"o ffiffio* of fi,ar iwulaia' or decki*tg. ,ffittntn iwpetdons h'aoe bea MA,SONBI: Steel Location, bond ffi|'grauting or terticals in 2118. \IOANI@{E: Aften install'qtion is agtetd. CURB t APPEC- 4CH APP\1N: . Aftn:,!-1-'" a.e aectea fui prior tu Pu"'Lng @rrcrete.ffi"iz:!;,#-;ir*r'" tu be nade aftet aLL erca- "L*.n[ "orplete & fona wk & sub- Use irzterial in P?'ace' Bloeki.ng otd. Set-uP Plunbitrg connectione '- aate! otd uatet Electrieal Ccnnection - Bloekittg' eet-up , anl. olwnbinq connecti,ons mtst be q)?"cv^ea f, &i"L- iq"". sting eleclrLcal i'nspec lion Accessor'; Bui.lCtng Pitnl - After pcrches, skitting' decks' etc. @e comPleted' Le Hcmes Plriot to ptaeuq aw) before ftartrtg f"ei"Si*spee- ti,on. FRAtIflG: ilrst fu reqtestd aftet *p t of woqh Plfuing, -e!'atri-Ht a,,r*ir*i.a.t. - ALL toofi*'tg Lioo+rE & elrilwtcYa' etc' mtst be .-eotwleld. Io lfrr'k ie to be con- ,Lnh"a rD*iL this insPe*aon lss 'been mode od, qPtvoed' ?EfrCE: then anPlete -- tuouiCe ff"i * ,,orolt"- seetio-ns through P"A"R. -._-ALLpt,ojectcondl)tions'suchastleinstal.Lationofslreettrees..conpletionoftie requ,ired Landsccpir,l"Lrzi",",irzr-t, "ittzri2i-l,"i,i"i it" aurLDrNic rriAL can be nequested FINAL BUTLDTN\: The Einal Buildittg. Inspection mtst be requested altet the 'einal Plunbing (-) ;:r\i;Z;il: h ui' or-'t' o aL r ns p e c t io;" i;';- ; ; ";- iie- a"d' appt' o o e d' EINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I'IUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST!{EIII TO BE \L4DE A? NO CCST r0 cffv {,1 -ob f-f uourru ror. u T tr u JOB NO. Iotal SOLAR A(*^ESS REQ.-C L-COG* Bedtoons Reeeipt #: f HAW CARE?ULLy EX,aut-nEO the eonpleted. applieation fon permit, and d.oyrela certify that att inioni;;r;-;Z;.;:",fu"tnz".in"iihifr "t*"aar.daLLr",:i-pzii"'i"31*zf uz"ffxzti,%J,_dance wtth the ord.inancb-.: "{ il: i;ii.;f',s;"r?sf1;;: Z,,a*tiZ "zias o7 theState of 0regcn pertaining to the uoik CesLrfied hez,ein, cttd tlnt No OCCU_P!.NC, trill be nade of or!- st"uctuye uithout permission Lf i. .tizalng Di_uision. r fw,ther .L"tl.lra l'n"l- "frr'.."ii""ctot,s @id. enplcgees uho are ineonpliance uith oRS zot.b-ss "iit-i""""Zi"Zi' "n " project 4 t Lot Faces -Ene?qu Sourees 7we Setbacks Ileat P,L House Cotaqe Access.llate? lleatet, North Range East FirepLaee South llaodstote Iat Sq. Etg. % of Lct Cottez,aga # of Storles Total Height lopogrqhy LCT ?WE _ fntetior _ Comer _ Panltandle CUL-de-sac West ITE14 F?G x Value Building Volue & Permit This perrnt is granted an the erpress condition that the said-consttaction slrall-, in atl rbspects, conforn io the h,dirwnee adopted tiy the city of Springfield, inchtding the Zoning CYdinance, r,egalating the ccnstructicn otd. use of buildings, and may be suspended ot retsokeC at cny time upon oi.c- Lation of mA prcuisions of said Oy,dinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1..5 o ue * Building Pemrit PLan State ?otal Changes Sig:ned: NO FEE CEARGE Piztutes Plumbing Perrnit N2 person eltall constzuct, instal1,, alter or change ana ned cr eristing El_*2fr,s or drainage "ATt? i-n uhole ot in part, LnLesL such person is'the !l!a!.eossesy: of a oalid plunbet,,s Lieense, etcept tlat a pZz.son nag do Ptur'1blng dork to property uhich is ormed, Leased or operated bg the ippli,-cant. Residential (1 bath) Seuer I 30.ao 5 c PLunbino State f,.S; L * Electricol Permit Neu/Ectend Cineuits Wepe State Lan teouit es th,at the electyLcal uork be d.one bg an Eleetricalcont"acto"' the electt'ical portion- o-f tnif,*pnr^it shall rat be tsali.d. untilthe Label lns been ei.gned lg the tt"irtniiit' Contyactor.Seruice State ?otal FED CEARCE Mechqnicol permit Eshanst ilood Vent F@l llcodstooe Permit fssu,artee Mechanical Pernn t -- ENCROA CI{MENT Permit Mobile Horne L C'tttbeut SideuaLk TO?AL AT,IOIJN? DIJE: *vz.as Signed Date Storaqe -