HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1993-02-09SPRINGF]ELO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS M ETBOPO LITA N WASTEWAT E N M A N AG E M E N T February 9, 1993 BradleY Burton Berg P.0. Box 204 Springfield, Oregon, 97477 RE: SANITARY SEVER DEFICIENCY AT 1109 4TH STREET' SPRINGFIELD' OREGON R.,,rt{t [,1 David J. Dear Mr. Berg In conjunction vith the construction of the metropolitan'*'aStevater treatment plant and subsequent improvemeri;-i; ipringfield'i sanitary sever systems' the City must also ";;;; ""ii"ln repairs tb be made to private sanitary sever ;t.i";t. There are tvo primary reasons for this action: 1) Many defects exist in the p::ivate sever s)'stem ghich al1ov storm \'Iater to enter the sanitary sever. As a.""uft, millitns of gallons of vater that should not be entering the sanitary sever must be treated ai a great expense to the users of this facilitY. 2) Many of the problems that exist in the private sanitary sever system are real or potentiai-fr".ftf, hazards. Broken slver laterals not only a1lov storm vater to enter the sanit"ry ,"r!i, Uui iftey also a11ov rav sevage- to escape into the ground. ir'"iaiiion, "taufty-t"""t.or.drain vents may also allov toxic or expf6siue sever gases to enter into building' Recently, several segments of the city's sanitary sevel.system vere smoke tested to 1ocate pot"nii"f-f,roblem areas. Tire tests on-specifi: :"q1:nts of the City's sever system, "i.o-rlvealed tf,"i-the private sanitiry sever and/or plumbing drainage system serving youf-ptop"tty'contains defects' The defect(s) are listed in the attachment. pfeas!-noi"-it"t, depending.on the type of defect' it is nbt alvays p;;;ili; io sp."ilt ilr" exact'defect or its exact location' For example, vhereai-;;;k" testing rly-f,.r" indicated a leak in the sever lateral' there may be r"u"i"f causes fot---iir" ieak. There may-a1so be-several defects in the same sever line. fn these cases, although ve vill be able to suggest a probable cause and location, "nJ-oii"t as ,uIh other information as ve have available, it vill be up to you (or a contractor hired by you) to focate and correct the deficiencies' Please contact Ralph Shav of this office as soon as-possible regarding this matter. Mr. Shav is assigned to the program and vili assist you in locating and identifying plumbing defects.. ie vili "I=o t"spond to your inspection requests as repair or replacement.ygrf p;;g;;;;"a. If M;. shav -hrs not been contacted bv you ,ithin 30 diys, he viIl initiate contact' If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Ralph Shav betveen tt""hour" of 8-9iOO ,.,' or 4-5:00 p'm' at 126-3665' SincerelY, tzJ Ttr r - J/ -atr , SPRINGFIELD. OR 9-.:77 (5A3) 72o'r;5.3 CommunitY Serv c es Manager TAx LOT: 03200 ADDRESS: 1109 No 4th Street REFERENCE NUMBER: 17032634 INSPECTI ON DATE : Oc tobe r 28 ,1,992 Corrective action ma y require the extensth DESCRIPTION oF DEPECT: During the smoke testing of the sanitary sewersystem, gtound smoke appeared around the roof eves of the hous6 and theattic area, which would indicate that the plumbing vents do no extendthrough the roof and terminate to the exteiior. e roof and terminate to the exte 7LG- 4 rtr3 B'A ion of the ptumbing vents through" above the roof. F n--*- U"4s rior 6brj,, rN(1d )/ek-, Lou ' TL/;' Catuff' 4b uts"t -uj" fu,t zurn{ 6L s(sr,-f'.. ;fro ?3' 4t q3 /q. G72J ADDRESS: L109 No 4th Street REFERENCE NUIIBERz 77032634 INSPECTION DATE: October 28,L992 DESCRIPTION OF DEFECT: During thesystem, gtound smoke appeared arouattic area, which would indicate tt.hrough the roof and te rminate to TAx LOT: 03200 e sanitary sewerthe house and thents do no extend rh of ve smok end thhat tthe e testing ofe roof eves he plumbingxterior. Corrective action.may require the extension of the plumbing vents throughthe roof and terminate to the exterior 6" above the roof. rN(1d) SPFlINGFIEL()Y D E V E LO P MENT SEE'I/rCES PUBLIC WOBKS METRAPOLITA N WAS'I EWATER MAN AGEMENT February 9, 1993 Bradley Burton Berg P.0. Box 204 Springfield, Oregon, 97477 RE: SANITARY SEVER DEFICIENCY AT 1109 4TH STREET' SPR]NGFIELD' OREGON Please contac mat ter. Mr. identifying P as repair or you vi thin 30 :-,-liT:'-.:af ,5r'-: .-.o i-5i Dear Mr. Berg In eonjunction -with the construction of the metropolitan';asteuater treatment plant and subsequent improvements to Sp'ringf j'eld' i sani tary se!''er S5rs ter''rs ' the LiiV *r.t also "ars" ceitain repairs to be made to private sanitary sever .V=i"r=. There are tvo primary reasons for this action: 1) Many defects exist j.n the pri';ate S€u€1; s)'stem r':hich a}]-ov storm vater to enter the sanitary sever. As a i"iuft, millibns of galLons of vater that should ;;;';"-".r"ii"g the sanitary sever must be treated at a great expense to the users of this facilitY. 2) Many of the problems that exist in the private sanitary sever system are i"":. oi"potent:.ai f,ealth hazards. Broken sever laterals not only al-Iov storm vater to enter the sanitary sever' but they also al1ov rav sevage-to escape into the ground. f"'"Jaiiion,'faulty sever or irain vents may also al1ov toxic or expl6sive sever gases to enter into building' Recently, several segments of the City's sanitary sevel system vere smoke tested to locate potential problem areas. fle tests on specifie segments of the City's """"i-r,r,lr, "iio tlr"aled that the private sanitary sever and/or plumbing drainage system serving your-property contains defects. The defect(s) are listed in the attachment. pleasl noie that, depending.on the type of-defecr, it is not alvays p"."i[f" io specify the exact deflct or its exact location' For example, vhereai smoke testing ,o.y f,are- indicated a leak in the sever lateral' there may be se,reral causes t6r tire leak. There may,also be-several defects in ir," ""o,""sever line. In these cases, although ve vill be able to suggest a frobable cause and location, and offer as mulh other information as ve have available, it vilI be up to you (or a contractor hired by you) to locate and correct the deficiencies. t Ralph Shav of this office as soon as possible regarding this ifr." i" assigned to the program and vili assist you in-locating and lumbing defelts. He vili also respond. to your inspection requests ;$i;;;."nt ,ork progresses. If Mr. Shav has not been contacted by days, he vi11 initiate contact. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Ralph Shav betveen ti,""tout" of 8-9iOO a.*. or 4-5:00 p'm' at 726-3665' Sincerely ' \\.trd. David J. Pue Communi ty Se R., ,r\- l( {i.l s Manager SSES INFORMATION .LND r - ORT F0RM //o1 L{fl g+ ADDRESS: -€3&4-Srrqt I REFER.ENCE NUI'IBER:'ffi INSPECTION DATE : Jntfzl--f9gt DESCRIPTIOI.I OF DEFECT ground smoke appeared TAX LOT: O72fF LETTER MAILED: Oc"@ : During the smol<.e testing of the sanitary sever system' @"@ re\ult DESCRIPTION OF VORK PERFO?.MED TO CORRECT DEFECT: INSPECTOR,:DATE COMPLETED: lZ r/* r?*, ln-,o ulnl t pqf t e-"G- O" idot T"v*' 8 oo l, o [s o & tb,,,) 1 /d*s' buu.r- l+tut*td 'of ah's a,/-t Lr/a*-" lD ,tl4 - o u'+ / lus/t*'dfrO'L t'P-,t, tr tr*,'r{' uL TL f l*L',6 i,oft a[ou< ,ak /r*Tt r /r-*-