HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-11-26.. RESID NTIAL.. Zzs North sth streeaPPLrcArr,N/PERMrr SprLngfield, 0r,egon gZ4Z? Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 GqreraL Plmbi,n4 Conslntclion f'ede"- fonns. resaonsibility of the permit ho-ller stre'et, and' that the -permit eard' i8';;Z;:ir; appz'o"*ed PLZn stcll remain ihat aLL i-naPections ee nade at the ftont of the-Ptd.Pe?tA' zuiai"b site at aLL- tines' STTE INSPECTION' 4;aoatlon;TE at tle p"ope! tine' that each addtees is rea'Cabl'e iob aCitess' tYPe P.equests ?eceu)ea of inspec'-i,cn SPFTINGFTELD Date 4 Hcmes It ie the to aee fian tle T,ocated *Buitding on tLe FOR I :CALL 726-3769 (teeov'det') state your City desi-grated job nunber' uhen gou ieady for inspecti.on'Conttdeta"s or Oumets nctne cnd Plone number L be nade the sane dag, reqttests made aftet 7:00 on ttLLL be made the nest uorking daY You? CitA Desigrated Job ltutnbe? fs () To be nwde after priat tc set uP of tltortrrott oa befcre B \NpERSLAB PLUMBTryG. EL.ECTRT-CAL & frNAlncAL: ro be made before anY 6fl7ia6uered. FooTrNC & FOUNDATICN: Io be naCe after trenches are esc@)atea ang 7or." *n erected, but Priot' to pourirtg ccncrete. TNDqRGROU rD PLIIMD rN+ sE !.8R, -w:qT9i' onl,tUaCt: fo be naCe pt'Lo{' to JLL- @-6inches. 7 E r{u*,.! ?.Ly-eryT *a:1riy"lhl' " fl-J To be mol'e Prtot floor insuTration ot decking' POST AND BEAM: To be nade Pniot' to ffiof floo, insulation or Satitary sa.ser capped et ploper$ 'l'ire Septic totk p'.inped and filled trith gta;sel Pinal - lfiten abcoe items are ccntpleted-i,[itr" d.anoli.tion is canplete-o? st?uc- fr"-i,rr"a atd PrenrLses cleaneC uP' npvuAr.r. \NSPEIIION: Ic be nade Wie.in place' but Priot to anY taPLrtg' I,IASONRI: Steel Location, bond t6ffiTqrorting or .oerticals in iioiadro" tLth u.B'c' section 24L5. After installation is Blockin4 old Set-uP Phnbi.ng eonnections '- saie? ad' uatet Electnical Ccmnecti.on - Blocki'trg' set-up , and olwnbinq connecti.ons nt"tst be dPp?ctea ;;;;";-;a;"""sti.nseleclt"icalinspeelio:'t Aeceesor'; Bui'ldi'ng Pinal - After pcrekes' ekirting' decks' etc. are eorPleted' dccking FIIIAL PLUAAINC FINAL MECHANICAL EINAL ELECTRICAL these inspeclions ltazse besn cuRB & APPR?4:H AP49N, . af!?"-,L1*" dd-erecied but Prior to Pou?'Lng cone?ete. ffiw;"i1;""11,:;l-;i;r'. tu be made after aLL erca--"Liiir'orrrPtete & font wt'k & sub- fuse -naterLal in Plnee'made artd. aPPt'otsed.. ELD.EPLACE: PrLor to placirg faeing ffi;ifl; and befote franing insPec- tion. FRAIIING: I,htst be tequested after diooit of rough plwrbi'ng' -electrL-HL a ^n.l*rieal. - ALL roofing iiaotra & chinmeYs, ete' rrust be inrpleied- Ilo ubrk ie to be con- .LLhna until this i,nsPectton lae 'been nade anC aPPtooed' IENCE: l{hen eonPlete -- Pt'otsiCe'ffni on iooable- sections thnough P,U.E. -.:ALLpt'oiectcondit'Lons,suehastheinstallationofsireett:11:'eonplettonofthe required. Lardsecpi*sl"LtZ-.i",irir'iL "ilttriZl-a,rrZlr"- t-t''" BUTLDTN:C irtim "on be requested' PINAL BUTLDTNG: The Pinal Buildittg Inspeetion mnt be r.eouested cftet the Final Plunbing \J Electt'ical, ia uZ"G'i"aL rnspectioi-'t'*'n been nade artd'app,ooed' Job Loeaticn:o ?as Lot #Assessors Map # fiibdioision Asner: Phone:Addtess: 7City: | 't oeserlbe /Jo# 46."!- Date of 0-dValueioo{ L Additicn Mechan;icaL Page 1 of 2 I *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIEIIT TO BE I'L4DE AT IIO CCST TO CIYY l u tl W SOLAR A^lESS REQ..L-co s Date Paid {. Signed: eclricol Permit m;Lzni: i#:zxii: tha.t the ezeetrieal.-uotk be done bs att Eleetricaltni ii"l' r-;"8.2;":;:;2fr' uliiZ"IrZ[,*Z:rrZXll":y7."Zo|t' uZ" uZt u unu.t EI u State ?otal ?otaL * ! HAyE cAREPaLLy EXA\!.Tyrelucertif yl*';-;ry'i"tny;1:#":.,"i2!"2!,oro:".*2,ff .lX#i:#?fuz'tken certify that any ard aLL *o:i-iZlii.*ed shazl be d,one i, o..on_dance tLth the oydinane;: "f ;+i;;;;.5V:'s;_l:sfj;;, ;;d*;;Z "ic":s o1 *eState of )r,egcn oettaining to the uoik CesLribed. hez,ein, cnd tlnt No OCCU_Pr'.Nc.y ?,ttll be na.e of an-a st?uctu?e tithout perwtssi-on Lf ii" ,iirUatng N_u1,sLon. r further .*.!i?-a_ t4l "ia';;;;;ctors and anplcgees uho are ineatpliance uith oRS zot.b"ss "ilt-i"""lii",ol, ,rr" ptojeet VaLue o lleat Access x JOB N P.L House LC? ?WE Lot Faces -Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Cooerage # of Stories ?otal Height ?opogrqhy fntericr Cormer Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Building Volue & permit This pentnt is ot'anted, on th^e eap?ess eordition tlat the said. constructiottslrall, in al.L z,Zeoeets, conform to the b,rair*non ad,opted 6;y the Ctty ofspningfield, inetudinq' tn" \o"i"g- iir:rhZJ, ,ngrtating the ccnsttacticnand,-use of buildinss,"*ra,r1iy L..1"";;;;;.#;d'"t, teuokec at cn! time upon ,ic_Latlon of qnA prcoisione of -said o"aZrniZ". TO?AL VALUE s.D.c, 1.5 c Building penrit State ?otal Clw,gea N0.FEE CEARGElLrhpes Residential (1 bath) Seuet Plwnbing peyrrLt State Tc * Nau/Ectend Circuits Sezoiee Lect? Petwtt NC P?D CIIARCE ,+ Mechqnicol permit 0 0 fuhanst HooC IJcodstooe Vent Fot PermLt fssuanee MechanieaL pemrzt Mobile Hane Sideualk TO?AL AI4OITN? DI,JE:4 .1-S.(, * te &t Ctttbcut BeCtoons: SPRINGFIELD CrIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works Ms. Tammy Snith 1108 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Ms. Srnith: 1 885- 1 985 Sprinsfield Centennial year May 24, 1985 The Springfie'ld Building Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for apermit to remain valid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180days from the date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended or abandonedduring the course of construction for a period exceeding 1g0 days, the permit willautomatical Iy expire. If a permit has,expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a projecthas not exceeded one year, _a permit to start or resume work may ue puiciiaieJ-io. one half the fee required for a comparabl.e new p!ryit, providea tfral no cningeshave been made in the original plans and/or speliricaiibns. If a permit has not yet.expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for moretime to begin construction work, the Superintendent of guiiai;; may choose togrant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 dayi upon receipt fromthe permit holder of a written request explaining why tfie-e*i;;riil-i;-;;;!;r;;;. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records withregard to construction.activity associated with your permit. please advisethis office of your intentions with regard to tire p.i^*it 6v tlr-iiOl-iivi"from the date of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-36sg. S ncerely, mrLisa Hopper Building Safety Division attachments 225 North Sth street o sprins{ield, oreqongT4Tz o so3/726-32s3 JOB ADDRESS: 1108 Norrh 5th Stree JOB #: 840839 T.A,ST ACTIVIfi DATE:November 28 1984 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERIIIIT: X VALID: However, your permit will expire on May 28, 1985 If you wish to request an-extension of your permit, please notify this office in writing prior to the above mentioned date. EXPIRED: Your permit expired on If you plan to start or resune work on the project, a new permit nust be applied for. * *If the rrexpired[ box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by (ten (10) days from the date of this letter), we wi files of all related information with regard to the permit. 11 clear our