HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-05-01I.. RESID'\TIAL.. 22 s North stu s;toult"tr cAT t-tt r'PERt',rr SprLngfieLd' )z'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 5s General Plumb catd ie LL renain Date: _g pertrtt holdei. to aee ttwt all i,nspectiotts are nade at the puoPe!tine, that ecch cildrees is reaCable , iob aliress, tAPe of insPec=icn P.equests teceit;ed befcre 7:00 8r 2 SPHINGFlET-B penrit Lcn sltc Loeated at the fwnt of the propetty. on the Building Site at aLL tines. TROCEDUIE FOR TNS1EC?I'ON RIQWST:CALL726-3769(z,ecord.er) state your City designated iob @eady for itzspection, contra,cto?s or o,mers nane cnd pTone tiil be nade the edte dcg, requests-mcd.e afix ?:00 an rrill be na.d.e the nest wt'king daii. ' ru.mber nutnber. yotv City Desigr,ated Job ltwnber Ia: Job Iacaticn: Ica Ipt #0Asseesore Map #"? Subdioision: 0'n 4-a*Otmer: 85-0oosPhoneAddtess: DescrLbe Work:t--t Nan I VaLueDDate of AppL ieaticn (nl- Srutu- l.q Addition RemoCel a1Eectr Su Electr c]-an Pege 1 of 2 Ramti,porl excat ation,-but prior tc set ttp of fonne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRICAL & WCH|-IIICAL: ?o be trude before anY ffi-ii-i6oered. POOTING & EOUNDATICN: lo be tmde afr;;Tffi, az'e mcaated' atd forms are etected, but Ptior to gotmitzg ccnctete. SI?E TNSPECTION: TO bE rmde after INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION=: ?o be rruCe after aLL insulaticn ed required oapor bavie?a @e in Place bui be|ore ary Lath, Wpan bootC ot tnll cooering i,s cpplied, and befote ag inaulation is concealed. DRWALL LNSPECIT0N: Tc be nade @-ffi@ts in p'tnce, but prior to ony taPing. WSONRY: Steel Location, bond dffijgroutirq or oerticals in accordotce tLth U.B,C. Section 2415. WOODSTOTIE: After iretallation ie anrpleted. !.!owD BU Saritey saser capped at ptoperfii Line Septic tank y"t;tped attd filled ttth gra:tel Einal - I{hen abctse itans ore ecrnpleted arid uhen daolition i,s canplete ot strae- ture notted otd. ptetrrlses cleatteC up. Le Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-uP Plunbing connections -- aare? olC uatet ElectrLcal Ccmnection' Blockirtg' eet-up aild olwnbinq connections m;st be apprct;ed befone neqiesting eleclrtcal inspec2ioti Aceessory Bui-LCing UN29RGROUyD PL1M?TNG? sEt!.EP. .VAL!.I' DRAIIIAGE: To be nP.Ae Pmo" to J1,L- 7fi-6encl,ze, ANDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & MECHANICAL :roE;tu;@or floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM:ffitffiattioy deckittg. No these i made and appnotteC, !f PEPLqI,CE;;a;i;G FIIIAL PLUIIBIIIG PIIIAL MECHANICAL FINAi ELE7TRI1AL to be made to CURB & PPRCACH APPON: After fonnsd,; erect;A1utV&.r to poumng conetete. SLDEI,\ALK & DRTIEWAI: Fot aLL con- c"et; pc,l@Gtffi street right- ef<xy, to be made after aLL e.oca- oating conplete & fom wz'k & sub- base natez'ial in place. o! lnoe beer. Firnl - Aften etc. ee eontP pcrches, al<itting, decl<e' Leted.PrLor +.a plaai.rq faeing and before frarting inepec- tion. PRA].'!ING: l,fust be requested aftet approoat of rough plwrbing, electt"i- cal & nec?nnical. ALt t'oofittg btacLng & chinmeys, ete. mtst be . cotnpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- . cecl,ed until this inspectlon hns 'been rrude anC approued. IENCE: h4ten canPlate -- Protside /&ei or motsable sectians thtough P.U.E. nLL project condLtions, such ae the i.nstallation of street tree-s_'. cot:pletion-of the *"qr.i.nnla ird"o"p.trg,'Ltu., mrst be aatisfied befo,e the BU1LDING FINAL ean be tequested' EINAL BUILDIqG: The Final Building Inspeetion mtst be tequested a-fter the linal Plunbing EL";;;";;;:-'id uechani,cal rnspecti-ons l.,cl:ue been made atd approoec'd,I ,ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJAST!{ENI TO BE I,L4DE I1.T NO COS? TO CITY T f tr L SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-#JOB NO.L-CO Bedtoons: Aceess. Iteat Df House Lot Faces - % of Lct Cotsetage_ # of Stot'ies LCT TWE _ Iatetict, _ Cotner -- Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac Int Sq. Ftg. Total Height Topography -- Fees -- This pertntt i-s granted on the etp"ess condition tlnt tle said-eonsttaction slnll', in all r-espeets, confonn io the 7rdittance adopted l)y the Ci.ty o.f SpringfieLd, incllding- the Zoning CYdinance, r'egulating the ccnsttacticn ord uie of buildings, ord mey be suspended or reuokeC at c.lry time upon oic- TatLon of drA prcoisions of said ordir'cnces. TOTAL VALUE FTG X ValueITEI,I S.D.C. 1.5 x Butlding Pernrit ?otal Chatges State Ddte PaLd: Sigred: Reezipt #: Building Volue & Permit Plumbing Perrnit No pereon shall cottsttttct, install,, alter ot eltange -anA net-c" et:isting plthttl,r,A or dtai.nage systa"n in ulnle or in patt, unless such pet'son is the iegal pZsses"oo of a ,r,-alid pl*rbeo's Licensb, escept that a pe?son na! qg plint{ng uork to propertg uhi.eh is otmed' Leased or opetated by the aPpli- cant. CHARGENO Fi.ctutes Resil.zntia.L (1 bath) Seuer Plnrbing Penrit State Electricol Permit Where State La req'uires that the eleetrical uotk be ilone by an Electrieal Contractor, the eleetrleal portion of this permit s?nLL not be oali.C until the Label lus been signed by the Electtical Contractor. Petirlt FEE 00 00 Nal/Ecterd Circuits Set uice State ?otal -- ENCROACHMENT -- raL CIIARCENC.Mechonicol Permit bhanat HooC Ilcodstoite Vent Fot Permit Issuarce Meclnnical Pendt 9ecaritu Deposit Storage Plaintenanee Penrtt abbeut Sida,talk Fenee Electrical Iabel Mobtle Horne PLan Eronlne" f HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,ENED the cornpleted appli.cation for penntt, and. do lereby certify tlnt aLL infornation heteon is true and. eorrect, anC f fittket certify that any ard aLL uonk petforned alnll be dote in aceot- dance t>ith the 1tdinqnces of the city of Sprtngfield, ard the Lat;s of the State of Oregcn pertaining to the uotk Cescribed herein, cnd tlta.t N0 )CCA- P!.NCY LnLIL be rrud.e of any stntctttte tvLtlaut pernission of the Building DL- ui.sion. I fur.ther certify that otly contracto?s atd enplcyees uho ate in conpl'lance dith oRS 707.055 uiLL be used on thia proiect Iotal TOTAL AI^OUN? DUE: *15,15 Signed Date FEEITEM l,Jalor Total Charaes