HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-10-27?eceict t ..RESIDENTIAL"SPTtNGFtEl.D t APPLI CAT TON /PERTLIT 225 NoYth |th Stteet ?r*i'igf'Liu' oregon e7477 intt*tra ULuision ^t/- - i?l'".J Lj-*ot/A(a*-<' "' I ?n/, &) 4" /t 607 26-37 53 Signed:/- /O k3- A1 - CcnsJrrglg!_@Z!_ !! ia the responsibility of tlte per*rit b4* to see thLt aLL inspeetiona de nade at lhe , ;ron ti stfe'et, cnC ttitlne-penrtt.c-ai ie Located ai:.!h.e. frcnt of the-propertg.izr;Ui"g irticio-- qVrcteci plan shci.i renaln an tha tsui7.<i:,ni S'i;c at cL! tdmes. ppOCtgUpE FAR iilSp1*ICit RIIUEST:CALL 726-3769 (yecorder) state Vout' City Cesigtated iob @eatiE for t*pection, conttactcrs cr a*ze:s nane cnl plone.-iil be natie the s&e Ccy, requests-naie afiet 7:00 an uLLL be rmCe the neztlnrkiq dag. p{ope? tine, th'at aceh cldress is rea;cb'>e runber, ;ob aCitess, type of inapeclicn nwrber, Pequests receited. befote 7:00 at 3z/83Iou! Citg Desigr.a.ted Jab !tunber Is Jodtl FOd tAef aa--.4flQ tlctnes tslocking otd. Set-up PlutrbinX connections -- s?ne? otd. aalet Electriccl Ccdneetion - Bloeking, set-u. anl. plunbing cotnections mtst be dpprcu-eC before requeat.)ng electrtcal inspec=iot': Acceseory BuiEing F,ltal - After pcreh.es, skirting, dec!-s, etc. @e ccnpie'-ed. ?tce 1 of 2 SdlitayJ ser,,ter cdpped ct ProPer4i Lite Septic tank p;iryeC ad. fillai r,rith gra,"eZ Pinal - i{hen cbcue iiens ate entnleted. ani ahen Cencl'-tton is eonelete or stt'Lic- tuve naueC o,l. prerriaes cleanel up. b3?Job |-ocaxicn:/U .S fr-- r^+ A Aesesaors )laP ll Subdirtision: ? q7- 2z 85 Ad.dtess: /O 3 sl*Pl.one ?zrzzao!./ Describe h'ork: -t/)ct d d A/"'""- )c- &7-8 3 Val.ueDate of AppL icatian #sso ACC|tictt RenoCe '74mGer.eraL t7 ^^+--i n-1 -l 3i79 IilSP!C:I):!: I I eccauct:-on, but I1rqns. ,I lo be no.Ce aftet pricr tc set up of IN5Uil.?TO\I/I/APCP BARRIER IIISPICTTQN : required oqor be-*te?a @e in Place but befcz,e azg lath, W?sutn boarC or uLL eouering is qplied, artd before oty ir,s'a7,at'ton is eoncealed. - u:tDl?G?o:;:tD ?,-tMJi!Sr- s;llggr_,t$JJLirq lrenci.ee. 71 uaa*rLccR r>Ltt:.,tgx:G I :,tEcgAttrc;t: fistooosro'n,l-) lo ce r,oce prLcr -.o instal'oct:-on cf I V ccrnpleted, . floor tnsukiiai ot decking. i1 posr .AND 3EA;4: To be Eote or|or co; I GilfriVof iloor insul,aricn or decking, ?nllel )f?F.Ri'ta ir.4D?a.f 2.,-Ffa- AtlIS).L: ;lo ,o"k ,Ja ;o be cccereri GT-thes e :.nscectiot:s |..:u e b eer. naie ad. qprc.ted. ?|?.ZPLACZ: Nor to plccirg lccingncteyials and. before fra:rtng ineDec-tioz. !fuL,1l)lC: l.!rci be reotested afler @t cf tnigh pltrr,bing, ,i""tn-cal t nee)uni.:al. ALI rcoiing btac-n4 I chi.wrcys, ete. mtsx bearoLeted. !!o ,,scrk is to be ccn- . cecled until t|".is insoectLat i,as'been noie anC cppro,*e<i. I UIIDE?SLAB PIL'1Ei:IC, ZLICiPIC,',1 1 iECt!.t:liCAL: To be marie beioz,e cnyffi6reted. PCO?I:iG 1 IOU:|DATIC\|: To be raCe M r r. e n;i;;- 2r" ;-e. c cv a t e d and fcrms are erected, but prior '"o Wupir':g ccnc?eta. FiiIAL PLU:,!BI:IC tGau l rrf at f DRY/LALL IiISP1CTICN: lc be md,e -.. aJ'ter aLL ctyucll is in pZace, but prior to ctty taVin4. MASaIIRI: Steel Location, bond @grouting or oerticcls in acoordazce vLth U.B,C. Section 2418. After installation is CURB & TPppgtgg !_P.?QN: Afier forms @.e er.A";TTu;@'"o pcumng eoflc?ete. SfDgtnALK d DRITiA!: For aLL con- cr.et ei"lr@G;E" s t?e et right- of-ung, to be naCe aftez, all. ezca- uating eonplete t iozn wrk & sub- inse natertal in pLaee, IENCE: r.{hen conplate -- PyouiCe gdtes o! ,zouable eeetians th.r,ough P. U, E. ALL W,oiect contii;ions, such as the i.nsvallaticn of st?eet trees, cc:nleticn of tie required LanCscqirq, etc. ' lust be satisJ'ied before ti"e BUILDI\IC FnIAL can be reqaested. IINAL tsUILDINC: The Filal Buildin4 Insoection ntst be z,eouested cller the linal Pt-ubizqElectr'tcal, aC !,leclwrical insoections itque been nade ard epproueC.I : tnAL :-L--:,.l,LAL ,ALL,'.!A:IHC$S AND CLEANOUTS:TUS! BE ACCZSS:?LI, .4DJUST:!::]T ?O 3T,',!4DI .'.!::O:?ST ?C CrY jarct: O--r t r tr qtz aJOB NO. ?lumbing Pertit !otaZ Petwit fssrstce Mechanieel Pez,nJt -- !;1CP)AC:t:.!E:1? -- soLAR- jcEss RE a.-L-co G+ Plumbing perrnit No pereon siuZl consimtet, instcl!., alter or charrqe cnA rea ct, e*i.stingq1:y,ry^::_drainase tu2l? in aiole or in pa*, inles"s ,u"a !"*"o, is theLegaL.?osseosor oi'a oalid plwnber's Lieens-e, ec_cept tha.t a cz:son nay d.opl,lbing uo,k to propertg aTich ia ormed., Lezsea o'r ogeiat"it -;i" appli-ccnt. Electricql Permit vhez'e state Lan reqtires that the electrtcal uoz,k be ccne bg qn lleetriealcontractor, the eleetrLcal porvion of this penit sha.Ll not be oalil untilthe Label ius beea signed by the Electzn)eal- Contl,acto?. Receipt #: Mechqnic<ll Permit o7a aiffi,^n I EAW CA.REIULLY EXAi4filED th.e cornpT,eted appltcation fot, >etntt, arui dc hereby cettify tlnt aLL irifotnation heteon ie tzwe anC ecrtect, enC f f"*ther ce"tiii that ana crC aLL tork perfotmed sTnLL be dote in accot- <iance trith the Ordinsttces of tke City oi SpringfielC, anC the Lccs of ti",e State of )regon perta'inina to the aork Cescr.Jbeci hereln, cnd ti"a.t )10 CccU- PAICI 'tLlL be nad.e of cny st'tuctu!2 uithout permisaiot cf th.e 3utiding Di-oision. f ft^rther cez,tif'r' tilat otly eontTaetops otd. o:rplcyees xhc cte in eonpl:.ance urth CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this ptojec.- Cu.z'bcut SiCa,taLk lente /0 )?- I 3ecroonsbt Sq. Ftg. 1 of Lct C*"rrr"- # of Stories _iotal leight _ ?opographg - fnxez,ict, Cotzer Panitcnd.te _ CUl-cie-sac Aceess .t Va ue )L. Lot Faces - Lcce This perTntt ia q?cntad on the eq?ess condition t,at the said eonsttwctions_hal1,, !.n all tbsoects, conlZtm'to the irZiL.." a.CocxeC b,.t the,tj-., -.Spt".nsfret1, inctuti.ina'=i"_e :onins- cr:;;;;;,-;;;rz;:i,-,;" .ki i'"1r,"-Zrr"?,I"?:I,i:t of buiiiing.s,. and. nzy b"- suspnrui"d. Ln re,sckei at crg tine upcn uic-tctzon oi tny ttcuislons oj satc ,t,ii"a;;;s-.- 4v a"x J'"ie -v:,a2 VALUL FEE J.u.L. J.5 j Euilding Pe?tit ?otal Chages Building Vqlue & permir Resid.ential (1 bath) Sotitamg Sanen ictet ti;CiiicZ ,',es. So. fta. N€il/Estend. Circuits Taw*@! Sensice at, t 9-aIT!:,1 ;IC .753 Fvt.^r.zce 3!U'S Ezhalst HooC V€nt Fot Tcodsto;se I /S.oo Lto tS LpA Storcae Maintencrte Perr,rit 5ICTAL t+lOUilT DUE: *b0) tt yobiln d*" CMY OF Department SPRINGFIELD of Public CERTIFIED LE TTER July L9, 1.984 SP]lINGFIELE' Works Mr. Leon Berg 1039 North sth StreetSpringfield, 0regon 97477 Dear Mr. Berg: The Spningfield Building Code Administnative Code requires that, in or6enfon a penmit to ::emain vaIid, construction work authorized by ii mustbegin within 180 days fi:om the date of pu:rehase of the permil. rf workis suspended on abandoned duning the cour^se of construction for a peniodexeeeding 180 days, the pe::mit will automatically expine. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on ap::oject has not exceeded one year, a penmit to start or resume wor^k maybe punchased fon one half the fee required for a comparable new permit,provided that no changes have been made in the or.iginal plans "rrd/o"specifications. If a permit has not yet expined and a permit holder" anticipates the need.for more time to begin construction work, the Superintendent of Building may choose to grant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon neceipt from the per"mit hol-der: of a written ::equest explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most necent infonmation in our: r"ecords with regard to construction activity associated with your per"mit. Please advise this office of your intentions with negard to the permit by ten (tO) aays f::om the date of this letter. Please d.irect all inquir^es to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. Yr Lisa HoPPer ing Sa fetY Division Build attac hment 225 North 5th Street a SPringtie\d" Or€goo 91Nl a 5o3/?26-3753 t// JoB ADDRESS: 1039 North Sth Street ' ;oe #: 932183 LAST ACTIVITY DATE:Nov 3 1 983 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: OTHER: CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: VALID: However, youra permit will expire on If you wish to ::equest an extension of your permit' please "otify this offi..- in wniting p::ior to the above mentioned date. _xx_ EXPIRED: Youn permit expi:red on ff you pJ.an to stant or l:esume work on the pr:oject, a new per"mit must be applied fon. *If thettexpiredtr box, above, is checked and we do not hear^ fnom you by .ru1v2q 1qR4 (ten [fO] aays fr"om the date of this letter), we ffifa11relatedinformationwith::egardtothepenmit. ch I t