HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1985-04-03{.. RESIL .NTIAL.. APPLICATION /PERIIIT SPFINGFTELD 225 Nov,th Sth Street Springfield, )r'egon 97477 Building niuision 7 26-37 53 old Date: GeneraL Mechar:ieal Constmtctiotr Lend.er Romtt' ao,l Ts cnoatt' ano It ia the tespoasibility of tle permit hod* to aee tltat aLL inapections oe nade at the ptoper time, t\.at ecch 'd,lnees is tenCa^1-e flrt tlu at?eet, and. that the penrtt cati ia Located at the frcnt of the property.*Building Diuiciott appro"*ed pl,an slnll reaain on tlp BuiLding site Zt aLL' tilmes." PROCYDUPE.FOR JNSPEC?f2N R9?UEST;CALL726-3769(r,ecotdet,) state you? Citg desigrnted job ntotber, job aCiress, type of inspec;i-cn teQuested andahen you uiLL be ready for inspection, Contraetcrs oy Ormers nane and pTnne number. Requests receited befcre 7:00 c:i ,,viLL be nude the sone dcy' ?equests nade after ?:00 on tytll be rnade the neat aorking day. You! City Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs:o Job Locaticn:o7 Aesessots Map #Ic,a lot # Svbditsision: 0tmer: Phone: /Address: ci Date of Appli.ca Ilov,k:t-t Neu TI e Value A .4<!f,/) Additicn RenoCeL tu Pege 1 of 2 qTqD TmcDnamrnit. e-;ao&l;;; b"t ?o be nnde after prioz, tc set up of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELqCTRIC4L 8t WCHi\|ICAL: To be male before any t o"k ie eotset,ed. F))TING & F)UNDATICN: lo be rmCe;f;amGs ate eecatated and forns ate erected, but prior to potu"ing ccncreta. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?ION : Io be made after aLL insulaticn altd. required Ddpor be?ie?s @e in plaee but before otg Lath, Wpsutn boarC or ta.LL coueting is applied, and. before oty insulation is concealed. DRWALL fNSPEC?I)N: Tc be nadedfter-dT@l-t s in place, but priot, to anA taping. MISQIRI: Steel Loeation, bond 6iffijgrouting or terticals in accotdotce tr|th U.B.C. Section 24L5. ll0)DSTOlt'E: After inetallation is arnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After forns @,e e"ectAEtVii to pouttttg eonc?ete. DEI.DLrurc!] OR !|OVE' BUILDI|ICS Sanitaty saser eapped et p?opevfu LiLe Septic totk p"rrped a"rrd filLed trith Era;sel Final - I{hen abctse itens are ecr,aleted and uhen Canclttiott is cornplete o? strac- ture nooed atd g,enriees eleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Bloeking old Set-up Pltnbing conneetions -- sa)te? otd. uatet Eleetrteal Ccmneetion - Blocking, ael,-up ard plwtbing connections rrust be apprcr;eC before requesting eleclrtcal inspeetio':t Acceasory Bui.Ldnng V unosncpa u lr D p LUI"IE!!92_1EWEB2_ ryWJLitq trenchee. ATIDERFLOOR PLUT,IBING & MECITANICAL : o1 floor ineulation or decking. ?gfL AND BEAM: To be made prior to -^- installatian of floo? irsulation or decking. ROUGH PLUI|BIIIG. ELEC?RICAL & IIECE: ANICAL: No uork is to be co"-et,ed GliTthese inspections hatte been nade md approtsed.. SLDEWALK & DRT\WAI: For aLL con- c";te pffi u;ffi street right- of-tilA, to be nade after aLL erea- oating canplete & forn wz,k & sub- base rnaterLal in plaee.pcz,ckes, ekirting, decl<s, leied.facing Lnepee- Pital - After etc. Ge eonv) FRAI.,W: l4ust be requested aftet apptoual of rough plunbing, electni- u.L & mechanical. ALL roofing btactng & chinmegs, etc. rntst be . eompleted. Ito ucrk is to be con-. cecled until this inspeetion las'been nade anC approoed. FT.O.EPLACE:mat;Ae tion. ETilAL PLUMBIIIG FTNAL I4ECHANICAL PrLor to plaeirg and before fronLng IENCE: gates P.A.E. When conplete -- ProuiCe or mooable sections through ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, conoletion of the nequired Landsccpirg, etc. " rmtst be satisfied before the BUTLDtNG FMAL ean be requested. PLNAL BUILDfNG: The Einal Building Inspection mtst be requested after the linal Plunbi,ng \-/ Electrical, otd Meclurieal fnspections haoe been nade ard appnotseC. It f,nao f^, f iALL \4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS t,tUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!{E\\T TO BE t4!1DE /.T N0 CCST T0 CIly l u I tr JOB NO 2 ()soLAR A :Ess REQ.-L-co d t:Bedroons Lot Faces - Setbacks Dt House Caraqe Access Aate? lledterNorthRange East Fireplaee South l,lood.stou"e % of Lct Ccoetage_ # of Stories ?otal Hetght LOT TWE _ Intetiot _ Corner _ Parthard.Le Cvl-de-sae bt Sq. ?tg. ?opogrqhy llest Building Volue & Permit Ihis penm.t is granted on the erp"eas cot'td,ition tlnt the said construction sLnLL, in all rbspects, conform to the Ordirance adopted 6iy the City of Springfield, inc1-ud.i-ng the Zoning Cydinance, regulating the ccnsttueticn anl. use of buildings, antd nay be suspend.ed oy, reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of any prcuisions of said Ordinanees. .ftu ?OTAL VALUE ITEM x Va DC N0.FEE CHARCE S.D.C. 1.5 x Building Pernrit Total Clanges State Fi.xtures Resil.enti,al (L bath) SaT,itdrA SeDe? ,late? CHARGENO.FEE Res. So. fta. N€u/Ecte71d. Circuits r+tl.o o ?anporey Setoice 8^"**, C l*v.u t 10. o 0 3<,oo l.oo JG.oo IT9M NC Prr fil A Dat I Mechqnicol Permit Exltanat HooC lcodsto;te Vent E@t Penntt fssuance Mecltanical Pernrit -- ENCROACIIME!'|T -. Sec,ritg Qe?posit Storage tibintetunce Petnrit Clsbeurt Sideualk !ence tlectrtcal rabet D8'4 (, R ,40 Mobile \lonre Plunbing Penrit State Total TotaL Date Paid: Receipt # 57-41?eA: Plumbing Permit llo pereon slnll constmtet, inatall, alter or ehange anA ned cr ecisti.ng pl,utnbing or dtainage systaa in ulale or in pa.rt, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnbet's Lieense, eccept that a pe?son nay do pltrnbing uork to property uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the cppli- cant. Electricol Permit Wlere State Las requires tlat the electri-cal uotk be done by an Eleetrlcal Contractot,, the electr.tcal portion of this permit sItaLL not be oaliC untilthe Label lns been signed by the ELeetu LcaL Conttactor. PLan Eroninet uate I HAW CAREFULLY EXAI,fiNED the eornpleted application fot pettnit, altd. da hereby eettifg that all infortnation heyeon ie trae and eorreet, at"7 f futtket, certify that ang ard aLL uork perfonned slnll be done in accot- dance ttith the 2ydinances of the City of SprLngfield, and the Lat;e of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the wrk Cescribed het,ein, cnd. tlnt NO OCCU- PANCY trill be rmd.e of ary structt/le tlthout permission of the Building DL-tision. I futther eertifg that only cont?actot,s md enplcyees uho are in earpliance dith ORS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this ptojeet Permit TO?AL lIMOUNT DUE: *e6@ Signed Date htnace- PTti's ?otal Cltarac-s State Swelwrqe