HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1993-02-09>\ SPFlINGFTELD DEVELOPMENT SEBVICES PUBLIC WORKS Edgar J. and Nadine S. Chaney1034 N. 4th StreetSpringfield, Oregon, 97477 \CI R..,{rs 225 FtFTiJ S/-;:F; SPRINGFIELD. OR g7:77 ooa 726_s75s February 9, 7993 RE: SANTTARY SEIJER DEFTCTENCv AT 1034 4TH srREET, spRrNGFrELD, oREc,N Dear Mr. and Mrs. Chane\,: r-n conjunction vith the construction of the me-tropolitan'trrastevater treatmentplant and subsequent improvements. to Springfield,s sanitary sever systems, thecity must also cause cer-tain repaira to u"'*"J" to pri'ate sanitary seversystems. There are tvo primary reasons for this action: 1) Many defects exist in the private sever_system vhich allov storm vater toenter the sanitary se',ner. As i result, mi11i6ns of gallons of vater that shouldnot be entering the sanitary sever must be treated at a great expense to theusers of this facility. qL o 6rEdL 2) Many of the problems that exist-in. the priva-te sanitary sever system arereal or potential health hazards. nror<en-r!"". r"t"r"i"-nlt-onry arlov stormvater to enter the sanitary sever, but they-.i"o aIrov."r-."r"ge to escape intothe ground' rn addition, iaulty sever or drain vents may also allov toxic orexplosive sever gases to enter irio Uriiai"gl-' Recently' several segments of the city's sanitary sever system vere smoke testedto locate potential problem areas. rire t".t.-on.specific segments of the city,ssever system, also revealed that the private sanitary ;;;";-;;;/or plumbingdrainage system serving your-property contains defecis.- irr"-Jirect(s) arelisted in the attachmeit. Pllase noie that, Jepending on it.-iyp" of defect, itis not alvays possible to specify the "*""i'aIi""t or its exact location. Forexample, vhereas smoke testing miy have indicated a reak i; ih; sever laterar,there may be severar causes tdr tire 1eak. -ir,"r" ,"y also be severaL defects inthe same sever line. rn these gas::, althoult-r" ritt be able to suggest aprobable cause and loeation, and offer .; ;;:i; other information as ve haveavailabre, it vi11^!:,up to you (or a "onti""ior hired by you) to roeate andcorrect the deficrenctes. PLease contact Ralph shav of this office as soon as possible regarding thismatter' Mr' Shav is assigned to the_program and "iri-.".ili;;, in rocating andidentifying plumbing defects. He vlri aiso_1""pora to youi-iispeetion requestsas repair or replacement.ygtl progresses. rf M;. sh;; 1,."-r"i-ueen contaCted byyou vithin 30 days, he vilI initiite contaci. r.f v9u have-any questions about this matter, please contact Ralph shav betveenthe hours of 8-9:00 a.m. or 4-5:00 p.m. ^t iZO_ZOOS, Sincerely, David J. ?uen ConrmunitY Serv ces Ylanager METROPOLITA N WASTE WATE R M A N AG E M E NT ADDRESS: 1034 NO 4TH Street REFERENCE NUI'IBER: 17033521 lNSPECTION DATE: October 28'1992 rN(5b) TAx LOT: 04000 DESCRIPTION OF DEFECT: During the smoke testing of the sanitary sewer system, ground smoke appeur"6 on the south side of property in the area by the fence, wnich may be th; result of a loose clean-out or a defective a"*"r connector to tfre house drain ' Corrective action may require the replacement o it;;-;a this io"utioi' or the repair of the clea rct n-ou short section of sewer t fitting. y:/i; PLr,.* Co(( oF'1ca Jd.a'- & - /l /:o fo Ute"D Y:).o rln Tof*1:to t:doo,r/ Crac-lz-co(