HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1993-02-09SPFIINGFIELE' February 9, 1993 James R. and He1en A' Bault 1029 N 4th Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 RE:SANITARYSEVERDEFICIENCYATI02g4TIISTREET,SPRINGFIELD'oREGoN Dear Mr. and Mrs. Baul-t In conjunction vith the construction of the metropolitan vastevater treatment plant and subsequent improveme.;;-;; ipti"efi"ld's sanitary sever systems' the City must also cause certaln repairs tb be-made to private sanitary sever ;y;i;;. There are tvo primary reasons for this action: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WOBKS M ET BO PO LITA N WASTEWATE R M AN AGE M ENT SincerelY, ?,.,'\t /L 1) Many defects exist in the pri"'ate s "i,"i-t"rr" sani tary sever ' As a result 'not be entering the sanitary sever must users of this facilitY' ^^E r'a-! -- -:4.-azJtlt.1t, SFR.NGFtE,_D Lt: y.:1. r5a,j) t )o-o, 5o vater to that should r to the ever system vhich a11ov storm millions of gallons of vater be treated at a great exPense 2)ManyoftheproblemsthatexistintheprivatesanitarySeverSystemare real or potential';";il; ;;;;t;;. Broken sever laterals not onlv aLlov storm vater to enter the sanitary seve;, ;;i--i-hey-a1so aIlov rav sevagl- to "t""pe into the ground. rr.iaili""l-i"rity-""r"t or irain vents may also a1lov toxic or erpf6si"e sever gases to enter into building' Recently, several segments of the city's sanitary sevel.system vere smoke tested to locate potentlal problem areas. Tire tests on'specific-segments of the city's sever system, "i"o-t!u"if"a thai the private sanitary sever and/or plumbing drainage system serving youf-ptop"ii,'contains defecis' The defect(s) are Iisted in the attachment. pf"as!-noie that, dependirrg.on the type of defect' it is not alvays p;;;ilI; io speciil;;;-";""i'a"r!"t or its exact location' For example, ,hereas-;;;k; testing ,'"v-t"r". indicated a leak in the sever lateral' there may be ,"r"r.i-".u""" f6r"iir. feat. there-may-?1:o be-several defects in the same sever ri;;: rn these ""r"., arthough ve viII be abre to suggest a probable cause and tocation, "ni-Iit!t-." 'u;t' other information as ve have available, it viII be up to you (or a contractoi frirea by you) to locate and correct the deficiencies' Please contact Ralph Shav of -this office as soon as- possible regarding this matter. Mr. Shav is assigned to the progr"r "nd "i:.i assist you in locating and identifying plumblng defects- tte vili "Iso t"spond to your insoection requests as repair or replacement.ygr* p."gi"r."..- If M;. Shav 6as not t""t' tontacted by t;r-;ithin 30 days, he vill initiate contact' If vou have any questions about this matter' i;"';;r;; or-e"-gioo "''' or 4-5:oo P'm' at 7 please contact RalPh Shav betveen It s Manager 26-3665. \L\.-',N.\ David J. Puent i ) CommunitY Servic€ ADDRESS: L0Z9 No 4th Street REFERENCE NUI'IBER: l-7033521 TAx LOT: 03400 INSPECTIOI\i DATE: Octobe t 28 ,1992 DESCRIpTION OF DEFECT: During the smoke testing of the sanitary sewer system, gtound smoke appeared in the south side of the rear yard in the glrden aiea, which would indicate a defective section of sewer line. Corrective action may require the replacement of a short section of sewer line in that area. rN(4d)5,A /,sl I l: Lo AA -z/" /7',/rl*?[.* <,t l( sC4 Oa *r,ll lfr- F r,e*-ou *tuUt sri Sa*'-- 73 ,4r S;zrD"" TAx LOT: 03400 ADDRESS: L029 No 4th Street REFERENCE NUI'IBER: 17033521 INSPECTIOI{ DATE: Octobe r 28 ,1992 DESCRIPTION OF DEFECT: During the system, g:ound smoke aPPeared in garden area, which would indicate Corrective action may require the line in that area. rN(4d) smoke testing of the sanitary sewer the south side of the rear yard in the a defective section of sewer 1ine. replacement of a short section of sewer vSPFlINGFIELE, DEVELOPMENT SEBVICES PUBLIC WOBKS M ETRO PO LITA N WASTEWATE R M A N AG E M E NT :23 ' ilii S:;:i, )ti,N()a --D Oi t'i) ,;'.)-.1 . - O.3-1ri Dear l'{r . and Mrs . Baul- t In conjunction vith the construction of the metropolitan vastevater treatment plant and subsequ"nt improvem"ni= to Spri'ngfield'i sanitary sewer systems' the LiiV *r=t also cause certain repairs to be made to private sanitary sever i,.i"r.. There are tvo primary reasons for this action: 1) Man;f defects exist in the private selter system vhich allov storm vater to enter the sanitarl: seve;. as a-r-eiult, mi1li6ns of gallons of vater that should not be entering the sanitary sever must be treated at a great expense to the users of this facilitY. 2) Many of the problems that exist in the private sanitary sever system are il"r oi"potentiai-h;;iih hazards. Broken sever Iaterals not only alLov storm vater to enter the sanitary sever, but they aLso al1ov rav sevage- to escape into the ground. fr,-"Jaiilon, taulty sever.or.drain vents may also a1lov toxic or expl6siue sever gases to enter into building' Recently, several segments of the City's sanitary sevel-system vere smoke tested to 1ocate pot"nii"i-fiioblem areas. tle tests on.specific seqllnts of the City's sever system, ,iio-tlvealed that the private sanitary sever and/or plumbing drainage system serving your-property contains defects' The defect(s) are listed in the artachment. pleai! noie that, depending.on the type of.defect, it is not alvays p;;;ibi" to specify tl,e exact defect or its exact location' For example, vhereas-srot<e testing may hare. indicated a leak in the sever lateral' there may be """"i.i causes t6r tire leak. There may-a1so be-several defects in the.same sever line. In these cases, although ve vill be able to suggest a probable cause ind location, and offer as ,uih other information as ve have available, it vill be up to you (or a contractor hired by you) to locate and correct the deficiencies. please contact Ralph Shav of this office as soon as-possible regarding this matter. Mr. Sh;;-i; assigned to the program and vili assist you in locating and ia".iifying ptumUing defelts. He vili also respond. to your inspection requests as repair or r"pi".E*"nt vork progresses. If Mr. Shav has not been contaeted by you vithin 30 days, he viII initiate contact' February 9, 1993 James R. and Helen A. Bault 1029 N 4th Street Sprlngfield, 0regon 97477 RE: SANITARY SEIIER DEFICIENCY AT 1029 4TH STREET' SPRINGFIELD' OREGON you have any questions about this matter. please contact Ralph Shav betveen ""hours ot 8-9i00 a.r. or 4-5:00 p'm' at 726-3665' Sincerely, ?r.trtt David J. Communi ty If th \:Nt\/,*,N.i Puent' ) servic5 s Manager I SSES INFORMATIOI.I AND REPORT FORM . /2 eq 4*l $( ADDB,ESS: &3€rffreP REFERENCE NUI'IBER : 1]#*?' INSPECTI0N DATE: Jr*J4;ff991 IIiSPECTOR: TAX LOT: 4++€'e=- LETTERMAILED: @ DESCB.iPTI0I'I 0F DEFECT: During the smol:.e testing of the s nitary sever system, ground smoke appear hich may be the result ofa defective sevet Corrective action may require the replacement o f a short -cection of the sever line at this location^ DESCRIPTION OF VORK PERFORMED TO CORRECT DEFECT: /// fL* C'evdtw DArE GoMPLETED: 1A-a/ar