HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-03-01" RESILcNTIAL.. 22s North rro r,r*""APPLicATr0N /PERMrr Springfield, Aregon 97422 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 -'.ece'-ct r SP'?INGFtELD DR!\|ALL i!'ISPZC?I1N: Tc be naCeafter aLL dtVuaLL is ,Jn olace, but prtor to cng taping, l4ASO!lR!: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or uertieals in accoz,riorce,'/Lth U, ts, C. Section ,iCADSTC',ry: After installatlon is r*i ^L^)tvtttu uc neu. CURB E APPRCACH .a.PP)N: After fornsee evecteC but ptior to pc-.n1:tq conc"ete. SfDSilLLK 8 DRI;,ffiiAl: ?or eLL ccn- crete pauing uixhtn st?eet right- of-txy, tc be male afler aL! ezcc- uatinq eanoleze l, fotn ,,:ork ,tr sub- base material in place. e!"*t*iil 3*,-.^J* &^,-^.; a--t*--tf- I Lr-.rb /ya*J C^-ll.A^.^,t t"/o /o.oo ,to is.oa .to O &G oa /c. Your CiQ Desigra.ted Job lhnber is:8= oeqf t-8 I.t ie the respottsibility of -tle petmit hotder-to see- tha+--al! inspections ee nad,e at ahe u?ope? tln€, thrrt e-ch -ii?es1 is rea;ait-e:.1on.-tp stl".ee., arud, zhac the cet,trit eail. ia. iocateri at-.9\Z ftcnl'of tl,,e ?-ro?e"tA.'9uiairq )iuiczo= aorrct:ed prin shc.Ll renain on tke itiai"lg- s:iie et eLL t.tnes. PR)clDUPr l1R rllsP4nroll R1QUE;T:CALL 726-3769 (tecorCet) state youz, City desiyated job ntnnbez,, job aiiress, type of inscec;icnrequestbWeaiyfo.t,inspection'ciiL.tiii-oraaersraneard,pLnnenulber,Pequestsleceited,befcne7:c0ci ,tLL be nade the sdte dcy, reouests'n'cd." "it* ?:00 ott r,till be nace the nest wrkinT dag, el.l:'F rrtqDia-r.rr. ezeatlaticn, cut (tllqsRsLtts PLuEflc, zLEc?Prc;L a i!EC4t.;!iC;L: io be narie belbie cnywrk is ccuered.. FCCTi:tG_tr l?U;tDAT:Cil: ?o be tm,Ce - c;:er t"encnes c?e ezcqLated arui fcrms c,te ereczei, bux pricr io pouz,ing ccnc:eta. To be tmie after pr.tor to set up of INSULA.TIAN/VAPOR ]ARRITR IIISPIC?ICN :to be nade after all insulaticn ed. required oqot bavie?s @e in olacehtt befone oty iaih, Wpsun bcazi cr rnLZ eoueting is applied, end beforeay insul,ation is concealed. I U J:ILi DreLcnee ;heae '-r-scectiors )zaue beer, UilDIRFLCaR ?LU:.3 tltG I :|tCtt. lticAl :Io be naie pricr to r.nsxcllatdoi oi f1.ooz, ineuiction or Cecking. POST AilD ?gA?l: lo be r,ade piot to insxallatzon of fl,oor inauiatic-n or : .'lo uctk to ae I alr noie arC zoarcued. EIPIPLAC1: Pt-tor lo plccirq fcc.t-ngr.cteriai,s arti befcre iro.ri,r.a inscei- tior-. PR-4"|,!MC: l4ztst be recuested cfterqprou,zl cf rnqh Vlwr,bin4, electti-cal 1 neeba.nieal. )l! mn.t'-a bracing i chiicys," "i..'ririJ s" cotnplececi. llo .;crk is to be con- cei|.ed until this insoeeiicn ia.a been nod.e anC aporcv'e\. !!NCE: llhen eomplate -- Proviie gates o? nooable aectians thtough Dtrn PT)l^r artlrrDt.!. FI;IAL ."IEC.|A:IICAL ALL proiect eonditions, such as the inscallaxicn cf street i"ees, :c-:!ec'Jon cf tierequired Landsccpirg, etc.' rrust be satisf;JeC before the AUILDiliG lIllAL ecn be reqttestei. ilNAL BUILDINC: Tne Final Euildirq lnsoection rast be recuested clter the ?inal ?Lwnbinqlleccrieal, ani lled,aricel lns>eet--ons leuc been nade ard'atorcuzi. 2/.iob Locaticn: Aeseseore jlao # 5ubd,!.uiszcn: Ztl - ?z Desct+be llot k: IU-AL i. Date of Applica lad ,( -;1^(i Vaiue L &; &^-r.J -*#"1ticn 0---v- C*zer': .1d&ess: w'b9. PVone: r u!. L ceneral Pltnbin4 )!eclwniccl a:rt.aT lo7nil ^D Sanilot 1 se"tet ccp?ed =t prcperfu Lire Septic totk pt::-ced a,d filled uith gratei Pinal - i.lhen abcue itens ue ccnoletei o:C uhen Tenclitiot is eatalete br s:z-;:-ttne noueC a:i tret:-)ses clbanei uc. !.!cbi tcn2s tsLocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connecticns -- sal)er od, uc=er Electical Ccnnection - Blcekit4, set-u, and pluntbing cottneetions nr;st be cpptc,--ec befor e request'Jng electrical insp ec:ior: .4eeessa,.! tsuif,irnq Pital - .!,ftar :crekes, ekirting, decT;, etc. @e ccnpleled. ?zr'e 1 oi 2 ?IIIAL ZLIC!?ICAL *ALL !'lAllHcLEs AIID cLEA.ltcurs:lusr BE.lccESJrELZ, .4Dius?:!i:it ?o Ji:titz !.,? lto:,s? ?c cry &7 l-t Constptctic-n Lervier T lat Sq. Ftg. 1 cf Lct Cateraga ! of Stozles ?otal leiEht lopogrqhg :!3:t PermLt fssu.oce Meciuniccl Permit SO LAR :Ess REQ.- CtoJi: f n4 dn? _ Ir.terior _ Cormer _ Panhnrtile _ Cul-<ie-sac q<L-CO G+ Sigr"ed: Mecha:nicol Permit -ta lan.uAn Date f HAW CA-RSFULLY IXLUINED thz completeC eppltcation foz, pernit, ai da hereby cettify that aLL infotnation herecn is tmte anC ccrrecx, atr,C f furthet: certiiy that ary ard aLL aork cerforned shall be done in accoz,- danee w[th the Ordintnces of the Ciiy of Soi"ngfield, ani ;ha Laas of the State of 0regcn per'b.zining to tke aork CescribeC herein, enC tilcc ll0 1CCU- P/.!lCy LvLIL be ra.d.e of enA st"uctitle aithout permissiot of the Euiiding Dt- oision. f futther =ertifE titct otlg ccntlecicts ad etplcyees ai"a cte in ecepliance aith CRS 701.055 ttill be used on this aroject JOB NO $b Lot ?eces - ieat AecessD.iiouse toxe+, -- lees -- :('/a !a!.4L i,t LaE ani 7 <- Reeel.pt #: Building Volue & Permit This perr,rt is granted on the e*p"ess eond.ition tlat the said-cona.trtc;ion s?wLL', in ail r"espects, eonfcrrn xo the 3r*Lrnnce edopted iliy the City ci Sptit",gfield, tnclluirng- ;he ioning Ct'dinanee, tegulctittg th.e ccnstr*eticn *ra "Z'n oi butldings,- and nag be susperrieC or reuckei at o1! t.:ine titn !1-c- 1.at:.an cf any prcuisicns af saiC 0rd.ir'ances. ?uilding Pentnt lotal lhangea F5i Reaid.mtial (i bath) Seaer Plumbing Permit No pe?ecn shall constotct, instaL!, alter or eTunge c/-A nea ct etisti-t'.g ptulnbina cr drainage syste-n in ahole oz' in pott, unless such person is the iegal pbssessor of , ualid plmber's License, esce?t tl".at a perso1 naV Qo-ptinttlig aork to propertg uhich is ouned, Leased or aperated by the appli- cdnt. Plunbrng Petrit 1 ONau/Ezted Circaits Sezlsice lo. o o oo 6 "oo Electricol Permit l{here State Lan requines that the eleetz'ical uork be done by an Electt'leal Cont"dctor, the elictrtcal portion of thia permit shaLl not be ualiC until the Label ias been signed by the Electz"tcal Conttactar. Stcr.e -'i;f U.1Dat STUIS Ezi'anst HooC Vent ?at 'r/cotisio:se -- :.tL;iAL:.,::L: - -- Petmit raoaf Att^rtitfr ittd. a Ql",oo l,lobila ilcne Beitcons: Stcteoe |,tain-f.nntc ?en=e Eleexz,iccl Label ?.cee'-l= !a" RESIIJENTIAL" z.s ltorth stlr streeAP?LicAT r0II /PERl4r! SpmngfieLd, )regcn 97477 Eu1-LCLna DLtl-3LOn 726-3? 5"3 SPFlINGFIELD B,P, 9- tl?o olr 2e ?r 5.7o Daie: :"e/2-83 PLunbina 'az Sru ;r.Job iocaticn: Aosesso,'e :!aDt \1 O3BSZI ;;;;OZlm Bo**-zer:2 Ph!::226- 22Q..lC&ess.' ci:y: .).2F, ?,aR zi.o: 2>'/ >? Deseibe Hork: //tfarrr-o / e--, a D €c, /tu,rl ar- 2/fFq €q,> Ptv4wz- /.YjcJt27€ Ar: k4*ce- J;Ye* rtS.t .F/P/D*, ? lsdr.veDt . v Vaiue fb,no t-t )lqs Date of App t ) )-' t-' ^- Licaticn 2-72j€ 3 General Sani'-u1 seset eqned .t Wc?.!4- Li.e Septic tank pliryed. ad. filLei lrith gratei lindl - t'lhen abc"-e itens ee ccnaleyed a.d xhen lencl)tion is eor=Le:e bt stt-,i:- tuye eoueC arl =rat-.ses cleaned t=. rcn2s Pltnbing ccnnec-.lcns -- sare? el aater Electr.Jcal Ccnneczion - Blcckin4, aet-r. anC pilnbr!.ng ecnneeticns r;st be qptctec be;'ore reques ting electrieal insi ee!'Jo;z Accesec,'g Suililr4 Fittal - ,r,fter lcrckes, ekirting, iecZs, etc. @e ccnele'.2C. tsLocking ad Se;-'"tg ?:'-:a 1 oi 2 l,!eehct:iczL f2d1f od ac^o'l' ana It ia lhe responsibili:y of tl,e penri! holder to see ihat aLZ inspeetiotls @e nad,e at )he proper lrhte, thet "247 aiirc-ss is rea;ab1-ejrq tiu street, anC iiut the peyntt cail ie Lccaled at the fra$ of tl,e property.tSuilditq h;ti:iot- coVrw-ed plbn shcll yenain cn the tsuil<inng Site Zt aLL'tiines.- ?!?ociDuel?cR. ilspi7rcil.!iC!ESr.f4\ZZ*3769(yecpriey) state youz' City d,esigrtted iob nwtber, iob aiiress, type-9f ins?e,elicnre-quiiia-Zi u-iTtii aLLL ce "ecc! jor tns@crffifficturs oi a;ners r,aae Lra pnoi" tttnber.- -.?eque";s rcbei,;'ed b'efcre- 7:0C ;.i'-iZL be Fade :he sc.e Ccg, ?eouesxs ncie afta 7:00 an viLL be tade the ne.ct..nrking dag. Eiig i.YSPttl:rl,t.' To be r,cie af'-er *cauani,6; priar tc de! up of fotns. U\ID'PSL;.? ?IU:.!i I:IG. ZLJC:?T,1.L 1 n!5Ci!;.;!iC;L: To. ce ncde belote cny wrK Ls ccrele|. FCOT:iG 1 ?0U;tDA!:C:t: lo be na.ie ;F ; t "-"c;A- at -at c qs at e d ard. forns cre erectai, aut p!-:cr to pout4.r,g ccnc?eie. ;:;SULA!:'N /VAPCF 3.A.RRT|? i:ls?lc!rcil : ?o be naie after aLL insulaticn cd. reauired uqor borie?s &e in olaeehft beJ'ore oty la.th, Wpsltn bcotC cr unLL couering is coplied, ctd. before d.A ;-nsulation is concealed. tr fA4 DRIYA.LL |JSPZCT|C:I: Tc be raCe I Al tf:ar aLL ctyuall ,l.s ..Ln olace, - but prion to c:ny taping. llr il u a I,l I U!19':RG2'U:!D ?'L'!.EI:;G, SIWP,'J.tT!3. D?A.I;:AGE: io be r.z=e pr)at to ;'iL-Ifraii,:cies. ullDEPlaCCP ?Lit!.9 t:lc ), !4!Ci!.n tI CAL : @oi f,oor inaukxian or Ceckrng. POST AitD 3AAr,!: lo be ncCe ?!':o" to insxa L Lcz'.cn o f i-Lcot,inauiaiicn or decking, EA!q-::4::-ic- ilz zll ijl LEil-ffiied- until ;'nese '):^sce-c'-ict:s 'a.:ue leer naie a"d. qprc:te!, F!Pi?LACZ: -*)or ;.o plce:-,q fceingnccar.-als ard beiore ir*irg inspec- !iov:. FP-r-'lillC: lAtst be recuesteC cfler aporov;L c1' rcugh plurbing, electr:- cal 7 nechenica!. AL! rcoflrq bracing 3 chinmcys, etc. nrtst be . comole'-ed. llo ';crk is to be con- . cec-Leci uiril ihis irsoecicn i"a.s 'been nede uti apato"-ed. PT|IAL PLU:/3r:IC PI;IAL :.!EC:!A:IICAL =7tr^t:t:aaof,-.? i4ASC!|i?!: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouling oruetticcls in accoriotce ,,nth U.ts.C. Section 2415. 'TCADS!31/7: r-i .. -) After instaLlation,)s cup.B n .reppcAcl! .4?:2N: Ai.tet fotns7,eZ;*t;IAt@A to pa"u-:ng coflcrete. SDS'#.LX 4 DRf',TnA!: 7or aLL ecn- 7t"r; ?cu6G;ffi str.eet right- oi'-';cg, tc be ncCe after aL! e*cc- uatino cattolete I fom wrk ,? sub- base rcter)al in pl-zce. ?l,IC9: 'lhen conolete -- Prouiie @ii or notsable' secxians through Dil? ALL pro;ect eonii:ions, suci cs the i.nstallacian cf stz.eec:raes, :c-Vle-"icn cf z're requineci Laniscccitcg, ctc, , rast be saxisiied before the tslJiiDfi:C ?!!"AL :cn 'ce reges;ed,. PlilAL ilfLDi:l?: Tne Final Bu:.Uirg lnsoection ntst bo- requesced..i:er the ?!r-zL ?l-u.nbir-7 Eleettieal, otC ,'.leci"aniccl inscecttcns lara been nad,e atti ctctcued,. 'ALL !.lAiftiCLZS AilD CLZ;.itCtJ:S ilus? 38.1C!ES3:?!.I, ADJUS?::!::T !0 3t:.:'"t3,t!:t0::5? ?1 Cry Conslrrclic-n_!gfrs!_ you? Citg' Destgra.ted. Job Nunber ,r, I 3 aG Vf, tr G) SubCivisicn: Sl.oe . JOB NO SOLAR-JCESS REQ.. Crotc ?:ge 2 L-CO G* ,ecl20i2s: Reeeipt #: Sig:zei: Electricol Permit Were State La't tequiz,es tfu.t the electi.eal uork be done by an lTectrtcal Contractor, the electr"tcal portion of this permit slwll not be uali-C. until the Label has been signed bg the Electrtcal Cont actaz,. Mechq nicol Permit Pet*it issuance Mecianiccl Pern|t -f i!ouse Lot ?eces -ee .\1. . '5. iZ cf 1.ct Cc.retage ! oi Stor|es _ Intet)or _ Cormer _ Pc.nhanuile Cul-de-sacTcgogqT'4 -- Fzes -- Building Vqlue & Permit This gennt is granted ott the eqress condition tl@t the said-constrtccion slalL', in ail tZsoeeis, eonfcrn'to the \rdirwnce e.do.oteC 5:y the ci:1 of Spt'ingfield, ::nclding ;he ioning Ctdinar.ce, reg.alctirtg th.e ccr.st:--tct')cn anC use oi bu:-L,Lings, and ncy be ;ucaeruieC or reuckei at c'n! tine tpcn u't,c- l.a.ticn af oty prcu.Jsions of sa"-C Cz:dir,cnces. TaLue f.zo ?TC .r .,.o AO s.r.c. 1.5 c aAfraf .rt?t.d 12- Zuilding ?e"t?.,; State Plumbing Permit Ilo perecn shall ca.stt"tct, instal!, altet ot change anA rea cz, e:isting plutnbitq cr drainage systen in aiole or in part, unless such person is Legal possessor of a ualid pLrtnber's License, e.cept tllat a petson nay plvbing xork to prope"b! uhich is ortned, Leased or operated bg the app cdflt. Pl'anbing Penit CARGEI:::I -ri:;u.ae9 SesiizztiaL (1 bcth) Seue" tie do Li- I:T)I ,,,.0..- ! ,\ Ja: Pes. Sa. fle. il -:zt / Ezt end. C itcui t s lerocray Selice ?ttrtce ?TU'S bhanst 1coC Tent ?a, 7co<istoie -- ::tc?.cAC::.:::!! -- t 2-/>-QS6A-- f HAW CARIFULU,X.Lt'lf.ilED t!"a conrpleted copLicaiion for permit, crti da hereby eertify ila.t aLL ilfomatton h.erecn ls true ar-C. ecrreet, ar"7 i furlket' celtifi lhat ang dr.d aLL uork >erfozned slalL be done in acecr- dance vith the ?rd.inences of the City ol Sprtngiield, ani. ;he Lat;s of the Sr.ate of Aregcn pefi:aining to the uork Ces*ibeC hereir., sd. :hr.t ]i0 CCC!- Pl,llCI DiLi be ra.de of cnA scz,ttct,ry2 aith.out pernisaiol of the 3uiiCir.g D:--uision. I furiher :ertif'-i th.at o:tly ccntnactcr.s a;d e:,alcyees ah-o ee in ccepliance u:.th CRS 70L.055 aiLL be used cn thia ptcject Mobile ilone 4 Date Sectzn)tu 1a:osi'" Storzqe i4alntacnce Curbcu! ETecvrical LcieL -^raf .t.^tt\ta ^rr--I-!4.1J ^r-VCtil UUC.C=a(J.SiEned ?o'.al Changed i?i:4 ?o)cl. Acyces State Swehztae leaee CIIY OF SPRINGFIETD COMBINAIION APPTICAIION /PERA,IIT INSPECII,-iN I,INE 7?63769 INFORMATION IINE 726-3753 Job Addres:+n [ego I Description ENERGY SOURCES: Heot Woler Heoter Volue of &-New-Add-Aher-Rep.-.-Fence -Demo-Cho ng"/ Ure Sq. Ftg. Moin Sq. Ftg. Access. Sq. Ftg. Other Address Pho ne Sin g le Fom I Residence With Bvilding Permit lnfo: Describe Work (i.e., Bui Con Le PhoneAddress DESIGN TEAM (nome)(oddress)( lics.(expires)(phone Pri o nicol I ru t3 't-oo i-73- g I e (o c-z-- Plum Electricq I Mechqnicol PTTJMBING ETECTRICAT MECHANICAL NO.7EE CHA.RGE NO.FEE Ne.FEE CHARGE Eqch si fixture Residence of fr. furnoce/burner lo 5 Relocored building (new fix. oddirionol) New circuits, olterqlions or exlensions Applionce vent le S.F. Residence (l bolh)SERVICES Sfotionory evop. cooler eo ch Tem Consiruction Vent {on with duct Additionqi both Vent system oport from or A.C. Woler rervice Mechonicol exhqust hood o Sewer Slorm Sewer FEEDERS Heot Air hondler to Air hondler over '|CF/r4 ISSUANCE OF PERI*IT TOTAT CHARGES TOTAT CHARGES TOTAI. CHARGES WHERE STATE tAW REQUIRES thol the Electrical work be done by lhe Electrical Conlrqclo., the eleclricol portion of rhis permit sholl not be v.tlid untit a label hor bmn signed by on Elactricol Controclor ond oltoched to the eleclricol ponel. I HAVE CAREFULTY EXAMINED the completed opplicotion for permit, ond do hereby certify thot oll informotion hereon is true ond correct, ond I further certify thot ony ond oll work p€rformed sholl be done in occordonce with the Ordinonces of the City of Springfield ond the Lsws of the Stote of Oregon Bosis for Builder's Boord NAME (pleose prinl)SIGNATURE DATE 3*Y -{ / heron, ond thot only subco ndo reo NG oRsrhniroclo rs whoemployees complio structure without the permislion of the Building Division. lfurtherof ony required ORS 701.055, thot if exempt tha bosis for exemption is noted will be used on this proiect, pertoining to the work described herin, ond rhot NO OCCUPANCY will be mode certlfy lhot my registrolion with the Euilder's Boord is in full force ond e+fect os I rOR OFfICE UsE Fire Zone-Bedrooms Occy Lood -Sq x Vo lue x Vo lue x -Volue FloodPloinslorie3-occyGroup-Sq.Ftg.o1her Type/ Const. -Units Ftg, A,ccess Zone Ftg, Moin TOTAT YATUATION s DevelopmentPlon Ck. Comm/lndBUITDING PERMIT Chorges ond Surchorges Plon Ck. Res Demo Tolol Com PTUMBING PERMIT Chorges ond Svrchorges Sidewolk PERMIT Chorges ond Surchorges c Curb Cut MECHANICAT PERA{IT Chorges ond Surchorges TOTAT /5.bo tn COMBINATION APPLICATION/PE l. .Appliconf. lo furnish A. Job Address r (cAP) B. Legol Description 't . exomple-tox lot 100, Lone County Mop Reference 17 03 43 2. exomFie-Lot l. Block 3, 2nd Addition to Springfield Estotes C. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender D.. Energy Sources l. exomple-heot/electricol ceiling,/or forced oir gos 2. exo mFIe-wo te TTEEGiTEIE-cI ri co I /or@- E. Squore footoge or voluotion, etc. 'I . exomple-1250 sq. foot house,500 sq. foot goroge 2. ex"mFlE-iT new proiect, check-new-if oddition, check odd, etc. F. Building permit informotion: 1. exomple-construct single fomily house with on ottoched goro9e 2. exomple-remodel existing goroge into fomily room 3. @-convert single fomily residence inlo resiouronl (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Section 303 (cr) of the Struclurol Speciolty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction deloys, Building Division Stoff must be oble to contoct oppropriote persons regording ciesign informotion or iob site corrections, etc. ll. Abbrevioted Plumbing, Mechonicol & Electricol Schedules A. Except where blonk spoces occur in the description portion of the Mechonicol ond Electricol Schedules, the opplicont need fill-in only the No. Boxes odiocent to the oppropriote item(s) to be instolled B. Fuil Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Schedules ore ovoiloble ot the Building Division 'l . To conserve spoce on lhe permit form the schedules : hove been obbrevioted 2. if the item(s) to be instolled ore not covered on the obbrevi- . oted schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Appliconl to sign ond dote Whenever possible, the initiol opplicotion will be used os o worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Sroff will prepore o lypewritten copy ond return it to the opplicont ot the time the ocluol permit is issued for his signolure. lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of the opplicotion, ond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid. All other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY V PERMiT VALIDAITON Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SAIISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY, ,Additional Proiect lnformotion: nome signoture dote PLANS REVIEWED BY: INSPECTINN tINE 72U37 69 CIIY OF SPRINGFIETD COMEINAIION APPTICAIION/PERMTI INFORMATION !INE 7263753 ENERGY SOURCES: Hcot - 5q. Ftg. Moin Job Sq. Ftg. Accesr. Woter Heoter Sq. Frg, Olher - -New-Add-Alter-ReP. Legol Dercription Volue of oc)-Demo-Chongt/ Ute Owner Addresr Phone Building Permit lnfo: Dercribe Work (i.e., Build Single Fomily Residence With Attoched C:fgg"). ,I i 1 I Addresr Phone OESIGN TEAM (nome)(oddres:)(lics. no.)(ex (phone no.) Prim rol Electrico I CONTRACIORS (I l3Lt o -(:'LCe i-23- { I /-t 7 Plu Electrico I Mechonicol PTUMBING ETECTRICAT MECHANICAL NO. i 7EE CHARGE NO,I FEE CHARGE NO.FEE CHARGE Eoch ringle fixture Residence of fr. {urnoce/burner lo -_BTU'S Relocoted building (new Iix- odditionol) New circuiis, olterotions or exlensions Applionce venf 5eporo re S.F. Residence (l both)SERVICES Stotionory evop. cooler Duplex (l both) cqch Temporory Consrruclion Vent fon with single duct Additionoi both Ampr. Venl lyitem oporl from heoting or A.C. Wqler terYice Mechonicol exhoust hood ond duct Sewer Wood siove/heoler 5()c) Storm Sewer FEEDERS Heol Pump Ampr. Air hondler to I0,000 cFM Air hondler over r0.000 crM ISSUANCE OF PERMII a) TOTAL CHARGES TOTAT CHARGES TOTAI. CHARGES /5,od WHERE STAIE tAW REQUIRES rhot thc Elcctricql lobel hos bxn rigned by on €lectricol Controctor work be done by the Ete<tricol Controclo.. thc clcclricol portion of this permit sholl not be volid until o ond ottoched to the electricol ponel. HA'VE CARETUTT Y EXAMI N ED the completed opplicotion for Perm t,ond do hereby certify thot o tl tn formqtion hereon t3 lrue o nd co a rect,nd further rertify lhot ony ond oll work performed sholl be done n occordo nce with the Ordinonces of rhe City of Springfield ond lhe Lows of lhe Stote of Oregon pertoi n ng to the work de scribed herin, ond thot NO OCCU PANCY will be mo de of ony required structure withoui the permis:io n of the Building Division.further cerllly tho t registtorion rh lhe Builde r'5 Eoord s tn fu I force ond effect o ORS 70 .055,thot if exe m Pt lhe bo 5t 5 for exemption t:notedmy ho ln rh o RS will be u*d on ,his proiect.he ron,nd thot nly rubconlroclors ond ore Eoris for Euilder's Boord a c 3-Y -{ t NA,|'{E (pleose prinr)ATURE DATE FOR OFFICE USE L Zone -TypelConst. -Unirs ----Sq. Ftg' Moin a ---=-Voluex Volue 1-Volue TOTAT VATUATION Fire Zone-Bedrooms occy Lood Sq' Ftg' Acce:s Flood Ploin Group-Sq. Ftg. Other- BUILDING PERMIT Chorges ond Surchorges Plqn Ck. Comm/lnd 6596i Blds Per Fee Sy5tems Developmeni Chorqe (1.5?t ) Plon Ck. Res 3O%/Bldg Per Fee PLUMEING PERMIT Chorge: ond Surchorges Fence Demo Totol Comb. Permit ETECTRICAI- PERMII Chorger ond Surchorger Sidewolk A/C Pqvino MECHANICAT PERMIT Chorger ond Surchorges Curb Cut TOTAI./s bo Mechonicol (oddress)(lics. no.)(expire:) (phone no.) employees complionce /5, OC)--- in7l-- coMBTNAI|ON AppUcATtON/pr tT (cAp) , Appliconf. to furnish A. Job Address B. Legol Descriprionl. exomple-tox lot .l 00, -Lone .Counly Mop Reference l7 .o3 /32. exomple-Lor l. Block 3, 2nd Addition ro Springfield EstC. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender (. D. Energy Sources lectricol ceili 2 ler ecl col or forced oir oos/. +,'or solor E. Sguore foologe or vol uotion, etc.I. exomple-.1,250 rq. foot house, 500 sg. foot goroge2. ex.ompie-if new proiect, checkiEi-ii oddition, ciheckodd, etc. F. Building permit informorion:l. exomple-construct single fomily house with on oltochegoroge 2. exomple-remodel existing goroge into fomily room3. exo;pG-convert single fIr;ily iesidence into restouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Section 303 (o) of theStructurol Specioity Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or consrruction deloys, Building DivisionSloff must be oble to contoct oppropriote p.rrJn, regordidesign informotion or [ob site iorrections, etc. ll. Abbreviored Plumbing, Mechonicor & Erectricor schedules A. Except where blonk spoces occur in the description portict of fhe Mechonicol ond Electricol Schedules, the oppiicont need fill-in only the No. Boxes odiocent to the oppropriotr item(s) to be insrolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Elecrricol Schedules ore ovoiloble ot the Building Divisionl. To conserve spoce on the permit form the schedules hove been obbrevioted 2. tf the item(s) to be instolled ore not covered on the obl. oted schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign ond dore Whenever possible. the initiol opplicotion will be used os oworksheet only. Where possible, 'Building Division Sroff willprepare o. typewn.tten copy ond return it to lhe opplicont otthe time the octuol permit is issued for his signotuie. lV. Fees ond Chorges CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Ciry Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportment ol Public Works OFFICIAT RECEIPT PERMIT VALIDATION No.B 55964, I9 Rec'd F dress R eceived For ( /t Amount Received BY ZEO SIGNATURE 5HE!rON.tutx!u!L "irNyEiS EUGEnt Oi graot !6rrr.6 V Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of the opplirond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid. alt f_other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when ihe permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDTTIONS TO BE SAIISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: ,Additionol Proiect lnformqtion: nome signoture dole PLANS REVIEWED BY: ( I ( ( (